Val's Cafe
It is nearly good morning, but finally I am here. Not been able to spend any time with the computer for a couple of days, time just vanishes and with family problems a plenty, it is a difficult time.
Did I see Tony after a cup of Tetley, hi there T.
:santa: I have been trying my best to write some cards today, I managed 8 and then my hands set like stone.
I think we are stocked up on maltesers and various christmas cakes, stollen and the like.
I hope everyone is as ok as they can be and taking lots of care. I must move, I have had one session of back in spasm today, I do NOT want another, sorry, I shouted there. Hugs xxx BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oooh Bubbles!!
Rest that back don't set it off whatever you do :shock:
Christine - I am so glad the party wasn't ruined for him with the 'big lads' turning up like that :xmas_evil: Makes me cross you know.
We had no gate crashers though we were ready for them - we were at the local football club and it is a tad isolated. Our bigguns were ours and actualy helping keep an eye out.
Glad the ironing is away and that Elfie seems to be doing ok. Jingles is naughty eating all the sweeties....wonder whether he had any help???
Barbara I'm not sure where Tony disappeared to :? But his favourite tea is in the cupboard.
I can reassure you you were pretty well behaved at the party - even started off the conga and your hip held up doing 'the cha cha slide' and Oops upside your head' (sp)
Glad you had a quiet one
Love to everyone - hope you are all ok???
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Christine I do love home& barga**we have got quite a few things from there lately including curtains for the little bedroom...poor little Elfie..hope he is better : soon I love it... :madnoel: hope you have manged some rest..we haven't got our tree out yet ...
Bubbles it good to see you back on only sorry your hands are painful..I will make you a cuppa
Toni ..ooh was I that bad...mind you at least I got them all dancing...this new hip held up well... :presents1: gate crashers ..honestly they always spy chance :roll:
its sunny here but looks like its going to pour GC here so off visiting the small family we have left..
See you all later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
I'm sorry I had to go.. and have to go now too lol..
But wanted to say a huge thanks to all for the drinks and biscuits.
I was going to log in last night but pain got the better of me.
Will try again tonight
Love to all
Ra-1996 -2013 RIP...
Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP0 -
tjt6768 wrote:I'm sorry I had to go.. and have to go now too lol..
But wanted to say a huge thanks to all for the drinks and biscuits.
I was going to log in last night but pain got the better of me.
Will try again tonight
Love to all
Hi to you all, Tony, Toni, Barbara, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig et al.
I know how you feel Tony, yesterday afternoon I was frozen with pain, just had to grab onto the door and hall table and wait, tears running down, nothing OH could do, bless. Finally I moved, gingerly and took one or two, of everything I had and what set it off, I cleaned the bathroom sink!! Sometimes it don't half get you down.
Anyway, Sunday is another day, keeping on top of the pain meds and not cleaning any more sinks, (as if they were dirty anyway being a fuss pot).
Went out for lunch which was nice, nothing to do in the kitchen suits me fine. Just resting up now and not long until nap time. So, talking of tea, I will make a brew, plenty in the pot for all. Take care, lots of care. XX BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello mi darlin bubbles
another quick visit..
hope things ease for you soon matron..
I have to go to church soon, so very not my thing.. but grandma is being recieves into the church, she was a catholic so it won't be a short service I doubt... the big one will be tomorrow though, full mass :roll: she is so lucky I loved her tons.. I don't do religion at all..
Today has been another painful one, and now I gotta sit around lol... I will be getting an early night tonight me thinks.
however, I WILL be back with you all soon..
YBH's alll round xxMe-Tony
Ra-1996 -2013 RIP...
Cleo - 1996 to 2011. RIP0 -
I well remember the photo you put on the forum ,a very regal looking lady.
I will be thinking of you today and tomorrow,hugs to you and your family. Mig0 -
Thanks Tony, mi dear, lol, bless you hun. You take care, sitting around, oh dear, not a good thing as we all know too well. Hugs to ease the pains. Church will be fine, you take care. XX BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
evening all
Sorry you are suffering bubbles and Tony....if only I had a magic wand... Tony I know how much you love your Grandma, hope the service its not to long for you.. I went Christmas shopping with hubby...done most of it pn line..but thought the weather is lovely we will stroll slowly such luck with crutches 3 times I got knocked off them...think I might have to jazz therm up them people will see them... :madnoel: got a coffe and came home bagless..but I really enjoyed being out in the sunshine.. :xmas_cheesygrin: dont you just love these Christmas smileys...see you all later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
I DO Barbara I DO :presents1:
Hi Mig, Tony Bubbles as well :xmas_cheesygrin:
I Hope Tony and Bubbles feel a bit better soonTony you do not need to come on at night if you're not up to it - sometimes rest is the best idea I think. I am glad for Grandma that she is being received into the church - it will make her feel much better if she's Catholic.
Barbara we got out in the sun today - it was lovely 10.5 degrees and the sunset tonight! Shades of pink so swirly and pretty it was almost galactical if there's such a word????
Maybe you can do something with your crutches Barbara so they are more for your antics at the party I was proud of you
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Bubbles, sorry to hear you are having problems. I hope you are able to get them sorted out. I have only written and sent cards to my daughter and her family. I really should make a start on the others as I know I'll only be able to do a few at a time. Hope you enjoyed your lunch and you're feeling a bit better this evening.
Toni, I am sure Elfie did have some help eating the sweets. He couldn't have eaten all those himself. :xmas_cheesygrin:
Barbara, I was going to rest this morning but got excited at the thought of putting up the tree. I had to re-arrange some furniture to make room but it's up now. I've gone for mainly red with some white. Hope you enjoyed your trip out today. It is very busy out there now but people should still be careful of people on crutches and prams etc.
Tony, I hope all went well today and that it does tomorrow and it's not too uncomfortable for you..
Toni, sounds as if you enjoyed the sun today. There was a lovely sunset here at teatime yesterday. They are beautiful, aren't they?
Hugs to anyone who needs them. And spoons too.Christine0 -
thank you for the kind words, I might be visiting the GP, ask about depot medrone injection into my back, nothing to loose I guess, as long as I can check they are doing it right, which means having an eye in the back of my head. I gave that back when I was retired from nursing,
it came in very handy over the years.
Shopping, not really much to do for Christmas, vouchers for everyone then they can get what they want, cards, I have done most of them now, so I am pleased with myself.
Sorry you had trouble with your crutches Barbara, I have trouble with mine too, usually I get into my buggy or the shop buggy, then I can run into people and knock things flying :xmas_cool: we could trim them up with those battery led's, that flash like mad. I will take a spoon for supper, saves a lot of mess with a curry, thank you B
Think I will potter in the kitchen and see what supper is doing. Everyone take lots of care, hugs xx BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Anything in the cafe for the Xmas do ? Or do I need to do an on line shop.
Can someone check the wine cellar I imagine its about empty !
Stew and dumplings today ,bananas and custard for afters. Mig0 -
Morning all..just
We had 2 GDs here last night it was all go this morning..well hubby dose most of it
bubbles sorry you are having family probs on top of everything...its horrible we had 2 years of it..but fingers crossed things have settled down so I hope it does for the same for you...good luck with the injection..I had mine last month..not a clue what they were called....must be more scary for you..knowing what you know...
Mig think an online shop is in order...the wine cellar was empty... :xmas_redface: wasn't down to me honest... :presents1:
Anyone seen Catie..or Roses..around hope all is well
Chrsitine did you manage to get your tree up..I have now forgot what I have read...sorry I no you were moving the furniture..we are the same ours is stillin its box..even the girls cant be bothered..they have already helped with there mummys then there I might just put up our optic fiber one that goes in the window...and our window lights
Hope Toni has recoverd from the party
And Tony I hope the service for your Gran went well she would be proud of you
the sun is shinning again here... :madnoel: so will let you know later what I got up to..xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi Everyone and how lovely to see new faces appearing in the cafe :xmas_cheesygrin:
Sorry to have disappeared, but what a mess in this part of the world - so many poor souls have been flooded. My daughter and myself have been helping out in a local center - lots of cups of tea and coffee were made. I thank our lucky stars that my hubby's good sense meant we bought a house 'inland'.
Will be back later when I've read through what you've all been up to
Hope everyone is as good as possible
Catie x0 -
First Bubbles and now Tony!welcome back.
Not sure if I popped in Friday but I slept all day like a log. then weekends I had to sit next to my boy. I'm only allowed off duty to go to the loo but I sometimes beg him to allow me to get a cuppa :roll:. he's very tetchy ATM and if I make a mistake reading things for him on the laptop he swears terribly and smacks himself. My eyes aren't that good at the moment so I'm making quite a few mistakes. its really upsetting.
Anyway I think I was allowed to sit on a 2nd laptop on Sat evening once he'd finished so i was able to buy some pyjams in a sale and some boots for Lucy. he saw me buy them and now keeps asking when the boots will arrive (its supposed to be a surprise).
oldest Son has his mocks this week. english today and then school closes early. Mocks are good as it will give him a practice for the real thing.
I'm only writing a few cards at a time bubbles.its good to spread it out. As long as everybody gets one in the end.....
Tony I'm glad everything went well for the party. Thanks for all the sos rolls and pizza. applerose I would never have a party at my house because word gets around so easily. Lucky the headmaster overheard the 'bigger boys'.
i'm sorry if anyone had a bad time with the weather. there's me saying its great for the drying clothes :oops: it truly wasn't bad down here at all.
I hope you are all well. Go easy on the party food,
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Thanks Elizabeth and Barbara, good to be back, I have missed the forum so much, but was just unable to - not easy to explain, but, I am still here.
I think I have done most of the cards now, there will always be one or two who pop one through the door (should I rephrase that)? Nah, you know what I mean:oops: and you have to race to find a spare. How expensive are stamps, I nearly passed out when I paid for a book of 12 first class, "how much"? :roll:
To change the subject a bit, I want to know what they put into Pringles, that makes me unable to stop eating them once they are opened. I wasn't even hungry, it is the devils work, forcing them into my hands. I have the same trouble with maltesers, but that's fine, chocolate doesn't count
We have the few decorations up now, a lovely Church that lights up, some small LED trees and that is about it, I cannot bear being cluttered up with tinsel and the like, I would have a fit, less is more in our place.
Not too long until nap time, cat is howling for more chicken, he has me wrapped round his paws, he truly does. Spoilt, not much.
Take care, hugs xx BubblesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Just popping in before my son arrives with the baby..mum isn't very he is giving her a rest
Catie how awful I didnt know you live in one of the flooded areas...gosh I do feel for them we are so lucky were we live half way up an hill...its good of you to help out ..they mustn't know which way to turn...
bubbles I am the same with maltesers..I cant eat crisp but I used to love pringles if you find the answers I will let my hubby know..he cant put the container down..tell you what I cant leave alone at the min.....midgetgems..the ones were the black one is licoriice... :rudolph: are having an hard time...I hope he calms down a bit..bless thank goodness you got some sleep on eldest GD staking her mocks..its so stressful for them
I have lost my list for my Christmas cards so I am going through everyone in my head...someone will get missed... :madnoel: oh well they will think they have got lost in the post.. :xmas_redface:Love
Barbara0 -
Gosh it took me a Long time to read much chatter
Glad the party went well Toni.....oh to be 16 again...on second thoughts what will be the age of retirement for anyone of that age thanks
Elizabeth, I just hope that in time things will settle down a bit with your son - must be so exhausting for you, both physically and emotionally - sending you a (((hug))).
Barbara, yes we are in Norfolk. Expect you saw bungalows and houses being washed away on the tv. It's been so devastating for those affected. Many do not have insurance and many will not be able to return to their homes for a year or so - dreadful. Oh and the poor pets
I have never heard of 'midget gems'...feel like I must come from Mars :oops: I've got a craze for shortcake biscuits - must be getting old
Bubbles, yes the cost of postage is shocking. I've received a few email cards and it's just not the same. Oh, also received a blank card - one always arrives each year from an elderly aunt who has dementia - so sad.
Love to all not mentioned.
Catie x0 -
Oh Catie
I hadn't thought of the pets
Poor peopleI hope it all gets sorted out sooner than expected my heart goes out to them all. Well done for helping out.
You might be right about being 16!! I wouldn't fancy it now!!! I thought I was going to be 69 before I got mine anyway ::)
Hi Barbara I hope baby was good and her Mum feels better soon :?
I haven't had a midgetgem - are they chewy??? Lucy had two exams today on her birthday :madnoel:
Bubbles I think I understand it's a bit like when you loose toch with a good friend at first it's for a reason - maybe you are busy, not well or miserable, but after a while it gets so hard to get in touch???
Anyway good to have you back
You've had a hard weekend Elizabeth with your boy
Horrible seeing kids self-harm. I am doing the same as you are with your cards with my pressies a few a day.
Take care and keep well
The wine cellar 'empty'?? No idea who could have done that
Well done Christine getting your tree upThe colour scheme sounds lovely and festive :candycane: I think Elfie did have some help with all those sweeties ::)
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Shoppings done,will be delivered about noon tomorrow,glad it's a cyber shop it can put its self away,hands off the wine till nearer Xmas. Mig0
Morning all
Mig you are a star...I have put a lock on the cellar only I have a key... :presents1: so if I go missing... :madnoel:
Tony midgetgems...they are chewy fruity little things...ooh am I the only one that eats them...they are good andI think they were going in the 1960s...but the rubbish ones the black isn't licorice....
Happy Birthday Lucy..and I hope the exams go well for you...
Catie I am lost for word for these people that have lost everything and not insured ..apparently some people just cant get insured friend in North Wales was flooded but she is insured but she recons the next time they wont .... :roll:
Today hubby has some time off and the sun is shinning..not sure were we are going ...but I dont care... :noel:
Not seen Karen around I hope she isn't in to much pain with that neck and shoulder
see you later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Enjoy the sun Barbara - we have thick fog, but hopefully it will clear later.
Jolly good idea putting the lock on the cellar door
I'm glad your friend was insured, but how awful for her to experience the flooding.
Toni, poor Lucy having to sit exams on her birthday, but perhaps it will be a 'good' omen and prove to be lucky
69 for your pension- guess I'm lucky to draw mine at 66 :shock:. To think we entered the world of work thinking it would be 60 :?
Mig, I will have a tidy-up to make sure the way is cleared for tomorrow's delivery
I was looking at all the xmas smilies and realised that it's been years since there was a knock at the door with :carolers: . As a child not a year would pass without an appearance. I wonder if anyone receives a visit these days?
Hope everyone has a good day
Catie x0 -
There was a case of some carol singers intimidating people recently Catie, the usual 'knock on door and give us the moneyor else'. The only carol singers we get now are the annual round table charity collecters who have a Santa mobile going by. I think Toni will remember I had my Son upset one year as he missed them and i had to stop him going after them without his clothes on! Luckily they came back later.
poor Lucy sitting exams on her birthday. Think my boy has 3 today. One started at 8.30 and I had asked him if any started early and he said no. Hopefully he got there on time. I'm hoping he remembers the computing one in the middle. It wouldn't surprise me if he went off to lessons instead,
I'd also hate to be 16 again! Although I'd work harder and not worry so much if I had the chance again. But then I'd have avoided the ex so I'd be without my 2 lovely girls. Just as well you can't time travel.
Is it wise to give Barbara the key?
I need to get cracking with Christmas. I'm slacking as so tired.
There is something in Pringles but cannot remember what it is called. Same with Chines meals I think.
well need to get some work done before they all come home,
take care
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Shoppings delivered and put away ,only prep to do for the party,Barbara volunteered to look after the key ,was that a mistake ? :presents1: Mig0
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