Val's Cafe
Hello Kathleen Carol Barbara Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
Kathleen sorry you lost your post I hope the next one behaves it's self.
Carol I hope you are having less pain today.
Barbara I hope your headache has gone and you feel a bit better.
Aidan it's so cold for your Mum in law to go out.((((((((love to Aidan's Mum in law and Dad)))))))).
Kerrin. I hope you find a lovely place for your honeymoon.
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
oooooh, halloween and autumn emoticons, thank you dear Mods. We like leaves
Look what I found in Sainsbury's this morning
Miss Sleek and Pepe are most shocked, but I said they did not have any magic powers and were not able to fly, so that appeased them. It is a no fly zone today, super windy and pouring rain here, like being in a washing machine.
Talking of which, the repair man is coming on Friday, so that is not too bad. I can manage two days, just.
Hi Carol Those hugs do work wonders for the ouches.
You are right, the storage shed / boxes, are not cheap at all, even some of the smaller ones are £100. Best wait until you have one in place though, then puskins route will be easiert98243
Thank you for the hugs for Mum, they are appreciated greatly. We were going for coffee this morning, but she rang and said she had had a bad night, up and down all night to the loo. So didn't want to go out today. We offered to go round and stay a while, but she said, no, she would rather catch up on her sleeps.
We did see Dad in the supermarket, said to ring if he needed us, or ring the D Nurses if concerned. The D Nurse is due tomorrow.
We can but offer to be there and help at any time.
I am sure Church pews are designed to make you sit bolt upright and listen, not to be comfy and doze off :? :?
Hope lunch with Mr T was good and your knitting group productive
Hi Barbara, it was warm last night, I remember being a bit lathered. Then it was cool this morning and I put the heating on a while. :roll: :roll:
Now, if your chest gets bad, you will be off to the GP's. We don't want any more delays in treating chest infections.
Yes, you can still get pneumonia, after the jab, there are different types of pneumonia viral or bacterial, plus inhalational pneumonia.
The dress was lovely, we chose wisely when we took her dress shopping
Yes, the organist was the one who forgot the last verse,
From what I can gather there was only a brief fly over the lochs, with Mrs Darcy. Hermione had to transport them there and back in double quick time.
I hope the enchanted forest clears the airways, at least it is not pouring with rain, or blowing a gale in there.
Oh Kath, your post vanished, what did you press................? Don't worry, as long as you are as ok as possible.
I hope everyone else is ok, not sure if Toni is back from Scotland today or tomorrow. Miss Sleek will let Pepe know I am sure.
Will catch up later, time is running out before naps...............
Love to all. XX Aidan t98112XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
All is calm in the cafe tonight.
Hoping that everyone is as ok as possible.
The rain has finally stopped and the wind has calmed a little. The streams are very noisy and I am sure the river will be very high.
We have had a quiet evening, Mum said she is feeling better than she did this morning, which is good.
Meeting up with Aunt and Uncle at lunchtime. They are coming over to the GC as they know we want to be close to home at the moment. Will be nice to have a catch up and a natter.
Then I am at the Dr's in the afternoon, routine appointment. I already know my blood results, which are ok. I might ask for another series of x rays, to see how much my OA has changed. See what he says.
That will be most of today taken up...........
I hope you are all having a great time in Scotland Toni, home today?
Hi to Christine, Elizabeth, Kath (don't press any buttons, only submit, we don't want you loosing another post).
Hi to Carol, Mig, Kerrin and all.
Let me see how the forest looks t120002
I will sit a while and enjoy the colours.
I forgot to leave some cakes out for T earlier, so I had better not forget breakfast. Something sweet, to give us all some energy
Pecan and caramel sticky buns, sounds good to me
Pepe was on the crystal ball chatting to miss Sleek, hoping that the weather is better today, so they can have a fly around. t98243 t98243
Time for me to have a potter.
Everyone take lots of care, love to all. XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
t98243 t98243 t98243
We're home now
What a journey though torrential rain all the way
The cats had a great time with Mrs Darcey Hermione did help though didn't want anyone lost.
Mrs Darcey is a grey Devon Rex aged about 11/12. She talks for England/Scotland maybe :?
Pepe and Miss S only came up once it was such along journey for them, but Miss S was thrilled to spot a shop on my sister's high street called 'The Wee Kilt Shop'. She nipped in and bought Pepe a sporran for Christmas. He'll love that with his kilt
I heard about those broomsticks :shock: The cats were horrified that such valuable items were being sold in shops!! they are reassured now that they were only toys for children
I will do my best to catch up later properly
Toni xx0 -
Just what we need Bubbles the others are a bit tatty now,ok folk start collecting your mould and frogs and toads ,clean out your cupboards and stack it by the cupboard door but don't go in without a mask cos Im not sure about the noxcious gases might do.0
Shame about my post scooting off into the ether. t120002
My PIP forms are here, :? Expect wails of anxiety and stress, send Bush Babies, and don't be surprised by yells for help.
t98243 t98243 t98243 t98243 t120007 t98112"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..still have a cough, that kept me up all night :roll: ..and OHs ABs have not yest kicked in but I am sure they will soon
Aiden so there are 3 strains of pneumonia..I didnt know that.. not a clue what my injection wonder the stream is making a never stopped here..but today is enjoy your visit with aunt and uncle at the GC have they been there before if not it will be a nice change for them..hope mum has a decent the boorm we have one for the laves..they are much better on the lawn than a brush...
Joan the headache is still there but it will go..hope you both have this nice weather a bit chilly but at least the sun is out
Kath it so annoying when you lose a post..good luck with the pip forms..
Toni you are back I was thinking you had gone for the week...what a beautiful cat..Mr Darcyis it your sisters cat will be busy now unpacking so no need to catch up..just when you are ready
Mig I will have a look at the back of my cupboard..sure there is something there that is suitable... :shock:
Right will help myself to a toffee pecan bunthen a nap...
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Aidan Kathleen Mig Toni Barbara and anyone else I missed
Aidan I hope your Mum is feeling a bit better((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and his Dad)))))))) have a good day Aidan.
Kathleen good luck with the forms keep a cup of tea/coffee near by.
Mig I hope you have had a good day.
Toni I hope it was relaxing in Scotland for you.
Barbara that's good a Doctor's surgery that's helpful. I hope you have had a good day.
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Joan it was lovely in Scotland and my sister has promised to move back down here in the end which is good I totally miss her
All jabbed are you Barbara?? With a cough? Paul has a cold and has generously given it to myself and Lucy :roll: Watch me make no fussFirst one for a few years so all good as Lucy would say
I hope your cough goes soon and your OH recovers ASAP.
Only went to Scotland until Weds as Paul is back at work today.
Mrs Darcey is lovely very affectionate. Puts me in mind of Cris's old cat 'Velcro'!!!
Kath we are all here to help of we can with the PIP forms or any wailing. Try not to tear your clothes or gnash your teeth if you can help it
I hope the Bush Babies have arrived? They were being brought over c/o Pepe and Miss Sleek this afternoon because it was so sunny
Rightyho mig. I have been saving yukkies for you for some months now. I have slugs - large (size and quantity), ectoplasm, dusty cobwebs and some gunk left over from spells which went wrong for the cats. They could be unpredictable of course....
I hope all is well in Aidan's world; Mum and Dad doing ok? B coping as usual I'm sure.
Today I spent some time in the secret garden -the bench was still there and wow was it comfy!! So restfulNo-one was around, but when I stepped back into reality all batteries were restored
Lucy and I had our meds reviews today and bloods have been ordered :roll: All meds approved for another year. Extra added for both of us too :?
t98243 t98243 t98243
Definitely our cats in silhouette!!
As if they haven't had enough fun this week they are after another trip to Lytham tomorrow as it's set to be a nice day again.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
It's a bit chilly here tonight funny after a nice bright day with sunshine and not cold. certainly Autumn is here. along our road we need this t120007 t120007 I think as there are plenty of these t120002 around. brought my first Christmas present today for Lillie started early as we have 10 Christmas presents and a 1st birthday present for Graycie by early December when Mr T will take them down to Margate. cannot believe that Graycie is 10 moths old today time has gone so quickly.
Barbara Yes I did have a good relaxed afternoon at knitting group hope did you enjoy the enchanted forest hope you had a couple of bushbabies with you to akre you feel better hope the cold soon goes.
Joan the pain has not been too bad today thank goodness. hope you are fine.
Aidan no storage boxes are not cheap but at least it will give use somewhere to store some things we have indoors as well as long as it is waterproof as well as an extra aid for puskins to get out. Pecan sticky buns yummy.
Toni how very nice of Paul to give you and Lucy his cold hope you both feel better soon.
Well the day has run away time has gone and I must away to bedStay positive always👍xx0 -
I seem to have run out of Thursday and it is now Friday :? :? :roll:
Short and sweet me thinks.
Toni I am glad you are all home and you made it through the rain (there is a song in there somewhere). Mrs Darcy is wonderful. Loving the pictures.
They did enjoy their time, albeit brief. Glad Hermione was to hand to transport them all home in a flash.
Sorry you all have a cold, thanks to Paul, for sharing, bless. No, you won't moan about it, very true.
Thank you in advance for the sporran for Pepe, he will be thrilled to bits.
Lytham today for Miss Sleek and Pepe, no doubt while we are out for coffee. I am sure they will have a good time, it is very gracious in Lytham.
Help yourself to all the broomsticks Mig, I will send B under the decking to round up all manner of bugs and slugs and other shuddering things. If I find any cobwebs I will put them under the door, best not go in, as you say, the gases could be highly odorous.
Don't you worry Kath, we will wail together, we will also be here to help you as much as is possible. I was saying to my GP today, that I am expecting PIP to drop into the letter box any time soon. He rolled his eyes :roll: :roll: as if to say, here we go again, just when you think you have won one battle, the war continues.
The Bush Babies will be with you now, so have some nice cuddles and forget darned PIP for a little moment. ((()))
Barbara, you take care with that cough, Matron's orders, off to the Dr's with you now. Just as your Hubby did, best be safe, end of lecture :shock:Sending hugs ((())) I am sure the AB's will kick in, it can take 48 hours plus, for oral AB's to kick in, as I know all too well with the Strep throat I had.
My GP said there are SO many nasty bugs going about at the moment - I said, ok, I am out of here....
We did have a very nice time with my Aunt and Uncle, we were sat there for ages in the GC, nattering, eating, coffee (no cakes though). From there is was GP, then home and the day was done.
We popped in to see Mum n Dad before we went out, they seemed ok, Mum was fair, was going shopping with Dad and said can we go for coffee Friday, so yes, we are off back to the GC. We need staff discount by now, surely.
Hope you had a nice nap, I tried, what a waste of time that was :roll: :roll: Medazolam please.
Thank you Joan, Mum was feeling better than the other day, hopefully the same today, so we can go for coffee. Thank you for the hugs XX
So your Sister is thinking of moving back south Toni, that will be nice, I am sure you miss her terribly. (())
B is coping, he had a long natter with Aunt and Uncle today, which halves the problem a bit, just getting things off your chest.
It is wonderful in the forest, yes, that bench is really comfy, until you step out of the forest and everything ouches again !! Glad all meds are approved for another year and added to............which seems to be the norm for all of us :roll: :roll:
There will be no fly for Monday, Tuesday, with storm Ophelia heading our way. :shock: :shock: apparently it is a hurricane !! Batten down the hatches.
I am chilly too Carol, but B is roasted, so I dare not tinker with the thermostat, which is sat next to me, I might just press a few buttons and deny all knowledge :? :?
Warm weather for the week end so they are saying, ahead of this storm........crazy weather.
Well done for starting with the Christmas presents. I am trying not to think of it. It is different when you have GGC and GC though. 10 months already since Graycie was born, goodness, that went very quickly.
I think the storage boxes are waterproof, we keep our lawn mower in one and it is fine in all weathers. They are good for putting things in that need a home.
Glad you are not as ouchy today.
B is busy with his jewellery making, cats are all asleep, cookie the siamese is snoring her little head off, bless.
I have had no washer for coming up to three days now. the Candy Man is coming today, thank goodness. I am in meltdown, I need a washer that works. At least it is insured, so whatever it is, is covered, even if they have to condemn it and send us a new one (wish they would). I keep moving the laundry basket nearer to the kitchen, ready and primed...............
Well, I must away and potter. Everyone take lots of care, love to all, as always.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Lovely picture Aidan the fairies look sweet thank you
Did you say the Candy man was coming? There's a song in that tooSeriously I am sure all will be repaired and back to normal today
Mum sounded to have been so bad yesterday and GC again today? I think she is doing wellYou don't have a staff discount card/pension yet? I am shocked
I am glad B had a good chat to Aunt and Uncle as you say a problem shared. He should be able to offload from time to time - and not just on you.
It was lovely seeing my sis and knowing that long-term she would like to be down here, (her nephew is here working for Paul), I miss her a lot.
Lytham it is today it's bright here although gently breezy. Pepe and Miss Sleek are anxious to get out while it's nice yes while you are having a coffee I think
A quick hello to Joant98112
love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Aidan Carol Toni and anyone else I missed
Aidan I hope your Mum in law and Dad go for a coffee((((((((Aidan's Mum and Dad)))))))).
Carol I'm pleased your pain has calmed down.
Toni I hope your cold does not stay too long. that will be nice your sister moving back.
have a good weekend everyone.
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Toni, daren't gnash me tegs, they might crumble or fall out.
Booked our flu jabs yesterday, DN will come to do them one day soon.
I'm going to look for some adapted cutlery.
Spent all last night here. Very warm and comfy, and the cuddles found me.
t98243 t98243 t98243 t120002 t120002 t120002 t120007 t120007"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Ooooh Kath were you in the tree house? How lovely
The lovelies will stick with you until forms are completed and sent off.
Flu jabs will be done soon too....but we have colds ATM
Adapted cutlery is a good idea more comfier and easier to use.
Joan I always saw myself and my sister together in our old age. The cold is bearable :roll:
Have a good weekend yourselves0 -
Evening one and all
Hope you have had a good day my was not too bad dinner out with Mr T we had scampi and chips oops sorry slimming world but it was nice and enjoyed so not worried I am 1/2 lb out of my target at the moment anyway. but its only 1/2lb so hopefully it will come off soon. well I hope so anyway. didn't meet my friend for coffee as she has builders replacing her windows. had a phone call from little Lillie earlier this week and was asked Nanny will your sponsor me please cos I have got to walk round and round the playground at school and its for the nspcc . so of course Nanny said yes. I mean who can say no to his little person
Aidan yes M T was saying he was hot but I was cold. and yes sure is crazy weather . yes 10 months growing so quickly and of course crawling and into everything. a recent picture of the little monkey taken a month ago.
our Sainsbury's have the broomsticks too.
Thank youJoan pain still there but bearable which it wasn't a few days ago.
Toni hope the colds are improving and you can soon have the flu jabs.
all is calm with the lovelies tonight most are sleeping peacefully
must away and have a potter about before bed. t98112Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Now, who put the heating on?? Last night was chilly, tonight we are back to early summer temperatures. :roll:
I am glad that Friday the 13th is all but over to be honest. Nothing major, just one niggling thing after another. Anyway, how is everyone......
Toni, the pictures was just too cute not to post, fairies and fire flies and the moon..........see, I am already in La La Land :? :?
I did mention that the Candy Man was coming and yes, there is certainly a song in there too
So, we went to pick mum n dad up, to take them for coffee, we were not convinced mum was well enough, but, we went. We were soon back though, it was too much for her so we brought them home and B dropped me off in time for the repair man.
Message on the answer phone, candy man is off sick, we cannot repair the washer until next week :shock: oh the phone, "no, sorry, I need my washing machine, I cannot go a week, with no facilities to wash"....................
So, big do's and little do's, I went online and bought a new one, which is coming today. A large capacity one, integrated like our other one. They are taking the old one away.
Rang insurer, said forget the repair, I have a new one. Ours was nine years old and was getting past it sell by date and it didn't owe us anything and why not have a new one
So, B set too and the old washer is now out on the decking, ready to go, the space is all cleaned out and the wire mesh vent hole in the floor, has been very carefully covered in fine mesh and stapled within an inch. No more spiders coming through that holeShudder.
The vent is there, in case the washer floods, the water can run away and not drench the kitchen. Good idea really.
We should have a staff discount and a pension scheme at the GC, you are quite right.
It was good to catch up with Aunt and Uncle, B needed to let off steam.
Have cancelled our friends coming over today, rearranged for another day. I think we are all done with going out this week to be honest. I will be washing like a demon anyway9 kg at a time, happy boy.
How long term do you think it will be before your Sis decides to move back South of the Borders? Especially with her Nephew working for Paul. Double reason to move.
Pepe said it was very nice out at sea, it was pleasant and calm, they chased the seagulls and had licks of cornish ice cream. I think they went on a pedalo too :shock:
Hi Joan, thank you for the hugs, Mum is not really very good to be honest, but we take each day as it comes and are there as required.
Hi to Sue and the doggies too, hope you have a good week end, dodging the showers and take care if the high winds come along.
No Kath, don't gnash your teeth, we don't want urgent dental visitations :shock: :shock:
As Toni said, the bush babies will move in and stay until all forms are completed and sent off. Plus, we will be with you every step of the way.
Hope the DN is not long coming with your Flu jabs. I would gladly pop in and do them, would not take a jiffy.
Adapted cutlery is very good and don't forget to mention that you have to use it and how it impacts on your day.
Oh you found the tree house, did you go in? Who lives there? I remember no one was home when I happened upon it.
Scampi and chips Carol, yum, don't blame you one bit, I would have joined you in a flash, love scampi, with lots of tartar sauce........mmmm no need to apologise to SW, you will loose that 1/2 lb in no time at all.
The pictures are wonderful, Nanny is going to be walking around the playground, oh course you would not say no........keep up the pain killers before you set off.
So the broomsticks are nationwide, goodness, I won't mention it to Miss Sleek or Pepe, they will be horrified :shock: :shock:
Everything is quiet in the sanctuary, seeing as we have so many different lovelies, they are all nicely settled. Super vets are on this week end along with at least 3 keepers. I think the sloths need their toe nails clipping a bit. We will pass on the warthogs tusks this time. Much to Toni's relief.
Barbara asked me to let you know that she has a really bad chest, now on antibiotics alongside hubby, they are both coughing for England and not feeling too great. I know we will all send lots of hugs and wish them a speedy recovery. ((())) Take care Barbara, rest as much as you can.
I will just take a moment in the Autumn Forest
I forgot breakfast yesterday, let me go see..................
Hi to everyone else, Mig, Christine, Elizabeth, Kerrin, Charrisse and Barbara.
I had better do some pottering. B is throwing "stuff" out, we are looking cluttered on the side table............ :roll:
Take lots of care all XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen lovely photo I hope you have a good weekend.
Carol talking on this forum to the lovely people on here helps with the pain.
Toni yes you can talk about things with your sister you can't with anyone else.
Aidan ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad Aidan B )))))))).
have a good weekend everyone
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
just a quick one before I go about the day
Aidan its not Nanny walking round the playground :shock: (not that I could anyway) its Lillie doing the walking Nanny has got to give her some sponsorship money after she has done it.
although I have done many sponsored walks in my life when I was younger. the fairy picture is very cute . hopefully the new Washing machine arrives to you ok. its ridiculous when they say the repair person is sick so you have to wait its what happens lots these days i'm afraid they cut staff then they don't have enough people to do all the jobs they book. I am sure that the weight will come off just seem to be on an upward trend at the moment but really don't know why I have been 3 times in the last 7 weeks an gained each time. and I will be out all day this coming Tuesday so will now have to pay the next time I go and may even have to pay for the week I didn't go. so annoying :x
Joan yes this forum is certainly a lifesaver to me sometimes especially when I am in pain and fed up. and then I come on hear and realise I am not the only one. and everyone on hear understands because they all have the same problems.
It is now time for me to go and get ready to go out and do a bit of fresh fruit shopping. and some other bits and pieces.
bye for now t98112Stay positive always👍xx0 -
I was a little unsure about going in the tree house, as there was quite loud snoring coming from within, but I peeped in the window and saw 3 Bush Babies fast asleep in a 4-poster bed. The other 6 were outside with me, scoffing jammy dodgers.
So as it was a warm night, I fell asleep on a mound of moss. Lovely.
We had breakfast in Long Eaton, but Gary hadn't put the gazebo up, as it was quite windy. Chris bought me some Sure Grip cutlery, and I treated myself to a couple of jumpers from the market.
Carol, what a cutie."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon everyone
Carol I could no way resist sponsoring that little face eitherI am sure she will walk round the playground really well too
Both pictures are adorable
Frustrating having to pay at SW when you are dong your best hopefully that 1/2lb will disappear soon back where it came from :roll:
Surviving the colds, but not so good 4 migraines in the last 24 hours so head is banging.
I have had a peek in at our lovelies and you are right all is well
Fruit shopping completed here for a few days
Aidan thanks for breakfast, but for me it has become lunch such a busy morning here :roll:
I do not blame you at all for getting rid of the old machine if Mr Candyman was off sick. How long can a body be expected to survive without :shock: 9kg!!!!!!!!!!! lucky boy!!! The vent (now sp***r proofed) is a good idea I agree.
So going out was a little too much for mum then? Still she got out even if only for a bit.
Thank goodness we aren't doing tusks this time :shock: :shock: toenails and fingernails are fine especially the sloths they just cuddle on and let the supervet get on with it!
Thank you for the Barbara update bless herSending much love and hugs and some cuddlies ((())) GET WELL SOON!
I hope my sis will come down within the next 5 years :? her son, my nephew, got married in the summer so....more of a pull?
Pepe was apparently a hero in the pedalo :? they banked, but he managed to 'save' them according to Miss SleekShe adore him! They love their ice cream don't they? She was after catching a seagull, but changed her mind when one tried to have their tuna butties :shock:
We have visitors tomorrow too, but we'll cope I hope. With Lucy's new chap visiting last night I went mad yesterday afternoon so will hopefully only need a whizz now.
Joan you've got it! There is no-one in the world like a sister. I would never want to be without mine she's NICE!
Kath how lovely sleeping in moss in a tree house with a pile of bush-babies
No gazebo thenShame, but breakfast out is always good
The cutlery looks ideal. New jumpers for you why not?I treated myself to two new blouses the same as another I have which looks good and makes me look slimmer!!!! hehehe!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Evening to everyone -
Hi Joan, you are quite right, chatting to our friends on here, does help with those times when things ouch that bit too much. We all know where each other is coming from and can sympathise fully.
Thank you for the hugs, I hope you and Sue and the doggies have a good week end. Take care, out and about.
Hi Carol, typical, I got the wrong end of the stick. :roll: :roll: Barbara and I are two peas in a pod:? Of course you will sponsor Lillie, what was I thinking, making you walk round and round the playground. Bless, it's my age you know.
The washer did arrive, all 70 KG of it. The delivery guys were very good, they brought it into the kitchen and took the old one away for recycling.
Then the fun started, unpacking, then getting said machine, into the same space..................
Way too much helping (I was told off continually) but, I had to help as much as I could.
It is now in place, it is wonderful, two loads and the whole mountain of washing was done :shock: :shock: I am now searching for laundry, so that I can wash and wash and washEverything is SO much cleaner, I am now officially a just washed laundry sniffer.
How annoying that you will have to pay SW even for the week that you didn't go.........grrrrrrrrr especially when you have done so so well.
Hope the fruit shopping was successful. Any news from the puskin rescue?
The inside of the tree house sounds wonderful Kath, all warm and cosy, with bush babies asleep in a four poster bed, bless. Good for you eating jammie dodgers with the other babies, then falling asleep on a mound of moss. Amazing.
I am sure breakfast was as good as usual, minus the gazebo, best not to be blown away.
The cutlery looks ideal, sure grip without a doubt. We all need spoons, lots of spoons. Didn't we have a drawer with spoons in, in the cafe? I seem to remember them.
Jumpers too, very nice.
I hope the migraines are eased Toni, sending extra hugs ((())), to help with the cold as well.
Indeed, how can a person carry on with no washing machine. After nearly 9 years, it did not owe us anything. The new one is great, HUGE drum. It did take some serious putting into place and I am suitably dosed up on Tramadol, to mask the back pain. :roll: :roll: I know, I was told and told again.
Happy that at least one vent is now spi--- proofed.
Yes, the trip to the GC was way too much for Mum this time, maybe next time she will feel a bit better. B popped round to see how they were, much the same really. We are thinking that the care needs are increasing, but they keep refusing. :roll: :roll:
No, no tusks this time. The warthogs should be ok till Spring. The sloths are fine, so laid back.
I haven't heard from Barbara today, but hoping that the AB's are starting to work. Nasty bugs that are lurking :? :?
I hope yout Sis comes down soon, as you say, there is quite a pull. Maybe a little spell of relocation from Miss Sleek and Pepe, after all, it would be for the greater good
So, he was a hero on the high seas, sorry, the mini lake.He did say he had been peddling very fast to keep them away from very dangerous rocks and cliffs. Really, ok. Bless, they do like each other.
The seagulls were annoying, pinching food at any opportunity, there was a lot of swiping going on. Next time they go they are taking their quidditch nets.
So you have been overdoing things a bit, we are as bad as each other. Visitors and boyfriends...........I bet you are shattered.
Where did you get the blouses from, if they make one look slim, I will get some:shock:
Oh, I can hear the washer telling me it is finished, be right back.
Will save all the drying for today.
I had better do some more pottering, or I will set solid.
A few bits to get today, a new ironing board is on the list. Then I am sorted, new washer, steam generator iron, nearly new dryer...........I am easily pleasedI might mention a hair cut, just in passing...........see how the land lies :?
Hi to everyone else, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Charrisse, Elizabeth, Barbara and all. Hugs far and wide. ((()))
t98243 his nibs will be giving me the eye, for more food.
The weather is not looking good for Monday / Tuesday, very high winds here :? Definitely a no fly zone for 24 hours.
All is calm in the forest
Now, Sunday breakfast
Take lots of care XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh lovely! All this breakfast and I can actually taste it!! Migraine postdrome gone more or less and nose less bunged up!! Thank you Aidan.
I very much hope Mum will be up to the GC again soon bless her and agree care should be upped, but what can you do? It's their choice
When our new washer arrived I too was a laundry sniffer and it sings me a little tune when it's doneI think ours is 8kg I must check either way the washing is MUCH cleaner now and dryer when it emerges.
A haircut would be lovely. Drop a tiny hint....
I suspect Barbara will be starting to feel a little better today maybe ABs 48 hours - I hope so.
Yes quidditch nets!! That'll sort those gulls outRuining Pepe and Sleek's romantic seaside trip! Pepe is indeed her hero. She is unaware of his faults. Well, except his fear of unknown animals she is naughty making him faint :oops: She showed him a crab, moving right up close!!!
No-fly zone for 48 hours sadlyNo doubt plenty of skyping will be going on :roll:
Slimming blouses are at H&M and they are spacey enough to keep you cool too
Never mind Daisycat being called Miss Slimkins you'd miss me if I stood sideways
A quick hello t98112 to Joan who is bound to be along soon
Love to everyone else!
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Carol Kathleen Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Carol yes people who have arthritis are the only people that really know what it's like the aching.
Kathleen that's good cutlery I hope it help's.
Toni I hope you have a good week how is Lucy has her cold gone.
Aidan I hope everyone has a good week. The Doctor did not know why I have the pain in my hip he said it's the same has it was when I had a ex-ray in 2012 I did have a broken bone there then so I'm having physio. ((((((((Aidan B Aidan's Mum and Dad)))))))).
take care all I hope Barbara is alright
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I tell people who ask (and its not often) its like excruciating toothache in your joints some understand some don't.
Hope you all have a good day,love to all Mig0
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