Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I'm sorry you have a problem with your thyroid I hope it does not cause too much of a problem.
    Kathleen the glasses look smart witch will you pick.
    Toni i'm pleased Lucy is happy she's been through such a lot.
    Aidan I wish your Mum in law all the best now she's home. ((((((((Aidan's Mum in law and Dad))))))))
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Aidan Just eating my posh scrambled eggs thanks :wink:

    The enchanted garden looks lovely in the winter doesn't it? Looking forward to that. Of course I'm sure we won't feel cold n there - just the right temperature :lol: perfect.

    When I nipped to see the animals the Meerkats were very happy, I could feel the heat walking past :shock: I don't even look at the tank...oh no :? nope....

    I am very pleased to hear the Candy man fixed your washer so easily - good service makes up for teething troubles doesn't it?

    His beeding is a good hobby for B which he clearly enjoys as well as a distraction :) I know it's hard when an important member of the family is so ill, but you two need your time too. Recharge batteries and look after each other.

    I will be thinking of you all and hoping Mum stays level now for a bit ((()))

    Oh dear Aidan I can see some of my problem there....I do eat raw greens any chance I get :? cranberries I can do and even prunes good to hear vitamin D is in BUTTER and CREAM :D:D therefore cakes!!!

    Yes Barbara had oiled her vocal chords right enough!! She waved a bit on the high notes. I shouldn't have shown her where Pom's shed is :oops:

    Thy actually do 'Elf school' for the children there too. Photographs? Humph!!! Seriously what a disappointment :( Still she got me a baby Elfie and they have girls elfies too :D

    Here is our Elfie with his baby son - doesn't he look proud?

    Hermione can re-jumble the serial codes on Pepe's sachets....and maybe make the tuna spell less 'filling'???

    We have raised in this and our last book sale £50 short of £1,000!!
    Very good and it was fun too lots of chatting to people about books and other things.

    Best get cleaning my friend and her wife will be here later on for a cuppa and catch-up :) where's my cordless hoover??

    Hi Joan it is nice that Lucy's life is getting back on track. A part-time job and a nice BF thank you :D t98112

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..sunny but very cold..they did warn us..
    Aiden poor mum being so frail..I do feel for you all..but glad to hear that the carers are on hand and helped with the shower..and the DN is visiting..Amazon does come in...good you got what mum needed..the seed beading with will good for B take his thoughts off mum for a while..and relax him..hope you fimd mum settled and comfortable bless her..hugs for all of you am sure they are needed at this time.((()))
    Toni I love the Elves..and have just bought Niamh one the baby like yours..I think Lucy will take brilliant pics..and hopefully might just get a chance at being and elf before have been busy..barn dance ..hee takes me back to my school years.. :D fish and chips and bacon baps very nice indeed..but I should imagine you are now enjoy seeing your friend and GF today time to relax fayer the cleaning..and Mell has been trying to get in touch with you about Lucy..have left you a PM.. :)
    Joan my thyroid is not bad just border line..hope you and Sue can get out today but wrap up warm..
    Kath I love the glasses..very posh indeed.. :)
    I am about to post for Hileena for whoever knows her..she rang form Ireland last night her mum has passed away..but she is so pleased she got to see her one last time..
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, I'm having both pairs. One for distance and one for reading. :D

    ((((Hileena)))) so sorry to hear of your loss. :cry:

    Welcome to my autumn picnic.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My sympathies to Hileena, we can share you loss.

    Mum passed away in the early hours of this morning, peacefully, at home.

    Will catch up later on, love to all XX Aidan and Bill
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aiden just to say I am so very sorry to hear this... my thoughts and prayers are with you Bill..and dad...god bless ((())) xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    barbara12 wrote:
    Aiden just to say I am so very sorry to hear this... my thoughts and prayers are with you Bill..and dad...god bless ((())) xx

    Thank you so much, it has been a difficult day, but Mum is at peace and we will be ok XX
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    You have been through it with your mum and dad, so will understand what Bill is feeling..give him my love, and we are all here for you both...I think Mum was determined to come home..bless her (())xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear Aiden,

    Love and condolences, good that your Mum was at home and comfortable.

    With love

    Yvonne and the team x
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Aiden I am so sorry to hear about Mum it was nice that she was in her own home. I hope you and Bill and Dad are all doing ok my thoughts are with you all and we are all here for you.
    no yesterday was not an open day we have then on the last 2 Saturdays of the month so next week and the week after. and yes I will be there.

    Toni The barn dance sounds as though you would be very busy indeed. yes i'm afraid nasty people are all too many in London but well its true they do show themselves up. well hopefully Mr T will not have to pay for the hearing aid because there are so many things to pay out for at the moment. Pusskins will have to wait a little bit longer and we still have one when money allows. I must say I love nice cards and for family members will always pay more. Elfie is gorgeous

    I went to a remembrance service at the church I used to go to with the St John ambulance this morning as the vicar of the church ther is retiring next week and this was his last remembrance service. was a good service. the sea scouts and the St John were both on Parade.. we have been a bit quite at home today as Mr T had one of his moody times yesterday and is now keeping very quite not saying anything so basically I am just doing the same until he speaks without biting my head off :roll: :roll: . It will probably all blow over tomorrow as usual it was over something very trivial but well that's men for you present company excluded Aidan.

    sorry if I have missed anyone but will catch up with you all tomorrow as very tired now as I was up at silly o clock this morning it has been a long day.

    night night all t98112 t98112 t98112
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    An early morning to everyone.

    I think this will be a short post, we are worn out to say the very least. Up from 4am on Sunday morning, after Dad IL rang to say Mum IL had passed away.

    Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers, they are all very much appreciated.

    I remember how kind everyone was when My Dad passed away in 2011.

    We have had BIL and SIL over, as well **** Niece and her Partner. they came to us and then went to Dads for a while. Of course B's other Brother lives in London and I am sure it is so upsetting that he cannot be here at the moment. But we have chatted a lot on the phone.

    The same undertakers who cared for my late Mum and Dad, are taking over the care of MIL. I was so upset when I saw S, the lady undertaker, of course the last time I saw her, was at Mums graveside. All sorts of memories come flooding back.

    Lots of tears, lots of support and lots to do in the coming days. The undertakers take a lots of the strain out of thigs, sorting out death certificates and leasing with the GP's

    I am waffling on. Time for me to move, my back is super ouchy.

    thank you again, everyone is so so kind. Love to all XXX Aidan ad Bill
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OH Gosh Aidan I am so very very sorry to hear the sad news about Mum. It makes me think she just wanted to get home so she could go am so glad she was there and with Dad in her own home.

    She did so well and was an amazingly strong woman. (((HUGE))) from me to all of you.

    Carol I think most of us pay more for cards for special people :)

    Naughty Mr T playing up again!! That's two lots of bad behaviour in as many weeks :shock: Let it go over your head and I have no doubt he's speaking again now anyway!!

    We had a special remembrance service yesterday here too as we had 'planted' (cemented in) lots of metal poppies in our remembrance garden :)

    Barbara thanks I will get back to Mell today bless you I hope he is ok. Off to clinic today for epilepsy.

    I bet Niamh loves her little Elfie too :)

    I will message Hileena too and send my love on the loss of her beloved Mam :(

    your garden is lovely I would enjoy a picnic there :) maybe we all need one?

    I feel quite sad today.

    Love to Joan t98112

    and to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni I hope everyone had a good weekend.
    Barbara I hope you have a day without rain today.
    Kathleen have you got computer glasses has well I have.
    Carol I hope you had a good weekend did Mr T find his earning aid.
    Aidan and Bill I'm so sorry you both did all the best you could have done (((((((((Aidan Bill and Aidan's Dad))))))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Aiden it does help when you know and trust the undertakers..I am sure you will be trying to stay strong for Bill..please look after yourselves in all this..some more hugs..((())) xxx
    Joan I agree Aiden and Bill did there very best for rain here just cold ..but I dont mind if its bright..
    Carol its good to remember our soldier past and present..we didn't make it this year to our cenotaph..but we watched it on TV..and I am always tearful..I hope Mr T comes roun d today ..sure it wont last long..
    Toni I hope all goers well at the epilepsy clinic for Lucy..will be thinking of you..and how lovely to have the poppies in the garden.. :)
    Mell was worried because he couldn't get in touch with you and asked me to let you know..he is doing well at the min..
    Yes its a sad time indeed...
    Love and hugs to everyone. (()) xxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    :D:lol: We've just had our flu jabs. :lol::D

    Hope it'll be ok, I haven't been feeling very well today, but I wasn't going to tell her that!!

    Joan, I won't have any computer glasses. I'll just wear the distance ones.

    ((((((Aidan and Bill)))))) so sorry about mum, you both did the very best for her. I hope dad will be all right. :cry:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I still feel so sad for Aidan and Bill :( Of course their Dad (IL) too it must be devastating even if it was such a peaceful end for Mum :(

    Hello Joan I hope all is well with you?

    Lucy got on ok meds to stay the same but her beloved 'grandad' of a consultant is retiring so she is upset (we are too) I hope Dr Tim stays for a good long while at least.

    Back in Brum tomorrow for hip consultant :roll:

    Kath I can totally understand why you didn't want to turn you flu jab down!!

    Barbara I have texted Mell and Hileena too. I have aback log of emails.... :oops: I feel so very sad today Aidan's Mum (IL) fought such a fabulous battle didn't she?

    Love and hugs to everyone form me too

    Toni xxx

    Promise to be back on form tomorrow :wink:
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Aidan hope you Bill and dad are all bearing up at this very sad time for you all just take things slowly and look after one another. I think Toni is so right Mum just wanted to be at home before she let go she fought so hard. and sending you all a few more hugs (((((((( extra gentle ones))))))).

    ToniWow that's sounds fantastic Metal Poppies In the remembrance garden I bet it looked glorious.
    yes your right 2 lots of bad behaviour in as many weeks trouble is you know there is something but he will never admit it, but everything is ok today I have learnt that if I go silent like Saturday evening and yesterday he soon comes out of it, he just annoys me and believe me its no fun living with the moods. hope Lucy's clinic appt went well.

    Joan no the hearing aid has not been found

    Barbara Yes I always like to remember the soldiers of the world wars on Remembrance Sunday lots of my uncles and my dad were in the war one of my great great uncles was killed at Flanders in ww1 he was only 18 and my dad was a P.O.W in ww2 fortunately he returned or otherwise I would not be here as I was born 2 and 1/2 years after the end of WW2 :wink: Mr T is talking ok today however I don't know what was wrong to put him in the bad mood but then again I never do.

    It has been very cold but bright here today and at least it has been dry. Hope you have all had reasonable weather today and not been too cold. Its weigh in day tomorrow hopefully I have lost or maintained as I am only just in my target by 1/2lb.
    I think I need to get up and move or I may get stuck.

    hope you all have a reasonable day tomorrow.

    t120007 t120007
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    For all your kind words and condolences, they all mean so much.

    Toni, Barbara, all the moderators, Kath, Carol, Joan, Christine, Elizbeth, Mig and everyone who shares in the support and friendship that this forum brings.

    Yes Toni, Mum was determined to come home and used every last ounce of effort to do so. She had been remarkable right since her diagnosis nearly two years ago, when the prognosis was for far far less time. So we have all been blessed to have that extra time with Mum.

    We went round to Dads and he had been busy sorting all Mum's medicines, ready to go back to the Pharmacy, he was eager to get started with paperwork, but we need the death certificate (which we can pick up today) and to visit the Registrar, then we can assist with sorting things out.
    S the undertaker had already organised the Drs at the surgery and rang to say that the certificate would be ready today.

    There is still quite a lot to organise, but one day at a time. I think a Lady Rector will take the funeral service, on recommendation of the undertakers. :)

    We went for a coffee and cake in town, Dad enjoyed that, then we went to Sainsb and of course all the staff have seen mum n dad almost every day for several years. I told the young lady on the /cig counter and she was bawling, which set me off, lots of hugs from lots of staff on our way round the store. Lovely people, all very kind.

    The poppies sound wonderful Toni, all set into the ground in the garden of remembrance. Thank you for the HUGE hugs, they were very warm and very welcome, Pepe was talking to Miss Sleek and I think they were both quite upset, they said no flying for a few days, but they will talk every day. I notice the broom has been turned off. HOw is Miss Elf Herself :) hope Lucy is enjoying her Christmas duties.

    Oh dear Carol, I hope Mr T is less grumps today, I will send some vibes of good cheer his way. Sleep and Pepe will ask Tomicat and Jericat to sprinkle some magic dust over your home, seeing as they are in the vicinity. Thank you for the hugs too.

    Thank you also Joan, you are very good with your hugs, always appreciated. We are ok, Dad is ok and we are keeping our eyes on him. BIL and SIL are coming over again today, I guess we will go out for some lunch. Dad IL certainly enjoyed his coffee and tea cake.
    Love to you, Sue and the doggies too.

    Some more lovely hugs from Barbara too, bless you. We will look after ourselves, honest. Looking after Dad too, sorting things out with him and reassuring him along the way, that everything will be ok, paperwork etc etc.

    The undertakers are wonderful, they were so good with us when my Dad, then Mum, passed away. I think they are slowly handing over to their Daughter, which is understandable as they head towards retiring from the business. We will meet the Daughter and S this week, to discuss the ceremony and also the Lady Rector.

    Thank you for the hugs Kath, I hope you are feeling a bit better today, no, you did right not to mention anything or you might have missed your flu jab spot, after all the waiting.

    I hope we did all we possibly could do for B's Mum and we will certainly be keeping our eyes and helping hands with Dad.

    Oh dear, one Consultant retiring, that is always upsetting when you know them well, I dread my Cardiologist retiring, which I don't think will be long as he is semi retired now............Glad everything was ok with the visit and the meds that Lucy take stay the same.

    Back today for hip appointment, the results of the MRI? Thoughts will be with you, rest assured.

    Hope the weight in at SW goes ok, I am sure it will.

    OK I had better move and potter about a little more. Thank you all once more.

    Love to all, in and not about at present.

    XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan, condolences to you and your family in this sad time.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Toni Kathleen Carol Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I hope you have a good day. How are you feeling.
    Toni it's getting colder now I have my thermals.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day with not too much pain.
    Carol a friend of mine lost his artificial eye in a field e did not say what he was looking for but they found it.
    Aidan we are thinking about you ((((((((Alcan Bill Aidan's Dad))))))))
    Kerrin. how are your ankles doing.
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wrapped up doubly warm and trailed through Sawley on my rollator. Feeling a bit better today (apart from hip and knee pain. Arm not too sore, but maneouvering my trusty carriage over the potholes on the main street (pavement) really yanked my poor old shoulders! :?

    Our lovelies are looking a little sad today, and need extra cuddles.
    I hope we did all we possibly could do for B's Mum and we will certainly be keeping our eyes and helping hands with Dad.
    Aidan, you and Bill did mum and dad proud. We too are very proud of you both.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Dear Aiden I have only just read of your loss Im so sorry for all your family,hugs to all.
    My sister in law passed away a week ago and her funeral is this friday,she came into my life when I was just 10 so she was more like a real sister.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all late again..
    Aiden you are welcome to our support and love, its nice that we all look out for one another..and I am sure Dad feels so reassured you are both there for him, its a lonely time..hope all goes well with the planning, like you say the undertakers take most of off your shoulders..(())) xx
    Hi to Mig so sorry you to hear about your SIL (()) x
    Joan I am doing ok thankyou..hope you are..not long now for your boot..
    Hi to kerrin hope you are doing ok
    Carol it nice to know you family history especially when it come to the wars..they deserve our thoughts at the very glad your dad made it home safe..but your poor great uncle.. :(
    Kath has had her flue jab thank goodness...
    Toni you post when you feel like it..and thanks for texting mell and Hileena ..she doesn't have a proper connection at the min so might not answer..
    Middle GD slept here last night and Sunday..she only had a lesson at 11 so had a bit of a lie in
    Now for a to everyone xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone

    Aidan not for one moment should you ever think you and B could have done more for his Mum!! She was loved and had the very best of care!! Many families don’t even visit their family members. She did so well so very well, remember you didn’t expect you get last Christmas with her!! You got that and so much more.
    I am glad the undertakers have helped your family before you know god care will be taken of her and they will see to it that she has a fitting funeral ((()))

    Miss Sleek has been virtually hugging Pepe. She is very tearful for him she hates any upset at all. Brooms are switched off out of respect for Pepe’s Gran. Jericat has asked Hermione to return hsu Drs kit so expect some attention form him; wet ears and the like. He finds it a comfort to ‘do something’.

    Joan I have lit the fire a few times and Lucy is wearing her thermals already I am saving mine!

    Carol when Paul plays me up he won’t ever admit he’s worried about something…work or something….no! men!! Lucy’s clinic appointment went ok thanks. She’s damaged the cartilage in her ‘good’ femoral head and is being referred to endocrinology to discuss alendronic acid (sp). Neurology which was yesterday went ok too meds staying the same 

    The poppies look amazing – I must take a photo!

    Weigh-day today my fingers are crossed for you.

    Love to you Kerrin I hope your ankles are a bit better (())

    Kath the pusskin looks so sweet I love him!

    Shame the potholes made your arms sore, but well doe for wrapping up having your walk.

    Mig I will be thinking of you on Friday (())

    Hi Barbara I did get a reply from both Hileena and Mell 

    I hope you are ok? Nice to have middle GD staying overnight I bet. How old is she now?

    Lucy go on ok today the MRI was good AVN isn't worse. The other good hip has a tear in the cartilage because she is favouring it. Can see 'healed' AVN lower down in the hip bone, but the actual femoral head is still holding it's own. Yes AVN, but not worse. There is AVN in the 'long bones' too.

    Suggested she see an endocrinologist about to discuss alendronic acid to help her bones stay as healthy as possible so we'll see. That will make 5 consultants :roll:

    Off to bed Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It is almost Wednesday, so I will say good morning to all.

    One day is rolling into another at the moment.

    Thank you Kerrin, that is very kind of you. I hope you are not too ouchy at the moment and those ankles are behaving themselves. We could send some lavender pats down, I am sure Jericat would magic them over to you.

    Hi Joan, thank you for thinking of us, you are so kind, both you and Sue, as are all of our extended family on the forum.
    I hope you and Sue and the doggies have been out and about. Is the heating behaving, it was very chilly the other night.

    I am glad you friend found their artificial eye in a field, of all places. :shock: very lucky indeed.

    I see you were well wrapped up Kath, some ouchies, which we will have to attend to with positive vibes and some bush baby assistance.

    Don't get me started on the state of the roads and the pavements. I think it is now a nationwide problem, no money, so only the worst ones are spared a little tarmac. I am forever on to the Council about the state of our roads and pavements. Excuses come back, time and again. I will be having words with our MP again - he can usually get things done.
    Sorry you have had to drag your rollator out of the potholes, it isn't on at all.

    I will go and see all the lovelies and tell them things are and will be ok.
    Thank you for your kind words, we certainly did our very best.

    Hi Mig, thank you for your kind words and I am sorry to hear about your SIL. I am sure she was more like a Sister to you, very sad to hear. Will be thinking of you on Friday. ((()))

    Hi Barbara, Dad was pleased to see us when we went round at lunchtime, BIL and SIL met us for lunch. We asked Dad if he was ok with the GC, or if it was too soon. He said, no, let's go where the food is good and where we know people. Bless. We were there for ages.

    The funeral directors are very good,they do take a lot of the concerns out of your hands.

    The Death Certificate was ready, so B went in with Dad, to the Drs and picked it up. Appointment made with the Registrar for Thursday and to go see the Undertakers as well. Busy days.

    I see your middle GD has been stopping with you :) A lie in too, very good.

    Hi Toni, no, we won't doubt our help and care, it is just that so many things go racing round in your head and the "what if's" appear. They are banished, we know that we did all we could do, for not far off two years. Indeed we did get far more time than ever was expected, which was a blessing.

    The undertakers are a wonderful family, so so kind and ultra professional.

    Miss Sleek has been very kind with Pepe and all the puskins, I did hear a thud, which I guess was his Drs bag, bed baths and pulse taking at the very least.

    Lucy has her thermals on, mind you, if you are Elfing, then they are important. I don't possess any, so I will have go chilly :shock:

    We have had the heating up, the other night, when you are in that so tired and weary state and you just feel cold through and through, it was positively tropical in here.

    Glad that Lucy's second appointment went ok and the alendronic acid treatment will be well worth considering. Good that the femoral head is holding out, of course, with a favoured tilt. the good hip is at increased risk. Apparently I have a pelvic tilt :shock: :roll: I thought I just stumbled around in general.

    You have had a busy couple of days, I can feel some ouches, Miss Sleek tells Pepe everything. Don't be surprised if you have a Dr Pepelongstockings popping by.

    Right my friends, the lovelies are all a little more settled, Johnny is on tonight along with 4 keepers and two vets, so they are super well looked after.

    The shed is looking very smart, it seems to grow, all the time, full of all those hours Carol.


    Off to Skipton today, Hygienist for both, then car in for its first service. The garage no longer sell our car make :( But they can still do the servicing on motability. Next time we will go to the main dealers. Shame, I liked that garage, known it a long time.

    Then we have to pop into a couple of venues to start organising the wake.

    Better go, I am set. Again. :roll:

    Love to all, in and out of the cafe. Take care XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).