Val's Cafe
I used my new cutlery today, brilliant. All my spare spoons are now in the cafe drawer, help yourselves.
Toni, if you look any slimmer we won't be able to see your smily face.
Joan, I hope the physio helps you.
mig, when I was a girl my grandmother said she had toothache in her knees, I knew exactly what she meant, but my mum laughed at her.
t120007 t120007 t120007 t98243 t98112"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, getting warmer, someone has been fiddling with the thermostat :roll: :roll:
Hi Toni, that is good to hear about the waning migraines and the improvement in your colds - good vibes travel very well
The breakfast looks very nice, even though we rarely have anything until lunchtime :roll: I know, naughty.
We popped in to see Mum n Dad on our way out this morning, Mum not too bad, was just having a cup of T. Dad was reading the paper. They wanted a couple of things from the shops, so we said we would get them and let them have a day of rest.
There is not a lot you can do at this stage, people fight for their independence and I cannot say I blame them. As and when, we will be on the case.
Oh the laundry is so much cleaner and so much dryer, bigger drum, more holes, less water in the washing. Sniffing just washed laundry is an essential - not sure if it is OCD, but hey, whatever.
Barbara is not too good, I think the Dr will be coming out to the house, she is feeling proper poorly with this nasty chest infection. Lots of hugs and love coming your way Barbara, as always.
Ah, that explains why Pepe said he fainted, when miss sleek showed him a creature with giant pincers :shock: :shock: she is a tease. He said the water in the little lake was very rough and they were on the verge of calling cat sea rescue :roll: :roll: not that he is expanding on the truth at all.
Our warning for gale force winds starts tomorrow lunchtime, lasting the rest of the day and night - Bill will be out moving plants around, to keep them protected. Hang on to your hats.
H&M, used to shop there a lot, the one in Leeds was our fav. I doubt anything in there would fit me now :roll: :roll:
Where did you go, you were sideways on............. :shock: :shock:
Hi Joan, I hope the pain in your hip improves with the physio, sending hugs back to you and Sue and the doggies ((())) Take care if you are out and about, with the bad weather coming our way. Not sure if you are on a weather warning.
You are quite right Mig, that is a very good explanation. Some do ask, "why are you using crutches"? oh, for the fun of it, why else - :roll: :roll:
Thank you for all those spoons Kath, we are well stocked up now, should anyone need one, or two..........Glad the cutlery is a help to you.
Toni was there, then she stood sideways and she vanished :shock: I want some of those blouses
toothache in your knees, yes, I can agree with that and toothache in your back, neck, we say, unless you have it, it is very difficult to explain to someone, just how we feel.
We went to the tip, to throw all the packing away, from the washer, the old ironing board went too, then we popped into Costa, seeing as we were passing the door, it was rude not to have at least two coffee's.
Then to the little supermarket, got some fresh hot lancashire pasties for lunch, a few bits, that added up to over £30...... :? :?
Then to dept store for bin fresh, drain cleaner and a new ironing board. :shock: How expensive are THEY, goodness, I nearly fell off my perch.
Busy away with the washing and drying now. Happy boy.
Love to everyone else, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Barbara, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all. Everyone take lots of care. I will go and find something sweet to eat.
XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
It's Sunday, therefore we should have chocolate cakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Face splat cake!!! Thanks Aidan :)sigh.......
Good idea getting Mum and Dad's bits from the shop force them to rest a bit.
I will be the same regarding my independence so understand and you KNOW you will be far worse!! :roll:
Nurses. :roll:
Of course your washing is cleaner fresher and dryerI love smelling clean washing too
Oh poor poor Barbara I hope they can up her antib's and very much that it isn't worse than an ordinary chest infectionGET WELL SOON Barbara ((())
Oh well done I knew the new blouses rendered me almost invisible sideways on
I lerve H&M!!!
It was a bit mean showing him large (moving :shock: ), pincers bless Pepe. They both think he 'saved' them from drowning though in the rough waters and yes Miss S had Cat Sea Rescue on speed dial, but thanks to her hero there was no need
Calm here today too so suspect we will follow on tomorrow after you :? all plants in the greenhouse ASAP.
Aw Kath thank you I will be like the Cheshire cat only a smile
Your cutlery is in the drawer...ah yes there it is....very shinyI think we ought to purchase some like yours for the café don't you? I am pleased it is so useful
Those spoons will really help those who adhere to the spoon theory!!
Toothache is a really good analogy for joint pain good one mig UNMITIGATING toothpain. yes.
Joan Lucy is doing well the cold has eased blood test in the morning for her. Sometimes X-rays do not reflect our pain anyway
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
Nice weather here today sun and quite warm and yes I wont get too excited not with the reports of ex hurricane Ophelia about to descend upon us. I was a very silly person this morning I forgot to take the chicken portions out of the freezer for dinner after church all I will say is thank goodness for microwaves that have a defrost setting on them. :roll: and I add its not the first time I have done it either.
Aidan it certainly is Lillie walking not nannythose days are over I am afraid. I suppose I could use one of these t98247 would that count.
Nanny has just got to supply some money after its done. Poor Barbara hope she is feeling better soon. Nasty things chest infections. why are you using crutches
I remember getting on the bus once with my rollator and there was a guy with his partner standing in front the seats in the disabled area and I asked him if I could get to the seat and he replied why do want the seat well I could not help it I said very sarcastically well to sit on what do you think.
the chocolate cake was yummy. glad you are happy with your new washing machine. Have spoken to my sw consultant yesterday when she got back from her holidays and she is booking me a holiday week next week so hopefully I will not have to pay. now news on the pusskins front but to be honest I think they are waiting for us to call them as we will when we have the new storage box sorted out.
Kath Love the toothache in the knee idea although I know exactly what she meant. toothache one of the worse pains you can get earache is just as bad I hate both of them .
have visited the shed today Aidan to stock up a few missed hours as this next week is going to be a busy one, the lovelies are all fine had a buggy ride around to see them. added some fruit and treats to the store cupboard.
its time now for a little potter around before I become stuck in the armchair.
so nighty night my friends
have a good night if you can.
t98112 t98243 t98112 t98112Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Just flew through the posts since I was last in.
Toni is home from Scotland. Hope you had a lovely time.
Barbara and OH have bad coughs. Hope they clear up quickly.
Aiden, hope mum and dad are doing ok just now and enjoying cakes at the GC.
Joan, did you say you have pain in your hip? Hope they can find out what is causing it.
Hope everyone else is ok. Keep safe if Ophelia comes anywhere near.
I've been up and down. Some days I feel fine but now I've got another abscess on a tooth. Just had an email saying it's time for my check-up so guess I'd better go. I'm getting headaches too. Not sure if it's my eyes or my neck which I've had problems with for years. Eyes are bothering me a lot at the moment, very blurry. But I have enjoyed some time with my son and youngest GD this weekend and did some pottering in the garden. Boss and family are off to their apartment in St Lucia for a fortnight so work will be easy and I got 3 weeks pay all at once. Whoo-hoo! Mustn't spend it all at once.
Better sweep up these leaves. t120007 Peek-a-boo t120002Christine0 -
Evening to one and all - very calm here at the moment, not a breath of wind out. I think by this time on Monday, things will be a lot different :? :?
There are several of those chocolate cakes Toni, so we can all face plant at will.I think I would have to.
It will have done Mum n Dad good, not to go out today, have a rest and watch the sport. Well, they usually both fall fast asleep, but that's fine.
They want to take us out on Wed, for Bills Birthday, we will see how that pans out, bless em.
Independence, yes, I can totally understand and nurses, well, we are a different story altogetherThat is why they always put me in a side room when I have been admitted to Hospital, to stop me noseying at everyone's notes
I think I have compulsive laundry syndrome at the moment
Barbara is going through the wars with her chest infection, I will drop her a line and see how things are. I hope the Dr comes out to see her today. I know hubby was not responding to the AB's, after a few days, so maybe a change of drug is in order for both of them.
We all send our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery Barbara, many many hugs ((())) to you both.
I will be looking at H&M online, to find the blouses of invisibility:shock:
Pepe and Miss Sleek have been on skype, chatting about their adventures in Lytham and the trauma that they had out at sea (in a little lake about a foot deep), bless, they enjoyed it all, apart from the giant crab that caused Pepe to swoon.
They are now on 48 hour no fly. Hermione has rendered the brooms unusable, until the storm is over. I can actually go in the cupboard and pick it up, without it fizzing at me
I love spoons, so I will be in the spoon drawer regularly. Yes, we need a range of adapted cutlery to help us as required.
Glad to hear that Lucy is doing well. Routine bloods? Quite right, x rays only give the medical terminology when it comes to joints, it does not reflect the pain that goes with them.
I did ask for more, but as the GP said, we can all see that your OA is getting worse, without the need of more x rays. :roll: :roll:
How is the Reverend Delphine and her doggy? Well I trust. Did the magic anti algae spray work on the Church steps?
Hi there Carol I see you have had pleasant weather for Sunday too. We will all see a change for Monday, batten down the hatches.
Ooops, forgetting the chicken was still frozen. I have never used the defrost in a microwave, but, it sounded to be successful, which is good. No dinner and Mr T would have been Mr grumpy :? :?
Yes, you can borrow one of the broomsticks, a friendly one. Hermione would whizz you round the playground like a merry go round.
I am sure Lillie will do very wellBless her.
Fancy asking why you wanted the seat :shock: :roll: to do handstands on of course..........some people eh.
That is good if you can book a weeks holiday with SWorld, then you won't have to pay
You will soon have the new storage box, then puskin will soon follow on
Wise to stock up on the hours, before the week starts, I might do the same, as the days just vanish before your eyes.
Glad the lovelies are all ok. I know there are extra keepers on for the next two days, with the weather turning stormy, we want them all to be safe and sheltered.
Hi Christine you have been having a catch up on the going on in the cafe. Sorry that you have been off colour and that your eyes have been troubling you, extra ((())) and now an abscess round your tooth. Best go for your check up and they can hopefully sort out the tooth problems.
Neck trouble, like spondylosis can cause all manner of troubles, from headaches, to peripheral neuropathy, muscle spasms, you name it.
Glad you enjoyed spending time with your Son and your GD and also some pottering in the garden.
Woo, three weeks wages, the Boss must have had an Epiphany. At least you don't have to keep reminding him to pay you. An apartment in St Lucia, very nice. Can we all go and have a little holiday
Everyone stay safe and take lots of care, no venturing out if you don't have to, we plan to stay indoors today.
Hi to Mig, Elizabeth, Charrisse, Barbara, Kerrin and all.
Let me go see what is for breakfast.
Love to all XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Mig Toni Christine Aidan Carol anyone else I missed
Kathleen thank you for the spoon's i hope you have a good day.
Mig yes that's what I say.
Toni Lucy is good with the needles now
Christine how are you doing.
Aidan when I had crutches children asked what is wrong with your arm. ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad)))))))).
Carol I hope you have a good day.
love to Barbara
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Carol I suspect the rescue are waiting for you to phone them....have you looked on ebay or that other site can't remember :? for a cheaper storage unit??
I am glad you have been given a holiday week from SW you deserve one!
Like you I often forget my defrosting :oops: :roll: Thank goodness for modern technology.
Christine!! Hello!! We have missed youI hope that your headaches ease off soon it sounds awful
I m glad though that you did some gardening - me tooand the boss is away so you can take things easier. Nice to see your son and youngest GD
The abscess must be making you feel rough too :? if you have a temperature that can also give you a headache.
Thanks for sweeping the leaves up - much safer!!
Morning Aidan
I am very glad to hear there are extra staff on to help at the sanctuary :shock: we want them all safe....Blush ought to stay lower down in his bamboo :?
The Rev Delphine is fine and the doggy doing well - he is 15 after all and is shrinking the length of his walks.she is rewarding extra steps with treats!!
I will go and check the steps I gave the stuff to Pom before we were supposed to go to Benidorm and haven't checked whether she used it. It was raining then you see :?
Lucy's bloods are to check her liver due to toenail meds (terbinafine) and because she keeps getting sore throats.
Booking flu jabs too :shock:
I checked Daisy's :shock: broomstick and it is also just a 'normal' one ATM Hermione knows best. Miss Sleek will cope. Crystal ball and skype will get her and Pepe through this enforced separationThey are still chirruping about their time in Lytham :roll: ) In the event of any emergency Hermione will supply, on application, a transportation spell.
I think you can ask for an X-ray if you want to, but I think your GP is trustworthy and knows you well???
I hope Mum and Dad can take you out on Wednesday for B's birthday (28 this year?). Nurses need to be in side-wards...stern face.....else they interfere too much
Face planting in chocolate cakes is yum, but not good when you've just washed your hair!!! :shock:
Barbara I very much hope is doing ok. Bit of a worry this time sending extra ((()))
A very quick t98112 hello to Joan from us I hope it's safe to take the doggies out on your scooters today. Lucy is now absolutely fine with needles
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Super breakfast Aidan, thank you.
Toni, yes, we need to see your smile, it brightens our day. t98112
Thought you'd like to see Jonathan and Dawn, his new partner.
The sky outside is a very yukky colour, and it's rather windy.
Hope the broomsticks are safely tucked away. t98247
t98243 t120002 t120007 t120002 t120007 t98243"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Somebodies cat has licked the cauldron.0
Sue was given this poem
When things go wrong as they sometimes will.
when the road your trudging seems all uphill.
when the funds are low, and the debts are high. and you want to smile but you have to sigh. when care is pressing you down a bit.
rest if you must but don't you quit.
life is queer with its twists and turns.
as everyone of us sometimes learns.
and many a failure turns about.
when he might have won had he stuck it out.
don't give up though the pace seems slow.
you may succeed with another blow.
success is failure turned inside out.
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
and you can never tell how close you are.
it may be near when it seems so far.
so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit.
it's when things seem worse.
that you must not quit.
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
A quick hi and afternoon to everyone.
It is just starting to pick up a pace with the winds, leaves blowing everywhere and trees bending, a lot :? :?
Joan, that poem is wonderful and so so true, thank you for sharing. Stay safe, all of you, in this stormy weather.
Kath, the picture is lovely of Jonathan and Dawn, very nice pic indeed. Hope you are not too ouchy and maybe you passed on the Sawley Trail today. :shock:
Mig, oh no, poor puskin, don't worry, Hermione has an antidote to most cauldron potions, so I am sure she will see that the pus cat is ok. She is busy with her wand and spells as we speak. It is strong stuff that mixture you have. :? :?
Toni I hope you and yours are all ok, everything lashed down. Glad Rev Delphine is good and her elderly doggie.
LFT's yes, good to keep a check, with being on the anti fungal treatment.
Pepe has been on Skype and chatted to miss Sleek. He did some gliding on the new ironing board (which I don't like), anyway, he let me trim his front claws !!!! Yes, it is true, I was so :shock: :shock: :shock: ed. He didn't really protest much. I bet if I go and try and trim the back ones, I will get nipped :roll: :roll: don't push it eh.
Yes, Bill is 28 this year, how did you guess, well done you
My GP does know me well and is always very good, I could not ask for a better Dr.
We rang and spoke to Dad, he said they were ok and I could hear mum saying "yes, I am ok thanks". We will ring again later. Dad went out to the shop, (we wish they would ring then one of us would go sit with Mum, but, will they ring, will they eck as like). :roll: :roll:
It will be nice if we can all go out on Wednesday, we will see how things pan out and play it by ear.
Nurses, interfere, no, never :shock::? We are best in our own side rooms. I used to have the doors as wide open as possible, so I could see the goings on.
I have not heard from Barbara today, I will write a note and see how things are. We are sending her loads of hugs and get well vibes.
The sky was red and yellow and orange this morning, really spooky colour. Sahara dust apparently, carried on the high winds. It is much clearer now that the winds have picked up.
Done the washing, drying, ironing. The washer was busy weighing the washing, sorting out how much water is needed etc. Too clever.
Right, I am running out of afternoon, it is rapidly approaching nap time, after T and biscuits of course.
Will catch up later, love to everyone, take care all.
XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
That poem is lovely and so true Joan
Please thank Sue for us and to you for posting it too.
mig!!!!!!! what has happened? Maybe Pepe and Miss Sleek can help the poor pusskin.....they do have 9 lives don't they? :?
Kath thank you I like to keep smiling if at all possible
Your boy is rather dashing and his new gf does look a lovely lady fingers crossed he looks after her.
That sky did you see the red sun? I was actually scared :shock:
Aidan Hermione is saving the cat? Phew!! Curiosity could have been the end for him :?
Thank you I saw the Rev with Bob this afternoon as it was blowing up Miss Sleek is locked in safely bless her. She reckoned there were powers in the red sun and shoved me off the lap-top to skype Pepe. That's why they were skyping. She said his nails looked really smart and that he told her about the new ironing board
I had a feeling Bill is 28 this time it's just the age he looks really
How long is Dad out at the shops? If it's only 15 mins Mum might like to be on her own. He needs to be aware though that there will be a time when he can't just leave her :?
If she takes it easy Wednesday could be a go-er I'm sure.
Your Gp knows you well enough probably to treat you as an equal not a patient. Nurses in wards need side rooms with closed doorsNOT!!! You need some mental stimulation when trapped in a hospital :roll:
Thanks for messaging Barbara I know you will send her all our love. I very much hope she turns the cornet tomorrow now. ((()))
Ooh a little chocolate or two thanks very muchyum....better save some for Barbara when she's better I know she's partial.
My washer assesses how much water to use as does the dishwasher. Much better for the environment these days.
Toni xxx0 -
Well it is rather breezy :shock: :shock: One tree has fallen, about three doors up, onto a static van, fortunately the tree kind of snapped, then was leaning on the roof, without actually crushing anything.
We saw it at 5, rang the park warden and then Mrs C came home and Hubby was not far behind. Lots of chain saw noises. I think all is safe, but they are not stopping there overnight, which I fully understand.
It is nice being in a wooded area, but when it is blowing a gale, it can get pretty scary. We are kind of in the middle, in between two small roads, so we are away from the trees.
Rang Mum, she said she was ok and we will pop in, in the morning, to see how things are.
The pus cat is fully recovered and Hermione has taken him back to Hogwarts for recuperation. Are we all going to drink the potion that Mig is making :shock: :?
It was a very strange sky, very eerie indeed in the morning. I was unsettled I must say. Glad when it cleared.
Pepe said that Miss Sleek had been locked in and banned from ever going outside again. She is in one of her slightly over dramatic moods :roll:
I think Miss Sleek was right, there were strange powers in the sky, Pepe was not too keen on looking out. Fancy her shoving you out of the way on the PC
I am still in shock that Pepe allowed me to trim his front claws. I will give the back ones a go, just to see. :?
Dad can be out a fair while at the shops, with all the talking to everyone and anyone, he can be ages. Hence the reason we say, let us know and we will come round. :roll:
We will hope that Wednesday is all go, for lunch at the GC.
Bill is indeed 28 - ish.
I think my GP does treat me as kind of equal as in medically aware of what he is talking about.
Barbara went to her GP and he has changed her antibiotics and put her on prednisolone. Her sinuses are infected again and she has a bad headache and swollen face.
She said she will post today and thanks everyone for sending their love and hugs and well wishes.
Her OH is feeling better and recovering from his chest infection, finally, after three weeks.
Washing machines are very clever now. I was mesmerised, it was flashing and calculating - I am on the hunt now, for more laundry
We have had a quiet afternoon and evening, B is busy with his jewellery, I have been doing my pottering to and fro. The cats are all settled (for now).
I will pop into the forest, it is perfectly calm in there.............
All our lovelies are safe and sound, with extra keepers and vets on tonight, making sure that all our animals are safely in their shelters. Blush has come out of the bamboo and is indoors, eating fruit
Hi to everyone, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Christine, Barbara, Charrisse, Carol and all. Hope all are safe and taking great care.
I will do some more pottering, a few dishes to wash.
Love to all XXX Aidan
Some blueberry Danish pastries this morningXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
Aidan ihope all of you have a good day.((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad)))))))).
Toni washing machines have changed a lot like everything else I remember we had a twin tub and a mangle.
take care all love to Barbara
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hugs for Barbara (((()))
Aiden you DONT drink it you rub it on the affected areas.0 -
Morning all sorry I have been absent..but didn't want to moan to much :shock: so poor Aiden has been on the front line..and thankyou for the post...and thankyou to everyone for thinking about me.
I did read through but will keep this short...the chest infection I can cope with but these sinuses..well least said.. :roll:
Hi to Christine..I think you are run down and need some nice me while your boss is away take things easy...
will read back again later ..and post more
Oh and we got away with the storms..think they were further up land..hope everyone's safe
Love to all xxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Did the Sawley Trail this morning. It was a bit breezy, but not too unpleasant. But the traffic was dreadful. :shock: Sawley isn't a tiny quiet village, not any more, any way. :?
Also sending hugs for Barbara.
So Bill is 28, and there I was thinking he was 27."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all - still breezy here, but nothing compared to last night.
The tree that came down has been removed by the tree surgeons this morning, no damage to the static, which is very lucky.
Hi Joan - thank you, as always, for the hugs for Mum n Dad. I hope you managed to avoid the bad weather and can get out and about today.
Mum's washer had a mangle attached to the top of it, I used to love putting the clothes through it. "mind you fingers" was repeated many times. :? :?
Hi Mig, well, I am so glad you reminded me :shock: :shock: goodness knows what would have happened if I had sipped the potion.
I will rub it on any "affected" areas, when it is ready :? :?
Hi Barbara, good to see you back. You are going through the wars at the moment, no worries about posting for you, the least I can do.
I hope the AB's start to work as soon as possible and the horrid sinuses feel better.
Leaving lots of ((())) I will send the baby possums over, they are super gentle and can massage your sinus areas.
Glad you were not unduly bothered by the storms, I think most of us came off lightly compared to Ireland and the West Coast of Scotland. Mother nature has incredible force when she so chooses.
Hi Kath, nice that you could do the Sawley trail this morning, blowing a few cobwebs away, (forget that, keep them for Migs potion ).
Sawley was a nice quiet village, as you say. I can imagine it is a whole different world now, with all the millions of cars on the roads.
Yes, Bill is 28 now, but, he will stay at 27 I am sure
Hi to everyone else, Toni, Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.
The no fly zone will be lifted this evening, but Pepe is not one for night flying, so Skype will be busy later, when he is chattering to Miss Sleek. He said she has been free'd from her imprisonment :roll: :roll:
We popped in to see Mum n Dad this morning, Mum was dressed and ready for being taken out by Dad I think. But with us there she was happy to say "no, I don't want to go out today". Go Mum, you call the shots.
The lady from the OT was coming out anyway, to sort out her walker.
We rang the D Nurse and arranged the visit day for Thursday, to coincide with her INR test.
Dad said, are we still going out for lunch tomorrow? Yes, we will see how everyone is first though. If needs be we will get some goodies and eat them at Mum's. :cake: will be essential.
We popped into town, Vets, for Pepe's food, then Nero's for coffee and cakes, B had a croissant and I had a belgian choccy muffin, which was wonderfully indulgent, so much so I had to have another coffee
Supermarket, spent too much, then home.
Right, I will potter a bit, before cup of T and biscuits.
Everyone take lots of care, will catch you later. Love to all XX Aidan
Chocolate sponge with chocolate cream frosting.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all..back again
Carol good on you with the disabled seat..they are there for a reason so we dont have go to the back of the you have an holiday from SW that is a good idea
Joan I love the poem...hope you are both well..and keeping warm
Kath you did the Sawley trail again I am going to google this..would love to see what its like...and such a nice picture..they look happy together
Toni has booked there flu jabs..and is smiling the way did the algae killer work..I hope so :? thanks for saving me some chocolate very kind
Mig I love the cat you tell us to rub it in and not drink it... :shock:
Aiden thankyou glad the tree didn't hurt anyone...that could have been so differentmum knows her own you say go mum...
so Bill is 28 tomorrow...
hope you can all get out but if not like you say you can take food to mum and was lovely having the possums massage my sinuses..might just have another one later..
Cant quite stomach chocolate cake at the min, but wont be long before I save me some
Love to everyone and thankyou for all the hugs they do help...xxxxx t120002Love
Barbara0 -
Evening everyone.
Sorry to be late on, but it’s been one of those days….bedroom radiator downstairs in Lucy’s room stopped working so bought a quick oil filled portable form Argos (long way there due to roadworks ), got back no feet :roll: went back long way again replaced came back put feet on and heated it up to get rid of fumes.
Paul away so can’t contact plumber. :?
Unexpected village visitors arrived….more time vanished!!
I can’t even remember the rest of it all!!
EXCEPT! Her shower wouldn't turn off no matter what we did flooding her shower room floor:shock: filled kettle water filter bath etc ready to run off water at mains when it just turned off :roll:
Lovely to see Barbara back posting, but clearly you still need to rest Barbara!! Get some sleep and keep on getting better. More ((())) to keep you going.
I left the algae cleaner with Pom when we were supposedly off to Benidorm so I must check :?
Your poor sinuses
Mig the cat DRANK the potion??!! Some cats eh? It can only be applied externally I’m right aren’t I? Collected a bucketful of slugs for you to add.very large and bright coloured.
Kath well done doing the Sawley trail Shame the village has grown ….no Bill is definitely 28 this time
My Mum had a twin tub and mangle too Joan!! Those days washing was very hard work wasn’t it? But I’m sure the washing came out cleaner you know!
Aidan I’ve been to the sanctuary very little damage even the bamboo is fine! Keepers were on duty all night giving out reassurance and appropriate treats.
The enchanted forest is indeed very calm still - leaves still mostly on the trees. I imagine storms rarely trouble them there.
Scary a tree landing on someones home!! :shock: I’m glad that all is well and today they feel safe enough to come home amazing the van is in one piece!. You sound to have a good spot there
Good to hear B (28) enjoyed his jewellery-making while you pottered.
Yes Miss Sleek did push me off the laptop!! Cheeky girl! She was on to Pepe half the night (I expect he’s tired?) loved the winds she did. Today though, she has been cautious going outside as it’s still breezy but sunny. She had set up some sort of contraption outside and caught some of the ‘energy’ in it???
Tomorrow they will be out on their broomsticks. They have plans. I am a bit worried that energy she caught is STRONG!!
So Dad is a natterer then? Men ehhahaha! He will need to ask for reinforcements in future you are quite right. I am glad she chose not to go out today and that the OT has been.
Hermoine fetched the pussycat even in the storm? She must have needed to! Silly boy I hope he knows now that you never ever DRINK the potion!! :roll:
Oh no! another face-splat cake! Wait a minute…..shower cap on here we go thank you very much
Off to lie-down now back is protesting violently
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Goodness, it is 1230 am, where did the evening go, into the shed in the secret garden no doubt :roll: :roll:
Hi Barbara, you are very welcome, no trouble posting on your behalf. They were lucky with the tree, it has been leaning for years, so it didn't come crashing, it toppled and was leaning against the van, with all the little branches on the roof.
Fortunately it did no damage. Falling trees are not to be messed with.
Yes, Bill is 28 today, I think it is 28, or thereabouts :? :?
We rang Mum n Dad and she seem happy to go out, with her new walker. So, we will be off to the GC for brunch, steady away, nothing to rush for and when Mum has had enough, we will come home right away.
The possums are adorable and very gentle with their little hands. They will stay with you until you feel better.
Don't worry about the chocolate cake, (I think Toni has already face planted into it :shock: ), just say the word and I will rustle one up, just for you
Many hugs and get better vibes, coming your way. As you say, they do help.
Hi Toni Sounds like you are having a right old time. Radiators not working, showers not stopping, goodness. Double journeys, (how annoying is that)
Then unexpected visitors :shock:
Mopping of shower room floor, just when you had filled everything up, to turn the water off the shower turned off :roll: :roll: Time for the plumber to be coming back.
I am sure that the washing came out cleaner, Dads Surplice's used to be glowing white by the time Mother had finished with them, then starching them, then ironing for was quite a job
Nice to have flat calm weather tonight, after the gales of 24 hours ago. The owls are hooting and screeching, they seem to like it when it is cooler.
All the lovelies were well looked after and no harm came to man nor animal.
We are in the safer spot, far enough away from the trees, to avoid any shouts of, "timber". Yes, the neighbours are back and in residence, everything cleared away and sorted, no damage done.
There was a lot of chattering come to think of it, so Miss Sleek likes the stormy winds - ours are oblivious really. So Miss S has been catching energy from the sun - mmm, I wonder if it going to be mixed with the Pendle mists, for one of their spells? Pepe said they are going for a fly around Pendle this morning, I could hear his broomstick fizzing, so Hermione must have re started them.
Dad can talk the hind legs off a Donkey. Everything from way back when...........
We will take Mum's new walker with us, as she has only practiced with it, indoors, with the OT.
Glad you enjoyed the face splat cake and not a hair out of place. ( I did get mine cut the other day)
((())) for your back to feel better after resting.
Well I had better do some pottering. It is nearly 1am and I am setting like a stone.
Hi to everyone, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all
Take lots of care XXX Aidan
Crepes with dulche de leche (caramel sauce)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
I've just been on Facebook and Elizabeth has her DATE!!!! 6th November and had her pre-op already
How great is that? Finally! she totally deserves it!!
Aidan yes what a day was yesterday :roll: today has to be better :? surely :?
Surprising how much difference that walker will make to Mum and I hope you do get out and have a lovely lunch on Bill's birthday today
a French Happy birthday to him!
All is quiet here ATM hopefully no more disasters today
Charley's gf did 32,000steps on her shift at work last night :shock: :shock: :shock:
Diddicat says they have already been out this morning to Pendle. I wonder whether any of what they have collected is for mig's cauldron?? Time will tell. I bet Pepe's broomstick was fizzing!!
Oh yes I loved the face splat cake and didn't need to wash my hair afterwards!! I can't always wait to get my shower cap you know
Lovely Francais crepesMmmmm.....thanks
Morning to Joan!! t98112
Love to everyone else!
Toni xxx0
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