Val's Cafe
Carol you poor thing!
I was just starting to think we'll have to nip over to facebook see if you are ok. All you can do is rest up as best you can. Sending hugs to you and....oh Aidan has already sent bush-babies so that's good. I hope you have pusskin news soon xxx
Joan I have put out heating back on the timer - Paul was cold!! :shock: Glad yours is working ok
Aidan I am very pleased to hear that the rain didn't get the bride/groom or ruin the photosWell-done!! Did she look lovely? I bet she did
You will have to join Carol in resting and taking things easy for a while. Extra painkillers yes those too. Have you got any bush-babies too? Pepe told Miss S about you being out and abandoning them all and the dress, (of course!), and that his Drs kit has come back out from behind his bagpipes :? Hugs from me Aidan, until it settles.
The pusskins will almost certainly take tea at Balmoral - they met one of the cats from there at Hogwarts apparently. Miss S has tld him haggis are animals larger than voles :roll: she is naughty! I think she likes it when he faints so she can fuss over him. :oops:
Seems like Mum is very much up and down. I can't believe they forgot your niece was coming although that might have been as much Dad to be fair :? S and BIL today then? Hope today is a good day.
Pom's wisteria is going Autumnal. We didn't win the quiz, but were nowhere near last so that's ok and the fish and chips were lovely fetched by Pom's husband.
Supervet was very happy with all the animals I was there for part of the assessment, but it backfired a little
Just a few nails to clip and that was it! Oh and there's a baby on the way...not sure where though yet.....
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
The Mig household have been hit by the lurgy ! Im not so bad now its just about cleared but hubby OH MY LORD ladies do I need to say anymore. :roll:0
Have put a couple of pics of the wedding on FB, so you can see our lovely neighbours and the hall, all decorated.
Not been in long, so running out of day time. Will write more later.
Love to all. XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
sorry, forgot to leave some wedding cake, to go with TXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Evening all..late again.. :shock:
Mig my OH has a rotten chest infection..but will he go to the docs will he will go says him.. :roll:
Joan hope that heating is ok its time for it to come on....last night was the first I have felt cold..
Carol I hope it eases very soon..I think it might be the change in the weather,maybe in a couple of months our body's might be use to it..I hope.. :shock:
Aiden I am so glad to hear the wedding went well, and there was a break in the weather for pics..good on you staying till you say rest and more rest for now..I had to laugh at mum and dad appearing and you were all sat least they got to see there niece..such a lovely wedding cake and a shame to cut it..but needs must..I will have a look at FB..
Toni I think your wisteria will be will be established next year oh dear what are you doing under the hippo...hope you get to its toe nailsmaybe the next quiz..something I am rubbish at but OH is very good...
We had a surprise visit off our eldest GD..she has the weekend we took her out for something to eat..she was on her own again..not sure what is going on..but she will tell in her own time..
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Have had a lovely day indoors today just pottering around when needed. decided I would not go to church this morning I did not fancy sitting for an hour or more on a hard church pew. Mr T went as he is the church organist so had to go anyway so I had a nice quite morning. and of course after dinner Mr T was asleep on the sofa most of the afternoon as usual so it has been a quite day all round.
Aidan Beautiful photos of the Wedding. Sorry your back is protesting oh the joys of Arthur I agree church pews are not the most comfortable things to be sitting on for any length of tme.
Toni yes I have the bushbabies, Kittens and pygmy possum all checking up on me, all very cuddly pain is easing a bit now am trying not take extra painkillers as they cause me problem with certain important bodily functions. we have not heard anything from the rescue centre i'm thinking we may have to contact them re pusskins but at the moment we are trying to get the money together to get a garden storage unit under the kitchen window so that we can then show them we have taken their suggestion on board. and then we will see what happens our application is still with them. so hopefully not too long now.
The cuddlies have all returned except for one kitten one bushbaby and one pygmy possum who say they are staying to keep an eye on me still.
Aidan have had a piece of the wedding cake and a cuppa it was yummy.
Hi Barbara yes the pain is easing now after a day indoors today hopefully I will be ok by the morning.
Off now to potter for a bit
will post again soon
Have a good rest of the evening everyone. sfl0Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Aidan the photos are lovely the dress perfect and the hall wow!! Looked like a posh hotel
and thank you a slice of cake is very welcome
Oh mig you poor girl :shock: can I do anything to help? a vat load of patience maybe, some strength, temporary deafness or a live in nurse?
Barbara I do hope all is well with your eldest GD's relationshipYou can't push them it will come out in her time.
I am ok at quizzes really mediocre not terrible, but I could practise?
Yes the hippo sat on me because I was checking whose toenails needed cutting
This little chap had missed me!
Let's hope you're right about my wisteria I will be happy with even one flower :?
Carol you were wise to take it easy and not sit on a hard pew just now.
I am pleased to hear all the cuddly pain-relieving animals have prevented you needing too many tablets. Good you are keeping one of each until they are certain you are ok
I know what you mean about certain bodily functions being affected :shock: :shock:
Yes get the garden store then you can chase up the rescue centre Pepe and Daisycat won't let anyone else have 'the right' pusskin for you
Right better get on still ironing for our Scottish trip
Toni xx0 -
Aiden, I worked out it will take me at least 16 more years to reach my 100th blood donation so I’ve a long wait to go out for dinner. Hope your sore mouth has cleared up. I saw the photos of the wedding. Sometimes the small churches/chapels are the loveliest. Glad it went well. You did well staying till 8 pm. Good to hear that Mum perked up again and her legs aren’t so sore.
Toni, sorry to hear you’re not going to Benidorm. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with your sister in Scotland, especially if you have a pool and can pretend it is Benidorm. Greensleeves is such a lovely song. I remember singing it in school. Poor you having a hippo sat on top of you. Hope you managed to push him off.
Kath , I hope it turns out ok for with the PIP. I’m not surprised you are worried but, as the others have said, there will be plenty of help. It’s your appointment tomorrow. Good idea to take notes with you. We’ll be there with you.
Joan, hope whatever is bothering your hip isn’t anything too bad and hope your cold is starting to clear up. Is your heating still working properly? You’ll be needing it now.
Mig, glad to hear you are feeling better now. You only have to mention your OH has a cold and us ladies know exactly what you mean.
Carol, glad your sodium level has risen to normal. Your mum must have been very loved with all the flowers on her grave. Sounds as if you are in a lot of pain at the moment. Hope that doesn’t last long.
Barbara, there’s no way you would be forgotten. Your family obviously love you so much. How could your neighbour’s ex go away for a month knowing he won’t see his kids? Thinks too much about himself. Your OH has a chest infection. Typical man not wanting to go to the doctor. Hope all is well with your eldest GD.
Kerrin, someone mentioned you are feeling sore. Not for long I hope.
Dad’s assessment also said that no-one was visiting him despite me going every Friday afternoon. Last Friday, one of the carers said, “Hello stranger. Haven’t seen you for a while.” My sisters are furious about it and want to make an appointment to talk to the manager about it. They have told me they only go once every 2 – 4 weeks so no wonder the carers don’t see them.
I spent 2 hours in the garden after work on Monday and filled 4 waste bags with the honeysuckle and half of the clematis. I was determined to get it done.
Yesterday, I met up with 2 school friends in York. Didn’t see much of the city, only the coffee shops as we spent so much time chatting. It was lovely to see them againChristine0 -
A late evening to everyone, better get writing, or it will be a good morning instead :roll: :roll:
It was good that the rain held off for the photo's Toni. When they went to sign the Register, the sun beamed out and filled the Chapel with light, it was lovely.
The Vicar was a little bit too jokey for our liking. He was telling M and G about the mice in the Chapel :shock: :shock: they ate through his Stole.
The whole place was filled with fruits and vegetables for Harvest Festival, so the mice will have a field day :?
I think I am on top of the ouches, keeping them to their usual "I am there" level. It is a long time since I sat on such uncomfortable pews.
I found some possums under my bedding, bless them. Nice gentle little hugs.
I guessed that Pepe would mention that we had gone out and left them, with no food, no water, no warmth, no fleeces............etc etc. :roll: He was out with his Drs bag last night, fortunately his light probe turned to jelly.:?
Ah, that is why Pepe was mentioning giant Scottish voles, that look like balloons - Miss Sleek, you are a tease. He will faint, I just know it.
They will have to be on their best behaviour when they go for T at Balmoral.
I think it was a combination of forgetting that our Niece was coming over, despite our reminding them 5 times, the day before. No harm was done, she stayed with them for most of the afternoon which was nice.
Mum is certainly more down, than up at the moment. B and SIL came over today, Dad rang and said, do we want to go out for lunch, so I said yes, that would be lovely. We all went to the GC, managed to get the last table for the 6 of us. Mum only ate two little bites of a tea cake and some ice cream. :? :? We don't think she should have gone, but she said she was ok........she was so tired by the time we had finished lunch. Dad insisted on paying.....
Sorry you didn't win the quiz, but coming way up from last, is fine and then fish and chips, perfect.
Goodness, the Hippo sat on you, Hippo's, did I see Hippo's, we didn't have them the other day? Johnny must have had them in the big truck.
I will have to have a wander round, see which one of our lovelies look to be expecting :shock:
Oh Mig, you have the lurgy, glad yours is clearing up. Oh dear, Hubby has it super bad I take it, has he taken to his bed and keeps ringing for room service :roll: :roll:
Now then, we have to get Mr B to the Dr's Barbara, chest infections can turn nasty, I have known patients develop pneumonia within a matter of minutes, so, listen to Matron and get one of the surgery team, to listen to your chest. Some things do go on their own, but some don't. Time to make an appointment.
It was a lovely cake, but, they are made to be eaten, so cut away, dig in.
Nice to have a surprise visit from your GD, on her own. As you say, people tell, in their own time, when they have thought things through. Hope the lunch was good.
I don't blame you for staying at home Carol, pews are not comfy by any stretch of the imagination.
A quiet day indeed, with Mr T falling asleep in the afternoon..........bless, a sleepy Sunday, very nice. Glad you are feeling a bit better.
All the hugs from the Bush Babies, Kittens and Possums will soon banish those ouches.
I hope you don't have to wait too long for the puskin to come along. Miss Sleek and Pepe will get on the case and see what is going on.
Glad you liked the pictures Toni. We chose well with the dress. It was just perfect.
The hall did look lovely, not too fussy, just right, it did look fab.
There, you have now met our neighbours
Do we have Koala Bears too, has Blush got new friends, there is so much bamboo it is difficult to see in there. I did smell Eucalyptus.
Did you manage to finish the ironing for the trip to Scotland? Kilts and the like
Hi Christine, lovely to see you.
Another 16 years to get your free dinner for blood donating. Gosh, that is a long time.
My mouth is still sore, I am going to see my GP this week, I am on his "chronic" list........... :shock:
I did do well, 4 hours was more than enough, I was nearly horizontal by the time we left, when you are smiling and kisses all round and all you want to do is get home and take pain killers. It was lovely though, we enjoyed it very much.
That is terrible, saying that your Dad has little or no contact with visitors. I would be cross too. Who did the assessment? The managers?
You did well filling all those bags, with excess honeysuckle and clematis. Both of which can get a bit out of hand and need taming.
I love York, all those wonderful coffee shops, don't worry about seeing the Town, coffee and cakes are far more important
I hope your eyes are not too bothersome.
Kath, we will be there, with you, under the cloak. Miss Sleek has her dictaphone with her, to make sure nothing is missed. Get them primed for the PIP form and the deadline you have to get the information back to the DWP. ((()))
Hi to Kerrin, some extra hugs your way ((())), as well as to Elizabeth, Joan, Charrisse and all.
We will be going round to Mum n Dads this morning, see how things are. We won't be suggesting coffee or trips out, we will assess once we are there, if she seems up to popping to the supermarket, if not, we will get what they need.
Better see what Pepe is creating such a noise about :roll: :roll: He is batting my grabber and long shoe horn, which are on the back of my chair, just to make sure he gets the attention.........bless his socks.
Everyone take lots of care. XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Christine Carol Mig Toni Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
Christine how are you getting on.
Carol sorry rather is playing you up it wears you out.
Mig I'm glad you feel better.
Toni I hope you have a good day.
Barbara yes our heating is on in the evenings.
Aidan I'm pleased the wedding went well with your help. ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad)))))))).
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all its not still morning.. :?
Aiden so the vicar went over the top with his jokes.. :roll: how lovely to see the church decked out for Harvest festival..I used to love that time of the year when I was at school..helping to take the parcels to the elderlyso lovely to wake up to cuddles off the possums..hope you are not in toi much pain today...bless your mum I would put my money on her wanting to go out..
I hope she makes it..sand can eat a little more..I remember my mum wanting to go toi North Wales for a caravan like we always did..she was so poorly..we had to come home after a couple of days..but looking back I am so glad she got there..thinking about you all (())
Christine you do have a long time to wait for that badge..that is awful the care home saying no one visits dad..I can only imagine how that makes you feel..glad to hear you are all getting on to the did well in the garden..something we or OH has to do is get all the honeysuckle out..I do love York..and have been meaning to have a couple of days there...nice to chat to friends over coffee..
Carol bless so you are getting a shelter for the cat to jump onit is in for such a good home..yes you ring them when you are ready..glad to hear you have had a nice quiet day..the church pews are something I cant do anymore...
Toni what a lovely friend you have there giving you a welcome cuddle..yes I am sure it will all come out with our GD...
I think it might be something to do with her GF going to uni far away..
when are you off to Scotland..nice to have it to look forward to..
Joan glad to hear your heating is working ok..hope you have this lovely sun to get out in...
Just had a letter about bloods..more test to be done on these kidneys..I cant believe getting a letter ..our other surgery, you had to keep ringing, then after 3 weeks the gp would look at them :roll:
Right better move..oh Aiden OH is listening to you he has made an appointment..for a I rang them back and said its more urgent then thankyou Aiden
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
I think my rheumy tells fibs. I told her about PIP, and she says they won't contact her!But my GP. So why did they ask for two contacts? Then when talking about Rituximab, I mentioned that they are trialling subcut injections. She denied it outright! My FB RA group have all heard about the.
I had my bloods done, and all is satisfactory. Next appointment April 2018. She gave a wry smile when several little paws mysteriously appeared from under the cape."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara and anyone else I missed
Kathleen i'm pleased everything went as well as it could. strange the Doctor did not know about the injection's.
Barbara I'm pleased your bloods went well sorry about your kidneys. I hope your O/H gets on alright at the Doctors.
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Just a quick post to say that we have arrived in Scotland safely. Lovely hotel 4 poster bed. Will take photos. I hope you are all well
Toni xxx0 -
Evening to everyone. It was warm earlier, now we have just put the heating on...... :roll: It is that "in between time" of year.
Hi Joan, yes, everything went well at the wedding. I know we didn't stop late, Church pews and too much sitting about, took its toll on my bones. I am back to normal now :? :?
Thank you for the hugs for Mum n Dad, you are so kind. I hope you are both ok now, sending those nasty bugs packing.
Hope the heating is working for you, I know you both like to be warm.
Hi Barbara, don't worry, I am clueless as to morning, afternoon or eveningI have to look at my phone to tell me what day it is.
I always likes Harvest Festival at Dads Church, all the youngsters used to bring all their gifts to the altar, it was like a fruit and veg stall by the end of the service :shock: It all went to good use though.
Yes, the Vicar was a bit "off the wall", but everything went ok. The organist missed out the last verse of the hymn, everyone took a breath, to start the last verse and he stopped and put the music away:? :?
We went round to Mum n Dads Monday morning, Mum said are we going for coffee, of course we are, if you feel up to it, whatever you want. We did, Mum was fair, a couple of times she went very vacant, I suspect small TIA's. By the time we had been to the supermarket she had more than had enough.
She is seeing her GP today, for a check up..........we will see what they say, well, what we can glean, we are not told everything I am sure.
More bloods to be done, let's hope they are not too out of kilter. The surgery sounds on the ball, we can get our results within 2 days.
I am very proud of Mr B for making an appointment with the Dr. (even if you brought it forward and rightly so). Best to be checked, there are some nasty bugs about at the moment, as I well know. Will we need to be under the cloak?
I am sure your GD is not happy about her GF being so far away., very difficult, being apart like that. ((()))
Hi Kath, I am surprised that the Rheumy said that the DWP won't contact them, for the PIP form. I would put their details down, as well as your GP and anyone else who is involved in your care needs. The more the better. They say it is not about what is wrong with you, but more about how it impacts your daily life and how much care and support you need.
I am sure they will know about the new drugs, but, if they are on trial at the moment, they would not want to give an opinion until the drug goes into circulation.
Glad all the bloods are satisfactory, good news
The Bush Babies were very inquisitive and wanted to run around the room, we had to hang on to them..........
Hi Toni, up in Bonnie ScotlandGlad you are there, safe and sound and the hotel is lovely. Yes, pictures will be very welcome, please and thank you.
Miss Sleek has already been up, she phoned Hermione and asked for a transportation visit, just to see where you all had gone. She was telling Pepe all about it and he was suitably impressed.
I think they are both going to meet up with Mrs Darcy at some point today, Hermione is having a day off so Minerva will transport them up across the border.
Pepe has his Kilt out, ready to wear today, bless. He has had his Elizabethan collar trimmed, it was getting a wee bit long. Miss Sleek will be impressed.
Enjoy your time with your Sis.
We are doing our own thing today, well, that is the plan. Mum is at the Drs, so we will pop round a few shops, for bits that we need.
B is busy making new design bracelets, chain mail and all sorts. they are wonderful. I would not know where to start. give me a ward of patients to look after and I will be fine.
Hi To Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all. Hugs all round.
A walk in the enchanted Autumn forest was lovely, great that ones legs and knees don't hurt when you are in there and I could climb the steps so easily.
Back to reality, I had better have another potter......... :roll: :roll:
Let me find some breakfast goodies. Everyone take lots of care XXXX Aidan
Honey and goats cheese, fig muffins.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone.
Sorry I’ve been missing the past few weeks. No excuse, life has just been busy.
The joints continue to freak, head continues to hurt, School life is busy and competitions have started and I am still swimming. Other than that not much news. And my arm is still bruised from my last blood test.
Hope you are all ok. Will try and catch up.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
The Bush Babies were very inquisitive and wanted to run around the room, we had to hang on to them..........
I'm not in the least bit surprised, they certainly brightened my day.
Kerrin, So pleased to see you back.You need some extra time from the secret garden.
Must have a couple of those muffins, they look delish.
4 poster bed, Toni I do hope it's comfy and that you sleep well. Hope the porridge is to your liking."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - quite warm today, or is it the amount of coffee I have had at Costa :? :? :shock:
Kerrin, lovely to see you and sending a huge amount of hugs your way ((()))
No need to apologise, we just get concerned when we don't hear from our friends.
The bush babies are en route and the pygmy possums, to offer gentle hugs and cuddles.
Sorry your are ouchy. I would not have bruised you, taking blood, I was v good at phlebotomyif I do say so myself.
Take care, lots of care
Kath is right, you need a gentle wander in the secret garden or the enchanted forest, all pains go away, it is wonderful.
I will certainly have a bowl of that lovely porridge Kath, it looks delicious.
I bet Toni is having a lovely time, with 4 poster bed, swimming pool, very nice too. I would be in the pool, like a beached whale:shock: :?
Pepe said they have already been up to Glen Coe, Minerva transported them there and they had a wonderful time with Mrs Darcy. Pepe's kilt was fair wafting in the breeze :shock:good job he had his plus fours on.
They have been talking to Jericat and Tomicat too.
We went out and did a trip to the tip to get rid of a HUGE cardboard box and lots of foam that was in it. Then a nosey round the factory shop, B got a new lightweight jacket, I got...........what did I get? Oh, some washing liquid :roll: :roll: they didn't have any shoes in my sizenever mind.
Then to the vets for more food for his Lordship.
Then to the Costa, for brunch and lots of coffeeThe one in town here is nice and relaxed, very chilled out.
Picked up repeat px at the Drs, then home.
Hi to everyone else. Barbara, I have sent you an email.
Hi to Carol, Christine, Joan, Mig, Toni, Elizabeth and all.
Let me go see what we have to go with afternoon T.
Catch you all later. XXX Aidan
Triple lemon layer cakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed.
Toni a four poster bed I bet that will be comfortable.
Kathleen I hope everything is going has well as it can.
Aidan now you need plenty of rest. ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad I hope everything went well)))))))).
Kerrin. it's nice to see you sorry about all your pain.
take are all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Survived a busy day at school. Teaching part of the day which always means sore ankles!
Swimming tonight then crash.
We are in the process of booking a ski holiday (our late honeymoon) for December. Have accepted that I won’t be able to ski as much as before but hope for an hour or so a day. If that fails there is always hot chic and cakes on the balcony.
I don’t normally bruise when blood is taken, but this time the nurse battled a bit. Normally finds a vein first time.
Jeri and Tomicat are preparing their brooms for take off. Tomi is not impressed that he’s been put in a diet!
4 poster bed and swimming pool. Sounds lovely.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Evening all..guess who has passed his cough onto me..a banging headach runny nose and no Niamh tomorrow I dont want to pass it on to her..
Aiden OH went to see the GP and he has given him ABs and said he should have come another thankyou to you..I just hope mine doesn't go has bad..fingers crossed.
Poor mum she is finding it hard..but has long as she keeps doing things she enjoys..especially being with her family...fancy the vicar shutting the book has everyone was about to sing the next verse..wonder if he was in hurry... :shock: so you bought washing up liquid and B got a coat..maybe next least you got rid of some rubbish at the tip...thankyou for the triple lemon cake..
Kerrin you are suffering..we do worry about one another...I hope you can rest at half term..and have the holiday to look forward you say you can sit on the balcony and watch the world go by..and unwind...
Toni is in bonny Scotland..a four poster and a pool to all enjoy your sister is over the moon to see you..
Kath I hope you can sorted with all the paper work you need..not very helpful some of these consultants..fingers crossed it all goes in your favour..bless there little comforting..
Joan thankyou my OH has ABs now ..he listened to Aiden..someone he has never met ..but at least it workedyes my blood went well and I really like the new surgery...
Got a letter form the surgery saying what bloods they want to repeat...and a water specimen..I didnt expect them to write.. very good service
Love to everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening to all, weather warnings here for very heavy rain :shock:
Hi Joan, thank you for the hugs for Mum n Dad, you are very kind. We would love a day or two of being "at home", but, needs must, we carry on.
I hope you Sue and the lovely doggies are all fine, out and about if the weather is ok. Glad to hear the heating is working as it should.
We had ours on the other night. I think it is forecast to be quite warm for the week end.
Hi Kerrin - I can imagine the ankles to shout, after teaching. Hope the swimming was therapeutic, then you crashed.............
Oh a skiing holiday, how wonderful, even doing a little each day will be lovely. As you say, if not, then watching the world go by from the balcony is my cup of T.
What area do you plan to go to? I hope there is loads of snow, a real winter wonderland.
So the veins were not behaving this time, hence the battle to find one.
So Tomicat is on a diet, oh dear, no doubt he will be telling Pepe and Miss Sleek that he is being starved and deprived :roll: Miss Sleek will be horrified and send food parcels.
I think they might be heading for a trip up to Scotland to fly the Glens and Lochs with the intrepid duo. Minerva will transport them all and bring them home safely.
We are waiting with bated breath for photo's of the lovely hotel that Toni and family are staying sounds a great place. I am sure they are having a super time with family
Hi Barbara, oh dear, let's hope you don't succumb to the bugs that Mr B has been hiding. Hugs that they go as quick as they started.
I am very glad that he has been to the Drs, I don't want to say "I told you so" Mr B, but, I didEven the Dr said you should have come sooner. I will say no more :? :?
Wise not to pass anything on to Niamh.
Mum is finding it hard, very much a struggle, but, if she says she feels ok and wants to go for a coffee, then we will go, whenever she so desires. We think it is a bit too much for her, but, it is not our decision. We can only support and assist.
I think it was the organist that wanted to pack up and go home, missing out the last verse :shock:The Vicar kept saying, "right, where are we up to"? :roll: :roll:
I did think about saying let me do it, I know the order of service like the back of my hand
Yep, Bill got a very light weight jacket, washing liquid for me, I know how to treat myself don't I !!
Now the washing machine sounds like it is on its last legs. We have everything electrical insured, so they will come out and fix it, or replace it if it is beyond hope. I will ring them first thing this morning, cannot be without a washing machine. I think it is the pump that is on the verge of giving up.
The triple lemon cake looked so good. With a little creme fraiche, perfect.
It is good that your surgery is so on the ball. It makes a huge difference, when patients are treated as individuals, not like numbers on a conveyor belt. I hope the next bloods and "sample" are ok.
Hi to everyone else, Toni, Christine, Carol, Kath, Mig, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all.
All the lovelies are doing well, I had a ride round with one of the keepers, it is a huge place now, glad we have the golf carts to ferry us about. I noticed there are baby warthogs, they look so cute, but their Mother wasn't so good tempered :shock: :?
Just a quick peek into the enchanted forest - beautiful
N Night all, XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Good morning to you all. t98112
Loving the Halloween Emojis t120007 t98243 t98247
ChristineYes I am so glad that the sodium levels have at last come up to normal it has taken 2 years to get them right again but a least I don't need a blood test for the next 6 months just to check that it has stayed in normal range. the flowers on mums grave were from 4 of us my sister and elder daughter started them, then my younger daughter added some later in the same day. and I added more the next day. must say they looked really good.
AidanThe hugs from the bushbabies, pygmy possums and kittens certainly did ease the ouchies. think the rescue centre are waiting for us to call them to be honest but Mr T wont ring then and wants us to get a storage cupboard under the window as that is what they are suggesting so that puskins has no problem getting in and out of window when it needs to. and of course as yet Mr T hasn't looked into getting the cupboard as they are not cheap. but to be honest he hasn't really looked. but I suppose he will do it when he is ready. Sorry to hear Mum is more down than up but as you say you can only offer your support. sending her lots of hugs (((((Mum))))).
Joan pain dose really wear you out indeed. people who don't suffer constant pain don't realise how bad it is.
Barbara you can say that again about church pews they are really are uncomfortable I always joke that it's so that you don't fall asleep during the sermon.
Toni hope you are enjoying Scotland.
Kerrin good to see you back sorry the joints are giving you troubles and don't worry about not posting busy times get us all at some time.
It's time for me to sign off before I get ready to go out for a bit of shopping and then meet Mr T for lunch before my knitting group
so off I go t98247 and will see you all soon.
Have a good day t98112Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Morning all..was it warm last night or is it this bug I have :shock:
Aiden I cant moan about this bug or OH will make me see the question can you still get pneumonia after having the jab..I had mine 2 years ago..I forgot to say how lovely the brides dress was..she looked stunning..oh so it was the organist...
that is cheeky..I think you would have done a much better job...
So Pepe and miss sleek are flying over the lochs ..wonder if they will land and take over the four kind of Pepe to even think of sending a food parcel to Tomicat
Carol my late mum used to say the same about the enjoy your lunch out.,.and then relax at the knitting group
Not going anywhere today with this cough and cold..I hate the idea of passing it will go and sit in the enchanted forest for some fresh calmingt120002
Love to everyone xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Aaaargh, what did I press???? My post has gone!!! t98243
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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