Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed
    Toni I hope the weather's not too bad there it's windy here.
    Aidan I hope you all have a good weekend((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Carol sorry the place you had a meal has closed down it's nice having a meal out.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Tesco was delivered on time thank you. :D

    We haven't been out today because of the wind. Feel soooo tired. Must close my eyes.

    Joan, it isn't our bus that's been changed. It's the one that goes to the airport.

    Take care everyone. xx

    :animal_busy: t120002 t98112

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It's windy here too Joan really quite chilly brrrrr!!!!!

    Kath I'm glad Tesco have delivered on time for you and quite agree with you staying in today it's far too cold :(

    I feel like going to sleep too..... :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all..storm Brian has late brothers name he would have loved it.. :)
    Carol men eh...never mind you will get there..they dont think like us women..sorry are exempt... :lol: glad you enjoyed the meal with your church group...good food makes us happy and that is important :)says me ... at least you have sussed what has gone wrong..and I am sure if you find somewhere else your OH will join you..all I get is whatever you think... :roll: :lol:
    Kath got her shopping..I think..sorry mi brain going again..and the bus is not running to the trail..hope it will be back soon..mind you not the weather for it..
    Toni I am so pleased to hear that Lucy MRI went well..and hope the results are very good..oh River island that is a nice shop my middle GD takes me in there I do hope that they see sense and give Lucy the job...
    Aiden so mum and dad forgot about the family visit....oh ek..but all was well in the end bet they were glad to get there heads down such a long are right about the young people they tower over us.. :o I often wonder what they eat different... :lol: thanks for the advice on the steroids..I will ring them Monday..and see how to bring them down..such a stunning pic of the forest...I could happily live there in a little wooden hut.. :D and cake to boot..
    Joan thankyou hope you are all well and keeping warm..not nice to go out in this wind...
    I am really cold today..not like me at all... :? I have my electric blanket on my least they are warm.. :lol:
    Keep safe everyone xxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Gosh Barbara I just remembered it was my late Mum's late bother's name too Brian!!

    I like River Island too, but it's not cheap is it? Fingers crossed Lucy will get the job eh? She was one of the few who could do any shirt so you never know :?

    I am cold too about to get tucked up inside by mermaid blankie which Lucy got me last Christmas :)


    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to one and all, it is pouring with rain and blowing a hoolie. Not the weather for going out any more today.

    Hope everyone is keeping safe and dry.

    Toni those mini buns are more delicate, pinkies I think to eat them, so refined, don't you know :lol::lol::lol:

    Spare shower caps at the ready, just in case I find something for afternoon T.

    Lucy does do well coping with the MRI's, they have quite a high failure rate when it comes to patient compliance. I was just stateless, silly I know, but I went to jelly. :oops: :oops:

    The broomsticks are definitely switched off from Hogwarts, it let me put all the coats in the cupboard without growling at me :? :?

    I am sure Pepe will be on Skype later, when we are napping. Yes, Tomicat and Jericat sent some red sky, in a jar, from the other day, to add to the the things in the ravine.
    You can see the spells from a distance, but as soon as it knows you can read it, they vanish........... :roll: :roll:

    We will be catching up with Say yes, later this evening. Then when we are out our twosome will watch them over again. Bless, they are in lurve.

    Yes, Nephews visit has not been mentioned, only to B's and SIL's

    Mum was up to going out for coffee and cakes, so, all 10 of us went, fortunately one of the staff who only works on a week end, looks after us SO well, sorted out the table for us. Mum was pretty tired and we took mum and dad home, for naps, when we left.

    Everyone else came here, while mum and dad napped, so I was very busy with T, Coffee and cakes. Lots of nattering and catching up and sharing of concerns etc. Good to get together and air things with other members of the family. We will all meet up again tomorrow at Mum's.

    SIL said "how do you keep your bathroom looking SO SO clean, it looks brand new" (she has seen it many times before). I said, "because I am OCD". I took it as a huge compliment :):) so I went to clean it all again when they had gone. :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    The forest is beautiful, shame I missed the Wizard warning of the impending storms. I like Wizards.

    Hi Joan, thank you we are having a good week end so far, the weather held off until family had gone back to Mum and Dads and then back to their apartment. Now it is blowing a gale, we have leaves stuck to the windows !! Pouring rain.

    Hope you are safe and warm. Love to both and the doggies too.

    I don't blame you for not going out Kath, you would have been blown away for sure :shock: :shock:
    I hope you are more rested and have had nice naps. ((())) just in case those ouches appear, we don't want them hanging around.

    Just caught you there Barbara, it is absolutely horrid here, much worse than Ophelia, like being in a jet wash :shock: :shock:

    I am exempt from "men eh, what do we do with them" :lol::lol: Bu, I do agree, we are a strange breed. :? :?
    Yes, all family gatherings have gone to plan today, which is good. They are best staying in their apt for the rest of today, not really safe or wise to be going out.
    I don't know what they are feeding our Nephew, he is over 6 foot tall, at 15, nearly 16. I did say I was shrinking though and used to be 6 feet 2 tall. He is like a stick and eats anything and everything, twice. If I did that I would be like a gable end, it's not FAIR.

    The forest is lovely and we could all have nice little houses in there, all mod cons mind you and spider proof of course.

    Time I was moving my bones, too much sitting, with brunch sending me chair shaped.

    Let me go see if I can find a face plant something, for Toni.

    Love to all, everyone take lots of care. Catch you later XXX Aidan

    After you Toni :) Mississippi mud pie / cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aiden, I’m sure we could all sneak in to my boss’s apartment under the cloak. They’d never notice us and I’ve now got plenty of spending money. Everyone get your bikinis and speedos ready. My mum had a mangle but it was attached to the sink as we didn’t have a machine when I was very young. I found it quite fascinating watching the water being squeezed out. Please don’t drink the potion. Look what happened to the cat Mig posted. Happy 28th birthday to Bill. So B and SIL’s kids are taller than you. My 13 year-old GS is now a couple of inches taller than me. I’m 5’ 4”. I think teens grow upwards if they eat a lot, we grow sideways. I’m sure mum and dad forgot their GS and wife were going as there is so much going on. Glad they are still getting out and about.

    Joan, the children must have thought your crutches were holding up your arm. What a lovely poem. Thank you and Sue for sharing it.

    Kath, lovely picture of Johnathon and Dawn. They look happy. I have smoke alarms which were fitted by the firemen. I can’t change the batteries in them. I did contact the firemen last time the battery needed changing and they came out the next day. A hammer should be supplied with them though.

    Mig, poor cat. Is there a spell to bring him back? I decided to hoover around the ceiling the other day so have plenty of cobwebs for the potion. Hope you enjoyed your tea with your daughter. It looks yummy.

    Barbara, thank you for thinking of me when you were feeling so down. Glad you are feeling a bit better now.

    Toni, glad Lucy’s scan went ok despite the twitchy leg. She did really well staying there for 40 minutes. Don’t think I could stay for more than 5. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for her to get the job at River Island. Did you get her radiator working again? Glad the shower turned off. Wonder what was going on there. How is your back? Charley’s gf did 32 thousand steps in one shift. Wow! I can be on the go all day at work and struggle to get 10 thousand. I think you are right about some of the things we say in here. Best not let the ‘real world’ hear us.

    Elizabeth, I saw on FB that you’ve got your date for your hip op. Not long now.

    Carol, glad you enjoyed your evening out with the church people. Hope you and OH can sort out your Friday evenings.

    I was in the High Street the other day. There was complete cloud covering here so it was like a total eclipse but the cloud opened a little and out popped a pink sun. I stared for a while then thought it was probably my eyes playing up. Seems that most people saw the sun red. That must have been spectacular. Hundreds of years ago, people must have thought it was the end of the world. The only damage around here was a bit of fence down in the next town and a few big twigs lying around. Think we were lucky.

    We’ve just had our second annual fair in the High Street. I think I mentioned that our summer gala was cancelled because the town council and the borough council were arguing over the health and safety. In 1846, King John decreed that our town should have 2 fairs, the summer gala and one in October. This one used to be for selling horses and cattle and tons of cheese was also sold. The horses were run up and down the High Street for buyers to view them. These days it is mostly a fun fair which takes up most of the High Street which is closed to traffic but one end is taken up by travelling folk who sell their wares and tell fortunes. They bring their horses and once the fair has been blessed at lunch time, they run the horses. The council said that they couldn’t do this because of H&S but changed their minds after everyone protested. I went last night with my son and his wife and my youngest GD. We enjoyed it but Ruby dropped her teddy and we couldn’t find it. Spent more time looking at the ground and under rides than what was going on.

    Aiden, I’m sure we could all sneak in to my boss’s apartment under the cloak. They’d never notice us and I’ve now got plenty of spending money. Everyone get your bikinis and speedos ready. My mum had a mangle but it was attached to the sink as we didn’t have a machine when I was very young. I found it quite fascinating watching the water being squeezed out. Please don’t drink the potion. Look what happened to the cat Mig posted. Happy 28th birthday to Bill. So B and SIL’s kids are taller than you. My 13 year-old GS is now a couple of inches taller than me. I’m 5’ 4”. I think teens grow upwards if they eat a lot, we grow sideways. I’m sure mum and dad forgot their GS and wife were going as there is so much going on. Glad they are still getting out and about.

    Joan, the children must have thought your crutches were holding up your arm. What a lovely poem. Thanks for sharing it.

    Kath, lovely picture of Johnathon and Dawn. They look happy. I have smoke alarms which were fitted by the firemen. I can’t change the batteries in them. I did contact the firemen last time the battery needed changing and they came out the next day. A hammer should be supplied with them though.

    Mig, poor cat. Is there a spell to bring him back? I decided to hoover around the ceiling the other day so have plenty of cobwebs for the potion. Hope you enjoyed your tea with your daughter. It looks yummy.

    Barbara, thank you for thinking of me when you were feeling so down. Glad you are feeling a bit better now.

    Toni, glad Lucy’s scan went ok despite the twitchy leg. She did really well staying there for 40 minutes. Don’t think I could stay for more than 5. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for her to get the job at River Island. Did you get her radiator working again? Glad the shower turned off. Wonder what was going on there. How is your back? Charley’s gf did 32 thousand steps in one shift. Wow! I can be on the go all day at work and struggle to get 10 thousand. I think you are right about some of the things we say in here. Best not let the ‘real world’ hear us.

    Elizabeth, I saw on FB that you’ve got your date for your hip op. Not long now.

    Carol, glad you enjoyed your evening out with the church people. Hope you and OH can sort out your Friday evenings.

    I was in the High Street the other day. There was complete cloud covering here so it was like a total eclipse but the cloud opened a little and out popped a pink sun. I stared for a while then thought it was probably my eyes playing up. Seems that most people saw the sun red. That must have been spectacular. Hundreds of years ago, people must have thought it was the end of the world. The only damage around here was a bit of fence down in the next town and a few big twigs lying around. Think we were lucky.

    We’ve just had our second annual fair in the High Street. I think I mentioned that our summer gala was cancelled because the town council and the borough council were arguing over the health and safety. In 1846, King John decreed that our town should have 2 fairs, the summer gala and one in October. This one used to be for selling horses and cattle and tons of cheese was also sold. The horses were run up and down the High Street for buyers to view them. These days it is mostly a fun fair which takes up most of the High Street which is closed to traffic but one end is taken up by travelling folk who sell their wares and tell fortunes. They bring their horses and once the fair has been blessed at lunch time, they run the horses. The council said that they couldn’t do this because of H&S but changed their minds after everyone protested. I went last night with my son and his wife and my youngest GD. We enjoyed it but Ruby dropped her teddy and we couldn’t find it. Spent more time looking at the ground and under rides than what was going on.

    This was taken from the top of the big wheel. The lights in the background show that some rides were way higher than the 3 story buildings.

    Oops wont let me post it.
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Well I am in better frame of mind about the weight gain tonight ok so if I am not back there this week I have to go back to paying for a bit while I sort it out but I wont stop my usual meals out just need to make better choices instead or be extra good the rest of the week I have been on it 100% today. just need to get weight down 3 and a half pounds and I will be right on target and I will be happy again. made a great shepherds pie tonight for dinner using mixed white potato and sweet potato as the topping it was packed with mixed vegetables and extra green beans on the plate as well followed by strawberries with low fat yoghurt. it was yummy.

    We did do the church open day today as our weather was ok just a bit drizzly on the way but stopped by the time we arrived to the church it was a little windy on the way home but not too bad. had a couple of people come in better than none at all.

    Aidan Think the bush babies worked as mood has at the moment lightened until Friday I expect I will have to look myself for somewhere else because I don't suppose Mr T will bother. if I can't find anywhere locally for Friday lunchtimes I will have to cut out certain things during the week and see if that works. cos i'm not giving up I worked to hard getting to where I am, so not intending to undo it without trying not too.
    I Know what you mean its my knee that gets a bit crunchy at times. doing our best is all we can do.

    Toni I need to look around myself in our local high street which is where the usual place is to see if I can find somewhere else where Mr T and I can go on a Friday cos he wont bother argh men what are they like. :roll: :roll: as for our fortnightly
    Thursdays with the church I am hoping they go back to the original place we went before cos I was managing ok there.

    Joan yes it is nice to have these evenings out so will just have to see what happens over the next couple of weeks.

    Barbara Yes men indeed you love them but they drive you crazy.

    Christine I'm sure it will all sort itself out in the and.

    Well it's nearly bedtime so I need to get these joints moving a bit before bed.
    so I am off now t98112 t98112
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all -the storm calmed down for a while and is now picking up again. Wet and wild.

    Oh, can we all go to the Boss's House Christine, that would be very nice, bikini's and speedo's? Do they have a pool?
    I don't think I could wear speedo's, I would not wish to inflict such a sight on anyone. :shock: :lol: I will wear one of those all in one striped bathing suits.

    We can all chip in to add to the spending money, what are we buying :lol::lol: cakes and goodies, as long as we don't make a mess

    I was always fascinated by the water coming out of the clothes through the mangle. How times change, when machines weigh the clothes and decide how much water matches the amount of detergent..........I am equally as fascinated by our new washing machine, hunting for laundry most days. I had the shower curtains down today.

    You are quite right, we grow sideways and teenagers grow skyward :lol::lol: :?
    We have swept the none visit from Nephew and his Wife, under the carpet, no point mentioning it to mum n dad again. They do have a lot going on.

    The poor puskin that drank some of Mig's potion, has recuperated now, thanks to the wizards of Hogwarts. There was me, thinking it was for drinking, I might have turned into a toad :shock:

    It was like an eclipse, when the skies turned red and orange. It was very eerie and quite unsettled me. I was glad when the winds came and blew all the sahara dusts away.

    I am sure the ancients thought that the Gods were angry or as you say, some terrible event was about to happen.

    A long standing and historic decree, for two fairs to be held in the town. Very interesting.
    glad you managed to go see the fun fair, not so good loosing teddy though.

    I only get a message to update my account on photobucket, so cannot see your pictures :( Obviously they didn't like me deleting my account the other month and removing all my pictures. If you have the photo's on Google Drive or Google photo's, then you can create a link and post that (sounds complicated but it isn't really). Would love to see them. or pop them on FB :)

    I hope your eyes are not too troublesome at the moment and you are managing to take things easier at work, while everyone is away. Has Mother gone with them?

    Hi Carol I am glad to hear that you are more at ease with SW and keeping tabs on your target weight. Of course you have done so so well and you want to keep it that way.
    The Shepherds pie sounds yummy, love sweet potatoes. The GC were doing sweet potato fries with their home made lamb burgers last week, B had one and said it was a maz ing.

    Good to know that the mood has lightened, those Bush babies and the good vibes, do work wonders :)

    Maybe a suggestion that Mr T throws some light on where he would like to go for your meal out, just a thought

    Nice that at least a couple of people came into the Church, as you say, better than none. Sounds like the weather was not too bad.

    Crunchy knees, oh yes, very crunchy. Sometimes my knee cap goes out to the left side of my knee. I know it is going to go snap at some point :? :?

    Men eh, we are a funny lot :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    I hope everyone is keeping safe and warm, Brian will be gone by lunchtime today, which is good news.

    All the lovelies are safe, warm and dry. Extra keepers on tonight and two vets, to make sure the animals are all settled.

    I will pop into the enchanted forest a while. Is this the same wizard that you met Toni, he is very gentle and wise.


    A welcome lamp to light the way. He spoke of our Halloween and said that the lovely puskins of Hogwarts are doing a very kind spell. He didn't say what though :? :? t98243 t98243

    Well, I had better potter a little more. Best be setting up breakfast

    Love to all XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Croissants for me today I think thank you Aidan :) but the Mississippi Mud pie.....sper-lattt!!!!!! Shower caps permanently at the ready :wink:

    Yes that was the wizard very kind and welcoming he was too :) So the pusskins' spell is a kind one? How lovely :D

    Perhaps we'll all get the day off arthritis?

    I've been and checked on the animals all seem to be well although they are on shut-down for now until lunch-time you say? I think Brian will go then :roll: Reassuring to have the vets and extra helpers on duty.

    Miss S is prowling waiting for her broomstick to work again :roll: she has sloped outside for a wee and pretty quickly is back in no hunting today :wink: Skype calls overnight much whispering....mmmm :? The extra red sun from 'down south' is of good quality I heard that....

    So you can almost read the spells can you? they must be very magical that's all I can say.

    I hope you enjoyed Say Yes!!

    Very good that Mum (and Dad) managed to go out with you all (10 of you!) and had a good time even if she needed to rest later. You two can entertain in their absence and of course show off you immaculate bathroom :D smug smile :wink:

    t98243 t98243 t98243

    We have a christening this morning so off to Church (next village) early. The lady with RA can't come as the carers won't have been that early so I am driving myself and her husband.

    There you go Carol! with that dinner so healthy you'll soon be back on target. Just think without SW it would be so easy to slip back wouldn't it? :shock:

    I hope you can sort out a better place for your lunches with Mr T, but if not then it will have to be portion sizes maybe and choices?? You'll do it anyway I know you will.

    It was drizzly here too and cold the wind is biting. I'm glad you had a couple of visitors to the Church :) I agree with you about your Thursdays if you managed better there.

    I was able to see your photos not sure why probably as I haven't finished deleting all my pics from photobucket yet, but oh the adverts!!! It looks fabulous!! Really amazing. Did you find teddy? :? Poor Ruby is she ok will she sleep???

    How great that H&S lost out and the tradition of running the horses still happens :D

    We are gradually getting sorted the shower people will be here on Friday this week so in the meantime Lucy is showering upstairs with us (not at the same time :lol: ).

    She does well in MRIs I don't I am panicking the whole time I am in one. Even in the CT and you can see out the whole time :oops:

    Thank you fingers crossed for the job eh? :)

    Never mind those in the old days thinking that sun was the end of the world I was proper spooked!!! It was atmospheric and not in a good way :shock: :?

    A quick woo-oooo! to Joan :) t98112

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..I am sure our house was moving last night..very windy indeed :shock:
    Carol you are back to your healthy eating..its good sometimes to have a break..the diet seems to work better after it..I love sweet potatoes and have got OH on niece does SW so she gives me recipes..glad you got to church and the weather wasn't to bad..
    Christine how pretty does the fair look form up all did a good job getting them to change there mind on would be such a shame to put an end to them after all this time... did you find Rubys teddy in the end..bless... I will certainly join you for warmer climates..but not to hot..
    Toni you enjoy the Christening..and yes fingers crossed for Lucy..hope she hears you had an uncle Brian... :)
    Aiden how nice you all got to the GC, 10 of you ..glad the lady got you sorted with a table... :D and looked after you all ..I can just imagine the order.. :o . I had to laugh at you cleaning the bathroom again...I think it the only room I am OCD with....oh and the kitchen... :) is the GC al Christmasy now.. ours has been for a few weeks...
    Think I had better go and help with the animals...not been doing my bit lately... :oops:
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Barbara Aidan Christine Carol and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen that's good it's not a shopping bus. sorry you are tired.
    Toni ((((((((good luck Lucy))))))))
    Barbara it was not safe to go out yesterday for us.
    Aidan I bet it was nice meeting everyone and going to the garden centre ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad)))))))).
    Christine lovely photo's I hope you've had a good weekend
    Carol I hope you can find somewhere to go.
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all, only just got back from being with family, so no time to write now, as naps are needed and biscuits are calling me. Must leave some cake though, or I will get into trouble.

    Love to all, will catch up later. XX Aidan

    Chocolate cheesecake with Almond brittle (best take that off before you dive in Toni)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone - almost midnight, that Sunday soon went. :?

    I thought the mud pie would get a face splat Toni :lol::lol: Best get a few more shower caps, just in case.

    I am glad we both found the same Wizard. He was so gentle and kind. Cannot wait to see what spell the puskins are going to conjure up.

    A day off from arthur would be VERY welcome indeed.

    Thank goodness Brian the storm has gone, everywhere was awash on Sunday morning, the roads were all like little rivers. Everything has calmed down now. It made a change to see the stars tonight. Quite chilly at times during the day, we had the heated seats on a couple of times, very good for ouchy backs.

    Say yes to the dress was very good, one more to watch at some point tonight or tomorrow.

    There has been a lot of skyping, due to the broomsticks not functioning. I think they will be switched on by this morning.

    It was nice for Mum and Dad to come out with us on Saturday, 10 of us, but the GC looked after us very well.

    I did have a very smug grin, at the compliments about our house bathroom. I did say the en suite was just as sparkling clean :D:D

    I hope the Christening went well, a shame that the lady you mentioned could not go, but her Hubby went to represent them both and kind of you to take him.

    The shower in Lucy's rooms will be fixed this week, that is good. Showering upstairs is fine, easy to keep an ear and eye out.

    Medals for Lucy in the MRI, I would not go in one again, they would struggle to get me into the department. I think I would be ok in a CT scanner, as you say, you can see all around and the hole is a lot wider.

    I hope today brings good news about the job, all things crossed XX

    I think we were all moving on Sat night Barbara, the wind was whipping round and the driving rain, just horrid. We need the window cleaner to happen by, as soon as possible.

    The GC has just finished putting out all their Christmas displays, I would buy them all, they are so pretty and sparkling. They did look after us all very well, the order was as long as your arm !! Dad insisted on paying.

    Hi Joan, quite right too, it was not safe to be out and about with Brian blowing for all his worth. Hopefully we will have a calmer week so that you and Sue and the doggies can go on your jaunts.

    It has been lovely to see everyone.

    We went round to Mum n Dads on Sun morning, met B and SIL and youngsters there. SIL tried to offer to take Dad shopping with them, while we stayed with Mum, but the offer was not taken up, "we are going to go out later" :roll: :roll: Mum did not look up to going out at all to be honest, but, we cannot tie them down.

    Her BM is climbing high, I am hoping that the D Nurse has it on board to get the Dr to adjust the insulin dose. Nephew said he found some full sugar lucozade drinks, which might account for the rise in blood sugar, it is loaded with all types of sugars. I will have to try and drop it into conversation today.

    From Mums, the rest of us went into town, had brunch at Nero's, coffee and more coffee, until I was quite dithery :roll: :roll: I will never learn.

    Then to Sainsb, then back to the apartment they were staying in. Up TWO flights of stairs :shock: :shock: so I was a while getting up there and my knees where unmentionable.

    That took up most of the afternoon. They are going back home to London this morning, so we said our goodbyes after lots of talking and sharing of concerns.

    Then home, pills, find a cake for us all in here, then nap, then supper, now it is Monday already :? Some pottering, washing, drying and I ought to have a shave really.

    So, I will trouble you no longer and wish everyone a good night. Take care, all. Many hugs far and wide.

    A selection of goodies for breakfast XX

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    That cheesecake was a face-splat cake right enough Aidan!!! I think we need some of those disposable shower-caps that hotels have..... :wink:

    It was very wet here too today. Paul came for a walk with me in his new walking boots (skechers) me in my old ones and had to take it in turns down some of the parts of the lane :roll: and it was chilly much warmer this morning though. Do you have heated seats on and A/C on your face at the same time? :wink:

    The chap I took to the Christening - he and his wife take me in their adapted car more often so my chance to pay back. :D The ceremony was lovely really lovely :)

    Of course the GC looked after all 10 of you so well you are their best customers after all!!

    Let's hope the spell is such a nice one, but maybe it's cakes (or champagne - Bubbles Devere) for everyone!!!

    No fly zone is over so Miss S is out already she was starting to feel out of practise she said. She is coming to yours later and Pepe is taking her to the ravine.....

    Only one Say Yes left? :shock: No!! surely not?

    The smug grin was deserved Aidan, your pride and joy a clean house (kitchens and bathrooms priority) as is mine.

    Lucozade used to be the drink of choice for diabetics in need of sugars, but not as a staple drink surely? Mum must just love going out mustn't she to decline the offer of a lift for Dad :? DN should be on board I agree incase insulin needs adjusting.

    Was the apartment nice? Stairs? no lift? I bet you needed a rest and tablets after all that :shock:

    Thanks for the breakfast :D

    Joan I am glad to hear you didn't risk going out in the wind yesterday and thanks for Lucy's good luck wishes :)

    Barbara I never had an uncle Brian sadly :( he died when my mum was still a teenager she had been with him on his motorbike when they crashed. She was in hospital for a very long time with extensive injuries.

    Bathrooms and kitchens are priority for cleaning I totally agree with you....germs must be banished!

    I take it the animals were all ok when you checked? Had the keepers opened up again after the storm?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Still no flu jab. It's not the DN doing it, our practice nurse is coming though. t98247

    OOh Aidan, I love anything with currants and sultanas in, thankyou. Going to scoff myself senseless now. :lol:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..rain and more rain..
    Toni I am sorry you never got to meet your uncle, how awful and your poor mum being injured and then being told she had lost her brother..I just can imagine it... :( its so nice to give and lifts to one another..that is how it should be...I hope Lucy shower wont be long before its mended...nice for you and Paul to have a walk around the village...even if it was wet..I used to like getting all wrapped up and going for long walks come rain or shine.. :)
    Aiden what a climb you had... :shock: but you made it good for all the visitors have now gone...and you can all recover...good that they found the Lucozade..I remember my late mum giving us that when we were poorly... I loved it..but couldn't drink it now its so sickly.. :o did you get your windows cleaned ,ours have been this morning thank goodness.. :)
    Joan hope you manged to get out today ..wet but clam is your foot getting on do you still have a support on it..
    Our son and family are in Benidorm..and Niamh has been poorly with her chest again..they are insured ..but have had to pay a few hundred Euros to be seen then they can claim it back..they completely ignored the fact they have there euro cards... she is not right yet so maybe more money..we will send them some via PP...until they can claim it back..its such a shame..
    Good news my chest an is way better..and the sinuses getting there..
    Love to everyone will go and help myself to cake thanks Aiden.. :D xxxxxx Hi Kath just spotted you keep on at them for that Jab... :o
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Toni Kathleen Barbara and anyone else I missed
    Aidan I hope you had a good rest and now you feel a bit better.((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad)))))))).
    Toni I bet that was a nice walk in the country lanes.
    Kathleen I have not had my flu injection yet it's due now on sat it was cancelled because of the cold I had. I hope yours is done soon.
    Barbara yes I would go out what ever the weather not now i'm always cold. yes I still wear the boot the ankle boots are not ready yet they take 6 weeks to make then I try them on and then they are finished and I can have them.
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, what does the advert say "bang and the day is gone" :lol:

    I will have to write more later, it is always going up for 5pm :roll: :? :?

    I didn't want us to go without our tea and cake. Shower caps at the ready :lol::D

    Love to all, until later XX Aidan

    New York Cheesecake this afternoon

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've got us a supply of hotel shower caps for just such an emergency :shock:
    ...........sigh thanks Aidan :)

    Hi Joan yes it's lovely to walk here. There are cows, sheep, horses and a little donkey :)

    I hope the boots are ready to try on soon :?

    Barbara it's lovely this village and you always meet a couple of people to say hello to :)

    My poor Mum she was only about 16/17 so sad. She was very badly injured and had arthritis ever since in those joints. I lost here 10 years ago this last July.

    Barbara I have used my health insurance in Florida when my back went and in Sri Lanka when Lucy had a seizure and you always pay first an claim it back which almost defeats the object doesn't it?

    I hope Niamh gets well soon ((()))

    Kath have you got your sense back yet from stuffing yourself full?? :lol:

    We had our flu jabs last week. Might be an idea to chase it up soon?

    I am being supervised by a certain miss Daisycat :wink: because I've been out to a Best Kept Village meeting 2018!! She missed me :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all - Going up for 12 and only just sitting for a little while to write :roll: :roll: One day blurs into the next at the moment.

    Yes, we need lots of shower caps, face plant is way better than a food fight, too much is wasted, when you can eat all that is on your face as you dive into the cake / pie / etc.

    Less rainy today, but not quite as the weather said. We were to have a brighter afternoon and tea time. Well, by tea time it was Lake District rain and thick mist :? :? I bet you could only see about 200 yards. Proper November weather, always reminds me of Bonfire Night.

    Hope the walk was enjoyable, if a little damp with Paul in his new shoes, comfy ones too.

    Much warmer today - yes, I have my heated seat on and the cool air up top, just to cover all options :lol:

    Good to hear that the Christening was lovely and you returned the favour of transporting your neighbour

    I guess we are some of the best customers at the G C. We were there again today, Mum was all ready for going when we got round in the morning. It is a supreme effort, but she made it and ate a little of her scone.

    We were not out too long, back in time for her to have naps and rest.

    The apartment was nice, maybe a refresh would not go amiss, but it was quite habitable, with lots of spiders :shock: :shock: Much to my Nieces horror.
    It is one of four apartments in a huge victorian building, very impressive house it must have been.
    The stairs were a challenge and then some, but, I made it. Beautiful stained glass windows on the stair case, at the half way mark.

    One more say yes, no, it cannot be true :shock: :shock: Don't tell Miss Sleek or Pepe, they will be horrified. We will re run all the series again, they won't mind, as long as Miss Sleek can see all the dresses and have her entourage offer support, as in Mrs Darcy, Jericat, Tomicat (although he is really too cool for such frippery). Pepe pretends not to notice when Diddicat sees one she loves. Bless

    They did go into the ravine, after collecting some of the extra thick mist from Pendle. They had to let the broomsticks do the navigating on "autobroom", as they could not see a paw in front of their whiskers. The thick mist will really help the spell apparently.

    I am sure it will be a spell to enjoy. Cakes, Bubbles, some magic potion for helping with the ouches, we will have to see next week.

    I do like a clean and tidy home. It can be a constant battle, with three puskins. Litter can be thrown to the four corners, as well you know.

    Lucozade is ok for a necessary sugar fix, but it is not a drink of choice, we used to ban it on the wards as it sent peoples blood results all to pot. I know they do sugar free ranges now and have less in the way of E numbers.

    One of the practice nurses is ringing us today, so we can make her aware of the rise in mums blood sugar levels.

    How sad that your Uncle passed due to a driving accident and that your Mum was in hospital for a long time afterwards.

    Hi Kath, chase them up for the flu jab, most of them are done and dusted by the end of October, to give maximum protection. I hope you are not too troubled by the ouches.

    You help yourself to the breakfast buns etc. Go for it. I will find more delicious things with currants and sultanas in.

    Hi Barbara, yes, all visitors have gone home now, so back to normal, (whatever normal actually is) :?
    I was determined to get up those stairs, but I will not be doing it again, it was through gritted teeth I can tell you.

    I cannot bear lucozade, the original one was vile :mrgreen: quite why it was thought to aid recovery I will never know :shock:

    So you have nice shiny windows and we wait. Our window cleaner does not have a regular time, ie every two weeks, it can get up to 4 or 5 weeks. I will wish for him to appear asap.

    Poor Niamh not being well while your family are out in Benidorm. I am sure they will look after her well at the clinics. Paying up front is a bit of an added stress as well. At least they will get it all back.

    So glad you are feeling better, it takes a while for the AB's to kick in and fight all these horrid bugs that are lurking about.

    Hi Joan, we did have a rest Sun and Mon evenings. Much needed. It is very tiring when a family member is frail and ill. We seem to have had years of it, first with my Dad, then B's BIL and his Sister, then My Mum.............Bless them all. But we all keep going forward and do whatever we can to help.
    Thank you for the hugs, most kind :)

    The boots are taking a time to make, it seems ages since you were measured for them.

    LOL I thought the cheesecake might get a face plant. Good to know we have a box of those shower caps that fall to bits :lol::lol:

    Diddicat said to Pepe that you had gone out, leaving her all alone, with no notice of when you would return :roll: not that she was being dramatic. Pepe pacified her and they watched another Say yes to the Dress.

    Best Kept Village time is it..............mmmmmmm, we think there is a conspiracy with the next village. We need to put rubbish bags in all the hedges and gardens (biodegradable ones of course). Barbara will help.

    Right, I had better potter a bit more, I am ouching, a lot. Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Carol, Mig who will be at Lake Garda now I think, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    Everyone take lots of care. Love to all XX Aidan

    Ooops, nearly forgot breakfast

    One for Kath


    and some for all

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
    Aidan yes it is hard I know sue has had difficulty all her life walking but some people you have c palsy cannot walk we were lucky. ((((((((Aidans Mum in law and Dad)))))))).
    Toni sorry that happened to your Mum and Dad ((((((((Toni))))))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you all for your concern about my flu jab. I spoke to 3 people about it yesterday, and have been assured that one of the Practice Nurses will definitely do it eventually - hope I don't get the cold Sue.

    Toni, no, I'm still senseless. :lol: So I think I'll continue stuffing myself with Aidan's yummy currant buns. a040.gif

    :animal_busy: t98243 t98112 t120007 t120002

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein