Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Less misty, (apart from Pendle, which is 90% hidden from view).

    Hi Joan, It must have been a struggle for Sue, right from an early age. My late Dad had TB of the bone and was crippled from the age of 5, but, he was such a determined man who went on to study to be a priest. He did most of his schooling while laying in a hospital bed. 19 years he was in hospital :shock: :shock:

    Thank you for the continued hugs, I will pass them on :)

    I hope you and Sue have managed to get out and about, now that the weather has calmed down again.

    Hi Kath, glad that the practice nurse is coming out to do your Flu jab. I think I read in our surgery that they stop doing them at the end of this month -( I think that is to encourage any late comers and they wouldn't refuse if you went in November).

    I am very pleased to hear that you are still senseless with over indulgence of currant pastries - what a way to be, I love it :lol::lol:

    Had I better not put a fruit cake out for afternoon T? We don't want you overdosing on fruit buns. :shock: :shock:

    Miss Sleek was over, bright and early, I think they went up onto Pendle again and then into the ravine, probably with more jars of mists, there is little else up there apart from sheep and heather :?

    Word has it they are having a conference call on Skype while we are napping, with Tomicat and Jericat, they will be asking about Kerrin and how thing are. We second that and hope that you are ok Kerrin.

    I hope all is ok with you Toni, Miss Sleek has recovered from being abandoned yesterday :roll:

    Hi to Christine, Carol, Mig at Lake Garda, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    I am early today, pressing of clothes done, B has been for his B/P check, slight increase in his pills, Sister said no wonder it is high ish at the moment, with all that it going on. They had a good chat.

    I think we are all tidy and clean. All the lovelies are busy about in their large pens, happy that the storms have passed. The meerkats said it was armageddon :shock: Johnny is about, he has a large glass tank, with something in it, that he said has quite a few legs :shock: :shock: I am not looking, it might be a spi--- of the tarantu-- variety. Someone else will have to find out for me.

    On that note I will go and find some cakes for T. Everyone take lots of care. XXX Aidan

    Bara Brith Welsh tea time fruit cake, delicious.


    And for those who are not keen on currants etc, we have raspberry swirl cream cheese pound cake :)


    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..late again...
    Aiden the last hotel we went to in wales, the lady made Bara brith and other pastries at breakfast..the first time I had tasted it..she sent us home with a full one she has just baked.. :D so B has had his eds up for his BP..nice that the nurse took the time to chat to him..our window cleaner comes every 2 seems like weekly sometimes.. :lol: good on mum for getting to the GC least she can rest at home...spiders in tanks.. :shock:
    Toni it makes sense to pay upfront..but they did accept the euro health card last time on of the was poorly..suppose its down to brexit...I had a tooth filled once with it and the dentist was brilliant..glad the Christening went ok..I have 4 god children...your poor mum suffering all those years..and to lose her brother so young..our mum are never far away...I just know it.. :)
    Joan the boot should make a difference...I remember you saying how you used to push Sue in her chair..I think you are both brilliant..was it your parents or just one that help make you so strong.. :)
    Kath I did wonder were all the cake had gone..glad its not just me fancying sweet stuff.. :lol: hope you get that flue jab soon..
    Niamh is still poorly, so the doctor came out again ...its her throat and chest..sometime I wonder about the swimming pools with the water being warm..
    Think I will see if there is any cheesecake left.. :D
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone. :D That was a lovely breakfast such light pastries.......sigh thank you :D

    I forgot to let you all know that Lucy didn’t get the job :(:(  ya boo :(:(  Her appointment with the young adults hip consultant was also postponed until 14th November. :roll:

    Miss Sleek did indeed go missing this morning – not sure where though, but probably it was up to yours Aidan chances are it was. For some reason they are doing something with the Pendle mist which makes it stronger??? They have skyped Tomicat and Jericat who have assured her that they are looking after Mum even though she might be doing a bit too much in their opinion. Autobroom is a recent addition to their broomsticks really useful, but only allowed after you’ve passed your advanced like Pepe and Sleek :)

    She hasn’t noticed Pepe ignoring the frocks she likes you know when they watch ‘Say Yes’!! She is blissfully unaware so entranced is she by the wonderful creations  :D As for being ‘abandoned’ yesterday honestly!! Cats eh? It was only a couple of hours and her daddy was here!! I will sort out some manky(looking) bin-liners and the like for Barbara to throw around the next village. They do cheat as they are told when the inspectors are coming!!

    So B needed his meds tweaking I have to say with all the stress you’ve been under my BP would have been sky high too! Have done my ironing too today feeling pleased with myself.

    Do NOT ask me to look in Johnny’s tank!! No way. :shock: Nothing with more than 4 legs for me :shock: I nearly looked luckily some instinct saved me. I would have been traumatised for life!!

    I’ve had a slice of each cake thank you very much added some Cornish clotted too a very large dollop for each slice :wink:

    Kath you’ll be even more senseless today – have you seen the cake? :shock: Glad the flu vaccine will be with you soon :D

    Joan you never need worry about me I’m fine. I know some people with CP who can’t walk and some who can’t even talk so you and Sue are amazing really. :)

    Barbara I agree our Mums can’t be far away I know when I go I will be close by my kids if it’s at all possible  I expect they make you pay up front and claim it back, because that way the care is paid for, but gosh most of us don’t know that! My back was over £2,000, (dollars!) Luckily Paul was there to pay I was in far far far too much pain.

    Whatever it costs I just hope Niamh gets well soon. Poor little thing. Who knows whether pools abroad are really clean? :?

    Cheesecake in the fridge :D Behind the emergency lucozade :wink:

    Love to everyone else who hasn't been in today.

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all tried to post twice last night but the gremlins were out and stole them before I posted so I will try again tonight.

    Went with much thoughts this morning to my Slimming world group would I be back in target or would I have to pay well pleased to say that all was well I did not have to pay for last week a consultant bless her had booked me in for a holiday last week when I couldn't go and with a loss of 1and 1/2 lbs this week I am back in target. so am a happy bunny today.

    Barbara since realising what was most likely to be causing the gains I did 3 really 100% days on Saturday Sunday and Monday and cut down a bit on the naughty bits and result was a loss and back in target again. I love sweet potato chips as well cooked in the oven with low calorie spray oil. weather was just drizzling Saturday so we braved it and were rewarded by a couple of visiting people.

    Aidan my knee on my right leg is out of place anyway due to fracturing it in 2 in 2005 and because I could walk with too much pain I just thought I had twisted it then went to dr about 6 weeks later for advise because the pain was getting worse not better and it was affecting my already bad back that I was sent to have it x-rayed and the results sent to dr showed a healed fracture of kneecap and knee is now not inline. I too love sweet potato fries it would have been useless asking Mr T were he wanted to go on Friday last because he was in a mood. however on Monday we were talking about trying to find some where else to go on a Friday and has agreed even if we need to go a bit further away from home. just caught you there Toni cheesecake yummy

    well off to see the lovelies are all ok got some fruit and treats to put in the store cupboard and some jammie dodgers for any bushbabies that may be around. I have also got a piece of Toni's cheesecake all for me better eat it on the way or the lovlies might want it.

    so now off I go for a little potter around
    will be back soon t98112 t98112
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to one and all. Wet again here :roll: but at least it is not blowing a gale.

    Lucky you Barbara, having a whole Bara Brith to take home with you, I bet it was very much enjoyed. If we ever go to Wales, we will be asking you for the address :)

    Mum used to make Parish Cake. She never gave me a recipe, it was a fruit cake, not heavy, a bit like the Bara Brith. She always made them for Bible Studies, Coffee mornings and such events at Church. (there was always an extra one for us to eat). It is the seasons of eating energy foods, like cake, we have to stock up for winter :) That's my excuse and a good one it is too. Kath is seriously into the fruit buns and fruit loaf.

    All the practice nurses are really good at our Surgery. You never feel rushed or as if they are trying to get you out of the door. Only a small increase in his meds. No surprise that his BP is up, with all the things going on.

    I am sure Mum will want to go to the GC on Friday, for my Birthday (I am not counting years, I am just having a Birthday :lol: :? ) If Bill is 28, then I am 27 :lol::lol:

    I think there are spid--s in the tanks, they are under nice warm lamps all the time. :? :? I am NOT peeking, Miss Sleek can look through her crystal ball and let us know what is in there.

    There is some cheesecake left, in the fridge..................

    I hope you are recovering fully, how are your sinuses feeling? Sorry that Niamh is still poorly, hopefully they will have her on the right treatment. I would have to have the pools checked, to see that there was sufficient Chlorine in to combat all bugs. Maybe some are not as diligent as others, at keeping their pools in tip top condition, with the pumps and filters etc.

    Glad you enjoyed the breakfast Toni. We aim to please.

    Sorry to hear that Lucy did not get the job at River Island, well, it is their loss and if one door closes, another one opens. Sending extra vibes of encouragement :)

    Then they go and change the appointment with her hip Consultant - I guess they have emergency cases that crop up all the time.

    They are gathering a lot of Pendle Mist, our intrepid duo. We haven't seen the top of the hill for days now, with rain, fog and more rain. We will drive over it tomorrow, on our way to the big Tesco.
    Yes, I guessed that Kerrin might be doing too much, hopefully the half term will let her catch up with some rest and relaxation.

    The autobroom is great for flying in thick mists, or for longer journeys, they can just natter away and let the broom take the strain. I think it does auto landing and take off too. t98247 t98243 t98243

    Pepe said that Sleek is totally engrossed in Say Yes to the Dress, with all the glitz and glam. I haven't mentioned that this week is the last one, for a while. :shock: I did see that David Emanuel has won a top award for his work in the fashion industry.
    All that fuss, while you were out yesterday, there was no mention of Paul being home, as far as Pepe knew, Sleek was home alone. :roll: :roll:

    I will help Barbara throw some bin liners around the next village, we can throw leaves everywhere too t120002 Aren't we naughty :lol::lol:

    B will be ok with the increase in his BP meds. The Sister said it is no surprise that it is a bit high. He is busy away with his jewellery making, he finds it a great distraction and is relaxing.

    I would not dream of asking you to peep into the heated tanks, I have just met a spi--- in the kitchen, which is now removed. Shudder. If there are Taran----s in there, then it is not our domain.

    Our Mums are definitely with us. As are Dads, they keep an eye on us and are far closer than we think.

    Oh dear Carol, you had the Gremlins in your pc, they are a pest.

    Way to go you, back on target, all credit to you. Have a piece of cake (cafe world cake, as much as you like). I had a feeling that things would be ok when you went to SW. Not having to pay is good to hear as well.

    Ouch for the knee, it happens quite a lot with knees, ankles, small bones in the hands and feet, people think they have just twisted them or jarred them and then later down the line they find an old fracture that has healed, out of line.
    That's two of us with knee caps at jaunty angles :roll: :? If we walk arm in arm, we should be ok :lol: :roll:

    Good that you have both decided to seek out another place for Friday lunchtimes. At least the mood has lifted.

    I would eat the cheesecake on route to the lovelies, or you will have to share it with several of our friends, bush babies, possums, blush, the lemurs, okapi's and tapir's are all partial to a little sweet treat. Mind the new heated tanks with the covers on :shock:

    It has been nice to have an at home day, I didn't go out with B to the surgery, I did the pressing instead, love the new generator iron, so so much easier and clouds of steam, I was boiled. Of course the bathrooms have been cleaned, again. :roll: one has to keep up appearances :)

    Off to the big Tesco Extra today, we have to get our neighbours their wedding present, have seen some nice things for their house. They are back from their honeymoon on Thursday morning so better shape up.
    I think the car can have a little valet while we are munching and supping in Costa. There is still glitter in the leather on the back seat, from the brides matter how much you wipe or brush, it just seems to spread even further. Will leave it to the expert valeting team to deal with.

    Will pop in to see Mum and Dad on the way out, see how they are. Have rung a couple of times today, no changes.

    I hope everyone else is as ok as possible. Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Charrisse and all.

    Right, better post, been pottering and pill taking. It is pouring with rain now.

    Let me see what is for breakfast. Everyone take lots of care XXX Love to all - Aidan

    I had to just pop into the enchanted forest first. Beautiful


    Some toasted crumpets and spicy, fruity, Chelsea Buns (be quick, Kath will be after them).

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00


    Yippee!! I knew you'd get back into target girl well-done :)

    I'm glad you found the cheesecake I hid in the fridge too totally calorie free.

    and MR T (in abetter mood) has agreed to look for better places to eat :roll: good :D

    The lovelies are all looking good ATM aren't they? All the fruit you gave them will be gobbles up :)

    thanks for the buns and crumpets - best butter? :) Lovely...chomp chomp hoover is on.

    So your 27th birthday is on Friday then? I hope Mum and Dad can join you at the GC where else could you celebrate? :wink:

    Lucy will get a job and be really good at it she's a worker that one ;) Thank you for the encouragement vibes :) At least the hip apt is still soon. They do look after her well there.

    Miss Sleek said the brooms do land themselves too and they can just chirrup away to each other and enjoy the view :D She looked in the crystal ball and said the tank is out of bounds - no more said just a shake of her head.

    Apparently they needed extra Pendle mist to make it concentrated. :? Bette will cruise you over today on the way to Tesco :D I hope she enjoys her valet and you two your costa reward for shopping ;) Best of luck getting a wedding gift for the neighbours.

    Gosh no! no more Say Yes for a while? :shock: :shock: We'll play re-runs if we have to can you imagine the fuss? She was bad enough when she wasn't home alone the other night just had Daddy here :roll: Pepe would never hear the last of it. She might show him the tank contents in the crystal ball - he hasn't fainted for a while :lol:

    B will be fine with his extra BP meds that's what they are for and if his jewellery work relaxes him even better :)

    I think I will go for a walk in the enchanted forest today it's a lovely sunny one :)

    Hope all is well with you Joan and Sue too. t98112

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yummy scrummy. Thanks Aidan, I don't know how many buttered crumpets (pyclets where we live) I've scoffed, but I've still plenty of room for some Pain Au Raisin. :P

    Did the Sawley Trail this morning, beautiful weather. Saw some birds near the Community Centre, but because of my cataracts, I couldn't make out what they were. :shock: Blackbirds - Chris told me.

    I have a home assessment for PIP on Sunday at 8AM. :o

    t98112 t120007 t120002 t98243

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well Kath if you aren't ready or are in extreme pain due to the excessively early hour of your PIP assessment so be it! they will see it as it is!

    We will be under the cloak if you'd like us to be there?

    I did my walk today I went right up to the sheep (a long way!) past the donkey/cows and horses :D I'm glad you enjoyed the Sawley trail and 'saw' some birdies :)

    See you later

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni Carol and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I hope you've had a good day.
    Aidan i'm sorry your late Dad had so much pain. ((((((((Aidan Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))).
    Barbara I hope you have had a good day yes our Mum was strong our Dad was in the air force.
    Toni sorry Lucy did not get the job there is a better one around the corner ((((((((good luck Lucy))))))))
    Carol you've done well.
    take care
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all sunny but chilly the perfect Autumn day for me :D
    Carol well dont you that was so quick just shows that you have the resolve ..dont know were mine has gone :roll: that knee must be painful.. :shock: what a shock when you had the xray...I hope they can sort it for before it gets to bad..
    Toni it is there loss not taking on you say she is a good worker bless her..but it was meant to be and something better will come up for her.. :) glad the hip appointment wont be to long and good to hear they look after her well..I have had many a sign off my parents.. :)
    Aiden glad you got a quiet day..B is under a lot of stress with mum...but good to hear the nurses are looking after him ...maybe his meds will come down soon....
    Oh wedding present buying .. :D hope its all ready to be picked up or have you not chosen anything yet..just browsing ..I am always wary of pools ..wherever they are ...the amount of ear infection my sons got when little...and Niamh swims with her mouth open... :o
    kath talking of eyes I must get mine tested for the first time ever ..its a nice day for the trail glad you enjoyed... :D
    Now for some Chelsea buns never had them before.. love tio everyone xxxx
    It took me that long to type this Toni and Joan have posted.. :lol:
    Joan your parents did well by you and Sue but the end results is down to your hard work.. :D
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a wet start to the day and with the rain and muck !! we decided that having Bette washed, was a waste of time :roll: :roll: one day we will get two dry days together.

    All the day has gone now, so I will post more later. We did enjoy our coffee, toasties and muffins in Costa :) I posted it on FB and our friend who works in Nero's commented and said "the ultimate betrayal" :lol::lol: oops, better go see them soon in Skipton.

    Will have a good read later and catch up properly. Around midnight, as is normal :roll:

    Best be having something to go with our T. Love to all, take care XXX Aidan

    Chocolate Cake, with a Chocolate Fudge Icing, Chocolate Truffles, with Almonds and Chocolate drizzle.

    grab your shower cap Toni.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Aidan That cake definitely needs shower caps any one got a spare one for me please :lol:
    mine is the right knee so I use my crutch in my left hand if yours is the same it could be quite interesting :? :lol: yes Mr T has come round to us trying a new place with a suitable menu for our Friday dinners.
    Don't worry cheesecake cake was long gone before the visit to the lovelies. The forest is looking beautiful.
    hmm to many gremlins about stealing post indeed whatever next.

    Barbara Thanks Barbara I think that the thought that I would have to start paying again and the fact that I never want to be the size I was before again that made me determined to really focus 100% for three days. mind you I did laugh today my friend rang to ask if we were okay to meet up for our weekly coffee and knitting session this week, and she asked how I got on Tuesday I told her, and then mentioned that the place our church were having there Thursday meals in is going to be a new Pizza place and if they decided to go there I would not be going. so she said why pizza shouldn't be too bad :roll: :roll: and she thinks she knows everything about weight loss. My Knee was not too painful when I did it because it was a stable fracture but over the years it has given extra pain some days worse than others but probably not any more than the arthritis that is in it anyway, the fact that it has not healed straight and is out of line don't help.

    Joan thank you it was just a matter of realising what was probably the cause and having 3 days 100% on the plan. I only needed to lose 1/2 lb to get back there.

    Toni Yes back there now so happy now and Mr T has come round to accepting my suggestion that we try somewhere else. and think we may have come to a solution.
    Love all the lovelies and they do love their treats and cuddles.
    Thank goodness the cheesecake was calorie free or I would certainly have a gain next week. :lol::lol:
    Sorry to hear Lucy didn't get the job but there will be one for her out there i'm sure.

    Think our road needs a few of these t120007 t120007 t120007 might steal a few and see it they do what the council don't. you cant see the pavement down our road in some places for the leaves.

    have a good day tomorrow everyone.
    bye bye for now t98112 t98112 t98112
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed
    Barbara Niamh is good learning to swim at her age. I hope you have a good day.
    Aidan it's nice to have a change of coffee ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Carol I've never been to a slimming club it must be so embarrassing to have to stand in front of everyone doing that would make anyone lose the weight and you have do it you have the will power.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    I have to stop coming in here after I've washed my hair!!!That cake!!!

    there's a box of hotel shower caps under the counter so help yourself :lol:

    If it's pizza express they do a low calorie (under 5/600 calorie) pizza the centre is cut out and filled with salad the veggie one is yum. Pizza hut do one too which is a single slice larger and flatter than normal, but again nice just avoid the creamy salads there :roll:

    Thanks for being kind about Lucy :)

    I am very pleased Mr T is on board for trying somewhere better for you to eat :D

    We also have t120007 issues :roll:

    Oh no! Aidan :oops: :oops: :oops: that was a boo-boo!! Off to Skipton for you soon before all the really bad weather comes.

    How much more could they have put on that glorious cake...sigh!!

    Thank you!! Shower cap ON!!


    Thanks Barbara it is their loss not taking Lucy on - she'll get the next job for sure :)

    Not too long at all for her hip apt and the day before I think it's neurology so a through overhaul for her.

    I hope you enjoyed your Chelsea-bun? Johnny stole a load for the elephants - he always did didn't he? :roll: :lol:

    Funny how we get 'signs' off our deceased parents. A smell of bacon cooking/pipe tobacco that sort of thing for me.

    Thanks Joan t98112 Lucy will get the next job I hope. Your Mum probably was strong and your Dad too with a job like that. I think the group support helps you at slimming clubs to keep on track :)

    Well better get on

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone, just. I guessed it would be nearly Thursday by the time I got to reply :roll:

    You are very welcome Toni, only the bestest of French butter on those crumpets, so it runs through the bottom of them :)

    I hope Kath did not over indulge on the currant danish pastries :? :?

    Yes, I am 27 on Friday, goodness, what was I doing at 27, I think I was nursing at City Hospital Nottingham then.
    I am hoping that Mum and Dad can come with us for brunch on Friday too, we will play it by ear.

    D Nurse will be there today and we had a word with the practice nurse about Mum's rising BM results, she rang Mum today, just to ask hoe she was feeling. Mum said she had had chest pain, (could be referred pain), but the nurse said to ring an ambulance if she gets it again.

    I am glad they do look after Lucy at the Hospital and yes, she will get the right job and will be a great asset to her employers.

    I am glad the tank is out of bounds, thank Miss Sleek for taking a peek.

    Mind you, I woke from my nap and there was a mahusive spi--- on my bedroom wall, looking at me :shock: :shock: It was me, or the spider, sorry, but the spider lost. I was rooted to the spot for a while, thinking, if it drops, or runs, I will be a squealing ninny :o :roll: Shudder..............Needless to say I am on regular room checks now, with every light on possible, we are lit up like Blackpool.

    Bette took us over Pendle today, I am sure there were two puskins following on their broomsticks, gathering more mists. It must be a very concentrated mixture they are going to use.

    We had seen ideal wedding presents a while back, they were still on sale so we got them, all bagged and wrapped and ready for them coming back in the wee small hours.

    No more Say Yes, if Pepe and Sleek find out there will be tantrums and tiaras.
    Sleek mentioned the contents of "the tank" and Pepe did faint. Just as I nearly did when I met the arachnid earlier.

    The enchanted forest is wonderful with all the autumn colours.

    I hope you had time to put your shower cap on, before diving into the cake :):lol: I could not wait.

    Pyclets, yes, that is what I know them as Kath, coming from Nottingham mi duck :lol: I mention pyclets here and I get funny looks :? :?

    I don't think there is an upper limit on eating them with lots of butter.
    Glad you enjoyed your trip on the Sawley Trail, cataracts were troubling, not nice. We have a lot of Blackbirds, they don't half shout at dusk. We have quite a lot of birdies with being near the woods. Little Jenny wrens are so cute.

    Hope assessment for PIP on Sunday, we will be there, all of us, gathered under the cloak. Be armed with all the information possible. What time are they coming 0800, that is silly o clock, I would be non compus mentus.
    Toni is right, at that hour of the day, do they expect someone who is disabled to be bright eyed and bushy tailed.

    Hi Joan, thank you as always for the hugs for Mum n Dad. My late Father was a strong willed man and his mind was very active, even if his body was not. He was always busy with something, writing, painting, wood carving, stamp collecting, furniture making.............

    Hi Barbara - it has been a proper autumn day, with mists and the like. Temperatures that we both can deal with :)

    We had already spied what we were buying for our neighbours as a wedding present. Hope they like them, she usually loves what we buy, great taste 8) 8)
    Ear and eye infections are quite common from public swimming pools. Not to mention other things that can be lurking. When we win the lottery our pool will be salt filtered and UV light filtered, no germs in our pool. :D:D
    This has taken me ages to type out, with pottering and feeding Pepe on more than one occasion. He is whining again, for more :roll:
    How have you been getting on with the cream from Salisbury Hospital? I think it is great, the best I have had in years.

    That was last night and now it is this morning :roll: :roll: I completely ran out of steam and was busy tracking the neighbours light back from Tenerife to Manchester on, amazing site to look at, all the thousands of planes that are in the air at any one time.............

    B has just been summoned to go round to Mums by the D Nurse, so not sure what is going on there at the moment................... :? :? The nurse said she has called the Dr, for a home visit, due to Mum having recent chest pains. She wants B to be there when the Dr comes today. Of course Dad is up the wall, saying I cannot do anything right........oh dear, which is not the case at all. :roll:

    Sorry I missed replying to you last night Carol. The shower caps are under the counter in the cafe kitchen.

    My worst knee is the left one, but they both have a habit of giving way with no notice, so I rely very heavily on the crutches. Saves me falling over many a time. So we are opposite knees, if we walk arm in arm then we should stay upright :? :? :lol:

    Untreated fractures, that go unnoticed, often overgrow bone in odd directions, a bit like spondylosis, where the vertebrae send out bone spurs in the neck, I can hear mine and feel them crunching, more and more frequently, grrrrrrrrr

    Gremlins in computers are a constant trouble. They lurk. I am sure computers have a "mind" of their own when it suits them and they do everything possible to annoy us profusely.

    Glad you are sorting out a new place to eat. Tomorrow will be the test I guess :)

    Oh yes, pizza is fine for a diet, I know SW do a pizza of their own, which is fine, but the ones in the restaurant are not exactly low calorie, they do offer different ones though, without the stuffed crusts and every trimming possible. Maybe your friend at knitting circle needs to read up on calories and fast foods.

    Of course, anything we eat in the cafe, all the calories have been taken out :)

    Oh, write to the Council on fix my street, ask for the roads and pavements to be cleaned, wet leaves are super slippy and a fall hazzard without a doubt. Our road had the sweeper out the next day, after I had told them it was a mess. Worth a try

    Hi Joan, hope you and Sue are both ok and over the coughs and colds that were such a trouble.
    SW is not so bad, they don't let everyone know your weight or targets, as far as I can recall. They are pretty good and so many people have had a lot of success with them.

    Sorry Toni, just washed hair as well, but, needs must when a face plant cake is sat in front of you.

    I think that chocolate cake had reached its maximum amount of goodies.

    Yes, we will have to be off to Skipton as soon as and calm our friends in Nero's, or we will be in their black books :shock: :?

    Right, I better do something, make a sandwich, just in time for the Dr to arrive no doubt.

    I will pop back later and sort out a bite to eat with our T.

    Love to everyone, Kerrin Christine, Mig, Charrisse, Elizabeth, Barbara and all.

    Later............XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    If you can cope with the sight of me in my crumpled PJs, bleary eyed and hair (what bit there is) sticking out all over the place, you are more than welcome. :D

    Toni, how can anyone not be nice about Lucy? She is our mascot, and we lub her lots.

    Aidan, I'm sorry you had a naughty 8 legged a015.gif scampering around. :shock:

    Joan, hope you, Sue, and the doggies are well.

    Love to Barbara, Carol and Kerrin. xxx

    t120007 t120007 t120007 t120002 t98112

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We don't mind bed hair or PJ's Kath.

    Just an update, Mum has pneumonia and is off to hospital for IV AB's, is ok ish in herself, but needs hospital at the moment, they can stabilise her sugar levels too, which always go to pot when you have an infection.

    It is a while since we had a cream T, give us chance to recover from our face splats as well. Pinkies out this time. :lol::lol:

    XXX Aidan


    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone

    Weather has been cloudy and drizzly rain today very fine rain so ok for going out in. have been to a local multiple sclerosis group this afternoon with the cards and sold £15 worth not bad for 2hrs work.
    so all in all not a bad day.

    Joan Slimming world is not embarrassing at all because everyone is so friendly because everyone even your consultant is there for the same reason only you and your consultant know your starting weight. the ladies who do the weighing are all members of the group so are all trying to lose their own weight too and even they don't know your weight all machine attached to the scales tells the is what you have lost or gained. After you are weighed there is a little get together and your consultant will go round the group and say what you have lost that week but she will never disclose the amount if you have gained. but if you don't want her to say anything at all if you tell her she wont. and as a group we all help one another with ideas. I have made quite a few friends in my group. for me it was the best thing I ever did. and don't worry we all slip up at some point.

    Toni found the shower caps just in time.
    I think Mr T is reasonably serious about slimming world because he started with me but stopped going about a year ago now and he still gets me to weigh him every 2 weeks at home and still get concerned when he gains but of course being a man he will not admit it. :lol: so I guessed he would come round in the end. :roll:
    Went out this morning and yippie the council have removed all the leaves t120007 t120007 about time too.
    your right about the group support at slimming world it great and really helps.

    Aiden so you have a left crunchy knee and I have a right crunchy one. well arm in arm we would keep one another upright I mean we would have six legs between us so that's got to be better than four :lol::lol:
    sorry to hear mums back in hospital but she's in the best place at the moment sending her ((((hugs)))).
    yes I think friend may need to read up on calories funny thing is not small herself .

    nighty night all i'm of to bed t98243 t98112
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all.

    All the hanging about, ringing every hour to see if Mum had been seen by the Drs in A & E. By the time she had, there was no point in going to the hospital they said, best to go tomorrow, once Mum is settled onto one of the medical wards.
    X Rays, bloods etc have all been done and an IV is up and running. Still waiting for a bed on the ward :roll:

    So, we will see what tomorrow brings when we go to the hospital.

    We didn't even try to have a nap, it would have been a waste of time.

    Hi Carol you have had a good day, selling some cards, always a plus.

    You are quite right about SW, it is really a good support group and everyone is there for the same reason, there is no judgement or criticism.
    Plus you have made new friends along the way.

    I know I have gained a lot, since my mobility has decreased, that, along with all the mountain of pills, some of them causing weight gain. :roll:
    I can loose it pretty quickly, but I seem to fall by the wayside, far more easily than I used to. :? :?

    Now Mr T can read that and as a gentleman, can admit there is concern over weight gain :) There is no shame in knowing or talking about ones concerns.

    Gosh those cleaning vibes worked very quickly, all the leaves swept away. How good is that. :D:D success I would say.

    We would be fine with six legs, walking arm in arm with one of our crutches on each side.

    Thank you for the hugs for Mum, yes, she is in the best place and is having the right treatment and meds. Sad that she has had to wait for hours and hours for a bed to become available. A common problem these days, with demand for beds forever rising.

    Are you off to pastures new today, for your Friday meal out? I hope you have found somewhere good to try out.

    I assume you will be meeting your friend, who knows all about calories and everything else to boot :lol::lol: :roll:

    Toni I hope you and yours are ok, There was no Skype today, so Pepe was a bit restless. I think they will be on the crystal ball overnight, to catch up with things and go through the spell book.

    I am half asleep, so I had better post, before I nod off on the keys. My typing is going from bad to worse.

    Hi to everyone else, sending lots of hugs, far and wide.

    Take care, not sure when I will get on today, but I will write at some point, in between hospital visits etc.

    Love to all XXX Aidan

    Oh, something for breakfast, let me go see.

    Grilled cheese bread filled with scrambled egg, cheddar cheese and spinach


    and some pastries for Kath, I know she is a little partial to one, or two :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all
    Its sue doing this for Joan
    I would like to thank every one for asking about me
    And thank every one for being so nice to Joan
    Love and hugs to every one
    Sue xx Joan is okay she will be back tomorrow
    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all
    Its sue doing this for Joan
    I would like to thank every one for asking about me
    And thank every one for being so nice to Joan
    Love and hugs to every one
    Sue xx Joan is okay she will be back tomorrow
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    How lovely to see Sue!! Thank you for letting us know Joan is ok and of course we ask after you we actually feel like we know each other and you too :D

    Aidan I am so sorry I didn't get back in yesterday with choir as well last night....

    I will be thinking of Mum (and Dad as well as you and B) until the AB's have kicked in and Mum is properly on the mend. You spotted her sugar was off didn't you? How often are the clues not obvious in older people? Paul's Mum just gets listless and tired and sugar also goes off then you find out it's pneumonia.

    I picked Lucy up yesterday afternoon and Miss Sleek was outside the door muttering about Pepe worrying about his Daddy's Mum, (Lucy said she was just back from Pepe's), I thought it was just normal worrying :oops:

    The animals are all well no worries so you just look after each other ((()))

    Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!

    Carol it's good to hear Mr T does take his weight seriously even if he likes to keep it quiet like all men. :wink:

    I remember him starting SW with you of course I do :)

    £15 worth of cards is very good well-done you :) Hee's to the MS group!

    The council never remove the leaves from our little village you now and we pay so much council tax don't we? :( I'm glad yours are done at least and you are safe.

    Aw Kath bless you :) Lucy has been through a lot and is still here :D

    Nice PJs there girl :wink:

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx

    PS Barbara was at choir last night but not in here yesterday??? :?
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, how dare they not give Lucy the job? And as for putting her date back - that's just too much. Shall we tell Johnny to set the the Lovelies on them -ALL of them? :?

    Aidan, I'm so so sorry to hear about mum's pneumonia, I hope she soon recovers.

    Lovely to see you Sue, :D Love to Joan. xx

    Tesco should be here soon, love to all. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Our lovelies could smother the River Island Managers to death and the warthogs might sit on them Kath! :lol:

    After the fog came the sunshine and I had my walk. Donkey, horses, cows and sheep to look at! Perfect :D

    Did you manage Sawley??
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..sunny and chilly again..
    Sorry I didnt get in yesterday but we had Niamh and her sister..mums is not well now..they got an earlier flight home thanks to Easy slept at home then dad brought them here before work..then picked them up last night..
    Aiden I am so sorry mum is in hospital..bless her but the right place with pneumonia..just hope they are looking after her..bless such a worry...some hugs for all of you and healing ones for mum...((()))so you are 28...sorry forgot when you it today... :? :cake: and Happy Birthday...
    Carol I used to got to WW and made lots of friends there and we had a laugh...I had to laugh at your friend thinking pizza was ok on a diet...maybe without the cheese and crust.. :lol:
    Sue its lovely to hear form you...I say it again you are both so strong..and take things has they come..Joan is also very kind to us... :D
    Toni did I sing ok at the Choir..I am sure I have improved but its the looks I get :lol: its cigarette smoke with my mum and so strong.. :)
    Kath good luck with the PIP ..dont worry about how you look...cant be worse than I do... :shock:
    Right poor OH is shattered and gone to bed ..daddy has just picked up Niamh..she has been really good.. :D
    A cuppa feet up and some of whatever Aiden has left... :D
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx

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