I'm sure you know what I mean, the thin metal themed decorative things that, when a tea light is fired up, spin the decorations hanging from the upper bladed spinner which is balanced on a point connected to the bottom dish that holds the candle. I have a number of these and not one of them works continually or…
....gone into the bathroom to brush your teeth and found yourself absent mindedly having a wee instead :o Is there any hope for me?
Just wanted to wish everyone on here a Very Happy New Year. I hope it's as pain-free and as healthy as possible for everyone. t07026 newyear02 GraceB
One for the little ones, they love this every year. https://www.noradsanta.org/
I would like to thank each and everyone for the love, laughter and tears over the past year sometimes I just come on and read sometimes I contribute so A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL.God Bless. Mig X
Is there a “do” planned for this year ?
I hope you have a lovely day with family and friends. DD m0150
I find it hard to defy anything at ghis tine of thd year, we're on the second bake of madams mince pies and I can feel my waistband expanding and theres a xmas pud, xmas cake to go yet let alone xmas dinner or three! No wonder we sit down more at xmas, we can't move, we're too stugfed. tcold
Sat with laptop looking at clothes at the usual place I get my jeans from hubby goes past and says not more clothes haven't you got enough :shock: but im not buying anything says I so what are you looking at them for says he, walks away shaking head muttering to himself, am I the only one who likes to browse :?:
Hi, I just wanted to wish everyone here a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year. t7304 Special thanks to the Moderators for keeping the Forum going for us. You've done a wonderful job as always. Thank you all very much for your continued support. GraceB
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