Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Mig Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
    Mig I hope you have a good day.
    Kathleen you are doing well how is your pain
    Barbara I'm pleased you feel better. I sent you a card.
    Aidan have a good day and your(((((((Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    happy birthday B.
    Toni sorry about your problems you got sorted good.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good to see you posting Barbara hope you are loads better.
    Just going to start packing for trip to Lake Garda super excited.
    Going for afternoon tea with my daughter Patisserie Valerie I got a gift card for my birthday,menu sounds lovely. :cake:
    I have decided I'm not going to be 70 I'm going to be 60 10 then 60 11 and so on. :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..lovey and sunny .. :)
    Must wish Bill a happy birthday hope you all have a lovely time at the GC.. h087.gif
    Aiden I see you have been making good use of the new large washing machine..maybe I could bring some of mine around save you looking for more :) ..its a lovely day for you all to get out..and also let mum practice with the walker..she will be much safer :) the extra hugs are very welcome has are the possums.. :D and maybe a pancake or two..
    Thankyou Mig..I tell you 70 is the new go girl and enjoy you tea with your daughter..and how lovely that5 you are now packing for lake Garda.. :D
    Toni Thanks for letting us know about Elizabeth..its been a long time coming bless not much longer now..give her my love when you next speak...what a rotten day you never rains has they if we had lived nearer OH would have gladly helped..hope it all gets sorted today..pleases be careful with your back..very careful in fact..I know for my sins..our eldest GD counts her steps has Charley GF is doing and they get in competition with a few of the other carers..but she has not got to 32,000 yet..that is good going :D
    Right i will try a pancake..not eaten much lately...but think the steroids are kicking in... :)
    Love to everyone xxxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Steriods are making you hungry then Barbara??

    Charley's gf works at a HUGE screwfix warehouse that was just at work!!

    I just spotted Elizabeth's post on fbook it has been a long time coming you're right!!

    Shame you all don't live nearer life would be fun then :lol: Mind you the things we all say they might put us all in a locked ward :lol:

    yes all sorted and safe until a professional comes to fix everything :)

    mig is packing :D brilliant you will love Lake Garda you lucky girl (see girl :wink: ) 60-10 sounds fair to me that makes me 40-something now too :wink:

    All is quiet here Lucy's bf is visiting so I am going to nip out for my prescriptions and back while she has company.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good news for Elizabeth, I bet she's counting the days. :D

    One of our (many) smoke alarms went off in the middle of the night. :shock: I was out of bed and half way down stairs before I'd even woken up! I didn't know where I was, or what I was doing. :? Blooming thing was one the council fitted, and we couldn't change the battery. :o Chris took a hammer to it and smashed it. No worries, we have five others. :?

    Joan, my pain hasn't been too bad recently, I wish I dare reduce my patches.

    Barbara, if you Google Sawley, you want the Derbyshire one, there's another one in Lancashire.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to one and all, a calm and pleasant day here, cloudy now, but has been lovely and sunny this morning.

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes for Bill, all appreciated :) :cake:

    Hi Toni, that is great news about Elizabeth getting a date for her OP and having had her pre op assessment. As you say it is totally deserved.

    I hope today is better for you, with less water, things working and things turning off when asked to.

    We did manage to go for lunch at the GC, Mum was very slow, but managed with her new walkie, very smart, with a seat and storage underneath.
    It was a supreme effort for her, but she was determined. We got there in time, as it was packed to the rafters not long after we arrived with people queueing 9 deep !! B and I had Lancashire Rarebit, which is very filling, so I didn't have a scone :(

    Mum didn't eat more than a bite or two. She will be ready for her naps this afternoon, as we went into Sainsb after, then Boots. We were tired, never mind how Mum must have been feeling.
    The D Nurse will be out tomorrow.

    A French happy Birthday, that's very nice too :) I could face plant the crepes too :)

    32000 steps, good grief, she will need new shoes every week :shock: :shock: I don't think I have done that many since I was retired from nursing.

    Yes, Pepe and Miss Sleek have been up on Pendle, they took the crystal ball and said they were talking to Minerva and Hermione, there is definitely something planned, it could well be to do with Migs potion. I don't think Pepe will go into the cupboard, he would faint

    Hi Joan, hope you Sue and the doggies are all ok. How is the pain in your hip? Any easier. ((()))
    Thank you for the hugs :)

    Packing for Lake Garda, how wonderful Mig, I am sure you will enjoy it, it is a beautiful place.
    Hope afternoon T was perfect, with your Daughter. Wherabouts is it in Nottm?

    In French, they say 60 plus 10, 11 etc, for 70 onwards, so 60 and 10 is fine.

    Hi Barbara Thank you for the happy Birthdays for Bill, very kind.

    It was very sunny and warm this morning, cooler now. B and I were roasted at the GC, they could have done with the AC on, with it being so busy.

    By all means, bring as much washing as you like, it will be done in no time at all. I have a "delicate" load in at the moment (just trying different programmes really :)

    Trying some crepes, good, the steroids are working, they make me ravenous, good job I don't take them often, or I would blow up :shock:
    I hope you are starting to feel better, bit by bit.

    If we all lived in the same village, we would be locked up Toni, without a doubt :lol::lol:

    So Lucy's BF is visiting and you are being kind and letting them have some time together - don't worry, Miss Sleek will be keeping an eye I am sure 8)

    I am glad that the smoke alarm was a false alarm Kath, so a hammer was taken too it, LOL I love it :lol::lol: with 5 more, you should be quite safe.

    Good that your pain has not been too ouchy recently, maybe not reducing the patches if things are on an even keel at the moment.

    Yes, we have a Sawley in Lancashire too :)

    Well, I suppose I had better post this, after several pottering, chats to neighbours and fussing with laundry..........

    I think some Birthday Cake is in order, let me go get some - Red Velvet cake seemed rather tempting

    Everyone take lots of care, hi to those not about at present.

    XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Another day nearly gone i'm convinced the shed in the secret garden is eating them or should I say stealing them from us. it has been a reasonably good week for me Monday was really weird here with the dark yellowy sky for a couple of hours, they say it was Saharan sand in the air brought along by Ophelia and it was quite windy and the trees were waving about. then all of a sudden light again but very hazy.
    Yesterday Mr T and myself went to a Christian resources exhibition at Sandown racecourse was very good quite enjoyed it we we left home about quite early for me to go out and got back home around 4pm had a bit of a long wait for a bus for the last part of the journey home so it took a little longer. I was really weary when we got back and my dodgy knee was quite painful. but after a nights sleep it was a lot better this morning and I went about my usual day after lunch with Mr T I went off to my knitting group which was enjoyable after a quick look through your posts I see a lot of things have been happening while I have not been around too many things to remember so I will not try to remember them all so sorry I am not even going to try. :? :lol:

    Its very nearly bedtime so I will say nighty night my friends see you all soon. t98112 :animal_busy:
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone. All calm and quiet and pretty chilly, but I had better not press buttons on the wireless thermo thingy m bob to put the heating on. :roll:

    I have been into the shed Carol and it is brim full of hours, days and weeks. You are right, they are being taken from us, by the time thief :? :? I have nabbed a few back, ready for lots of family coming over this Friday onward. I am sure we will need them.

    Wasn't the sky a spooky colour, it was like an eclipse, all orange and reddish, very strange feeling.

    Glad you had a good time at Sandown, at the Christian Resource Exhibition, even if the journey home was longer than planned. I bet your knees were shouting.
    Lunch with Mr T and then knitting group, very nice.

    Don't worry about all the things that have been going on in the cafe world. I have tried and failed :shock: :?

    Toni I hope you have had a better day and Lucy enjoyed the visit from her boyfriend. Miss Sleek was on Skype to Pepe, but they were whispering, again, there is something going on, no doubt for Halloween t98243 t98247 t98243

    Barbara I hope you are starting to feel better, sending extra ((())) to make sure.

    Kerrin I trust you are as ok as possible, busy away. Hopefully you can have a rest at half term and catch up with recharging your batteries.

    Christine, how are your eyes, less troublesome all being well. I hope you are taking things a little easier while the boss is away in sunny climes.

    How is the packing going Mig ? I bet you had a lovely meal out with your Daughter.

    Hi to Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    I am fussing about with washing (no surprise there then :roll: ), bless.

    We were having an at home day today, but, seeing as I forgot to get the things we needed while we were in Sainsb, yesterday, we have to go out now. :roll: :roll:

    Friday we have Nephew and his wife coming over in the morning to see Mum n Dad, then in the afternoon Brother in law, wife and children coming up for three days, to see Mum. They are staying at a nearby park, in an apartment, so they can come and go as they please.
    Other BIL and wife coming on Sat, so there will be everyone, everywhere :shock: :shock: :? Mum will be shattered :? :?

    We had better get extra cakes, the kids, well teenagers, have hollow legs.

    right, I am going to potter. Everyone take lots of care. Love to all XXX Aidan

    A few breakfast treats

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A pastry or a pancake stack? hmmmmm....maybe both?! Thanks Aidan ;)

    It very much sounds as though you have a busy weekend ahead of you all :? The BIL who is staying nearby is being very wise he won't wear Mum and Dad out, but can see plenty of them. Nephew and wife too...yes better stock up with tasty treats for them all especially the 'kids' they need so many extra calories don't they? :roll:

    I am not at all sure what they have planned, Pepe and Miss you at Hallowe'en is very near now...I was in bed far before any skyping unless it was when I was in tesco :? Whatever it is truth will out and all being well it will be foe the greater good. They have 3 new things I know of - the spooky colour from the sun(and dust), energy from the wind and some Pendle mist :? Minerva and Hermione are aware so should be approved anyway. If it's mig's potion Miss S isn't scared Pepe can 'guard the door' :wink:

    She did indeed keep an eye on Lucy and new bf all seems well he is a sweetie and adores her so all good :)

    I am sure you are loving your new washer still. I've had mine a few months and the pleasure still hasn't worn off :) :oops: small things eh? oh and the dishwasher too that is fabulous :)

    It sounds as though Bill had a perfect day with Mum able to join you at the GC. I love rarebit no wonder a scone was out of the question :shock: Mum didn't eat much though and hopefully slept well in the afternoon bless her.

    Of course Bill needed a French happy birthday to remember fun times abroad :) DN visiting today now all good.

    It was over 32,000 Aidan bless her!! I bet nurses can match her to be fair.

    Carol no need to trek back through all the posts no-one expects you to. You have been rather busy I can see where the hours have disappeared! Better go and fetch them from the shed in the garden.

    I hope you enjoyed your day out anyway and knitting group. Have you started the mermaid yet? If you knee recovers overnight then hopefully you didn't overdo it :D

    Off for my flu jab this morning (Lucy had hers yesterday) and Lucy's MRI (both hips) this afternoon so anyone available can pop under the cloak although hopefully won't be necessary.

    A quick hello t98112 To Joan

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Mig Barbara Toni Kathleen Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed.
    Mig you have a lovely time in Garda.
    Barbara i'm glad you are feeling better take things steady.
    Toni that's nice Lucy having a boyfriend all the best to them.
    Kathleen I'm pleased the patches work for you.
    Aidan I hope Bill had a lovely day. ((((((((Aidans Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Carol I hope you have a good day.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all...
    Joan I am sorry I left you out yesterday..I really do need a new brain..I did get your card thankyou so much I did reply and thankyou for your new email ..must remember to change it..I am feeling better thankyou..hope you are all well...x
    Toni so its flu jab day..glad to hear that Lucy has had hers..I must have missed that Lucy has a boyfriend..Im not surprised...he had better looked after her though..I will be under the clock and hope her hips are doing ok..especially the one she had treatment on..will be thinking of you both..
    Carol dont worry about remembering everything ..just tell us what you have been up to..glad you enjoyed the Christian exhibition..good that you slept well and your knee felt a little better..then off for lunch and your knitting group..there is no holding you back and that is good with rest in between :)
    Kath I will make sure I google the right Sawley trail..fancy there being two...and glad to hear you are not to ouchy.. :)
    Aiden the hugs are very welcome..what a lovely breakfast... :D you spoil us..I think its you and not the steroids that is helping my appetite.. :lol: how lovely that you all got to the GC..mum must have been determined bless you are going through all the programs on your new washer..I wont send my delicate but will send the rest.. :lol: at least when you get back today you can both have a quiet day till the family arrive..thankyou for the Birthday cake it was yoummy..
    I am feeling much better this morning..face had gone down but still got tooth pain with it but that will go..and the cough is easing.. :)
    I hope that Elizabeth comes on for support ..and no need to read back it will take you forever.. :shock: I do wish her well (())
    I hope that everyonrs thats missing are doing to all xxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tea for Two,Mig and daughter.
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, wet wet wet here, low cloud, Pendle has vanished into the mists (don't tell Miss Sleek or Pepe).

    Definitely both, pancakes and pastry Toni, it would be remiss not to.

    We are with you under the cloak, minus anything metal, so as things don't go flying in the MRI unit. :shock: :shock: Hope the scan goes ok, brave Lucy. ((()))

    We do have a busy week end ahead, so today we are doing our own thing, as much as possible. We popped in to see Mum n Dad, they were ok, Mum seemed a bit brighter. The D Nurse was still to arrive and do the bloods.

    Then we popped to the vets, then homebase for a new shower head (they should be changed every so often anyway and regularly bleached - legionaires disease can lurk, moreso if the shower has not been used in a while). Hush now Matron..................sorry.

    Then to Booths, their hot deli is SO tempting and it worked, we had a nice lancashire pastie to share and two beef burgers........I was in carnivore mood today :shock: :?

    BIL and family will be able to pop in and out, leaving Mum to rest when necessary. There is plenty to do around and about and they can always pop round to us.

    Kids do need extra calories, as do we all, now that it is Autumn and heading into Winter, we need to stock up :) that's my excuse anyway and I am sticking to it :lol::lol:

    Miss Sleek was transported over, to meet Pepe on Pendle this morning, while we were out, they had to gather some rain, so it was wet weather gear. They were all back home by the time we returned. It is definitely a spell they are casting. I heard them discussing how much good it will do - I guess we will find out on Halloween :? :?

    I am so glad that Lucy's BF is a sweetie and adores her, that is what we like to hear. Miss Sleek was talking to Pepe about it and looking forward to Say Yes To The Dress tomorrow bless her. :roll: :roll:

    Yes, I am still loving the washer, it was doing its weigh and wash and it's own thing. Almost finished now. I don't mind the tumbler going on, it is a bit chilly.
    We never used our dishwasher, hence the tumble dryer took its place, which we use every day.

    Mum did do well to even get to the GC really, it is a lot of effort for her to do things now.
    Rarebit is super filling, but I am having a scone asap.

    Fun times abroad, you are not kidding, we could write a book. :shock: :lol::lol:

    Flu jabs all done, very good.

    Hi Joan, yes, Bill has a very good day thank you, also for the extra hugs for Mum n Dad, I am certain they help.
    Hope you can get out and about, dodging the showers, if you have them.

    Hi to Sue and to the doggies too. Take care

    Hi Barbara Hugs do work, even from afar. Glad to hear that you are feeling better, face less swollen and cough improving, hugs that the tooth pain goes quickly. Glad you are liking all the cakes and breakfasts. I search for the best possible ones :)
    The washer will do your "delicates", hand wash cycle, or wool, or jeans, or all sorts of options :)

    Thanks for the picture Mig, of T with your Daughter. It looks fabulous and I am needing cake now.

    Speaking of cake I had better find something for T time.

    Hi to everyone else, hope all are as ok as possible. Catch up later. Take lots of care XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all...very wet today and dark...
    Mig that is tea for 4..we could have all joined you.. :lol: boy it looks good so glad you had a good day with your daughter.. :D
    Aiden we don't have does sound nice..glad to hear you have had that easy day you promised I am glad you mentioned the shower I have been telling people to run it for a min before getting under it..the best man at our wedding got legionnaires from a shower in Spain..he never really recovered properly..and still suffers chest problems..see I have gone off on one... :oops: :roll: now we dont have a dish washer..never have done..apart from OH he likes to do them.. :)
    so we do get tea thankyou... :D
    I hope all is well for Lucy....
    Right better go..have a good evening everyone xxxxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone -

    It has been dark Barbara, we had the lights on early and shut the curtains at 6 :? Another week and the clocks will go back and then it WILL be dark early. B likes it when he can shut the curtains at 4pm.

    I see we have another weather warning in place, this time for storm Brian :shock: Saturday and Sunday look to be a total washout with high winds too. Not nice for family coming to stay, but they don't mind the weather - so far :? :?

    Booth's is a Lancashire store, they sell things that you would never find in other supermarkets, some bigger stores have tea rooms, (not ours), but you get a free coffee from the posh machine, every time you shop and scan your store card.

    Glad I am not the only one who is a bit OCD with the shower. It is ok if you use them everyday, but more risky for ones that are not used often and are in a nice warm environment.

    B likes doing the dishes, as do I. I drop far more than B does though :roll: :roll:

    A quiet evening, had a nap, then supper. Just pottering and browsing. B is busy sorting jump rings and jewellery. Cats are all asleep.

    Ready for the influx of visitors, so better get up earlier than normal.

    Hope Lucy got on ok with the scan Toni. We were all very quiet under the cape, one of the bush babies sneezed, but I don't think the radiographer heard it.
    Was it choir practice tonight?

    Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Carol, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    I will just see how the forest is looking tonight
    It was dark, but the lights along the path made it feel very embracing.


    All the lovelies are fine, Johnny is on tonight, along with three keepers. We are blessed with so many lovely animals, even the warthogs are lovely in their own "special" way.

    Pepe and Miss Sleek had a chat with Tomicat and Jericat, they are going to meet up after the week end, when the weather is better. A no fly zone will be in place for Sat and Sun, orders from Minerva. t98247

    Everyone take lots of care. Let me see what goodies we can have this morning. XXX Aidan

    Angel food cake ( French toast, syrup, strawberries, blueberries and cream).

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I so want that cake, I'm drooling.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..just gone very dark.. :shock:
    Aiden I think it must be much easier to wash the dishes than to stack a dish washer and then empty it..suppose they would help with a big family or at Christmas..
    Booths sounds so nice like a proper old fashioned convenience store only bigger...yes I heard about the storm..the poor people that have just got there electric back on.. :shock: ...hope all your family arrive safe and sound..
    Right French toast it is...
    Mig I was thinking the same.. :D
    I do hope that Lucy went on ok yesterday...we do well under the cloak...must say though it was a bit warm..
    Feeling better by the day..think I will ask can I stop the steroids today... :)
    Love to everyone..xxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tesco day, not expecting it to be early, as we are surrounded by roadworks. Tent Barton have changed the route for the skylink, so no buses through Sawley for the foreseeable. Except the 15, unless they change the route for that too. :?

    Window cleaner turned up this morning. I sent him away - well it WAS raining. :roll:

    Got to arrange a day for Jonathan and Dawn to visit, but Chris is a bit picky. A creature of habit (OCD) so not easy to do. I'd have them every day of the week. :wink:

    t98243 t120007 t120002 t98112

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry to have been AWOL

    MRI went fine I was glad you were there it took forever!! Which one of you made her twitch her leg so they had to repeat it? Or was it one of the animals?? :?

    Hehe! All good anyway results Tuesday super-early 8.30am and thank you all very much for being with us :D

    This morning was an early start Lucy's interview at River Island. Seems to have gone well - all 2 hours of it!. She was honest about her health problems, but demonstrated her eagerness to work Bless her. I can't see she said/did anything wrong so fingers crossed everyone please :)

    We will hear by Monday.

    Sorry I can't catch up properly a lot has happened :oops: I do however know that the cats collected rainwater :? for their spell. No-fly zone in place for sat/sun. t98243 They also have another programme to watch as well as 'Yes to the dress' called 'dress to impress' so glad they have had Lucy watching it as she had to 'dress' a celebrity today as part of the interview :)


    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning, yes, me, in a morning, whatever next. :shock: Soon put paid to that. :roll: :roll:

    Nephew and his wife arrived, at the time we expected them. Had cuppa's. Rang Mum n Dad, no one in................ :roll:

    We went round after an hour or so and still no one in, so we let ourselves in and waited, after another half hour they came back from shopping, no recollection at all, about them coming. (We had mentioned it about 6 times).

    Anyway, by this time they had to be setting off back, a two hour journey would take them to pick up from school time. We left and let them both have something to eat and have a nap. Now waiting for B and SIL and kids, (taller than me, but still only teens) :? :?

    Hi Mig, you help yourself to the french toast delights, as much as you can manage :)
    How is the packing going, all ready?

    Morning Barbara Good to hear you are feeling better by the day. Very pleased that all the extra hugs and well wishes are helpful. Dive into the French toast cake, Mig is already busy away with a big spoon :shock:

    Dishwashers are ok if you have a larger family, but we would run out of cups and things, before it was full.

    Another storm, just get rid of Ophelia and then Brian turns up :shock: Just was people need. I hope there is as little damage and disruption as possible. Everyone take care. Our weather warning starts from midday tomorrow :?

    If you are stopping the steroids, I will finish them off, always gives some extra relief from joint pain :)

    Hi Kath, I hope your Tesco order is not too delayed, with a mountain of roadworks and limited bus services. We used to know Mr and Mrs Barton, the owners of Barton Bus Service. West Leake was one of Dads Parishes, often popped in for a cuppa and to warm up, the Church there was the coldest place I can think of.

    You can guarantee rain after our window cleaner has been, I have his £5 ready, expecting him sometime soon.

    Hope you manage to arrange a visit from Jonathan and Dawn, at a time that suits everyone. It must take some planning. ((()))

    Hi Toni, don't worry, we knew where you were. Now, I think it was one of the possums, that scuttled out, to check on Lucy, hence the leg movement. Oh dear, no wonder it took so long. Well done Lucy, all credit for being so patient in the scanner

    Early doors for the results, but better to get them so soon.

    oooh, well done at the interview, dressing a celebrity, how cool is that
    They certainly cannot discriminate against health issues and being up front and honest is always the best policy. I really hope she gets some good news. Many positive vibes wafting down country to you.

    Yes, Miss Sleek gathered the rain water and asked Minerva to transport it to the ravine, where all the other ingredients are being stored. So we have rain from Pendle, Pendle mist, strange coloured sunshine, did they get something else? I forget, they are being super quiet about things. Pepe is pretending to know nothing :roll:

    Dress to impress, not seen that one, but I am sure the sky Q is set to record it, someone has been at the remote :?

    B and BIL are running super late, terrible traffic all the way up from London, so said, ring Mum when you get here and check into the aptmt and we will see you in the morning.

    Right I am going to potter a bit, do some dusting I think, move the bones.

    Hi to everyone else, love to all. XXX Aidan

    Lemon sponge with strawberries and fresh cream

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Mig Aidan Kathleen Toni and anyone else I missed.
    Barbara I hope you have a good weekend.
    Mig that's a lovely photo and the cakes are mouth watering has well.
    Aidan I hope you have all had a good day. ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Kathleen I sorry they have stopped the bus you use.
    Toni good luck to Lucy with her MRI and the job ((((((((Lucy))))))))
    take care all have a good weekend
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Joan All being well the scan will show no deterioration and the job will be Lucy's :)

    Hi Aidan It was a possum?? I suspected as much I saw one scuttle in when a technician opened the door :shock:

    She was in the scanner for 40 mins both hips and a possum jerk of the leg :lol:

    The extra item in the ravine is Sahara dust I think :? I wonder whether it's a task set by Hermione or Minerva??. I can't wait to see what they are up to.

    Dress to impress has 3 people after a date with one person and they have to chose them outfits and the winner is the one whose clothes the person likes best.

    Oh yes it will be saved to the sky box :roll: How much does Pepe like his clothes? :wink:

    Gosh neither Mum nor Dad remembered the nephew and his wife were coming? :oops: oh dear I'm sure you entertained them though?

    Hope B SIL and tall-teens arrived and had a good time....hang on a mo are they going to check into the hotel and rest till tomorrow?? Oh I am easily confused :oops:

    Lemon sponge and fresh cream and strawberries YUM....shower-cap.....splat!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you very much :)


    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    had a good evening out last night with our usual group of church people all went quite well. didn't get home till about 10.30-10.45pm so was a tiring day all told. Still I am enjoying these Thursday evenings once a fortnight. although. since we changed the place we have the meal its not doing my weight loss much good. coupled with the fact Mr T and myself have also had to change our Friday dinner out to a different place as the other place closed down so all told it has all not helped me. I have looked into it more today and I have miscalculated on a few things. But of course when I said it tonight Mr T was being very difficult about it all and saying things like oh well we will give up going out on Fridays then, but then has never been as serious about the whole thing as I am, and really he cant be bothered to try anywhere else. so not much conversation going on in our house tonight. the sulks have set in :roll: :roll: we are supposed to have our monthly open morning tomorrow at the church but weather is forecasting rain and wind from tonight until tomorrow evening so we may cancel it . after all its only us that are there every time. but on a lighter note managed my coffee with my friend today.

    Aidan the shed must be full to capacity now cos the time thief steals so many hours, days, weeks even. :roll: :roll:
    yes that sky was so eerie very strange feeling indeed. Glad I was back in doors by then and not out.
    Knees and back were literally screaming at me your right, I'm also very glad that it had improved by Wednesday morning.

    Toni hope the flu jabs went ok and glad Lucy's MRI result is good. And fingers crossed she did well enough in the interview to get the job.

    Barbara my memory's not the best these days anyway so it wasn't worth trying to remember all that I had read. I do try to go and make the best of what I am able to do it would drive me crazy stuck indoors every day. when it snows and lays I am horrible to live with, I feel sorry for Mr T on those occasion. :lol:

    Well must away and have a little potter will check on our lovelies and have a few cuddles at the same time.

    So I will give a little wave t98112 to say bye for now t98112.
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, I am here, before midnight, amazing.............

    It has been a kind of strange day Joan, with Mum n Dad not remembering that their GS and Wife were coming over...............but, they came to ours and we looked after them.

    Stay safe in the bad winds and rain, maybe a day to stop indoors, I think it is going to get quite wild.

    Face splat for sure Toni, I did and it was wonderful :lol::lol::D

    Lucy deserves a medal for being in the MRI for 40 minutes, I didn't last 40 seconds, before I was being scooped out :roll: :roll: :oops:

    Lets trust that the news is good and no deterioration is shown, then Lucy can get the job, sorted :)

    It was a cheeky little possum that made Lucy's leg jump and send the imaging all squiffy. They need teeny tiny harnesses for when we are on cloak duties. Barbara got very warm and had to be wafted.

    Yes, the Sahara dust from the spooky skies, of course. I think they have everything they need. Miss Sleek and Pepe were on Skype, going over the spells in their books. They chatted to Tomicat and Jericat too, for their opinions. It was all very hushed and I did try to look at the spell, but it vanished as soon as it saw me :shock: :shock:

    Sounds interesting, Dress to Impress, might have to take a peek at that one. Say yes has been on tonight, but we save that for the week end.

    We did keep Nephew and Wife entertained, they didn't mind, even though Mum n Dad were AWOL and had no clue of them coming.

    B SIL and super tall kids, all arrived and managed to book into the apartment in time. They went straight round to Mum n Dads to spend some time with them.
    It was nearly nap time and they were all shattered from the lonnnnng journey. We will catch up them this morning and hopefully all of us can go for a coffee and cakes. Mum will do her level best to come with us I am sure. That is the plan anyway :?

    I am sure B and SIL will sleep well, she said she was frazzled from the length of time it took to get here. Bless em.

    Shower cap did the job I take it. It was a face plant cake, we need one every day I think. We could do the same with trifle :)

    Hi Carol, you sound to have had a busy day, getting in quite late and feeling all out of sorts with the new restaurant for yourself and Mr T.
    Glad you enjoyed it none the less, don't worry too much about a little gain.
    Oh dear, the sulks have set in, I will send the peace keeping bush babies to lighten the atmosphere and then Mr T will be ok about trying a new restaurant. ((())) Change, men don't like it.

    I think I would cancel the Church open morning, with the weather warnings that are out, best to stop in and stay safe.

    There is a storage box outside the shed in the secret garden, to cope with the amount of spare hours, it is floor to ceiling in there at the moment. I think they are being saved up for next week end when we all gain an hour, that will use most of them up.

    I can totally sympathise with ouchy knees and back and neck :roll: my neck is getting more and more "crunchy" :shock: But one carries on, pottering and doing our best.

    Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth and all

    Must have a potter, be right back.

    Better for a move about. Let me see how the forest is tonight

    Just as beautiful


    Jam filled coffee cake muffins


    Ok, time to move again. Everyone take lots of care, keep safe in the winds and rain.

    Love to all XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning All :D

    Carol thank you For your kind wishes about Lucy.

    I am glad you have sussed your slight weight gain issue that is good. I suppose you'll have to just eat less of whatever it is now then? Naughty Mr T not supporting you with it - it's really important to you isn't it? Getting stroppy too :roll: Not like you said anything about not going :roll: you just worked out why the weight gain! men! (present company excepted of course)

    Glad you saw your friend though. Windy here today so if it gets worse you might be wise to cancel the open day :?

    it was a proper face splat cake that one. These little coffee and jam ones are more delicate I shall have two....maybe three.....thanks ;) I have a spare shower cap somewhere. ..I can have it ready for regular face-plant cakes if you have more or trifles - shan't say no :lol:

    Lucy did do well in the scanner....she always does bless her except that one time when she had a seizure aura inside (double vision) and all the way home then dreadful seizures afterwards :( I hope all is well too bless her.

    Possum harnesses for hospital visits yes good idea!! Poor Barbara getting hot yes it can get hot under there especially in hospitals :?

    Miss S has been muttering that her broomstick won't start :roll: I reminded her about the wind, but she clearly hadn't listened :roll: They are definitely up to something aren't they? Tomicat and Jericat chipped in their 2 pen'ort did they? You could see the spell from a distance, but not when you got close enough eh? Hmmm...

    Dress to impress is quite funny sometimes the sizes have me laughing. Daisycat sits there with Lucy watching it (pretending her eyes are closed of course) and then watched it again with Pepe, her beloved :wink: They watch Say Yes! Over and over. One day I have no doubt they will have an announcement to make :wink:

    Least said eh regarding Nephew and wife's visit t120007 under the carpet!

    I hope all goes well today and Mum and Dad are up to lunch out with everyone even if some of them are impossibly tall :lol:

    Wasn't the forest beautiful last night!! Enchanted was the word for it. When I popped in there was a wizard with one of those sandwich boards with warnings of gales on it.


    A quick hello! to t98112 Joan don't get blown over today will you.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
