Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Mig Barbara Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day with not too much pain.
    Mig it's nice to see you sorry about your loss of your sister in law
    Barbara I can have my boots after Christmas
    Toni I take A Acid once a week.
    ((((((((Aidan and Bill and Dad)))))))) try not to worry you did your best more than a lot of people would have done.
    Joan xx take care all
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The shed does look rather lovely Aidan :) Full to bursting with our missing hours....I might go and fetch some...hmmmmm....

    It sounds as though things are going along as they should be. B helping Dad sort the death certificate and the Undertakers on Thursday to sort, no doubt, lots out.

    Well done Dad braving the GC so soon I'm sure the staff made a fuss of him. Bil and Sil along to share the load all good. I doubt Mum would have managed the nearly 2 years without all the care and support from you and B as well as Dad ding his best. The quality of life she had right to the end was much more than anyone could have hoped for too.

    There will be a lot of upset medical staff too who had grown attached to her.

    I hope you can find a good venue for the wake it must be perfect.

    Good luck at the dentist for both of you and I am sorry about loosing your favourite garage for the car :cry: Mine has moved (a fair way) but I can still get to it.

    Miss Sleek has been tittle-tattling has she? bless her she is calm when upsetting things happen so ideal for Pepe. Funnily enough my back was soaking this morning and my knees had toilet roll wrapped around them :shock: Pepelongstockings??? :lol:

    Those cats will keep you both going now you know. How is Dad bearing up?

    Dropped off some fruit this morning so saw the animals all are super-well and happy the warthogs happy with some rain of course Johnny Morris was just leaving and tried to get me to visit the 'tank' :shock: :shock: :shock:


    Hi Joan the alendronic acid is once a week? Is it ok? I am now taking vit D (oily lemon flavoured stuff which repeats) once a week. Harder to remember isn't it? I went for Monday first weekday.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all quite mild here..
    Aiden I agree with Toni you did all you could for good of dad to brave the GC must have felt so strange and sad for him and you and Bill..but it were you enjoy going and that will help..Bill has things in will be pleased with the help ...good luck at the dentist and then off to Skipton ..I do love it there and not been for a few years..such a shame the garage wont be dealing in the same car..hopefully you will find another good one..I love having our GC around doesn't happen has often has it use to.. don't forget look after yourselves...(())
    Toni hopefully Lucy bones will get stronger..and if she goes on the meds that should help..all these appointments ...but hopefully they will get less very soon..good to hear that Mell and Hileena got in touch.. :)
    Joan did someone lose an eye... :shock: my dad had a false eye.and I had to take him to the clinic to get it changed when needed..I dreaded it ..there were eyes everywhere looking at me..sorry you did say the boot would come after Christmas
    Right off to get a bit of shopping in will take the chariot but might use the scooters in the store..
    Love to everyone xxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've got a friend with an eye phobia Barbara!!

    She can't stand them! That place would be her hell :shock: :shock:

    Hoping Lucy's appointments will lessen over time. Two have increased due to he lower neutrophils never mind eh? It won't be forever.

    Lucy still goes to her Nan's now sometimes (on her Dad's side) I'm sure they both enjoy it :D

    I never had Grandparents sadly :(


    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I seem to be at least 12 hours behind everyone else at the moment - not to worry, a very early morning to all.

    Hi Joan, thank you as always, for the hugs and kind words. You are a wonderful lady, Sue too.
    We have been busy again and will be off back to Skipton again today, to visit the undertakers, sort out more things, paperwork etc. Dad will be with us of course.

    Hi Toni, The she is certainly full to bursting and I feel we need at least a couple of days adding to the week.

    Things are sorting out, Registrars today and Undertakers too, so into town and then to Skipton.
    The Lady Rector rang and we are meeting her on Saturday, to go through the order of service. She sounds just lovely. How is Rev Delphine, talking of Lady Rectors :)
    I mentioned to her that my Late Dad was a Rector and she was most interested.

    Dad didn't seem to mind the GC at all, he knew Mum loved it there, so was quite happy to go and as he rightly said, the food is good so why not. All credit to him.
    We hope that we kept Mum and Dad going over the past two years, we are sure that we have done our level best and made sure the care, was second to none.
    It is all pretty draining, we are both kind of running on fumes at the moment.

    We went into two possible venues for the wake, the first one, which I would never mention, was only fit for demolition. I remember it was not much cop 25 years ago and nothing has been done since :shock: (I had to clean like a maniac when I got home).
    The second venue, which I knew was nice, some years back, was SO wonderful and perfect. Very up to date, beautiful. We penciled in for the Friday, we will take Dad today and let him have the final say. As soon as B and I came out, we said, this is the place :)

    Our teeth have been duly cleaned, Bette has had her first service and a nice bath, courtesy of the garage. They simply didn't have room to sell more than one car range, so our make had to be dropped.
    We won't go back there, our main dealer is not too far from us, so we will use them in future.

    They kindly gave us a lift back into Skipton so we sat in Nero's and drank loads of coffee, had toasties and cake, then they came and picked us up again.

    I think Pepe did ask Hermione for a transportation on medical grounds, to attend to your ouches :roll: :roll: :shock: He does like bandaging and bed bathing. I had another bed bath this evening, bless, Miss Sleek is keeping a beady eye on him and they are chatting loads, lots of chirruping. Some carpet gliding, so he is feeling a little more calm.

    How kind of Johnny to offer you a peek into "the tank". I would be with you, out the door...................

    Some meds are just not pleasant are they. Potassium is one of the horrid ones, the fizzy tablets. :mrgreen:

    It will be choir practice tonight, I hope Barbara is in full voice. There is no stopping her now.

    Talk of the Lady, morning Barbara.
    It was a bit upsetting when all the GC staff made a fuss of Dad, which was nice, they knew mum well.

    It was packed in Skipton today, I was saying, oh, mid week market is not busy, in winter..............wrong, it was heaving. We did get our favourite seats in Nero's, a couple were just leaving as we went in, so B was like a whippet and snapped up the seats. The staff were all very kind too. They miss us not going in as often as we did.

    We will look after ourselves, just a few more things to sort out...........he says.

    I don't mind eyes, maybe a room full of them, looking at me, might change my mind. :shock: :shock: :?

    Hope you managed the shopping in your chariot. We popped into the big Tesco in Skipton and the security man was there in a flash, would you like your buggy, "my buggy", how kind. bit I didn't need it, B ran round the shop and gathered the few bits we needed.

    Ommetaphobia, the fear of eyes. Bless, it would have been like putting us in a room full of huge spiders Toni.

    Strange, I never knew any Grandparents either, they had all passed before I was born.

    Ok, I will do some pottering and fuss a bit more. Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Mig, Charrisse, Elizabeth.

    Love to all.

    XX Aidan

    Look who I found in the forest

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Ahhh! What an adorable baby Hedgie Aidan!! Thank you :)

    Pepe is welcome to visit anytime I think he was here again last night as my ears were wet :roll: Miss Sleek is more than happy to look after him. They are working on a special spell to help you both (and Dad of course) get through the next few weeks. It was Pepe's idea, but his list of ingredients was a bit suspect :wink:

    Fair enough if the garage is small that they can't carry 2 ranges having said that what service!! Dropping you off so you could have a cuppa AND fetching you :D How lovely. I go to the main dealer.

    Good to hear Bette and you are all scrubbed up nicely too.

    I bet the GC staff were pleased to see Dad and were all keen to offer their best. :) It sounds as though you have found your location for the wake and just need him to rubber stamp it. All sounds well in hand with the Rector booked ready too.

    You must all be running on fumes and that awful numbness which gets you through following a bereavement. You did help so much and no way would Mum have had the last 2 years without all you did - more importantly the quality of life she had was amazing :)

    The Rev Delphine is indeed very well she was washing up at the book sale on Saturday and did the Memorial on Sunday.

    Choir tonight yes Barbara will be along we are picking up our neighbour en-route minus his wife who is in respite. Lucy and I visited her on Tuesday.

    Miss Sleek is in the dog-house....finally after trying daily since we moved in.....she caught a mole :shock: I don't think he made it sadly although I tried to rescue him using the hoover to fend her off :roll:

    Paul has 'dealt with things'

    I am most unimpressed that YOU needed to be sanitised after visiting a prospective venue :shock: gross!!

    A quick woo-ooo! to Joan t98112 I'm going to miss my waving pumpkin when the smilies change to Christmas ones :(

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni I take the Alendronic Acid on a Thursday I have liquid I have a problem swallowing tablets. I hope you have a good day.
    Barbara a friend lost his eye in a field he found it because he did not move he could not see it some one else did.
    Aidan life can be so hard ((((((((Aidan Aidan's Dad Bill))))))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all...I was so warm last night.. :o
    Aiden the venue sounds just right, mum would be pleased and dad will hopefully like it..sure he will ..Toni took the words out of my mouth it is mind numbing..then after the funeral reality kicks in..but you all have one was so nice of the GC staff to make a fuss..bless..
    I can imagine Skipton being busy..the run up to Christmas is on.. :shock: but good on Bill getting the seat.. :) and teeth all cleaned..
    I think I might well have an eye phobia now..I remember seeing someone on the antiques road show buy a cabinet full of them .. :roll: thankyou for the pic of the diddy hedgehog..made my morning.. :)
    Toni choir tonight... :o so good of you to pick up your neighbour..and good to hear his wife in in respite.. better get the shed open... :)
    I only knew my GM on my mums side..and grandparents weren't the same in those days..they were more distant..she died when I was 17..I just wish I had talked to her more ...I remember she was so tiny and took size 2 shoes.. :o so you have a friend with an eye phobia...she would have hated that place.. :shock:
    Joan I am glad your neighbour had someone there to find the eye..its a long drawn out process making them..hope you and Sue are well..
    I had better move...hoping to have 2 delivery's today..thank goodness for online shopping at this time of the year.. :D
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Barbara yes after the funeral when the sympathisers trail off that's when the loss really hits you :(

    Nip into the shed before choir then to settle your nerves ;) I have our music ready.

    2 deliveries? Well I hope they arrive on time are the Christmas prezzies?

    Joan that poor man loosing his eye lucky he wasn't alone! Lucy can take tablets luckily so sure the alendronic acid will slip down easily enough. I hope you have a good day too :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Toni my parcels gifts off the shopping channel..and makeup from deb**hams..very picky our middle GD..I always ask them to make a list and then I choose off it so they don't know what they are getting.. :lol: OH is 70 on Christmas eve not a clue what to get him..right better get my vocals the shed open ... :D
    more hugs for Aiden Bill and dad...((())) xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    I'm back after 3 days of not being on my laptop much. instead I have been knitting and sorting out some other things. so been a bit hectic on. After last Wednesdays escapade with our kitchen tap when eng left it working saying we needed to get a new tap, Mr T had been very busy and had not had time to go and look at taps and as it was working we did not worry to much, However on Tuesday evening the nozzle of the tap fell off and the tubing inside disappeared up the tap only to fall into the cupboard below the sink, This of course resulted in leaking water in to the cupboard and over the kitchen floor and of course no water out of the tap. So after his bible study yesterday Mr T goes off in hunt of a new tap whilst I arranged for the engineer to come back today to fit said tap. so we are now up and running with a new tap . one thing down a few more to go but with patience we will get it all done.

    Aiden yes Mr T has had less grumps since Monday so we are ok at the moment, so the pusskins worked their magic ok . The shed looks lovely so big and just crammed with hours just popped in to collect a few. that baby hedgehog is adorable wouldn't want to try and cuddle that though :lol::lol:

    Joan what a thing to happen to your friend losing his artificial eye good job they found it for him.

    oh well it's back to mermaid knitting now as I have not quite 3 weeks to complete it with time to spare befor going to Margate for Graycie's birthday. so need to get a move on

    Kathleen hope your poor shoulders are feeling a bit better today. last year I hit a pot hole with my rollator and it tipped forward and I fell on top of it and damaged it beyond repair so had to buy a new one.

    Barbara I have traced my family back on ancestry website and done a family tree on there and have found it quite interesting.

    Toni Mr T is exactly the same you know there is something wrong or they are worried about something bet they never admit it
    glad Lucy is going on ok and hopefully they can find how to deal with the damaged cartilage for the best effect. also glad neurology apt went well and meds stay the same.

    oh well it's back to mermaid knitting now as I have not quite 3 weeks to complete it with time to spare before going to Margate for Graycie's birthday. so need to get a move on. because I know Lillie will not of forgotten about it.

    take care everyone t98112 t98112 t120007 t120007
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Carol Barbara Toni and anyone else I missed
    Carol I hope the man came to fix the tap. I'm sure the knitting will be done in time.
    Barbara I hope you have had a good day I'm glad the presents arrived they can get lost.
    Toni Lucy is going through such a lot she is a strong brave young lady.
    I'm going shopping tomorrow morning
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes, it is just after midnight, so a very early morning to all.

    The hedgehog was just lovely, I had to pop him into the cafe to say hi.

    Sorry if you had wet ears Toni, Pepe has been on medical duties and seems to be remaining "on watch" for the present time. He said that Miss Sleek showed him all round your house and he was very impressed :) I think they had a little nightcap of lactose free milk. Bless.

    He was quiet about the spell and there are some strange ingredients in the broomstick cupboard, guarded by the broom. Conkers, toads, cobwebs, pendle mist........ :? :? I am sure it will work and see us through the coming weeks.

    Yes, the garage were very kind to drop us off in town. They rang and said when Bette was ready and they even waited to come fetch us while I drank my second coffee :lol::lol: I bet they thought cheeky beggars. Bette was sparkling clean, I emphasise the word WAS.

    The staff are wonderful at the GC and made a fuss of us all, without being over the top, if you know what I mean. We were there again today, after we had been to the Registrar's.

    We had brunch at the GC in between the next trip to Skipton to go to the funeral directors. Mum introduced us to her daughter, who will be directing the proceedings, she is the model of Mum, who will be on holiday. She said she felt guilty for not being there, but I said don't worry, everyone needs a break, you and hubby especially.

    All the necessary arrangements made for next week, just to meet up with the Rector on Saturday to sort the order of service.

    Dad loved the venue for the wake and gave it his seal of approval. So we are all booked in.

    It is a bit like living in treacle, the days become a blur. Dad is ok and we are putting a strong front. I know how all this feels, with my late Mum and Dad and B knows it too, with the loss of his BIL and Sister, within 5 weeks of each other.

    Good to hear that the Rev Delphine is well and was busy washing up, then carrying out the memorial service on Sunday.

    I think Barbara has been to the shed, the cider bottle has gone down a bit :shock: a little lubrication of the vocals, before choir practice.

    Ah, so that is why Pepe said Sleek was nearly tripping over her lip, being in the dawg house for catching a mole. She said you were trying to hoover her up :shock: :? Poor little mole, that Paul duly "dealt with".

    Oh that place we went to ask about hosting the wake, oh my goodness - I could not get out quickly enough, it was rank.

    Hi Joan, your poor friend, loosing their false eye, so glad that he stood still and someone else found it.
    I know a lot of people have trouble with tablets, most things do come in liquid form now, although with cut backs they try and make people take pills, as they are so much cheaper. I always have co codamol soluble. The rest of my pharmacy are all pills.

    Life indeed is a series of ups and downs, challenges that just about push us to the limit of our emotions. We are resilient creatures though, far more so than we imagine, which is a good job really.

    Thank you for your continued hugs, they are wonderful.

    I hope you managed to get your shopping done. Hi to Sue and pats to the doggies.

    Hi Barbara, are you sure you had just the one drink, in the shed :lol::lol::wink::wink:

    Dad loved the hotel / venue, we chose well and he signed it off :)

    We do have one another and some of the family are not too far away, plus we have good friends on the park, so we will be ok. Funerals are such final events to face.

    Thinking of Mig today, am sure it is her SIL funeral today.

    Skipton was less manic today, no market on the Thursday. Saturday when we go to meet the Rector, it will be a bun fight for parking spaces.

    Glad the hedgehog made your morning.

    So you are developing an eye phobia, oh dear............I think I remember seeing that on the roadshow, they are very valuable, the older ones. As you say, a lot of work goes into them.

    Glad your parcels arrived safely, I tend to watch QVC when I am nodding off at night, just put the smaller tv on sleep for an hour.

    Going from a list is much better, at least you know it is something that is wanted / needed.
    Now, what to get for Mr B. On Christmas Eve............A big chocolate advent calendar, so he can eat all the goodies in one go :) sounds fine to me. We will all have a think............

    Thank you for the hugs XX

    Hi Carol Oh dear, the tap finally gave up, with tubes vanishing and water coming out of the cupboard. Mopping mission done, I hope there was not a big flood.

    Good to hear that there is a new tap in situ. One thing to tick of the list, the trouble with lists, they always get longer.

    Nice to know that Mr T is not Mr grumps, the good vibes and magic dust seem to be working. It will be lunch out and coffee with your friends today?

    Best not to cuddle the hedgehog, although a tummy tickle would not go amiss (he is free of pests).

    Mermaid knitting, you are on countdown to your visit to Margate, I bet you cannot wait. I am sure Lillie will not have forgotten about it for one minute.

    I remember when you fell and damaged your rollator.

    We are off to take Dad shopping this morning, just groceries, then help him sort out paperwork at home, things that need sending off and or phoning. He will feel a lot better when that is done.

    No other plans, we will chill for the other half of the day, we need some down time.

    I had better move, I am setting into a dining chair shape.

    Love to all, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth, Charrisse...........

    Take lots of care. XXX Aidan

    I found a very wise, very plump, puskin, in the secret garden tonight.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Budda-pusskin Aidan!! I wuv him!! :D

    I do think you are all doing so well! venue sorted registrar sorted undertaker sorted and only the service to sort tomorrow. Keeping busy is for the best just now.

    Probably the garage were good to you because you are good and fair customers to them Aidan.

    To an extent the same will go for the GC you are valued regulars and also they cared about Mum and continue to care about you, B and Dad.

    Miss Sleek was telling tales again then? Hahaha! Of course she didn't want me to save the mole did she?

    Of course she would offer Pepe some cat-milk they shared a fresh bowl. She must adore him se normally rarely shares with anyone! Glad he liked the place I expect she showed him everywhere including the window seat and her garden...

    He must be feeling a bit better no wet ears or bandaged knees today. So we have 'secret' supplies in his broom cupboard (you know it's his I take it :wink: )??

    Barbara must have her tipple from the shed to oil her vocal chords :D

    Carol I had a feeling you would be on mermaid knitting duties ready for Graycie's 1st birthday!!

    Nightmare about the tap, but I am glad Mr T finally located one and all is well now. I hope you didn't loose anything from the cupboard with it getting wet.

    Men eh? Also when Paul is worried and 'down'/moody it's almost as though he'd like me to say something to 'set him off' so I can have the blame :roll:

    Barbara you were a star last night especially that tricky bit in 'Mary did you know' Are you enjoying our Christmassy songs?

    I have had an idea for hub's birthday I put gifts for plumbers uk in google and found lots of novelty stuff for him also amazon.

    Joan Lucy is a strong girl thank you she will get there bless her. She must get down when something new happens, but she sees to pretty well bounce back. :)


    I am in trouble :? I was cleaning Lucy's loo yesterday and I dropped the lid off the loo cleaner down it while it was flushing. Never done tis in my life in decades of loo-cleaning!

    As it's a saniflo I am having to have a saniflow engineer out to fix it at a cost of £118 + VAT :roll: :shock:

    Love a rather embarrassed

    Toni :oops: :oops: :oops:
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What an accident prone lot we are. Carol had her rollator land on top of her and Toni dropped the toilet cleaner lid into Lucy's loo and had to get the saniflow man out. I got up this morning. 'Nuff said. Now I know why I feel so at home here. ((((hugs)))) to both of you. And of course ((((hugs)))) to Aidan, B and dad.

    Hope all are keeping snug. I lnow Joan will have her thermals on as she is a sensible lady.

    Some 'kind'? person broke a load of polystyrene all over the car park. t120007 t120007 t98247

    Love to all. xxxx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..nice and bright out t
    Joan yes all parcels delivered are right they do go missing ..I dread that when posting to our GD in London..hope you and Sue can get oyut and about ..its cold but nice and dry..
    Kath the polystyrene gets everywhere....honestly they could have just put it in the bin..hope you are doing ok...
    Toni my OH hates the saniflows...what a shame the cost is awful..I always wonder do they make these things tyo break easily then you have to keep buying spares..will have a look on amazon for OH..he does like old comics and might look on you mention things for plumbers..we came across a stall in our shopping center selling tools made out of chocolate :lol: we tested the chocolate and it was good.. :lol: yes I enjoyed the Christmas songs..not sure who finished the cider off though..sure I only had a drop..
    Carol the mermaid sounds nice, they are all the rage at the min what with costumes and films..Graycie will love it :D not the tap again..tell you things aren't made to last.. :roll:
    Aiden you will both be shattered when its all over, like I say you have already gone through will be able to support Bill...sorry if you have said but do you have a date for the funeral...bless I feel for you all..we have never seen Skipton market..think I have left it to late now you I cant do with crowds..yes you realx this afternoon it will do you good..I love the stone pussykins.. :D nice addition the the garden
    Better move...or will set..
    love to everyone xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a stupid thing to do Kath; polystyrene is nasty stuff doesn't biodegrade maybe they have CCTV?

    Man has been loo all sorted £141.60p in total :oops: :shock: :shock:

    We are an accident prone lot aren't we? I hope you are ok today :) Chilly Elmo there and he is furry! Lucy used to love her 'Momo' :D

    Barbara I had a chocolate hammer one year it was nice chocolate! They have silly plumber T shirts and the like.

    Saniflos are a nightmare, but only choice for a basement really. :?

    It wasn't you who drank all the cider? wasn't me I stick to cooking sherry as you know :wink:
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    We'd love CCTV on our car park Toni, we're always getting fly tipping on there, but the housing association seem to prefer me to keep ringing them, then pay someone to clear it all away. :roll:

    Tesco arrived at 12.40pm. Next weeks already gone off. We had a card with our last order, with a code for 250 extra points. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone. Sorry I've not been in for ages. My eyes are still blurry and I've been really tired. Haven't been bothered to do anything much. Went to my annual check-up and RA bloods at my GP's surgery. When I told the nurse how I was feeling, she made an appointment with a GP who did more blood tests. Everything normal again except I'm low on iron. Seems I didn't make it up after donating a few weeks ago. On iron tablets now and starting to feel more human again.

    Can't remember if I told you but I had 2 aunties and 2 cousins staying for the weekend a couple of weeks ago. It was really good to catch up and we had a good laugh.

    My dad's sister phoned me last night. She is 85 and lives in Kent. She said she was coming up this way and wanted to visit my dad in the care home today sometime. My dad left home and joined the navy when he was 15 and his sister married and moved down south so they have only seen each other once since about 20 years ago. I was working today so don't know how that went.

    My daughter and her husband got their Australian citizenship a couple of weeks ago. She went to change her driving licence to be told she had 4 outstanding speeding fines which she knew nothing about. The letters were probably sent to her old address. Seems it happened at the exact same place so she now has to pay about £3000. She is so upset as that would have almost paid for a trip here for the family.

    I finally plucked up the courage to go to the dentist. I was sure she as going to say I needed another tooth out but she said she wasn't giving up on it and I've to go for a deep clean in a couple of weeks to see if that will sort it out.

    Well that's my news up to date. I've been thinking about you all and wondering how you are - hopefully all as well as you can be. I'll try and have a read back but not sure how far I'll get. Love to all. xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    just turned midnight, so once more, an early good morning to everyone.

    The Buddah cat is fab u lous, I want one immediately.

    Just sat down, apart from meals, we have not really stopped. Went shopping with Dad, then came back and had lunch here, then round to Dads to sort out all the paperwork that he had in his safe box.

    That took most of the afternoon, but I am sure he feels better now that policies etc are all either done, or in process. Things are easier now than they were, with everything computerised.

    Home, cup of T, biscuits, lay down and then start coughing for the next two hours :roll: :roll: no, I do not want any chesty bugs............anyway, it has eased off now so I will just have to sleep standing up.

    Nice relaxing evening, no, not a chance, next door pops round with one if his computers, while the phone is ringing off the hook, texting as well, to keep all family members in the loop............goodness, we are jaded and then some.

    Today we are back to Skipton to see the Rector and finalise the service in the chapel of rest at the undertakers. (The funeral is next Friday Barbara, the 24th at noon).

    Then I think we will take Sunday off - we won't hold our breath though.

    so, we are getting there I think Toni, we just want everything to be as seamless as possible, which the undertakers will do, the Daughter is the image of her Mum and is simply lovely.

    Yes, Sleek was telling porky pies about the mole, she said she was trying to help it back into the garden :? :? :roll: Pepe believed her, as he loves her to bits.

    He did like her house and garden and they sat on the window seat and Sleek showed him her Church and grounds. He was impressed by the amount of land that she owns. :shock: :lol::lol:

    I only had a mini wash from Pepe, mind you, I was coughing away so he was a little distracted.

    I think all the oddities in the broom cupboard are his, the toad seems quiet happy, Pepe has been feeding it insects (flies and midges, not spi---s).

    Good idea for Mr B's Birthday :) I am sure Barbara only had one little drink from the shed, not sure on the size of the glass though :shock:

    Oh DEAR, plastic top in the saniflow system. They are a bit of a nightmare, but, as you say, in a basement, there is no other option. A big OOOPS and a hefty ££bill to boot. We won't mention it again, least said..............

    We are an accident prone lots Kath, you are right, I am afraid it goes hand in hand with arthur. The times I send things flying, daily, sometimes many times a day. B usually says, "it's only Daddy in the kitchen" when the cats all jump as things go crashing. :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the hugs, love elmo in the snow. It has felt really chilly today, our heating is on 22 at the moment, just nice.

    We had a young roe deer in the garden on Friday night, well, early hours, we were at back door, having a cig, heard gravel crunching, then spot light came on and there was the little deer, she scuttled off up the road, bless, lovely to see them.

    Polystyrene is horrid stuff, B loathes it when things are packed in it. It blows everywhere, never degrades, how rotten of someone to leave it scattered over the car park.

    Hope you are keeping warm. ((())) and not too many ouches. CCTV would be a plus, to see who is doing the tipping of rubbish etc on the car park.

    Hi Barbara oh I think a chocolate tool kit for MR B, then we can all help eat it :)

    We are shattered now to be honest, but keeping going. It will be nice to talk to the Rector and finalise the service. We are all rather traditional, me moreso, being a Rectors Son, I am used to the old order of service, so nothing too modern thank you. I am sure the lovely Rev J will be more than accommodating.

    Oh you will have to see Skipton Market, it is worth a visit. They do several Christmas markets in December. Well, they call it a Christmas market, they close the town center and put loads of tinsel round the stalls, apart from that they are all the same :lol::lol::lol: :?

    The afternoon rest never happened, as you will have read. Maybe Sunday, when there will be a pile of washing and ironing to do :shock:

    Hi Christine, lovely to see you. Sorry you have been having a rough time recently, with your poor eyes and then being low on iron. A boost will help for sure and good to hear you are feeling more normal again.

    That was nice to have a little family gathering and catch up with your Aunts and Cousins.

    I hope your Dads and his Sister had a nice meeting, I am sure you will hear how things went. A long time not to see someone. Bless.

    And your Daughter and family have their Australian Citizenship, well done, that is really great, dual nationality, way to go. Oh dear, the speeding fines, wow, that is a lot of money and as you say it would have paid for a trip back to see you. What a shame.

    That is good that the dentist is doing their best to keep the tooth, deep cleaning is usually under local, but is very effective. I had all mine done once, over a period of a few weeks.

    We have been thinking about you too. We all like to know that things are ok.

    OK I have to move, I am setting. Let me go see who is in the forest tonight

    Love to everyone, Kerrin, Mig, Carol, Elizabeth and all. Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I see Aidan that seeing the deer had you finding us a lovely stag photo to look at. They are wonderful :)

    How well I remember the calls texts etc in the early days after a wonder we are always exhausted it's not just our minds working overtime. Things will eases after the funeral. I will be thinking of you on Friday all of you :(

    I am certain a traditional funeral will be easy enough to obtain these days if that's what you all want. I have to agree some of the modern stuff is odd, but probably more relevant when the person who has died is very young.

    I tried but cannot locate us a Buddha cat ornament for outside :(

    Not a cough? You poor thing! Just what you do not need at the moment! Pepe did tell Miss Slimkins about it. She 'owns' almost the whole village and farmland as far as I now :lol: :roll: She definitely owns the Church!

    I'm glad the toad is ok and being fed by Pepe. It might be a magic toad? Might be helping with the spell not going in it? AS for Miss Slimkins and the mole the pest control man offered her a job they are so hard to catch! She said if there is a uniform :roll:

    Kath the housing association are very silly not to have CCTV it isn't expensive to run probably cheaper than getting rubbish removed :roll:

    please don't worry about reading back we all understand about your eyes.

    Your poor daughter having to pay £3000 for nothing!! She must be devastated. AS you said the fines would have gone to the old address :(

    I am so pleased your Dad's sister has visited him. I can't wait to see how it went. It will have done his so much good :D

    Lovely for you to have visitors a good natter and catch up does us all good doesn't it?

    I hope the iron tablets soon have you back on track.

    A quick woo-ooo! to Joan t98112

    and some t98243 t98243 t98243 t98243

    before we get our Christmassy smilies I'll miss these t120007 t120007


    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..nice and bright again..I don't like the dark rainy days..
    Toni OH thinks the SF toilets are a brilliant idea..just that if he fitted one he would dread it breaking down..the parts are so expensive.. :roll:
    Kath glad to hear that Tesco arrived with all your shopping..I remember way way back when we had to take a list to our local shop and the man would deliver in his car.. :lol: but only when he had close that is..and then the mobile I loved them.. :lol:
    Christine its good to hear form you..blimey you have been busy with visitors but good to catch up like you say and have a good laugh is a bonus.I hope dad recognized his sister..would be so sad if her didnt.your poor daughter that was such good news to get the citizenship only to be ruined with the fine..that is such a lot of money..bless..and glad to hear your bloods are not to bad and the iron is wonder you were tired....
    Aiden I was imagining you both having a good chill yesterday afternoon never stops does it.. :roll: anyway everything is coming together now ready for next Friday.. :( how lovely to see the roe deer... :D the most exciting thing we have had was an hedgehog... :lol: mind you it was lovely to see after a few years of not seeing any..and I agree a traditional service..I dont like changes, especially when they mess with the hymns.. :roll: Skipton market sounds you say all the Christmas markets are the same..we have the bit one in Manchester..a 30 min train ride away..they just get to busy for my liking .. :shock:
    Think I have found something for my OH one of the new Instamatic you remember the old ones.. :lol: he is not into smart phones :lol: ..but love photography..and keeps saying he would like to print them..I know the pics are small on the Instamatic but he runs a club for a sort of self deference ..dont ask.. he has done it for over 40 years he could take pics of the students..and many more things..I am now rambling has you may have shall make a cuppa to everyone xxxxxxx
    Hi to Toni who nearly pinched my post... t98112 t98112
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone I have just been reading back I see Carol's rotator fell on top of her.
    Toni's toilet cleaner lid went down the toilet more money to pay out.
    Christine has her relation's visiting.
    Kathleen has her glasses.
    Barbara posted her parcels.
    Aidan and Bill and his Dad getting through it all as well as helping a neighbour ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad))))))))
    we are still plodding a long
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone

    I am a tad ouchy and have just survived a long and busy week. Ankles and wrists are tender and finger and ear is sore, think I’m falling apart.

    I did complete a 400m swimming race last Sunday. Almost gave up after 100m but persevered and finished it. Skipped swimming this morning as was feeling a bit tired.

    Off to catchup with everyone’s news.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, yes, it is me, before midnight
    I know, shock :shock:

    Another pretty busy day, been over to Skipton to see the Rector, who is absolutely lovely, she has gone through the service with us, taken notes that are pertinent to the eulogy and will sort out the order of service, so that the funeral directors can print them out. TheChurch in Skipton is a lovely place and very popular with locals and tourists alike.
    It has changed quite a bit since I last went in, they have a very nice cafe and shop, with "facilities". We had our chat with the Rector in the cafe, with coffee on tap. Then we just had to go into the shop and buy some lovely things.

    Then a quick brunch, Skipton was manic, as it always is on a Saturday, I had already done too much walking. Then nipped into Tesco, then home, and now the office is closed until Monday, we are pooped.
    Dad is very grateful for all the help we have given, which we would do a 1000 times over if we needed to.

    OK, It is T, lots of biscuits and then nap. The cough, seems to have gone.

    Will write more later. Love to all XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).