Val's Cafe



  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I missed you to ,Catie its all the toing and throwing.I sometimes feel I am chaseing my tail just now friend has decided to call for tea later and its unexpected but very welcome ......Well done Mr Optomist for pointing you in the right direction but I am so sorry for you .. but guess it could have been a lot worse if you had left it longer hope you are not to bad over the shock and dont mind the enforced rest to much (()))Marrianne
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I'm late, Oh crumbs, I need a cuppa again. I've been to the breast clinic. I got good news though, so can't complain. I'm still clear of cancer on both sides. So will try to forget all that until next December/January!!

    Hoping all are well today. My cold has gone thank goodness. I'm looking forward to Friday when I can chat with my YD to ask how her move went.

    I hope nobody wanted those last bourbons, I'll bring another pack tomorrow. Promise.

    Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh well done Kath ,a year now no worry ,guess you were desperate for a cuppa , and the bourbons o/h s favourites just as long as you leave me the jaffa cakes :lol:...Tea on the way here has anyone tried the Welsh cutting pie ...Tes ..o its lovely Marrianne :)
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Marrianne, I told Catie the same :wink:....if she had left her foot any longer, the story would have had a different ending. Never mind, let's hope everything heals well :).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    blimey I have only been gone ten mins and you all some of you didnt ..know we have a cafe cat...and a cow for the milk...forgot both there nanes Elizabeth help me out bet you remember or Coco
    Catie oh no...this is such bad luck when you were doing so well..its a good job Mr O told you to see A&E pull up a chair and I will make you a cuppa
    Kath I am so glad the test were mum went through all this in the you say you can relax now for a biscuits left.. :roll: think we had better do a shop...we cant blame Toni she isn't here....good new that Lucy has gained weight...(((()))xx
    Marianne forgot to say its hubby's taxi I use.. :lol: poor man think he is getting a bit fed up... :wink:
    I have just bought a dressing gown in the sale....£8..not onethat drys you but the snugly ones
    see you all later xxxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Secret biscuit stash ,it's under the sink in the cauldron,hid them at Xmas as we had too many ,it's a variety tin so something for everyone. Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mig I thought there was left over form Christmas...I will make a cuppa and go and help myself...hope everyone is having a good evening..the coffee machine is on if Toni pops GC here tonight so very quiet..and get a lie in tomorrow...
    Karen I hope things are going okish..and that Coco had a good journey..
    Christine ..if you pop in later the kettle will be on..and has anyone heard off bubbles
    Mr O good job that Catie has you for advice..
    will see you all tomorrow hope you sleep well.xxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I can't sleep through the day either Barbara. Wish I could as I often don't sleep much at night. Your dressing gown sounds lovely. My daughter bought me a snuggly one a couple of years ago. I loved it. Still do. Thanks for leaving the kettle on for me. Think I'll have a cuppa by the fire.

    Mig, I really should get my shopping delivered but it doesn't seem worth it for what I buy, especially with the delivery charge on top. Cod and mushy peas sounds good. Oooh, biscuit stash? I don't eat a lot of biscuits but think I'll go and have a look at what there is. Any chocolatey ones?

    It is much busier in here now, isn't it Elizabeth? I find that if I don't catch up every day, I lose track. How good for your son to get a well done like that. He's obviously working hard now. Hope the homework goes well.

    Marrianne, I can walk about 20 minutes and get 1 bus or get 2 buses to get to the big supermarket and I need to get 2 buses to get to my dad's every Saturday. I'm used to it as I've done it for a lot of years. I can drive but can't afford a car. They do say that you are very intelligent if you can get by on only a few hours sleep. Hope the blood test went ok.

    Catie, just as well Mr O knew what was wrong. Hope you manage to get around ok with the plaster on.

    Great news Kath. What a relief for you. Hope you enjoyed the boubons. I'm not keen on them.

    Just as well you spotted what was wrong with Catie, Mr O. Hope you are still enjoying your new house.

    Now with Mig and her crusty bread and Barbara with her stew, that's what I want now. Might have to get the slow cooker out tomorrow. Was at the dentist today having my new bridge fitted. No incidents with dentist's fingers up my nose. Still giggle about that. :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Christine..its strange..but like you say..we cant sleep at night but don t like sleeping in the day...I have really weird dream if I fall asleep in the chair..sorry Im rambling...a bad night... :)
    Today hubby has a couple of hours off so I am going out...must stop relying on him...poor thing....I hope everyone has a good day the kettle is on and stew for Lunch..
    Will see you later....xxxxxx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 24. Jan 2014, 02:19
    Hello all, nice to see the sun again today.. :)

    Glad there are some biscuits and I have bought in Txxx's mallows and some egg custard tarts as it so happens. Didn't know there is a cafe cat what sort is it?!

    Re shopping deliveries applerose, supermarkets have started upping the competition with each other over charges, some of xxxc are only £1 now and plenty at round £2 - £2.50. Now I've seen xxxxxx advert mentioning free delivery but I don't know what the T&C's are there, might be for odd slot times that no-one wants. Internet groceries are my only option really, buses to the supermarket just aren't worth it for what I could carry.

    I have mixed success with sleeping in the daytime, I avoid it if poss but sometimes just have to. I've read there's a reason it can make you feel worse, it's to do with the length of sleep cycles and the timing, & where you are in the 90-minute cycle when you wake up (something along those lines).

    Sorry you have got 6 weeks in plaster Catie, hope it soon goes, not that you want to wish time away we all get short enough money's worth out of our days as it is. Glad you had good news Kath. Good luck with the anti-tnf when it happens marrianne, hope anyone still with the flu or sniffles & coughs is feeling better today. I don't have flu jab I just avoid everybody! as there are plenty other things around I don't want to catch either.
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone ,first visit off the day ,first biscuit to thanks to Mig ,we finnaly finnished the last of our christmas cake friend for tea last night ,Toady seems a good time to have a home delivery ....T........o used to be over £4 .. useing a cheap slot ,bought some new clothes today nothing much just to be smarter for hospital £6 black trousers M...............N ,Christine came home on the bus today it wasnt at all bad almost empty and depending on the first or second bus you get the scenic route it was lovely so cold out but bright beautiful sunshine .Barbara hope you had a lovely day out and about with O/H looking froward to the weekend hopeing my lovely man will take me out for some fresh air town is good in the week but cant beat a lovely country walk ,Thinking its possibly going to snow O/H says its to cold for it but we shall see either way you will be glad of your warm dressing gown Barbara everyone Rosie Katy Coco Kath dear Toni Lucy and Charlie family Elizabeth and the children and Mr Optomist and every one have a lovely evening ((((())))Marrianne ......I dont know the cafe cats name either but saw some little paw prints by the warm fire :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening was a kitten but that was a few years ago was for people that wanted a cuddle...and the cow was for the cafe milk..and we made cow past out of you know what... and Lavender...Val used to put them on her feet... :)
    Marianne think the cat was cuddles..not sure about the cow ..but we had to milk her everyday..shall we call her tinkerbell..we have had heavy hailstone so everywhere is white....I used to love country walks...or walking anywhere come to that... :roll: oh well I do what I can... :)
    More biscuits in the tin and don't forget they are calorie free... :D
    Oh meant to say that my niece lives on her own..she recons she saves a fortune having her food delivered..she doesn't pick up all the treats ...
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toady, thank you for the custard tarts. I love them so will have one with a cuppa. Only £1-2 delivery? I'll have to have another look. I thought it was about £5.

    Marrianne, I have some Mrs Cr*mble dutch cake left. I bought that as my Xmas cake but I'm trying to only eat it at the weekend. The bus I get to the big T*sc* goes the scenic way.

    Oh Barbara, you've had hailstones? Couldn't we just skip the winter now? It'll soon be spring. That's one of the reasons I like going to the supermarket - to pick up the treats and reduced food for tea that night. But I really should start getting the heavy stuff delivered.

    Woke up this morning thinking it was Friday. Still another day at work before the weekend. I heard the police helicopter fly overhead about an hour ago then found out there might be a prisoner escaped from the prison which is about a 20 minute walk away. There seems to be someone running off about once a year. It's an open prison but I think it's about time they made it more secure.
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I forgot I shouldn't mention company names :oops: maybe a mod will edit mine out or maybe I'll be let off as a first offender; I'll remember in future. Even though I have grocery deliveries I like to go out if I can & choose some of my own stuff, & reduced items, like you applerose - also you can't stock up that much fresh items ordering online unless you have a weekly delivery & I tend to stretch it nearer 2 weeks so that's another reason to top up in between. Glad you liked the custard tart. :) A prison that close sounds a bit scary! it's obviously a bit too 'open' if they get absconders, I suppose once a year could be worse but it is one too many - though they are not dangerous if they are in an open prison in the first place I imagine.

    I will look out for the cat barbara, too cold for him/her out this weather, so much better off in here by the fire on 'someone's' knee. :wink:
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not a problem to edit your posts Toady :D

    I like Txxxx mallows too.!

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all off to hairdressers ,cut and blow dry and nails done,my hairdresser has a loyalty scheme so I have enough points to pay for nails cool.
    Grey and miserable in nottm ,hope it brightens up. Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Been to have my hip checked and to see if I am ready to have the other one done ...they saw I struggle with crutches because of my hands so asked would I have them done first,,I did something I have never done before burst out crying.... :shock: think it was reality hitting again they have given me an open appointment I just ring when ready... :roll: I will bounce back today.... :)
    Dont worry toady the cat is by the fire has usual...and the cow was milked this morning so fresh milk in the fridge
    Mig how lovey think that is what I could do with...a good enjoy...
    Today hubby is at work now I will get some jobs done...
    Catie I hope that plaster is not too uncomfortable
    Hope bubbles is doing ok
    and I think Rosie will be enjoying her GC..or have I got that wrong.. :?
    Coco hope it all went well at uni..
    Must stop now because my brain has gone..but you all know I think about you
    See you later xxxxxx
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :)

    Oh Barbara, what can I say :cry: ...You are so brave and never complain about the way in which OA has affected you, but of course there will be times when it really hits home and today was one of them. But as you say, you will bounce back. Sending you a hug ((( ))).

    Thanks everyone for all your kind thoughts. I'm resigned to doing very little for the next 6 weeks grrrr. However, when I think of Lucy fighting her battle, my problems fade into insignificance. My heart goes out to both Toni and Lucy - they are having to be so brave.

    Christine, the thought of a prisoner on the run, horrified me. Crikey, I quite agree with you - they should tighten up on security :shock:

    MrO, I do think you should change your neme to MrTheadkiller :wink: -

    Well, I had my appointment for breast screening and yesterday I called to cancel it as there's no way I can manage at the moment. I explained that my leg was in plaster etc. Oh she said, then you will have to wait for your next letter - think she said that would be 3 years :o I asked if I could have one for a few mths time - and the answer was no. I was surprised as we are always told to take-up these appointments. Oh well :?

    Mig, I wish my hairdresser had a system like yours - really good idea.

    Kath, so pleased you received such good news :)

    Better make tracks. Love to all not mentioned xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all, sorry I missed my visit yesterday. I've had a quick look at all the posts but there are so many, I can't remember what everyone has said. Anyway, hope you are all ok and not got too many aches and pains - a stupid thing to expect for all we arthritics!! The only real pain I'm having at the moment is in my left hip and my right hand - which is my walking stick hand!!

    I've also had problems with severe itching for a few months. My GP has changed my anti-histamine tablets and some steroid cream. I've got to have some tests added to my usual Leflunomide blood test. She wondered if it could be caused by thyroid problems!! We've ruled out Cellulitis (it started in my lower legs) yukky things like scabies (thank goodness) and she doesn't think it's my kidneys as my last blood test came back ok for that. We'll see what happens.

    Mig, I've just noticed you are from Nottingham. Me too - well on the border with Derbys anyway. I wonder if we go to the same hospital??

    Oh catie, I'm so sorry you can't get for your breast screening. I missed one once but hope I never have to again. It would scare me to death, but with a leg in plaster you really don't have much choice. You'd have thought they'd have been a little more flexible in that case.

    I didn't know we had a cat. I've bought some kitty treats for him/her. Do we still have the cow? I couldn't work that out, so didn't bring anything for her.

    Sending hugs and best wishes to all, Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    Barbara I`m upset here because you`re upset. Massive hugs my love, and remember a good cry releases a lot of emotional pressure. I know we have to keep fighting, but Dear God, sometimes it does all get too much.x.

    Catie I think perhaps you should make a complaint regarding your appointment. That is just not good enough. Imagine if Kath had had to wait that long! Keep resting girl, things are gonna get better for all of us.....I promise!

    Toady Where did you see the delivery prices for "every little helps"? I`ve just paid £5 50, and the cheaper days here are £3 50. Are there any of your egg custards left please?

    Marrianne I hope you have enjoyed a nice walk, and I like your new trousers.

    Well, everything is ready for the "Royal Visit". Just going to spend the afternoon doing myself up. Hair and nails. Slap and posh perfume on. It will be early evening when they land so lots of time to transform myself from Granny Clampett to Miss World.....Ha, I wish! Somehow I don`t think I`ll be around much over the next few days, so I hope everyone has a good weekend. Stay warm.......Much love to you all, especially those I haven`t mentioned.....Rosie.x.
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    I know, I have been awal again. Just don't seem to be coping with what is being thrown at me. But on that score, I would think we all really feel the same. I haven't read through yet. Will try to do so. Have to go out later and pay some bills. YUK.

    I do hope that you are all coping and not in to much pain. My goodness, this Arthur does get you in so many different ways doesn't it.

    I am going to sit by the window and have a cuppa and biscuit.....are there any shortbread fingers. Yum yum.
    Karen xx
  • marrianne
    marrianne Member Posts: 1,161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Rosie or should it be Miss World now ,I hope you have a brilliant weekend albiet its very cold so guess you might need a wooly over posh frock ..Mig I guess your looking stunning to sound a brilliant deal nails and hair ,Barbara I hope your feeling better after a good cry chuck .. its so wearing the constant pain .. I understand so well how bloomin awful it is with hands and wrists C hristine I hope work is going ok and your looking forward to a nice break at the weekend Toady ,thanks fro keeping the tin topped up I love custard tarts to ,and to the mods about nameless shops :lol: dropped of some extra cat food for cuddles and some kitty litter to cold to send her out side .. cannot find our cow so no lavender cow pats today is she a milker to I think you said she was Barbara anyway will go and do my exercises and a few light chores hugs to everyone I am sorry didnt catch up with everyone but will later Marrianne :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks all for your good wisahes...and kind words
    Catie you take things will get there..I do hope the 6 weeks goes quickly for you..its not like me but suppose it has to come out sometime..I feel a bti of a fool you have gone through so much.. sorry you have had to cancel your breast scan
    Rosie thankyou...suppose like you say it has to come out sometime...I hope you are doing okish and your GC are doing ok did you get the time with one of them..sorry forgot which one... :? you look lovely...sorry is this the visit with your GD mi brains gone again... :?
    Marianne..your another that had and is going through a lot...but thakyou..
    Kath..I hope that itching has eased.there is nothing worse..cuddles will be thrilled to bits with the treats.. :)
    Manged to change one bed...I will go and attack the other one..
    Karen it lovely to see you pop in..but so sorry things are hard for you.....done you worry about reading back..
    I will make a cuppa and sit and have a cuddle with cuddles...thinkwehad better change the name... :lol: xxxxx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon everyone :) busy again in here, and I see everyone is spoiling the cat lol, fresh milk and lots of attention & warm fire, quite right too.

    RosieGlow - I have just looked at my 'shopping delivery' slots and they are all prices from £1 Mon-Thurs; some £1, then from £2 upwards at 50p increases, depending on times. It says "from £1" on the shopping homepage too but after I log in, I can only think not all areas are the same? :( - didn't occur to me especially with the competition from the other shop I mentioned, I thought that was a response to others' low prices everywhere. "They" are definitely free for ALL slots but with a minimum spend of £50, it's on their homepage so that can't be area-based I don't think. Have a good weekend (Granny Clampett - :lol: )

    Barbara so sorry about your upsetting appointment, something just catches you that way sometimes, the wrong thing at the wrong time (and it can be the way it's said too) hope you are feeling better I do admire your ability to rebound. :) I am very lucky because not so much pain since my meds began working better, just stiffness, but lots of blasted tiredness & feeling 'off'. Would be nice if we could all trade symptoms now & again, I could swap with someone so they could have a day out with less pain & I could borrow a bit of energy. I will join you for a cuppa please. :)

    Sorry you are itching kathleen, and hope anything your gp tries helps. Catie hope you can get another appt surely they get other cancellations, the same way someone will presumably get your appointment?

    Plenty of custard tarts left - shortbread fingers, yes please, constable.

    Thank you moderator. :)
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Forgot to mention earlier, I'm off to a virtual porch party soon. Some of my RA friends have our own fb page (am I allowed to mention that admin?) and we find ourselves glamorous virtual bodies (I'm Supergirl) for the most fantastic parties. So looking forward to it, but feel a bit sad that we have to resort to virtual pleasures (oo-er mrs!) rather than the real thing!! :(

    There will be alcohol!! None of us can drink much in reality because of the drugs we are on. Just thought, anyone who isn't in the know about arthritis, reading about us having drinks and drugs - :shock: what would they think!!

    Tee hee hee
    Kath xx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein