Information and Support Talks
Val's Cafe
Dear Mods When we get our new cafe can it be called Val's Cafe please. She hit on a great idea doing this and we are so glad she did. It gives us a place to go to meet up and natter about anything. It is also a popular place. So can it be called Val's Cafe please Mods. Trish xxxx
post op knee replacement living alone
I have finally given in to agreeing to go on list for knee replacement, probably total. I live alone and am 76. Wondering what kind of care and help I'll need to organise for after, say the first two weeks and then ongoing? I'm in a house with stairs but can arrange to sleep downstairs to start with.
Hello Everyone. I have just registered today. Recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my and also knee, so one of the walking wounded so to speak, literally.
Steroid injections
Hi, I have arthritis in my hands and recently was diagnosed with carpal tunnel, was advised to try a steroid injection and physio, I have the steroid injection tomorrow and just wondered if others had experience of this, any side effects, and can you drive afterwards? Thanks for reading.
New here and lots of questions.
Hi, I am 63 and was diagnosed, a couple of weeks ago, with hip arthritis in my right hip. I also suffer from arthritis in both big toes but have never sought a GP's advice about this. My toes have little bend in them and this has been the case for around 10 years. My hip arthritis was described, by a consultant, as mild;…
Recent welfare cuts
Hi, Despite reading the green paper a couple of times I’m uncertain of how my situation will be gauged. I receive PIP at the standard rate for both parts. The highest daily living points for one element is 3 and my award runs until November 2027. I also receive LCWRA. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis,…
Medication for hip arthritis
what meds are best for hip arthritis I am currently on landoprazole co codamol and anti inflammatorys but give myself a break quite often as don’t like taking meds but seems only way to carry on with life as get severely restricted now can’t walk far or do my garden/ decorating etc . Do exercises and am due for surgery beg…
New here
Morning all I am new here so please forgive any repetitions. I am 76 and have OA in hips, knees and lower back. Am finding things very frustrating as I love gardening which I have had to cut back on. The cold damp winter has made things extremely difficult. Does everyone get these depressive days?
Losing confidence while waiting for knee replacement surgery
Hi, I was due to have a major knee revision operation on 25/4/24, it was cancelled 48 hours beforehand and I had to go on medication for 5 weeks. I have now been on the urgent list since August and its coming up to a year since I was due to have it done. Along with the worry that my knee will be worse when they do it (it…
Hip Replacement v pain killers
Hello, I'm new to the forum but would appreciate people's thoughts on something. I'm 62 and have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both hips, both knees, lower back and neck. After 2 years of managing with exercise etc, I have recently been really struggling for several months with terrible pain in my right hip. After…
Can’t weight bear on ankle
I have osteoarthritis in my right ankle for 10 years now and give a lot of pain. For the last 5 years my knee has also been getting worse and worse. The doctor thinks knee is causing ankle issues but I’m too fat for replacement. I think it the ankle that’s the main problems I had to lie down for an hour or 2 to complete…
Pain management
Hi I'm new to this but I'm really at loss with my pain i have psoratic arthritis in my feet and osteoarthritis in both knees and spine and a bakers cyst behind my knee. I'm struggling with pain relief as I have health anxiety and emetophobia so I can't take new medications cos I worry about the side effects. I take…
Just diagnosed with hip arthritis
I trust this platform will be beneficial for me as I've recently received a diagnosis of hip arthritis, and I'm still grappling with the shock of understanding its implications. Despite leading a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and proper nutrition, at the age of 54, this condition has taken me by surprise.…
New to the group.
Hello everyone, I’m not really sure what I want to say. It’s been tough since January, I’m off work and swapping medication but still waiting for the relief it will bring. I guess I’m getting lonely, I don’t really leave the house at the moment, I’m trying to keep my mind busy but I’m struggling. I have a wonderful family…
Back support cushions
Hi all I’ve just recently been diagnosed with lumber spondylitis osteoarthritis can anyone recommend a good support pillow for use when sitting especially for car when driving there are so many when you look I’m not sure what’s the best Chris x
Just venting
On the 5th March this year. I was Medically Capability Dismissed. I have several medical conditions. I have Osteoarthritis in both hands. I recently got my x-ray results. It says, There are severe degenerative changes within the middle to little fingers DIP joints bilaterally with more moderate degenerative of the MCP &…
Hip joint replacement
I’ve recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both hips and lower back. I’m affected quite badly in one hip and find walking difficult. Surgery was not suggested at my GP appointment. What has been other people’s experience with this? Is it something you yourself have to push for?
Advanced Osteoarthritis with Frozen Shoulder and treatment with Hyaluronic Acid Injections
I was recently diagnosed with this lovely disease, both in my right shoulder. Started a series of injections of hyaluronic acid gel (didn't want cortisone). I ended up having my 2nd injection of the HA series mixed with cortisone last Thursday. In the mean time, I have continued using Ibuprofen for pain management in the…
Which car?
Hi Everyone. I'm new here and was just wondering what type of car those of you with hip arthritis drive. I struggle to get my right leg into the car, but can manage all the pedals well still. I have a vauxhall grandland and the inner door sills and distance from ground to door sill is quite high. Any advice would be much…
OA knee - why is my thigh muscle and hip so painful!!
I've had a flare up of right knee OA since October 2024 - had a fall and injured my LEFT knee! which is now fine - however it seems to have triggered a flare up of the OA in my right knee. I'm really struggling as I don't understand why my right thigh muscle is so painful - bending, walking, standing from sitting - I'm…
Osteoarthritis in both hips and lower lumbar
Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie 👋 just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both hips and lower lumbar. Been in a lot of pain in this area for a while. Can't take anti inflammatory tablets. Using anti inflammatory gel and co codomal with heat pad. Doesn't help much. What should I be asking my GP for to help. So sore and feeling…
Struggling to find any happiness
I hate my life I have had reactive arthritis since March 2021 I have it all joints my right albow is ok I excersize most days to keep the pain at lowest level possible I am stable on meds I have been though the pain clinic program there is nothing else they can do I run my own business I have reduced my hours gone down to…
Support cushions
Hi all I’ve just recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis can anyone recommend a good support pillow for use when sitting especially for car when driving there are so many when you look I’m not sure what’s the best Chris x
Total hip replacement in next 3 months
Hi All, So I found out last week that I have to have a total hip replacement on both hips due to my severe osteoarthritis. The first hip(left) will be within next 3 months. I've read alot of the posts regarding surgery, and tbh I'm finding it pretty difficult. I'm 38 and was not expecting to be going through something like…
Feet with Arthritis
My Mum has terrible trouble with her feet. Any advice? Please view pic