Introducing the Coffee Lounge for general chat.
Dear Mods When we get our new cafe can it be called Val's Cafe please. She hit on a great idea doing this and we are so glad she did. It gives us a place to go to meet up and natter about anything. It is also a popular place. So can it be called Val's Cafe please Mods. Trish xxxx
One of the Nolan sisters jas died today, Linda Nolan who was 65. R.I.P Linda.
Hi there, am new to this and reluctantly about to start methotrexate at 2.5mg. I’m seeking reassurance that the dosage on the box is correct - 6 tablets taken at once every week? Seems a lot! I know I should have asked at the clinic but have been a bit in denial. Thank you for any reply.
Hi i'm new to this so please bear with me. Can anyone suggest a gd diet for ra which will not settle. All sugestions will be looked at
Hi, I’ve lived with rheumatoid arthritis for twenty years and struggling to cope now. I can’t sleep, I nod off for a few minutes but pain constantly wakes me up. Any suggestions?
Hi, Last month I was diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis of the knee, where my xray displayed bone on bone with the complete wearing away of cartilage. There are also bone spurs growing on the joint (not sure what this means.) 😥 My gp has started me on Naproxen twice a day and I am due to start physio in a couple of…
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Hi I'm new to this group I am 37 years old and I got a borderline result for rheumatoid arthritis they are treating me for it I've got a deformed thumb and my other thumb isn't brilliant either and I have pains in my knees and I can't lie in because the cramps go straight though my leg in the morning.
Could anyone tell me if this guy's advert for Activ8 product really helps my arthritis, it's a lot of money to shell out for 3 months supply? Nettynoo5
Ello everyone. Newbie to this here community but hoping to be able to learn a bit more and speak with folks who understand what it's like living with OA. I was diagnosed just over 3 years ago and I'm really struggling with it all now as it appears to consume my whole body. Looking forward to getting to know yous. Rosie 😊
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