ESA medical question
Member Posts: 343
I've got my ESA medical this Sunday. (yes Sunday!)
It says I can take a friend or relative along to the assessment. Does this mean that Hubby can actually come in with me whilst the assessment is being carried out? Not sure yet if I would want him in with me or not, but just wondered if he could.
I am really nervous about it. Don't know why as I am not in a bad position whatever they decide. Not far off state pension time and although a bit extra would help over the next 9 months, we could scrape by if it goes against me. I just feel as if I will be on trial - guilty of being a scrounger unless I can prove otherwise. Do other people feel like this or is it just me having a persecution complex?
It says I can take a friend or relative along to the assessment. Does this mean that Hubby can actually come in with me whilst the assessment is being carried out? Not sure yet if I would want him in with me or not, but just wondered if he could.
I am really nervous about it. Don't know why as I am not in a bad position whatever they decide. Not far off state pension time and although a bit extra would help over the next 9 months, we could scrape by if it goes against me. I just feel as if I will be on trial - guilty of being a scrounger unless I can prove otherwise. Do other people feel like this or is it just me having a persecution complex?
Heya polysid
Firstly, don't panic and don't let it stress you. It's really not worth it.
You can have hubby with you in the room for the medical if you wish and I would say yes have him there.
Remember to just answer the questions they ask, don't go into massive explanations. They are judging you from the minute you enter the waiting room so if you would normally use crutches don't try to be brave, it will go against you. Answer as honestly as you can but always have in mind what you are like on a bad day. They are judging you to see what you can do in the way of working, so if on a bad day you can't put your shoes on then you should tell them that, if you can't normally lift your arms to your shoulders then don't say you can on a good day. I'm sure you get the gist.
if they want to go into a physical examination make sure you tell them when it's hurting, don't let them move you in such a way that it hurts and not say anything.
I had mine in a Saturday. I think they have such a huge backlog they are having to do weekends to try and catch up.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Fols x0 -
Hi Polly
Sorry I cant offer any help, but I just want to add my support...I will have everything crossed for you...xxLove
Barbara0 -
hi polly.
first of all i would like to wish you good luck on sunday. please please take someone in with you. if you are asked to take a seat and wait make sure there is a chair suitable for you. i.e if you find a chair with arms easier ask for one do not struggle with a normal one, same goes for when you are in the room, if you use a walking stick etc then use it to on the day so they see you using it and have to take it into count. just say it as it is on a bad day and if it varries make sure you say so. any questions then pm me.
let us know how you get on xx0 -
Wishing you well for your medical polly
i was asked if i watched any telly in mine, i replied "very little" which is true. he made it sound like i did nothing but watch telly all day in my report so i recomend if you are asked that one to be carefull how you answer as its a double edged question, just keep your answers short and to the point , dont allow them to get you chit chatin.
it is important to take some one in with you, they may not be allowed to say much but at least they can assist you with shoes, getting up and down if needed and back you up. also like has been said take any aids you use with you, a full list of meds and any letters medical evidence, photos etc with you. some try to refuse these and say they cant add them to your file....they can and should so dont be put off.
dont be afraid, if it was not for you and the rest of us they would not be in a job. there not god. good luck with it all, i will keep everything crossed for youWaddle0 -
you really should take someone in with you...
And watch them sneaky buggers, they'll try to trick you.
If he/she charges down the corridor expecting you to follow at the same pace, don't..
Also, don't do anything you will know cause you pain or discomfort, they will try get you moving all over.
I didn't know that I had a choice to say no to the things they were asking me to do as my letter telling me what to expect came midway through the examination st my home visit. I didn't think to stop to read it as I thought it would have just told me the time etc. I was in a lot of pain afterwards..
I'm currently fighting the decision to be placed in the work related activity group..
Best if luck mi dear..
Got fingers crossed (ouch lol)Me-Tony
Ra-1996 -2013 RIP...
Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP0 -
tjt6768 wrote:
If he/she charges down the corridor expecting you to follow at the same pace, don't..obviously you haven't seen me walking - rushing isn't an option.
as my letter telling me what to expect
I haven't had one of these. Just the leaflet saying what to bring, how long it takes, travel expenses etc.
I was in a lot of pain afterwards..
They don't take this into consideration I suppose. The thing is they don't seem to realise that it wouldn't be fair on an employer that someone can work for one or two days and then probably would need a week off to recover.
I'm currently fighting the decision to be placed in the work related activity group..
This is what I would accept in my circumstances. I don't consider myself not able to do any work, but it is difficult to find something that I could do.
Best if luck mi dear..
Thank you Tony.
Got fingers crossed (ouch lol)0 -
Dear Polly
Just wanted you to know l would feel 'on trial' too and still feel it is a dreadful assessment to have to do.
you have already had some excellent advice so l have nothing much to add other than to wish you luck and to say l will be thinking of you on Sunday.
All the very best of luck
Toni xxx0 -
It is always best to take someone with you..and take notes if you can.
When I have my esa medical (if you can call it that). the doctor spent more time tapping his keyboard than actually getting on with an examination.
however you will find your medical will start from the minute they see you in there cameras watching everything you do. every question they ask is loaded, from "do you watch eastenders" and if you answer yes then they will assume you can sit for more than 30 minutes to "do you go to the supermaket" and again if you say yes, regardless if you explain how you get about or dont get about they will assume you can walk more than 200 meters.
once you have had your medical. phone the dwp and ask for a copy of the report. that way you know what he said and you can get your appeal letter in as quickly as possible.
Altho I ended up with 0 points I took it to appeal and got it all turned over and ended up with 15 points (think they just stopped there).
so dont be too stressed over it as you can appeal. its just a real pain (no pun intended).
stephen.0 -
sbolam has given you some good advice, i too have been to apeal, started with 6 points god knows what i ended up with but got told there and then id won, i was a complete wreck in my appeal and i think the dr was shocked iw as even there.
the atos dr even put on my form that i was Male :shock: in answer to the question of being pregnant. i asked the dr and judge at my tribunal " since when did men have lullas (bust) as big as these and when did they start having children them self instead of us women having to do all the hard work :shock: " promptly followed by a rant of ...i cant deal with this anymore, the pain and crap that goes with this condition is enough to deal with without this incopedence and burst in to tears. i look back and laff at it now, i think i scared the apeal board hahaha so dont panic, do as sbolam says and request a copy of your report. go through it with a fine tooth comb, note any wrongs and appeal.
if you need help with the appeal just ask. fingers crossed it wont come to that but just incase were here xx0 -
How very interesting.
Not entered the process yet but now I would be very guarded.
My usual responses at medical type things are to show what I can do,so that approach would obviously go against you in these situations.
So its a case of 'Flip it'.....and tell them your worst scenarios always.
Is that right?Ruby0 -
Pretty much Ruby. You need to tell them how you are on your worst days or they simply assume there's nothing wrong with you. It's how they work. Guilty until proven innocent.
Fols x0 -
Gosh I'm shocked.
Just not the way I would have gone about it.
Thank you for this thread.
Think I will find it all very difficult when I come to do it.Ruby0 -
I went to the first medical thinking they were on my side and I told them, yes i can that but...yes I watch telly but..yes i can stand but..yes I can walk but..
at the end and I seen my report they left out everything I said after the but.
I never for one moment thought that..being able to to crouch once was an indication of your ability to work for 8 hours day..
the whole thing just boggles me..
once bitten..I will be more on my guard next time and I have had the very nice people at Dial (welfare rights) help me with my esa form..should have gone to them the first time they were amazing..
I would recommend you get help filling in those forms..they are full of double edged questions0 -
I see you are in Lowestoft sbolam. Did you go to Norwich for your assessment?
I will try to take 'but' out of my vocabulary for the day.
For instance I pushed myself and walked further than normal yesterday but I couldn't lift one foot in front of the other or get out of a chair (or any other movement actually) without searing pain in my back for the rest of the day. If I was like that at a workplace I wouldn't be able to work, and I wouldn't be able to drive home either :shock:
On the plus side (not for me, for the assessment) I can't crouch down even once and would tell them I couldn't do it. The only way I can get down to the floor is with the help of a chair or something and then I can't move from the position I am in without crawling. Getting up is the same - crawl over to a chair and pull myself up. Not a good look in a work environment :roll:0 -
If it hurts you to do any of the activities, then say no. They can't make you if it means you will be in pain. Oh and they will ask you, did you watch eastenders or corrie last night? If you say yes, then that means you can sit for half an hour. Personally, I can't watch tv for that length of time so have live tv pause etc, but the tick box won't allow for that reason. So The only option to that would be to say no.
Get your companion to help take your coat off, if you have to get your bag, get them to pass it to you. Don't go in smart clothes, it is noted, espcially with buttons. They will assume you have little dexterity problems.
Good luck for Sunday, I hope you get through it ok
Janie0 -
I don't have dexterity problems Janie, nor problems with dressing myself etc. It is the standing, walking, movement, sitting I have problems with. I don't watch soaps, Hubby always records stuff for us to watch as I sometimes don't manage to sit long enough in the evening to finish watching so we can finish it the next evening.
I am planning on just telling them like it is but being careful how I put it.0 -
Good luck anyway, hope it goes well0
hi, pollysid
yes I did go to the norwich centre.. it was a parking near (within 200 meters). access was a joke all the doors were heavey. so it was fun trying to open them get in with a stick while holdind the door open before its shuts on you. could not find a chair with arms so it was a stuggle getting up. not very welcoming at all.
Oh and dont be fooled by there charms..they are NOT ON YOUR SIDE..they will be all smiles and polite but they are really out to get you (your a cheat until proven otherwise)
it took me 2 days to get over mine with all the stress and the whole being pulled about.0 -
Hi Polly
having read all this l think you are well and truly ready
All being well other people's experiences will have you forearmed
Now what time is your medical due so we can all think of you....maybe do 'pocket duties'???
Toni xx0 -
It's 4pm Toni. I've looked at the street view map on Rightmove so I know exactly where it is in Norwich.
I think if the parking is a few hundred yards away I will be well and truly hobbling by the time I get in. Not sure if it is best to do that and let them see how I am and have them write down that I can walk that distance, or to get Alan to drop me off at the door, then they will say I can stand whatever the length of time it takes for him to park up and get back to me :?
'Damned if I don't and damned if I do' I think is the phrase that springs to mind :roll:
At least the prying into holiday plans is an easy answer as we have not been away since all this kicked in. I thought about it when someone said about that and last time we went to an airport I walked all the way to the departure gate. Don't think I could do that now and guarantee that we would get there fast enough to catch the plane, so would probably need a wheelchair.
I've not travelled a particularly long distance in the car in the last 9 months either so not sure how I would be with that. I only really drive up to 3 miles by myself now.0 -
Well I've been for my assessment.
Not too bad, not so many questions or physical tests as I was expecting.
With the things she was asking I wonder if they look through the initial form that is filled in and ask appropriate questions and look for evidence of how you move etc to prove what you have said is true.
She asked if I could get on the examination bed and pointed it out over the other side of the room. I really struggled to turn to see where she mean't and said I could sit on it but would need help to lay on it and then to get up again. ( have had dealings with these narrow, high 'beds' before)
I asked if I could use my stick to get to it. Just as well as I needed it to get up the one step stool and onto it. Alan had to help me get down.
My left leg behaved as normal and wouldn't do anything that was asked of it, even having a lower reflex than the right.
I could do all of the hand waving about bits apart from one (arms and hands are not my problem)
I am still expecting to be on the WRAG as I can use my hands and arms.
The only time I would appeal is if they told me to go sign on and get any job available as I know I am very limited to what I could do.
To any of you that are waiting for your assessment do not worry about all of the things that they could ask or ask you to do. I was not asked about holidays, pets, to touch my toes or crouch down. I was asked how we got there and how long it took, shopping, dressing myself, showering/bath, cooking and housework.
She took my blood pressure ( I am on tablets for this) and then took Alan's :roll: at his request. He is now worried because his is higher than mine.0 -
I'm glad it's done and dusted PollySid, that must be a weight off your shoulders. Poor Alan, I guess he was mightily stressed about it all too and it showed! I think you both need a lovely cuppa and a biccy or two now, and I hope you are feeling OK about it all. I have yet to get involved with this malarkey - in fact I hope I never do but at least I will be armed to the teeth with info, thanks to the forum. I wish you well, DDHave you got the despatches? No, I always walk like this. Eddie Braben0
Glad it's all over and done with. It's not as bad as a lot of people think, you just have to be aware of what they are after. Don't forget to get a copy of your report and read it through fully as they have a habit of putting the wrong info, missing info off completely and so on. I should be in the Support Group because of the incontinence caused by nerve damage. However, it was mentioned at the beginning and then totally forgotten at the bit that the ESA look at.
If you do find discrepancies make sure you write to have it amended as this can also affect you DLA claim.
Fols x0
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