Hello from a Newbie....

MistyB Member Posts: 2
edited 11. Feb 2025, 11:23 in Coffee Lounge

OhOh mymy goodnessgoodness whatswhat's gonegone wrongwrong herehere??? IveI've nevernever hadhad thisthis happenhappen beforebefore!! II thinkthink idI'd betterbetter stopstop typibgtyping! SoSo sorrysorry. II dontdon't knowdon't know howhow toto stopstop itit! AnybudeasAny ideas??? 🤔


  • MaryL44
    MaryL44 Moderator Posts: 153

    Hi @MistyB and welcome to our group. I'm not sure what went wrong with your post - in my experience it's usually my cat walking across the keyboard!!

    Please try again with your message.

    Best wishes


    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,190

    Hi @MistyB Do try to post again I hope it was just some sort of silly blip and all is well now.

    I do have trouble with my phone as the letters are so tiny but nothing like that.

    Hope to see you posting soon

    Toni x

  • MistyB
    MistyB Member Posts: 2

    ThankThank youyou forfor repkyibgreplying. AsAs yiuyou cancan seesee iI stillstill havehave thethe samesame problemproblem!!!

  • MaryL44
    MaryL44 Moderator Posts: 153

    Hi @MistyB . It is very strange. We don't seem to have that problem with any other posts coming in. So I can only assume it is something at your end. Just 2 questions:

    1 Are you using a phone or a laptop/PC? Can you try inputting your post on a different device?

    2 If you try typing in a different app. do you get the same problem?


    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm