Nuffield Health Joint Pain Wellbeing Programme

I don't know if anyone is aware of this free programme run by Nuffield Health. My brother in law and sister in law found out about it earlier this year and were accepted for a 12 week session and thought it helped their osteoarthritis. They sent me a link to this page and I've filled in the necessary details on an online form. I'll be contacted within two weeks by a rehabilitation specialist to discuss whether I'm suitable for the programme and if so will book me in for a joint pain assessment.


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,150

    Do you have to pay for it @jamieA ??


    Toni x

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 841

    Hi @frogmorton

    I never asked my brother in law and I can't contact him presently. However the page I linked to says it's free to those that meet the criteria. I also came across this site detailing it.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    Interesting. Please keep us updated, @jamieA

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member Posts: 223

    Sadly the Nuffield Health Centre neat me isn't listed which apparently means they either don't offer this programme or that there's no availability at present. However, I can report that after my hip replacement operation last year the physiotherapy I received at the Centre was very good.

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 841

    Hi @frogmorton

    I spoke to my sister in law and she said it is free but at the end of the course Nuffield offer another 12 weeks at low cost to put into action what you have learned.

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 841

    Just an update on this. I received an email from Nuffield Health with a questionnaire two weeks ago which I filled in. I then got a call from the local Nuffield Health rehabilitation specialist for this scheme last week and attended an appointment on Friday. I had a blood pressure check, blood test for diabetes, height, weight and waist measurements as well as a conversation regarding my existing treatments and joint problems. I've now been accepted onto this programme which starts on 10th January and is twice per week. I was provided with a brochure detailing what is involved and what the first two sessions will look like.

  • speedalong
    speedalong Member Posts: 3,315


    hope it helps your joint pain. Would be good to know what sort of advice they give you (I realise this is tailored to suit you). However, as I work and care, I couldn't apply for the programme - so any hints appreciated!

    I have had OA since mid twenties. It affects my hips and knees. I had a THR on the left aged 30 and now have a resurface-replacement on the right - done May 2010.
  • Dee50
    Dee50 Member Posts: 6

    I have been on this programme and its vey good they give you advice on a good diet and offer a soft exercise programme for people with joint issues defiantly worth applying.

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 841


    Just an update on this after 2 weeks ( 4 sessions) on this course. There are only 7 participants on the course I'm on and it's being held primarily in a large studio so there's plenty of space for those who are immunocompromised. There is one other person with PsA and one person with RA, the others have OA. The first week the exercises were very similar to those I've been given by NHS physiotherapy services. The second week we've had a soft circuit training exercise and now some time spent on running(walking), cross trainer and static bike machines.

    It should be noted that the course leader is not medically qualified but has been trained in overseeing this exercise regime. As part of the course you are given a membership card and you are allowed free access to the full gym facilities at any time of the day. After the 12 weeks of the course the membership card allows you to access the gym services for a further 14 weeks - so 26 weeks in total free of charge.

    Your are given a fairly extensive booklet on day one and it details exercises and topics such as wellbeing, pain and flare management and healthy eating. The booklet is also for recording exercise so needs to be taken to each session.

    So far I'd recommend this course to anyone who suffers joint pain.

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 866

    Hi @jamieA ,

    Really pleased to have an update on the course , I am sure members will be very interested.

    Do I remember correctly , are you in Scotland? I will search for other courses in GB for further information.

    Best wishes

    Poppyjane (Moderator)

    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 841

    Hi @Poppyjane

    The link to the Nuffield Health site I posted in my first post here has an Apply Now button at the bottom of the page. The form that button press then brings up has a drop down list of all the participating Nuffield Health gyms.

    I was able to use the other facilities at the gym and had a swim - though since it was the first time in 3 years I nearly needed the assistance of the lifeguard after 4 lengths!

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 866

    Thanks @jamieA

    That is really helpful

    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • I’m halfway through this course - with RA and I am finding it really helpful. My only reservation is keeping it going when the course finishes as the gym is 45 mins drive/1 hour on train from me. But I will try the GP referral process mentioned to see if I can continue closer to home.

  • KarenC
    KarenC Member Posts: 3

    I have done this course. It is excellent. It is totally free but you have to commit to 2 x 1hour sessions a week (during the day).

    You get free membership for 6 months and can use all the facilities and do the classes too.

    I am now joined up as a member for half the normal price and do things like aqua aerobics, Pilates, etc.

    I have also made a group of friends.

  • Dee50
    Dee50 Member Posts: 6

    I have been on the course and its completly free and you can learn an awful lot, so defiantly recommend it so give it a try.

    Funny enough the course lead was in a wheelchair for 8 years and had cartlidge transplantation in her knees and now she is a PT instructor amazing turn around,pity the NHS do not offer this treatment more but as always its down to money.

  • Pen
    Pen Member Posts: 2

    I did this course last year. I am 76 with relatively mild arthritis which I want to manage before it becomes disabling. It restarted my metabolism and motivation after lockdown inactivity. All my medical check measurements improved in three months. The sessions included regular exercises plus "tasters" of various machines and types of movement, especially pilates. I am not keen on mat-based exercises! Each session started with a section of the booklet on diet, sleep etc. I enjoyed using the pool, sauna and steam room as well. The instructor tailored the exercises to how each person felt on the day. I made the mistake of being over-active on recovery days between sessions and developed "shin splints" a painful condition affecting my right leg for two months. I enjoyed a long holiday, including walks, six months after starting the course which I do not think I would have managed before.

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 866

    Hello @Pen welcome to the online community

    Sorry everyone to hijack the thread to give @Pen a welcome. It is good to hear another person who is enthusiastic about the course.

    I am really pleased that you managed a holiday after the course which may not have been achievable before it.

    Do keep in touch now you have posted for the first time , there is a lot to chat about on the forum.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • PippaW
    PippaW Member Posts: 2

    I took part in the course in Leeds in the summer of 2022 and it was a lifesaver! Over the three months of two meetings a week I was able to get to the balance of how much exercise is good and useful /how much is overdoing it. I had acute pain OA in hip and had two years wait. It really helped me and I’m completely committed to the benefit of ongoing exercise now. There was a long wait list for the course. Some of the content was a bit basic and some helpful but the trainer was good at helping us find individual level of training. Pleased to say I now have a new hip and am doing well nine weeks later!