Val's Cafe



  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Think the curry did the trick as I feel a lot better today,hubby and son are having their flu jab today and then we are going to pub for early evening meal,he takes us everywhere and won't let us pay any petrol money so every 6 weeks or so we go for a meal and we pay he does get cross though.
    We have decided against going to the fair as we are both sniffing and Ive just done my humira so its hot dogs at my house tomorrow have got some veggie sausages for those that want them.Mig
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Count me in for the veggie hot dogs mig :)I'd love some :wink:

    Good news the curry did the job regarding your cold and how lovely of your son to run you everywhere good idea to treat him to a nice meal out :)

    Niamh is approaching warning, warning Niamh is approaching!! Bless her l know you love seeing her. Little whirlwind that she is :D

    Turmerc does sound useful I ight see if it gives me indigestion too :?

    I don't think our holiday was meant to be. I expect we'll enjoy Scotland and visiting my sister just as much :) Just have to ensure Paul doesn't just keep on working..... :roll:


    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    They are taking my DLA off me, and I have to claim PIP!!! Just been reading the posts about PIP and I'm really worried now. :(:o :shock: :cry:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I did start with a good afternoon to all........but the afternoon has turned into late evening :? :?

    Best laid plans and all that..............decided that it was pointless having the car valeted in the pouring rain, so we will have that done today instead, weather is supposed to be better. A good excuse to have brunch at Costa and then meander around the big Tesco :)

    Went to GC for brunch, just the two of us. We just got our order out and there was a power cut, the whole village went off. Lasted about 20 mins, rather nice, eating in the dark, :shock:

    Then to get some supplies and pick up the tabs that Mum had run out of, went into Mum n Dads, Mum very slow, pretty lethargic, but perked up after a little while. The OT's have been in and are sorting a walking frame, encouraging her to potter about more, which she is doing :) Mum had since found three boxes of the tablets that she said had run out........oh dear.

    There was confusion over the D Nurse, they said she rang and said she was not well and was not coming, rang their office, no, she is fine, she is still coming :? :? Anyway, upshot is that she did call and the confusion over phone calls has been resolved.

    Phlebotomy are coming out to do her INR levels tomorrow.

    Thank you for the extra hugs, they are always welcome Toni. Mum is doing remarkably well, all things considered.

    Right, yes Toni, it was a very special breakfast, we are spoiled rotten and rightly so eh.

    If we won the lottery, where would we go? We always said to the Isle of Sky, but, in reality, we would stay within a few miles of where we are now, with the health care team knowing us and us knowing them etc, all makes a huge difference. Of course we would have a huge ish house on one level, or stairlifts or lifts, if there were different levels. No one won last night, so the jackpot on Friday is an eye watering 170 million :shock: :shock:

    We would make sure family were ok, mortgages paid, houses bought, our fav charities supported etc and we would SHOP................. :lol::lol:

    No, I didn't want you to go to Benidorm at all, I just had a very strong feeling that you would be better off not going and now you are staying in the UK, which is good. I used to have a lot of premonitions, less so now, but I do get to feeling that something is amiss, even from far away. I have rung people in the middle of the night and said "don't go there, don't sit on the left of the plane, strange things. They sat on the right hand side and the left hand side to where they were sitting, the overhead storage broke mid flight and hand luggage fell onto the passengers. Strange eh.

    Miss Sleek has already been on to Pepe regarding cases and things being moved about, she was very perky.

    They will have a ball up in Bonnie Scotland and will enjoy their trips to Lock Ness, stop off for some fish and chips at Fort William, well, fish at least. Pepe has got a kilt :shock: :shock:

    Pepe was talking to Sleek about the new bridge, very excited he was.

    I think our puskins should pop down to Kerrin's and see how things are. I will ask Hermione to transport them there and back.

    Aidan is in baby Aidan, lol. I guess he is :D

    Is choir practice tonight, or had it been postponed due to the impending strip to Espana' Either way Barbara will be in full voice.

    Hi Barbara, yes, Mum is sleeping a lot and is really not over interested in what is going on, it is all a bit too much effort to be honest. We go in every day, at some point, to see how things are and of course we are on the phone as well. We endeavour to keep things as upbeat as possible.

    I didn't know you could still get Dolly Blue. :shock: :D

    Yes, B is chauffeur to the Bride and mention to Mr B that the guys at Tesco do a fantastic job of bringing the cars back to showroom condition, they are so hard working. The car gleams from tip to toe, inside and out.
    It does cost a bit, but, it is SO worth it, we have enough on at the moment, without having to worry about getting our Bette clean as a new pin.

    Did you have a whirlwind evening with Niamh, or did she go play with the lovely kiddies next door? Sausages and mash?

    Hi Mig, I am glad you feel a lot better today, good news indeed, we need the recipe for that curry :)

    That's nice to go out for a meal every so often, I am sure he isn't cross really, but it is nice to spoil our loved ones.

    Maybe a wise move, not to go round Goose Fair, all those people, with lots of bugs floating about...........a drive by would be nice, to see all the lights.

    Veggie sausages, wonderful, Toni and I will be there to snuffle them up :)

    Hi Kath, oh dear, you have had your letter about changing over to PIP, from DLA. I am waiting for mine to drop through the door very soon. Everyone on DLA is changing over to PIP. Try not to worry, you write down just as it is on your worst days and nights, put in as many things from the Drs, Consultants, as possible. There is a lot of bad press about the PIP assessments, I have read quite a lot and you think oh my days...........

    If you need any help completing the form, then CAB will help you.
    It is something we will likely be going through together. There are also some good helpful sites online, reputable ones. The support team at Arthritis care will always help as much as they can.
    Group hug ((()))
    You can always pm me and I will help as much as possible :) We just have to keep on jumping through hoops, which drives my Consultant and GP round the bend............ :roll: :roll: :? :?

    Hi to Kerrin, hope you are ok hun, a wee bit worried we are.

    Hi to Christine, Charrisse, Carol, Elizabeth and all.

    It is absolutely pouring with rain and blowing a hoolie. Definitely a no fly zone for puskins, even with wet weather gear. Pepe's broom turned itself off ( I think Hermione had a little something to do with that).

    I went for a wander in the enchanted forest, it was a symphony of Autumn colours, just delightful.


    Something a little more savoury for breakfast, Ricotta and Herb Crepes...............


    Take care all, lots of love XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    kathleenT wrote:
    They are taking my DLA off me, and I have to claim PIP!!! Just been reading the posts about PIP and I'm really worried now. :(:o :shock: :cry:

    Kath Lucy had PIP when she needed it. Don't worry there's info on here to help and when the forms come ask away before you fill them in. I filled them in in pencil before doing it finally and don't forget to photocopy them of course.

    Oh Aidan!! We ate in the dark once in Stratford!! It was fun too we were having pasta. Not such fun for those whose food hadn't been cooked yet I expect!

    I am munching on a savoury crepe and wow! How quickly has the enchanted forest become autumnal! :shock:

    Today is sunny so much better for getting Bette made pristine :D the big Tescos are fun, but use one of their buggies!

    Sounds like the services are upping their input with the OT coming and phlebotomy doing INR - they are so the best with bloods :D Well them and anaesthetists! Glad Mum perked up a bit and found the missing pills :roll: bless her! She is doing remarkably well I agree and long may it continue. Top up of ((()))

    DN visits are almost the most important now apart from you and B of course. Good job she went.

    The Isle of Skye! how beautiful, but yes impractical for healthcare :roll: To stay nearby in a purpose built (or adapted) single floor home with everything anyone could desire....and of course sort everyone you love out and then shopping!!! and more shopping!!! Friday it is then :wink:

    The bad feeling turned out to be right didn't it? and I am safely here in the UK just going to visit my Sis Mon/Tue and Wed :) Scary to think of being under all that falling hand luggage. Next time feel free to warn me!

    Awww!!!! Pepe got a kilt already?!! Bless him. Miss Sleek is so exited now the cases have been put away. Except small ones for 2nights. I see some of her treats have been squeezed into a corner. :roll:

    They have been on skype to Mrs D'arcey my sister's cat and she has planned various trips out for them :) Careful observation of gliding will indicate highland dancing practise!

    Today they are gong to visit Tomicat and Jericat and see what they an find out about Kerrin. They couldn't go yesterday due to high winds :(

    Choir tonight - so Barbara can sing I will have a warble today to get ready :?

    A quick hello to Joan a120.gif

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all ..sunny and chilly ..that will do.. :)
    Kath like the others say there are a few post on the pip..and the cab is a very good idea..good luck
    Toni...I would love to join you in the choir..I keep wondering why they didnt ask before.. :lol: your sister will be thrilled to see you.. :D
    Aiden ..I bet you were both really looking forward to the time in the least you got your food before the electric went off.. :lol: so mum does have extra meds..Im afraid this is me...thinking I have run out then we find them at the back of the cupboard :o its good that OT are coming to help..hopefully mum will have a little walk about with the your car will be gleaming..I will have words with Mr B.. :lol: think it might just go over his head .. :?
    The children did come round to play with Niamh..last time they all went next door..but they get on so well and they are twice Niamhs age :)
    Think I might just have more ricotta Crepes they were so good..
    not going out will have to potter...
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Mig Toni Aidan Carol Kathleen and anyone else i missed.
    Barbara i hope you have had a good day. the pain is from my other hip not the artificial one.
    Mig i hope your cold soon goes they wear you out.
    Toni have a lovely time in Scotland.
    Aidan are you master of ceremonies at the wedding. ((((((((Adian's Mum and Dad)))))))).
    Carol don't worry about your weight see next week.
    Kathleen i'm sorry you have that problem.
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my days indeed Aidan, So much help from you all, in fact from Arthritis Care in general. I printed some documentation from the website.

    Toni, I never thought about photo copying the forms when I've filled them in, so thank you muchly for the tip.

    One of our local hospitals have been putting everyone's notes onto computer - quite a lot has been lost. :shock: .

    Haven't had my flu jab yet. :shock: Last year I had it at home, but I don't know what's happening about Rituximab yet. Will wait until I've seen my Rheumy first.

    sfl2 sfl sfl2 sfl sfl2 sfl sfl2 sfl sfl2 sfl sfl2 sfl sfl2 sfl sfl2 sfl

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Off to choir just popped in to pick up Barbara.....ready?


    'Green sleeves' tonight and you might be allowed to play the drum/the pipe (recorder ;) ).

    Lovely that Niamh has some friends next door to you I bet they love her.

    There is loads of info on this site isn't there Kath :) Just don't rush your forms take your time and of course copy them - so worth it for the future or if they ask you a question.

    Remember there are only two rates care now no night rate.

    I hope your notes aren't lost :?

    See you all later

    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Toni I got shivers down my spine when I saw Greensleeves...that was when I realized how bad my voice was..secondary school with our old music teacher..standing on my own at the piano... :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: but I am coming on thanks to your Choir.. :D enjoy... :)
    Kath glad you have got lots of info..its good to be harmed and ready..
    Joan sorry I didnt know it was your good hip, I am thinking you have had both THR like I did..I hope all is well when you have the Xrays we will all be in your pocket..x

    Had a lazy day today... :)
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone. A chilly one it is too, down to 5 degrees I think.

    The manager at the GC said, "do you want a candle" lol, when the lights went out. Glad it was not off for long, as no one could pay, with the till being offline.

    The enchanted forest is wonderful, so many beautiful colours, there was no one about last night, but is was lovely and calm, just leaves falling...........

    Bette is pristine, they did such a fantastic job. She is showroom shine new again. We had plenty of time for two coffees, two toasties and a muffin each :) Then had a little potter around, didn't stray far and wide as the store is like an aircraft hangar. had a good nosey at the electrical, bought some lightweight joggy bottoms.........

    B was very careful driving home, trying to avoid any wet areas on the roads, tippy toeing up our lane. Barely a mark on her, so easy to preen tomorrow, just little bits.

    Thank you for the top up on the hugs, very kind and much appreciated. We popped in to see Mum and Dad on our way out. They were just waiting for the phlebotomist lady, then they were going to the supermarket. Mum wanted to go, so who are we to say no.
    We rang again tonight and just emphasised to drink a bit more, as it makes a huge difference. She said, should we go for coffee today (friday), :? well, we will ring you and check you are up for it and if she says yes, then of course we can go, whenever you want. Bless.

    The Isle of Sky is just magical, I know it has medical centers and a small hospital, but it is just that bit too far from major medical facilities, which I would find worrying to be honest.
    Yep, we are aiming for the Friday jackpot :lol: along with millions of others...........well, someone wins............

    I will warn you if I get an unsure feeling about any travel ventures.

    The puskins will all have a great time, Mrs Darcy leading the way up the glens and over the peaks. Pepe has some winter warming pants, to go under his kilt, sneaky breezes are not allowed :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    Pepe said that Jericat and Tomicat were ok, but nothing was said about Kerrin and hubby............. :? :? I do hope they are ok.

    Hi there Barbara, sunny and chilly is fine by me too, far easier to get warm, than try and cool down.

    I think we all make boobies with medication orders, taking half the contents of the pharmacy, it is no surprise really :shock: :shock:

    Mum is doing ok with her bubble packs of tablets, all set out for each day. We are taking each day as it comes and playing things very much by ear and by eye. Matron is on high alert.

    Oh Mr B, you must have your car valeted, it was £20, ( I gave them £25) for tip to toe gleamingness. Worth every penny.

    Lovely that the kiddies from next door came round, great that they all get on so well together. How is their Mum doing, any news on more court dates?

    Hi Joan I hope the pain your other hip soon goes, sending extra hugs for it to go away ((()))
    Thank you for the lovely hugs for Mum and Dad.
    I don't know about Mater of Cermeonies, but Bill is chauffeur and we must get the bride to the Church on time :) it is only half a mile from us, a tiny little Chapel, so so cute. We will be packed in like sardines in a tin :shock: :lol::lol: :cake:

    Kath, we will all help you as much as we possibly can with your PIP application. I know everyone would do the same for me and anyone else who has to go through yet more hoops.
    I always take about three copies, then I can give one to the GP, one to my Consultant, just so they are aware of the things that go down, ie the help needed at home or when out and about, the difficulties with walking, the fear of falls, everything that daily living involves and we need help with.

    That is not good if there is information being lost, when it is going onto the computer system. Big ooops.

    Hopefully your appointment will be soon for the Rheumy (don't forget to mention your PIP). I can pop round and do your flu jab, won't take a tick.

    I see Greensleeves is the song for the choir Toni, I am sure Barbara is ready and in full voice. Pepe and Miss Sleek said it was very tuneful, they were watching on the crystal ball.

    You did right having a lazy day. Not had one of those for a while now.

    OK I had better do some more pottering. Hi to everyone, Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth, Carol, Christine, and all. Sending hugs far and wide.

    I just had to pop back into the enchanted forest, cannot resist Autumn.


    What shall we munch on this morning?

    Maple syrup pancakes with snickers ice cream - mmmmmmmmmm


    N Night, XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well now I didn't think the snickers ice-cream would work (anyway it's marathon!!!) but it did!! Yu thank you very much Aidan.

    Choir was indeed very tuneful. We have a christening on the 22nd so we need Barbara now the sell has worked wonderfully well. It I for the greater good as it is to prevent the Church windows being blown out after all :?

    Bette is all ready is she? I can imagine Bill tippy-toeing her down your lane. We have to do the same down ours too :lol:

    Mum sounds to be not too bad to be shopping as well as wanting to go to the GC. If she's up to it a good idea you can fill her up with more liquid! :)

    Just leaves falling in the enchanted garden eh? sounds blissful I bet there is dappled sunlight and no chilly wind too :roll:

    Now Miss Sleek has come in and said that Jericat and Tomicat's Mummy has been a bit sore, but is ok she forgot to tell me yesterday.

    She thinks Pepe looks wonderful in his kilt, (with undergarments), but is trying to persuade him to leave his bagpipes behind :?

    Don't forget your lottery tickets folks!! :D:D

    Morning Joan :) I am looking forward to seeing my sister very much. I will take warm clothes up there with me though. :shock: I hope all is well with you two. Heating ok?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Toni Aidan Kathleen and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I've had the ex-ray I see the Doctor next week. I hope you have a good day.
    Toni have they got snow there yet.
    Aidan you enjoy the day love to your Mum in law and Dad.
    Kathleen. We care about you don't worry.
    have a good weekend everyone
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You are all so good, yes Joan, I know you care about me, as I do all of you.

    Aidan, it's my rheumy appointment this coming Monday, (9th October) and I have loads to discuss with her, must take notes with me.

    Kerrin, I'm so sorry you have been sore. We are all thinking of you in the cafe.

    Isn't it Skye where they have @up helly ah'? Oh no, that's Shetland. Seen it on TV, it looks so exciting.

    I wonder when we will have some new Autumnal smilies? Squirrels, and perhaps some birds. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all cold here but its nice to wrap up..does this make me odd.. :lol:
    Joan I am with you now..I do get mixed up these days..I hope all is well when you see the Dr...I know you just take things has they come..but we will be under the cloak..(())
    Aiden I see you are the same, dont mind wrapping up to get warm ..its the cooling down.. :lol: I have never been to the Isle of Sky..but have seen how beautiful it is on the TV..shout a bit louder about the car valet think my OH might just be listening.. :roll: then again...yes mum will do what she wants and that is good..bless her..not long now then till the wedding ..oh how exciting when you have had so much input.. :D
    Toni I will try my best ..especially for the christening.. :D how nice...oh to be in the enchanted forest..just so peaceful.. :D I hope the church windows are safe this what they are raising money for.. :?
    Kath you are very you say we look after each other.. :)
    Aiden asked how is my neighbour..the next court appearance will be 8 weeks when they get the police report..but he is so desperate to see his children he is going away for a month :shock: ..anyhow she is getting there and I have told her she will find happiness something he never will....
    Maple syrup pancakes with I dreaming... :D:D
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not raising money for the Church windows Barbara just without your singing spells they might have exploded :oops: sorry :oops:

    It's a double Christening you must come :)

    Naughty neighbour!! Going away with his new bit of stuff no doubt for a lovely month without any children :x :x

    Kath it's worth speaking to your rheumy about your PIP application too she may get your latest letter out to you ASAP so you can add a copy to your forms.



    I asked my sister no snow yet up there I hope w don't get snowed in!! We nearly did once, but that was New Year I think :? . We'll be under the cloak for your X-ray results :)


    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone. Just started to rain, after quite a chilly, but pleasant day.

    You are quite right Toni, they are Marathon bars. Snickers is the US name for them.
    Taste good though on the pancakes :) Do you remember Topic's, a hazelnut in every bite. I loved those.

    I digress.

    Oh you will definitely need Barbara if there is a double Christening, with the spell working a treat, it will save the windows being shattered :lol::lol: honest Barbara, I am not laughing........... :?

    Yes, Bette, or Miss M, is pristine, there was a tad of dirt after the little journey to the GC, but I had a cloth so that was sorted immediately. What a pity it is going to be so wet today, for the wedding. Not to worry, it will be fine. We have the ribbon to put on the car today, a final preen and all ready for off. Getting the Bride to the Church on time :) Less than half a mile away.

    We did make it to the GC, with Mum n Dad, Mum said her legs were not as painful today, felt easier with walking, which was good. She was brighter and enjoyed her coffee and two thirds of a crumpet with Jam and butter.
    There was a bit of a cafuffle over the grill on the oven, before we left, so I dropped a HUGE hint that a toaster would be a really good thing for them..............Sainsbury's were having a bit of an electrical sale, so I announced VERY loudly, Look at these lovely toasters. Duly bought. Phew, no more faffing about with the grill.

    We bought a new kettle, chilli pepper red, really nice it is too.

    Dappled sunlight in the forest of falling leaves, for sure, just wonderful, perfect temperature of course.

    Sorry to hear that Kerrin is sore, sending hugs down country and the bush babies are on their way.

    I noticed Pepe packing his bagpipes into the wardrobe, so I think they are staying at home, much to Miss Sleeks relief :roll: :roll: :lol:
    He was trying his kilt on tonight, found it difficult to glide on the carpet, with so many pleats :lol::lol: :?

    Lottery tickets all bought, just waiting for the email now...........................might be waiting a long time :roll: :roll:

    I am sure you will have a lovely time visiting your Sister and Mrs Darcy of course. Cool weather clothing is necessary for sure.

    Hope all are well, Lucy Tia Charley Paul.............Has the wisteria settled in?

    Hi there Joan. Thank you, I will give Mum n Dad extra hugs. We will pop round in the morning with their eldest GD comes over to see them. She will see a big difference I am sure :?
    I hope the x ray results are ok, we will be with you when you go to see the Dr.

    We will be with you on Monday Kath, when you go to see the Rheumy. We will bring some Bush Babies and pygmy possums with us.

    Taking notes is a great idea and certainly mention the PIP form and ask for their help, I am sure they are quite used to giving advice and letters to their patients, in support of the claims.

    I was thinking about some autumn smilies, leaves and things :)

    Loving the picture of the Stags in the forest. It is the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness :)

    Hi Barbara, the Isle of Sky is just magical, all the islands along the western coast are wonderful and the Outer Hebridees are stunning.

    Mr B, it is VERY important to have a valet, VERY.................did he hear me :?

    It is good that Mum is doing as much as she can, one very determined lady.
    The wedding is almost upon us, 5pm, quite late, but a lot of her family live a long way off, so they need time to get here.

    How kind of her ex, to go away for a month, it is all going against him without a doubt. Selfish individual.

    No, you are not dreaming, enjoy the pancakes. :D

    Hi to everyone else, Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all.

    We seemed to loose most of the day, before we knew it, it was gone 3pm. :shock:
    Had a nice nap, recharged the batteries a little. Lazy evening, just a little pottering. Ironing shirts etc today, ready for the wedding. We have to be smart. I will put a nice piccie on. We won't stop late at the "do" afterwards. I start to fade by evening, they understand fully. We will meet and greet and smile a lot, then wend our way.
    They are having a huge BBQ, hope it is covered..............

    I will sit and wait for an email from the lottery, maybe pop into the forest and see how it looks tonight.

    All the lovelies in the sanctuary are happy, the keepers are very busy and the super Vets are doing their rounds tonight.



    Now, let me see what there is for breakfast.


    N Night all, everyone take lots of care. I might not get on until late today..........XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed.
    Kathleen write down what you want to say to the Pip lady so you get it all in.
    Barbara have a good weekend and enjoy the pancakes.
    Toni I hope it's not too cold there.
    Aidan you and everyone have a good day. ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ding, ding, de, de, de, de ,de, ding, de, de, ding, de, ding!!!!


    I am sure you B and Bette are all looking spick and span and he day will be fabulous whatever the weather does Aidan :D

    I am very pleased to hear Mum ate so much and felt so much better yesterday too :) Keep it up Mum. We-done for getting them to buy a toaster that will make life easier. I love red our kitchen at the last house was white units black granite work tops and red accessories :)

    I do very much like topics (a hazelnut in every bite!!) and marathons too yum, but I can't eat them too often now got to think of the waistline.

    We don't really know if Kerrin is sore What if Miss Slimkins is making it up :? mind you she is quite intuitive you know and Kerrin has been AWOL :?

    Miss S told Pepe that his bagpipes might get stolen up in Scotland and anyway they might unbalance the broomsticks so I am very pleased to hear he's packed them away safely :wink:

    The wisteria looks fine - the leaves are changing colour as they should be now?? is yours? Must peep at Pom's later if I can :?

    Hi Joan we are warm enough thanks I hope you are too heating behaving?

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Chip shop today, so no gazebo.

    Toni, if my rheumy sends my latest letter out ASAP, that would mean I'd get it in 5 weeks and not 7. :roll:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all or is it evening.. :?
    Aiden I hope the weather cleared up for the wedding..the car must have been spick and span with you and a cloth..and after the the bide was very proud to be driven in it :D ooh I do love a wedding not been to one for ages..
    So glad to hear that mum was a little brighter and her legs weren't has painful bless her.. :) now who is buying the toaster the GC or mum and dad..another topic between me and OH he says grill and say toaster.. :lol: you rest up when you get home..
    Toni I am with you .. :lol: the church windows ..I will do my best at they have church bells I am good at ring those... :lol: I think the weather in Scotland has been much better for a few years hopefully not to bad for you..when are you going .. :)
    Joan I adore pancakes ..but always sweet..hope both of you are able to get out and about wise...
    Kath you just keep chasing the paper work ..and hopefully you will get it in time..good luck with it all..
    Another lazy day for me..just cant get going.. :roll: will have to wait for the repeat bloods to come back to see is all is well..or maybe I need a boot up the bum... :lol:
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Typical Kath :roll: not soon enough for your PIP application at all :roll:

    Fish and chips for us too tonight :)

    I think the weather is ok in Scotland ATM so we'll be fine. We've booked into a nice hotel with a pool so can pretend we are in Benidorm. With the added pleasure of seeing my sister and her pusskin :)

    The Church windows will be just fine now the cats have put a spell on your singing....and yes yet up there and ring our bell :)

    It's proper raining here now :(

    I hope the Wedding went well I bet it did :)


    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Kathleen and anyone else I missed
    Toni yes the heating is working we only have it on at night.
    I hope you have all had a good day.
    Barbara yes we have sweet pancakes. I hope you've had a good day.
    Kathleen chip shop chips are lovely. and the cheese and onion fry it.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    No I have not vanished of the face of the earth I have had a rough few days with the good old arthritis reminding me of its existence and have not been able to sit still long enough to post still in a lot of pain but it is better than it was.

    hope everyone is doing ok

    must now have another potter around again. before I stiffen up again.

    night night all hopefully I will be able to spend more time on here tomorrow.
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to one and all.................nice to be home and relaxing..........

    The wedding went very well, it was lovely. B did a sterling job of chauffering us all to the Chapel and the bride was there in perfect time.

    Everyone looked very smart. The service went well and the reception at the village hall was fabulous.
    I lasted from 4pm until 8pm, then we had to say cheerio, my back was screaming - Pews are never the most comfortable of seats.

    Thank you Joan, everything went well, up to the time of us leaving :) Thank you for the extra hugs, you are such a love. I hope you and Sue are feeling a lot better now and the colds are going. Hugs that the pain in your hip is improving too.

    We all looked as wonderful as possible Toni :) Despite the rains, Bette stayed remarkably clean, given the plethora of leaves on our lane.

    We went round to Mum & Dads this morning, at 11, as Niece was coming over to visit. No Mum and Dad...........we have a key, so we went in, we all had coffee, nattered, waited, 12.30, mum n dad come back...........I think they had totally forgotten about Niece coming, just said, well we had to get the shopping :? :? Anyway, we left our Niece with them and we came home to start getting ready for the wedding.
    Mum was certainly brighter the other day, eating her crumpet and enjoying her coffee.

    Today she seemed a bit more vacant. Each day is different and we can only take one step at a time.

    B and SIL are coming today. It's all go here........................

    I have a little chocolate every night, with my last cup of T. about three squares (not blocks ) :lol::lol:

    I do hope Kerrin is ok. We might have to get the bus out and head South to London Town.

    Pepe didn't seem to mind not taking his bagpipes. He did mention a haggis, a veggie one...........not sure if they are going to eat it, or play Quidditch with it :shock: :shock: Miss Sleek was talking about the Highland Fling and taking T at Balmoral while they are up there. Well, why not eh.

    The bigger wisteria is going over to autumn colours. The smaller one is growing like mad :shock:

    I imagine Pom's is doing just as it should be............just ours that are going a little awry.

    Chip shop for Kath, very nice too.........5 weeks to get a letter from the Rheumy, gosh, that seems an awful long time :? :roll:
    Don't forget we are all on hand to help in any way we can with your pip application :) I see Toni is having fish and chips too, envious now.

    The weather was not too bad for the wedding thank you Barbara. There was a break in the skies for the photo's, no one was drenched, all in all, the rain stayed away until everyone was at the village hall.

    It is a long long time since I went to a wedding. Well over 20 years I bet.
    Mum n Dad bought the toaster, on our recommendation. Saves a lot of messing about and bending down to the grill.

    We are resting up now, I am fully up to speed with Tramadol and my back is now down to a dull shout, rather than a screech.

    I am sure you don't need a kick up the proverbial, it does not hurt to have lazy days. When will you hear about your bloods?

    Miss Sleek said that the Church windows are shatterproof, so sing and ring to your hearts content Barbara :)

    Hi Carol, sorry that you have been having a rough time over the past few days. The bush babies and possums are on their way. Extra ((())) winging their way down country.

    I am sure most of us can sympathise with the not being able to sit for any length of time - tomorrow I will be hurting, I just know it. Pottering is an art form and we have perfected it, to combat arthur as best we can.

    Look forward to hearing your news, when you are feeling less ouchy.

    I had better think about moving too. It has been a long day, with no naps.

    All the lovelies are fine, the vets did a full check up on them all last night. Johnny is on tonight, he has a large truck with him, so not sure what he has rescued??

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Mig, Charrisse, Elizabeth, Christine and all.

    N Night, take lots of care. XXXX Aidan

    To the new Mr and Mrs W, congratulations.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).