Hello, I just wondered if anyone has any tips for stiffness at the elbows. At the moment I am unable to straighten my arms by my sides, as if the elbow joint has restricted movement. And can't fully straighten my arm out in front of me either. I have an appointment on Thursday to discuss it but wondered if anyone had any…
Hi, I wonder if anyone can offer any advise. I had an accident 24 years ago and broke my ankle after around 8 surgeries over the years to rebuild the ankle degenerated and collapsed. I was told I had osteoarthritis. 3 years ago they tried an ankle realignment to buy me time before facing ankle fusion. it did not work so I…
Hi I have posted before on the forum, in December I suddenly became ill with arthritis affecting my hands my shoulders my knees and my feet, together with flaky skin, conjunctivitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. While investigating the symptoms they found I had an enlarged heart. I was hoping that after diagnosis I would be…
Well went for my second post operation appointment yesterday, had X-Rays and it was crazy to see them knowing that was my foot with the plates and screws!! He is very pleased that I'm weight baring on the foot. I do have a fair bit of swelling still to go down. But over all he's pleased with my healing. We discussed my…
Dear Forum.....is there anybody that has been successful in being awarded Pip benefit for RA? The nightmare begins for me! I have been claiming DLA for past 5 years and fear I'm about to lose it becasue of new strict guidelines and assessment. I am still disabled with active RA disease, not working and on Meds Enbrel and…
Hi there. I have a lot of questions to ask if anyone out there has had a baby/is having a baby I would love to speak to you. So I have rheumatoid arthritis that acts a bit like ankylising spondylitis. I've had it since I was 14 and it has been up and down over the year's but, for me, it's been pretty level for the last few…
Hello, Wondering if any one can advise.....I was diagnosed with inflamattory arthritis in November and have been on sulfasalazine since then. On my regular blood tests the CRP level has been hovering around 30. However, Specialist Nurse has just called to say that the level has gone up to 54 on my blood test 14/02 and she…
Neck/Shoulder pain – becoming unbearable Hi all, I am 34 male, slightly overweight. I have been having neck and shoulder pain mostly on the left side but it sometimes radiates to below my arms and even to the center of my back. At times I also felt the pain on the right hand side. I took the below xrays and the respective…
Hi All I am wondering if any of you could give me some advice please. I have severe pain in my shoulders and elbows therefore twisting to wipe when on the loo is extremely painful. I've been looking at some of the aids available. Are there any that are particularly recommended by any of you please? Thank you for your…
i like this place. People here are honest and helpful. there are many different experiences shared, I hope to high heaven someone can offer me some advice or understanding on what has been a shocking five days. Because of long standing gut ache I went to the doctor. Doctor reviewed me and said, mother lost to bowel cancer,…
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