Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all, here before midnight, shocking it is. :shock: :lol:

    It has been quite mild here too Toni, but wet and wild to say the very least, with more forecast.

    I will ask Pepe and Sleek to cast a spell of enchantment from the the garden and forest, to sprinkle down on us all on Friday.
    Everything is ready for the memory table, B has been busy making sure of that.

    I remember seeing the photo's of Mig's trip to Lake Garda now, I have even commented, which I had totally forgot about :roll: :roll: oh dear.....
    What is the arty things with Pom? Did I miss something else? I am hopeless at the moment.

    I think Sleek came over in her protective bubble today, there had been a lot of carpet clicking and gliding, plus there were more slugs in the broom cupboard (and Pepe didn't faint). He is becoming a very brave boy in his old age.

    His broom is deactivated, with the horrid weather. He doesn't mind, he is not a lover of getting wet.

    I am sure Sleek is very proud of her cosmetic range, it is most fitting and Pepe is dressing up, did a certain Diddicat put false eyelashes on Pepe?? :shock: :shock: :lol: frightened me out of my slippers.

    The food from the vets is going down very well at the moment, the serial numbers are all totally different, so no problems so far.

    Thursday will be an emotional afternoon I am certain. We are meeting B Brother and SIL in Skipton in the afternoon. SIL said she did not want to go into the chapel of rest to see Mum, but that's fine, some people cannot, some feel better for going. I will be there to offer support, as will the funeral director, she is lovely.
    Thank you for the Blessings.

    We know that Dad appreciates what we have done, he is a bit mixed up at the moment, so we are keeping a close eye. B's other Br and SIL will be up this evening to they will go round to Dads and spend some time with him. They have a long journey each time, from London.

    I think we are doing ok at the moment Joan, Bless you for all the hugs and thoughts.
    We had problems with the topping up of the whatever tank it is in the boiler, the old one. This new one seems to be fine and a 7 year guarantee does ease the worry.
    Good of your neighbour to come and sort it out for you.

    The poor lady having her money stolen, how rotten can some people be, but the kind man who helped her has raised a good sum of money for her, which is fabulous. As you say, there are really good people about, lots of them. We tend to hear more of the bad, as that is what sells newspapers, sadly.

    Hi Barbara, you were there in the morning, way to go, same as me, being here before midnight.

    See, we are all nesting, winter nest building and preening. I think we will have a big preen, after this week. The urge to throw things out will take over, it is very cathartic.

    We will all assemble in the enchanted forest as well, a picnic in the autumn forest, it is always calm, not always warm, it could be covered in snow, but whatever, we will have a great time.

    Hope you had a good time with your Niece, I know you love to meet up, she is a tonic for you, which is really nice.

    Ah, I see Toni, you are building a fireplace with Pom..... :? this for Santa? hcold Pictures of course :)

    Shed night, I see, I would imagine Barbara will be there, keeping her vocal chords in tune :)

    I hope everyone else is as ok can be, hi to Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth, Christine, Carol, Charrisse and all.

    I will have another potter about, more drying going round and round. Will have to press shirts etc today, in readiness. Had my hair cut, so I have B's to cut, better get it perfect :? :? He is going round to cut Dads this morning, while I do the pressing, so we will all look smart.

    Take care, one and all. Many hugs. XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Aidan for the lovely blessing :)

    Today will indeed be hard. I usually go to the chapel of rest to say my goodbyes if it's my family. Not so with friends. We're all different aren't we? What comforts one might traumatise another.

    Dad is hopefully just feeling stunned at the moment such a huge loss (how long were they together?) :( Plenty of visitors means some rests for you and B so take them if you can.

    Your hair looks very smart get Pepe/maybe Toad?? to help you keep your hands steady. Nicely pressed shirts of course - is Dad's outfit sorted?

    Of course the cats and Toad will cast a spell of enchantment for Friday to help everyone. Glad the memory table is all set it will be a huge success and a great talking point. You may need to take notes.

    Yes choir tonight; must practise as we have the Team service on Sunday :shock:

    Sleek was over with two bags in her back-pack. One with makeup one with slugs. Pepe is getting VERY brave :) Good lad. and Sleek said he looked lovely in his eyelashes :? are they off now? :shock:

    Yes a cardboard chimney for the children's Christmas party :) photos to follow. As yet there is only the construction in place. :)

    Love to everyone

    Hellooo g025.gif to Joan :)

    See you all later

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed.
    Barbara your husband is kind to help not many would these days.
    Toni I remember my gran staying in her room not wanting to move
    because of pain I think now she had Arthritis now body new about it then.
    Aidan I wish all of you the best your Mum in law is not in pain anymore ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))) thinking of you
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Just popping in to add support for Aiden Bill and dad..
    Aiden you are right everyone's different when it come to going to the chapel of rest..I always do, only regretted once.. :( hope you can go and have a coffee and and relax later..will be thinking of you all many hugs coming your way..((())) xx
    Toni so your mum and dad were similar ages..very sad when they go..but I am 2 years older than mum was now..
    So pom does arty good is that I would be there most days..right I will hold the chimney together for you ..dont glue yourself to it.. :shock: hee this take me back.. :D
    Joan I am so sorry to hear what happened to your friend..but the lovely gentleman came to her help and raised the money for her..such good people around..and thankyou OH does try to help whoever he can.. :)
    Had a lovely day with my niece..she does make me laugh even when having a moan :lol:
    love to everyone..xxxxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, the Sawley Trail is just my name for the route between our house and the Co-op. :D Below, is a photo of the Community Hall where we have a sit down.

    I went to view my mum with my sister. It was quite unpleasant as they had to wire her mouth into place and I could see where they had glued her eyes shut. Not how I wanted to remember her at all. :?

    We had our windows cleaned yesterda, and today it rained. :o

    cfly scold

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Is that your bench then Kath? We shall have to christen it Kath's bench now :)

    Typical having your windows cleaned the day before it rains :roll:

    I'm sorry they didn't make your Mum look good :(

    Barbara I'm glad you are already older than your Mum was. Well-done :)

    Your niece sounds nice I like a good moan too it does you good :wink:

    Pom's art class is Friday afternoon you must go tomorrow! I have been getting rid of the plastic sticky tape and holding it together will paper tape that is like envelope seal on one side? Then we can paint over it to make it look like a beam :)

    Aw Joan your poor Gran :( They wouldn't have had much more than aspirin to help her in those days would they? I know sometimes we don't feel lucky, but we are aren't we really?

    Thinking of Aidan B and Dad today ((()))


    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes Toni, that's my bench there's another one opposite, that's Chris's bench. :lol:

    Just had some good news in our (very late ) post Whoo whoo, Been awarded Enhanced Daily Living and Enhanced Mobility PIP. Thanks for all advice and help. xxxx

    :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    kathleenT wrote:
    Yes Toni, that's my bench there's another one opposite, that's Chris's bench. :lol:

    Just had some good news in our (very late ) post Whoo whoo, Been awarded Enhanced Daily Living and Enhanced Mobility PIP. Thanks for all advice and help. xxxx

    :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    oh Kath, I am so made up for you, really pleased. Over the moon and back again. I am still waiting for the PIP envelope to arrive. The indefinite award I have with the DLA means nothing any more. :roll: :roll:
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Phew, finally a little time to kind of relax and it is just before midnight.

    It has been an emotional day, with seeing Mum in the Chapel of Rest this afternoon, she looked so so peaceful and can I say content - is that the right word? I am sure you will know what I mean.

    Dad was ok as was BIL and B. SIL didn't want to come in, but that is fine, some people are happier not to. I could feel the kindness from our friends in here, thank you, one and all.

    Then we went for a cuppa and a little cake
    Then home, no naps, then B's other Brother and family arrived, so they stopped by, before going round to dads.
    Then neighbour came round, checking we were ok. She will be coming to the funeral along with another neighbour, to kind of represent the people on the Park.

    Then something to eat

    All the pressing had been done earlier in the day, plus I cut B's hair and was VERY careful to get it just right. :shock: All clothes are ready, dads as well. I did his shirt, so it is extra white :)

    I think that is enough for one day.

    The Blessings, well, you are very welcome Toni. They are spread far and wide.

    Dad and Mum met at school, so over 65 years.

    BIL and family are going to take over some duties and keep an eye on Dad, take him for a meal at the apartment they are in, then we will meet up on Sunday for lunch.

    I am certain the toad and our lovely puskins will be wafting spells of enchantment over us all. Thank you all in advance for being under the cloak. No crumbs in the chapel though :shock: Once we are at the hotel, then drop as many as you like :lol:

    The team service, that sounds like a competition kind of thing? I am sure Barbara is in full voice and more than ready to hit the high notes.

    The eyelashes are off now, they were on the bed, looking very much like a large spi--r.......He said Sleek had been over and had a bag of slimy things for the toad, but, he didn't faint, so things are looking up.

    Ah, the Christmas party for the children, that's lovely and we look forward to seeing the pics of the fireplace :)

    Hi Joan, no, Mum is certainly not in pain and looked very much at peace, thank you ((())) Thank you for thinking of us all.

    More hugs from Barbara too, thank you ((())) It was nice to have a coffee together, seemed funny being out when it was dark and raining, but it was nice and warm in Nero's and the staff are just amazing, bless them.

    Glad you enjoyed your time with your Niece. It is good to have a laugh, it is great medicine.

    I heard the singing, it was very tuneful :)

    I like the picture Kath, nice to see where you have a rest, on your walks to the Co Op.
    Sorry your experience of seeing Mum at the Chapel was not how you wanted to remember her. ((()))

    We are waiting for the window cleaner, yes, it will rain when he does appear, usually an hour or so after he has finished :roll: :roll:

    Well, I had better have another potter, make sure everything is ready, (again). We have light snow forecast for later tonight. :shock: :? tcold

    I will write later today - deep breath, all will be well.

    Love to everyone, take lots of care.

    XX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Toni Kathleen Barbara and anyone else I missed
    Aidan ((((((((try not to worry you have seen to everything well I hope it all run's smoothly for all of you)))))))) love to You Bill and Dad.
    Toni I hope all of you have a good weekend.
    Kathleen you walk a good way you need a seat for a few minutes.
    Barbara we are ten years older than our Mum was when she died
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    WAHAY!!!! Fabulous news :)d040.gif

    So we have Kath's bench and Chris's bench too :wink:

    Well the sad day is here :( Rest assured Aidan we will all be under the cloak and will not snack at all until we are at the wake. Barbara and I have our best singing voices ready too to join in the hymns as appropriate.

    Miss Sleek has her back-pack full to the brim with goodies for her beloved, (and some for Mr Toad), Pepe. She is on distraction duty today so he might have his make-up on again :? sorry :oops: I have advised her to stick to eyeliner rather than the false lashes they do make you jump don't they? :shock:

    If Dad's shirt has been freshly laundered and pressed by you I know he will do Mum proud. 65 years! Oh Aidan my heart totally goes out to him :( and of course to B, yourself and everyone else who loved her. :cry:

    Doing B's hair must have ben nerve-wracking for you, but I am sure he looks perfect.

    Spells of enchantment will be being wafted over the congregation.

    I know the memory table will lift things once you get to the wake and I expect to hear much laughter as well as some tears.

    Masses of love from us here

    Toni xxx((()))

    Hello to you Joan :) I hope you're warm enough it's icy here :shock: You are 10 years older than your Mum was when she died? Well done :D tcold
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all just a short post ..have to see the doctor this morning..
    Just want to say I am happy to hear that Aiden and Bills mum looked so peaceful and content, you cant ask for any more..and I have lit a candle for you all, will be thinking of you at noon god bless..((())) xxx
    Will be back later love to everyone xxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My sis has just rung to ask me if I knew where the X-ray dept was at my 2nd home (Nottm City Hospital). She is off for X-rays this afternoon and has an MRI scan at Nottm Queens on Monday. Matron will know all about both places. I think they've ruled out Cauda Equinas thank goodness, but they haven't given a diagnosis yet. She's on Gabapentin among other things.

    I'll be under the cloak with you all, with boxes of tissues. I hope it won't be too cold. tcold We had snow at mum's funeral, but it was a beautiful sunny day, and lots of lovely cousins from both sides.

    Oh Joan, you and Sue must have been very young when your mum fell asleep in death. :cry:

    Flowers for Bill's mum. xxxx

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Right I am back...
    Aiden that was a lovely blessing you left for us all..I do hope that all went well today...I see that your relative will take over for a little while and give you both a rest..and how lovely that the neighbours have attended mum's funeral...65 years must really feel it now, but has both of you by his side.. :) and like Toni says it will be nice to remember the good times in between the tears..(()) xx rest tonight...and tomorrow I bet you are all shattered..
    Toni you are getting there with the it looks amazing when is Lucy getting on in her job...
    Joan so you and Sue are now ten years older than mum was..I really do feel sad that your gran suffered like she least we have the meds to get us through
    Kath I am thrilled for you you can relax...and how nice to see your bench yes you need a sign with your name on it..
    Its has gone black here and a real storm has appeared..those poor people that had floods yesterday..hope it doesn't hit them again...
    Not to bad at the docs I have a water infection ..not good with kidney probs so more ABs
    Love to everyone...xxxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sad day for Aidan and his family Barbara. I hope all went well for you at the Drs.

    I've been thinking about them all day :(

    I have no doubt at all they gave B's Mum the best send-off :)

    Sleek is still with Pepe.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It is a sad day for them Toni..hopefully they will be home and able to relax..but things start to sink glad they have one another..
    Pepe will be pleased that Miss sleek has not left his side..
    A water infection I have ..I did say to the GP I didn't want any ABs but he was adamant.. :roll: xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all my friends, thank you, thank you, for being with us today, I knew you were there, the support was tangible and I am eternally grateful, we both are.

    I have posted some pictures on FB, so that you can see the memory table and the beautiful wreath from the the family. The Lovely Rector said if we wished, we could take it to the Church, after the wake and place it next to the font and there it will rest, with prayers and thoughts. Oh the Rector is just SO kind.

    Everyone found the chapel of rest and the service was just perfect, there are only 30 seats, which makes it intimate and very family orientated.
    The Rector was a blessing to us all, she held Dads hand at several times, while she was talking - sorry, I am having a wobble........ :cry::cry: right. The music was just as planned, the lovely undertaker she is so kind and professional, well trained by her Mum, who could not be there today.
    She ensured that everything went seamlessly, from the Chapel to the Crematorium and the short Committal. From there, to the wake.

    Everyone who attended said what a credit the funeral was to Mum and it could not have been a more fitting and gentle tribute to a wonderful lady. We are so glad that all plans went smoothly. Dad is grateful to say the very least and has been ok. Yes, there have been tears, many, but smiles and laughter too, which Mum would have wanted.

    Now, she can fly with the Angels and watch over us all.

    It has been chilly, but bright sunshine all the way through until about 4pm, then it was sleet, snow, rain................. tcold tcold

    Thank you Joan, everything went very well, bless you for the hugs.

    I knew you had been thinking of us Toni, the same for all, Kath, Barbara and everyone. Thank you for the flowers Kath, beautiful xx

    I was a bag of nerves doing Bills hair the day before, I don't think I drew breath until I had finished :shock:

    All shirts were SO crisp and white and immaculate, courtesy of Wishy Washies Laundry.

    The hotel was perfect, food was very nice indeed, endless coffee and tea and of course the bar was there too, B's Brothers and family friends like a little drinkies. All good, no one was tipsy.

    Thank you for lighting a candle Barbara, I have one lit now.
    I see you are on AB's for a water infection, ((())) for it to go away soon, do you drink cranberry juice? That is very good at helping to stop those pesky bugs.

    The sky was as black as soot when we were coming home. I think we had every type of weather within 10 miles. At least my Dad had organised the sunshine, for the daylight hours :) Thanks Dad.

    We had a nap when we arrived home, after a cuppa and lots of biscuits.

    Miss Sleek has done a sterling job with looking after Pepe, he seems a lot more relaxed and gave me a very goo wash at nap time, bless him. :roll: :lol: He has some blusher on, no false eye spiders though.

    I do know where the x-ray department is at City Hospital and the Queens Med. They were my homes for years too. I am glad it not C Equina, but no diagnosis as yet. I trust the Gapabentin will help with the discomfort that you Sister is in.

    Not sure what we are doing today, we said we would ring Dad at 10 and I am sure B and SIL will have some plans - we will just go with the flow and if we go out, we can come home when we like and spend time here, with our puskin babes.
    I know lunch has been booked for Sunday at a nice pub not far from us. Quite how many there will be, I am not sure..........I don't mind, as long as there are chips and cakes and coffee :)

    This is Mums wreath, resting by the font in Holy Trinity Church in Skipton, by kind permission of the Rector. (they have a website, so you can meet the Rector on their).

    Mums memory table, she loved playing cards, loved scrabble too.

    I will post a link to the scrabble picture frame with all our names in, on the scrabble board, it is amazing, everyone was like "who made that, how did they do it, did B do it" no, it's a secret.

    I am going to post this and kick back for a little while.

    I thank you all once more, for being under the cloak and not dropping crumbs in the chapels :D

    Every blessing to one and all. XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    the scrabble picture from Mum's memory table.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Toni Barbara and anyone else I missed
    Aidan you and Bill did your Mum in law proud.(((((((((Aidan Bill Dad))))))))
    Toni I hope everything is going well for you all.
    Barbara I'm sorry you have a water infection I hope it soon clear's up.
    take care all. have a good weekend
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I can't stop bawling! Oh Aidan it all sounded so lovely very sad, but lovely.

    The Rector holding Dad's hand! Oh gosh!!!

    Fetched some tissues.....

    The flowers by the font too. Wonderful touches.

    As for the memory table Aidan it is fabulous!! It sums up your Mum and I adore the scrabble family tree too :)

    Today you will probably all feel washed out and exhausted. I hope visiting family can stay today too so you can all start healing together.

    I am certain you all looked pristine shirts (c/o the wishy washy laundry :wink: ) and B's hair was perfect.

    At least Pepe said Dad was holding his breath cutting other dad's hair :) Miss Sleek will be over to look after Pepe when visitors come or you go out.

    New sanctuary member is now due tomorrow....due to inclement weather :? :?

    HUGE ((())) and may God bless you all.


    Ps Kath I am so sorry I missed you there yesterday. I hope the Xrays and MRI help diagnose your sis ASAP :?

    We have snow falling just now :)

    Hi to Joan hcold I hope you are all warm enough? xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all ...
    Aiden I am so glad the service went well..tears and laughter are good..bless I have been thinking of you much to reflect on lovely of the rector to hold dads hand that would have been a comfort bless him..its the first time I have seen a memory table and what a good idea instead of one picture and the scrabble board is so nice..think it is all setting me off now :( but yes mum is flying with the will do you all good to go out tomorrow with the family..mum will be there I am sure..(())xx
    Hi to Toni...I wonder what today brings for you...
    Joan I dont normally get water infections it must be my age..and thankyou hope you and Sue have a good weekend very chilly but sunny here..
    Kath sorry I missed were you mentioned your sister..I hope the xrays are good news for her..
    Aiden when you mentioned the weather yesterday it was the same here went so black just before 4ish..very scary..
    We are out in the dark tonight.. :shock: OHs club meal its only yearly so we can manage that.. :lol: an Indian meal..

    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Aidan, what a truly beautiful celebration of mum in law's life. It made me think back to my mum's funeral. I chose her music. We had to have Amazing Grace (music only). Her name was Grace Anita.

    Barbara, how awful for you. I hope the ABs work quickly. As for the benches, they already have name plaques, as they are in memory of 2 gentlemen of the village. One was a very popular Councillor (once Mayor of the Borough of Erewash.

    We had breakfast in town, no gazebo, too windy and we froze. tcold tcold I popped into the BHF shop and got a fur/plaid stole. So snug, I'm still wearing it. :lol: We had a bit of sleet, but no snow. Thank goodness. hcold

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a very chilly day, snow, rain, sleet, all at once.......... :shock: tcold Pendle is white over, looks lovely in the snow.

    Aw bless you Toni, no more tears chick, we are ok, honest. I think we did Mum proud and all the rest of the family said things could not have been better.
    We will take care Joan, you two too, in this cold weather, turn up the heating, we know you like it warm.

    The scrabble is wonderful, B found a lady that makes them, quite by chance and we were so thrilled when it arrived.

    We love the Rector to pieces, she is simply a fabulous person. She is very proud of her Parish Church in Skipton and of course invited us all to share in their worship and the cafe, whenever we are over there. Holding Dads hand at various points, was a gesture that meant so much.

    Today, B's Brother rang and said they were going to ring Dad, then pick him up, take him shopping, have lunch, show him the aprtm they are in and then pop in here for a cuppa.
    So, we decided to go to the GC for a quiet brunch, just the two of us, no shopping, just brunch and home, heating on a comfortable 22degrees, with snow, falling. I think we both slept pretty well last night, hit the pillow after my night pills and I was away.

    Miss Sleek has been over, there were snowballs outside, so I think they had been up to Pendle, with Pepe riding pillion, wrapped up like Nanook of the North :lol::lol: He wasn't convinced about the snow, but Sleek had brought him some thermal booties, bless her. Apparently they both know what animals are coming to the Sanctuary tomorrow, but they are keeping very quiet about it :? :roll:

    Thank you for the HUGE hugs and the Blessings too. ((()))

    Hi Barbara, I could tell that my friends on here were thinking of us, truly, it was so kind.

    The memory table looked lovely, everyone wants one of the scrabble frames with the lights in now, for their own family names, they are great, something to keep.

    Lunch tomorrow will be very nice and it is nice that B and SIL are taking care of Dad today, SIL said "that is why we are staying up here longer, to give you two a break as well".

    Hope the water infection is soon gone.

    I wondered if you would get similar weather, it was inky black, scary skies yesterday evening.

    Take care if you are out and about, B was out with the salt on the ramp this morning, and yes Toni, I was walking like a Ninny :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    OK I will go potter and fuss, I am sure everyone will appear very soon, it is about the time for them to be here..........

    Love to all, will pop in again later, stay warm and take lots of care

    Aidan and Bill XXXX
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just missed you there Kath, I bet you were chilled and then some this morning, love the ideal of a fur stole, don't blame you for keeping it on, you can never be over dressed :)

    Love the Robin too. My Mum n Dad used to hand feed them from their kitchen window, they love cheese.

    Thank you for your kind words. XX
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath is snug in her new stole :) Shame the benches have names on already :roll: not to worry.

    The robin picture is lovely thank you :)

    Barbara a cold day here snow first thing on top of ice and tonight we have to go to a 'do' at the other end of the village in a marquee :shock:

    Maybe with your kidneys being a bit weaker that caused the infection?? Fingers crossed it improves ASAP!

    yes Miss Sleek insisted on taking Pepe up to Pendle for some snow. He enjoyed it when they got there made snow pusskin-angels etc.

    His paws were so cosy inside his thermal boots. Proper Puss-in-Boots he was!

    Indeed the animal coming is not fully grown, but is an orphan and used to far warmer climes. A very very large enclosure has been prepared and is being warmed up ready......

    I am so glad today has been a little easier for you and B and you have had some couple time in amongst all the emotion.

    Ninny-walking!! Good to hear you are acting appropriately!! :lol: hcold

    I can understand everyone wanting a scrabble picture family tree it's such a lovely keepsake :)

    I'm sure you will go to the Chapel at Skipton whenever you are that way especially if there's a café! The Rector sounds lovely and a genuinely sympathetic person :)

    Heating is on here and necessary it is too. Not looking forward to an 18th birthday party in a marquee later :shock: :?

    Wish me luck!

    Toni xxx

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