Val's Cafe



  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So pleased for you all that the service went well was thinking of you. Mig (((())))
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just popping in to send some hugs to Aiden, Bill and dad. Glad the service went so well and there were smiles as well as tears. The memory table looks lovely. Hope you are all getting some rest now. xxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone, a chilly one too. tcold all sorts of weather again, but we are nice and snug in our park home. They are so well insulated.
    It doesn't seem that long ago since I was melting, along with Barbara, needing the AC unit on full blast.

    I hope you were all ok in the marquee Toni, did it have heating, or were you all frozen to the spot :shock: Miss Sleek was telling Pepe how chilly it was in "her" village.

    Snow puskin Angels how lovely. Talking of Angels, I have bag charms, as you do, I did have two crystal Angels, but lost one. Yesterday I put my big leather coat on, which I last wore at my Mum's funeral, felt in the pocket and there was the missing Angel, how wonderful was that. Little clues, to those we love being around us.

    Pepe has kept his boots, they are on the radiator, drying out. They are too cute.
    He went for the ones with lights in :roll: :roll:


    Miss Sleek mentioned the arrival of the animals, she said they had very large spikes :? :shock: thinks they are Rhino's. They are often orphaned, when poachers kill the parents, so sad. Everything is ready for the arrival, with heated indoor areas and large outdoor space, to roam and explore.

    Some time for us was very welcome, not meaning for it to sound selfish, but you know what I mean.

    Both BIL and SIL and families descended this afternoon, stayed up until our siesta time, then I could not sleep for love nor money. :roll: :roll:

    Ninny walking, yes, it is the season for tippy toes and dithery steps.

    Oh yes, we will be going to the Church in Skipton, the cafe is open most days I think and on Saturdays, they do pie and peas as a special :) I didn't really have a look round last time, as we were chatting about Mum's Eulogy. I am sure there are cakes, my cake detecting system was alerted :D:D:lol:

    Thank you thinking of us Mig, much appreciated ((())) Everything went well, just as we had planned.

    Thank you Christine, very kind of you. Hugs are always welcome :)
    Everyone loved the memory table. We will have a rest, sometime.........not quite sure when :? :?

    Well, I had better have another potter about, keep those ouches moving :roll:

    Hi to Kerrin, Carol, Elizabeth and all.

    I might pop into the secret garden and wander a while.

    It was magical, all the lights in the trees, warm, but not too much so.


    Love to all, take lots of care XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Kathleen Christine Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni have you got any snow t feels too cold
    Barbara a water infection is painful, I hope it soon clears up
    Kathleen I'm pleased you found the scarf lovely and warm.
    Christine nice to see you again I hope all is well with you.
    Aidan ((((((((I wish both of you and Dad the best don't worry))))))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    How lovely was the enchanted garden!! Classy, not tacky Aidan :)

    Pie and peas...mmmmmm....yes please. If your cake detector went off in the Chapel at Skipton there is cake :D

    AWW look at Pepe's little boots :) They are so sweet and cosy looking - of course he'd choose some with lights :wink:

    OMG!! your little crystal angel!! how wonderful to find it I your pocket like that - sure sign your own Mum was thinking of you at such a difficult time :D

    Now having a break is nothing to feel bad about, some time for the two of you! it's healing and recuperative and necessary because you two support Dad every day 365 days a year. ((()))

    When I arrived this morning Johnny was sorting out the last touches to the enclosure when......a large vehicle pulled in! It was indeed a young rhino!! Orphaned as we had heard. Johnny is planning to find him a friend or two and doesn't think it will be difficult. I watched him go in and he settled just like that!!! Super-vet is checking him over tomorrow :)

    It was F-f-f-freezing in the marquee even with our coats on and a heater or two. tcold We left just before 10 home to our fire which Lucy had lit after her Nan brought her home form work and sat there thawing out for an hour!!

    Hi Christine :) Lovely to see you I hope the eyes aren't too bad?

    Hello to Mig too :D

    Singing later on at choir Barbara - bring Mary Mary and Amazing Grace with you and some cider inside you ;)

    Woo-ooo! to Joan a010.gif The snow thawed yesterday today is much colder too cold for snow today I think :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all..sorry its late
    No snow here thank goodness but did have hail... hcold
    Aiden so glad to hear you and Bill got time to yourselves at the gc..and more to the point you slept well..the chapel sounds so nice and to do cake and pie and peas... :) such a good way of making money and bringing people together..must say the secret garden looks idyllic...think I would like to live there..hope you have all had a nice time at the GC today..will everyone have gone home now..we all take on silly walks in winter :roll: ..maybe we need some of Pepe them take care...xx
    Joan the water infection is not to bad at the min GP did say I had to see them at the first I did..hope you are all snug and warm..
    Toni I am here cider and all.. :lol: will do my very it was an 18th..poor you being so nice to come home to a real fire.. :D it takes me back to being you do toast on it...
    so we have a rhino..bless an orphan...we will look after her or him
    Kath has a fur stole..dont blame you the bench is already named..we always read the names when in Llandudno there are many along the front
    Hi to Mig and Christine hope you are both doing ok..
    I didnt feel up to going for the meal last night so told OH to go..he did because it is his club members..but he was home after an hour and half...bless his cotton socks..
    Right will leave you for now
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Wow the last time I posted was Tuesday its been a very busy week the week lots going on Knitting to fit in as well. so just a bit of an update Mermaid is coming along nicely not a lot more to knit so is on track for delivery when we go down there. Wednesday afternoon was spent at my knitting group and I had quite a productive afternoon. Thursday was spent at the local multiple sclerosis group's monthly social afternoon where I sold a few of my cards didn't get home until Around 5.30pm had a few delays coming home. Friday was spent putting washing into the machine and then into dryer when washed and the usual dinner out with Mr T and then onto meet friend for coffee, knitting and chatter. Yesterday morning we had a church open morning cards out to sell again. some small items of shopping got on the way home. And today I went out to the service at church at 10.15am
    returned home at 5pm. after having the church open all afternoon following the morning service, on another open day as our church is in a street in which the traders of the shops had arranged a Christmas fair today, lots of people around so my cards were out again for sale didn't mind as over the three days I have made just over £25 which is a lot better than usual. And as Mr T is our church organist he took his keyboards out onto the steps of the church and was playing Christmas was very cold tcold tcold so copious cups of tea and coffee were being made.
    what was really nice when we got home was that before I went out this morning I had put a spiced lamb byriani into my slow cooker and it was ready to eat as soon as we got in it was really yummy. I have been busy but I have surprisingly had not much more pain than normal, think I may have not had a lot of time to think about it.

    Well after that very long update I think it is now time to go
    take care everyone tcold

    Well I think that's about it on the updates
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening / Morning, to everyone. A chilly day and very wet on Sunday.

    Hi there Joan, thank you, we do try not to worry, but it doesn't seem to work very well :roll: I guess we are quite protective of Dad and just want to make sure he is ok, while letting him have his own space and time too.

    I hope you and Sue and the doggies are all nice and warm. Have they said when you might get some new radiators? It is going to be a cold week, looking at the forecast, frost every night here.

    Hi Toni, yes, a classy garden, with lovely lights, not manic neon blue ones that seem to be popular.

    We will all have to go for pie and peas at the Church, yes, the cake detector went off, so it is certain there will be goodies. Their coffee was ok, ish. But, we are coffee snobs now :lol::lol:

    Pepe was trying his boots on again today, but was a little put our when he saw there was no snow on Pendle, it had all gone. Sleek and Pepe and of course all other puskins, can go into the secret garden, so I will wish for a snow covered one, just for them. Not for me, no ninny walking. :lol::lol:

    I was so surprised when the little crystal Angel was in my coat pocket. Definitely a message from Mum, both Mum's. B mended the wrap loop on it and it is on my bag, with the other Angel.

    I think we might have a little bit or normality this week. B's Brother SIL and very tall children :lol: go back down home to London today. They are coming here, for a coffee, before they set off. Before 10am apparently :shock: :shock:

    Sunday, SIL had arranged for us all to meet up at a pub, not far from us, we were surprised when Nephew and his family turned up, they have a longish drive to get to our neck of the woods.

    There was a fuss and a do about where to sit, even though she had booked. We ended up at a table outside of the snug, where everyone else was, with Niece and her partner.

    It was fine, we could wave and talk through the shelves. The food was very good and the sticky toffee pudding was delightful. B didn't want a pudding, but managed to pinch half of mine :shock: HOW RUDE :lol::lol:

    Then we have a few things to sort for Dad, getting the OT out to take all the frames and walker back to the hosp. Car to sort, he has a smashed wing mirror, who knows what happened with that :? :? Motability will sort it out though.

    The Rhino is lovely, he likes his back scratching. There are two more on the way, to join him in his super large enclosure. The vet said all is well, he is still on some bottled milk, a gallon at a time, best let Barbara know :shock:

    I had a feeling it would be a tad nippy in the marquee. hcold tcold

    It is not nice when you are that cold, it sends my back into spasm, you tense your muscles, trying not to shiver. I am not surprised it took you an hour to thaw out.

    I hope choir practice went well, I could hear Barbara singing VERY loudly. A little Cider helped I am sure :lol:

    Hi Barbara, was just talking about you, popping into the shed, for a little sip of cider.

    Today B SIL and family go back to London. Then we are back on a more even keel I think. No doubt we will be fussing and making sure that Dad is ok.
    It was the pub on Sunday, GC on Tuesday I would guess.

    We did sleep and even managed to take my siesta on Sunday and feel asleep very quickly, then woke, dozed, woke, dozed, love doing that............. :D A rare event though.

    Sorry you did not feel up to going out for the meal on Sat night, but no point pushing yourself, if you are not up to par. Bless, Mr B was not out for too long.

    Hi Carol Tuesday, the last post, goodness, it doesn't seem that at all. Time and tide eh.

    Wow, you have been busy, I will have to re read again. Knitting the mermaid, which is nearly finished, knitting with your friends and then more knitting, boy those needles must be on fire.

    Way to go, selling some cards and yes, £25 is way better than having no customers at all. How lovely of Mr T to play some Christmas Music for the market goers. I used to love playing the Church organ. Two set of keys and pedals too, goodness, I would never hit a right note now. I bet it was cold and the tea would be very welcome.

    Oh, the spiced byriani sounds very good indeed, can Toni and I have a veggie one please and thank you :) We will bring calorie free cakes...........

    I am very glad to hear that you have not had any more pain than usual and let's hope there is no payback, from all of your ventures.

    We have had a chilled out evening here, supper, then just pottering and writing to my friends here.

    Time for a little potter, knees are shouting profanities at me :shock:

    Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Christine Elizabeth Mig Charrisse and all.

    Time to have a cup of t and not long before bed............Everyone take lots of care. XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni I like the song Amazing Grace. Have a good day.
    Barbara are you beginning to feel a bit better now I hope so.
    Carol you are busy that's good it keeps your mind off your pain.
    Aidan I hope everything is going has best as it can.((((((((Aidan Bill
    and Dad))))))))
    we don't know if we are having new rads the boss's will say.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Barbara for singing at the Team ministry service with us :) It was fun :) I was last to arrive (15 minutes early) but I think the person nearest is always last :oops:

    Carol you made £25!! Bless you how wonderful :D and Mr T for playing Carols outside to draw the crowds in. What a great idea!! I bet you are exhausted after the week you had I can understand you not having time to nip in please don't worry, but I am glad, so far, no payback :D:D

    All that knitting you have done will see to it that the mermaid is completed in time well done you! You are organised putting a lamb biryani in the slow cooker. As Aidan said can you do a veggie one?

    Aidan how lovely a family meal out!! Even if you were on the naughty table with your niece and OH (good place to be!) kind of you to share Dad with his other family too ((()))

    I know exactly what you mean about the nap....having time and being able to wake and doze is wonderfully restorative :D

    Normality is beckoning for you and a new normality for poor Dad to face now (as well as you and B). I hope people continue to visit him now I know you two will always be close by of course. ((())

    The Baby Rhino is so sweet isn't he? So h gets company fairly soon? I think that is a good idea don't want him too lonely. Poor Barbara (and her assistants making up feeds) that is a fair bit of bottle feeding although I did him this morning. He fair gulps it down!! Hang on tight to his bottle with both hands!!

    Poor Pepe no snow to wear his new boots! :( never mind I think there will be plenty more this winter! Yes Miss Sleek was right 'her' village was very cold. It will be pefrect in the garden for the cats to play and make more snow pussins and snow pusskin-angels to their heart's content!

    My back did indeed go into spasm in the cold I'm not surprised it always does :( Fire on and wheatie soon got be more or less right though :)

    Church was nice and snug last night though for the Team Ministry service. All the local Church ministers were present so a rather nice varied service too for 'Sir-up Sunday as of course it was!!

    Both Mums were relevant to the mysterious location of your little crystal angel then? How lovely to feel them so close :)

    Joan I hope you are warm enough? I hope the boss agrees to the new rads :? It's chilly here but no more snow thank goodness! tcold Amazing Grace is lovely our version has lovely harmonies for us Altos to sing :)
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It is not nice when you are that cold, it sends my back into spasm, you tense your muscles, trying not to shiver. I am not surprised it took you an hour to thaw out.
    Too true Aidan, On Saturday my hips and thighs were agony. Also, most of Saturday and Sunday I was to-ing and fro-ing between the bathroom and bed due to S and D. Still feeling a bit squiffy now! :?

    tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold
    Still wearing my stole. and we have baby rhinos. :D This isn't it, mine is black with a plaid lining.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, chilly day here, sunshine then showers, feels cold enough for snow. Pouring down now as I write.

    B and SIL and family all came round this morning, with Dad, for coffee and a quick natter, before they set off back south. They have just arrived home now, safe and sound.

    Dad said to us two, shall we have lunch at "our place", which means the GC, ok, whatever, we don't mind, as long as WE pay.........he is a terror for wanting to pay for everything.

    Came back, sorted some paperwork that had come in the post, sorted out Mum's phone, so he can use it. Just need a new sim card.

    Organised motability to collect his car and repair the wing mirror, someone has clobbered it in the car park, nice of them.

    Sorted collection of appliances, walker, cushion, frames etc.

    Think that was all the secretarial duties for today. And breathe.....

    We didn't mind being on the naughty table, lol. :D We had all the room we wanted, the snug was very snug and I would have felt pretty freaked out to be honest. :shock:

    Sad circumstances, but it has been good for everyone to gather together. Can we rest now?

    Yes, family are already booked to come up at the end of Dec, for New Year, then his BIL and SIL will be up shortly after that, Niece and partner will be over too, they are nearest, and Brother in Huddersfield is not too far, they come over every other week end if they can.

    I have found a big trolley, that holds all the milk bottles for the rhino's. It is electric, so easy to move around for Barbara and whoever else pops in. Three baby rhino's they are lovely and are all fond of back rubs.

    I have a feeling there will be more snow this winter as well, I can feel it in my waters :? :? so the saying goes.

    Pepe and Sleek can go into the garden and have it full of snow, anytime they like, I meant to put a picture on last night and forgot completely.

    Pepe has been chatting to Sleek, over the crystal ball, he said it was too nippy for brooming, he is a wuss of a puss :roll: Sleek was telling him of her frozen villages and surrounding lands :? :roll: "villages", quite the little landowner :lol::lol: He was very impressed and I think he is taking ownership of Pendle Hill.

    See, I guessed that your back would be in spasm, it is horrid, you don't know where to put yourself, stand, or sit or move about......Hope you are all thawed out, no more tents until spring now.

    Glad the team ministry service went well and the Church was snug. They can often be so cold, the stone just soaks up any warmth like a sponge.

    Oh Kath, not nice, the ouchies and then a tummy bug as well. It is that season I am afraid, norovirus and other buglies go around like wildfire, always when it is coming up to winter. Sending extra hugs and anti squiffy vibes your way. Lots of fluids a teeny bit of salt and some sugar too.

    Loving the stole, very nice :)

    Sorry Joan, I seem to have missed you up there with Toni. Apologies. I hope the Boss at the H **** say yes to the new rads, surely it will save them money in the long term. It must have cost them a small fortune in call outs for plumbers etc.

    Keep warm if you are out and about. Love and hugs

    Hi to everyone else. It must be time for T, so I will search something out................Love to all, will pop in later. XXX Aidan

    Some Yorkshire Fat Rascals

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..very cold and stormy cfly
    Carol you did well there with the cards 25 is good going sorry my pound sign doesn't work yet..glad the mermaid is coming along I was thinking of you the other day I saw a mermaid tail knitting set..very long the spiced lamb byriani sounds good to me I will bring the rice.. :lol: you enjoy ..its does take so long for churches to warm up..service usually over with before they do nice to get a warm cuppa :D
    Kath I love the fur stole very..hope you feel a little better soon ..
    Joan I do feel better today thankyou..have you and Sue got the Jacqueline La***n advent calendar..its lovely and a few games on it..
    Toni no wonder your back is iffy with the take care with it..think the cider is working on the vocals but might try a little bit more..we played amazing Grace at my brothers he choose it..and we had a dear friend play it on the bagpipes..sadly he dies last year..the rhino took all my strength to feed it..but loved the cuddles afterwards..had to mind my toes though.. :shock:
    Aiden your MIL and mum were with you..its comforting when things turn up like the crystal it was the pub for a quiet meal..and then naps..gosh bet you were both ready for them..just a sip of cider works wonders.. :lol: a nice family gathering even if you had to talk through the shelves :o ..sticky toffee pudding makes up for everything.. :) now carry on looking after yourselves ..we know you will both see to dad..bless..
    OH made chicken stew in the slow cooker..he was very proud of it..and its good.. :)
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
    Just spotted you there Aiden ..nice of you to think of me and get an electric trolley for the feeds..and pleased to hear all family had a safe journey home..I suppose the GC is some form of normality for dad.. :)
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A very early morning, to all.

    There has been a lot of weather today Barbara, dark skies, sunshine, rain, hail, winds..........Now it is going to be freezing every night of the week ahead tcold

    Yes, both Mum's were with us, no doubt about it. Always a joy to find an Angel.
    I think we are kind of back to normal. Siesta at our usual time, which was a pleasant change. I think B would sleep for a week, but I am far too nosey, I might miss something, so I have to be up and pottering. I will rest though, we need a recharge. We feel a bit like the Duracell bunnies, with the batteries running out :roll: :roll:

    It was very pleasant at the pub, not far from us, not been in before, quite a rustic one, but very good food, open fires. We were quite happy on our table, on the other side of the snug, with Niece and her partner. (she was more than happy we sat together, rather than cram into the snug, sssh, don't tell anyone).

    Sticky toffee pudding was essential, when it was wet and wild outside, you have to stock up on such foods. That's my winter plan anyway :)

    We will keep a very regular eye on Dad, no doubt about it.

    I am sure Mr B was very proud of the meal he made. Sounds good.

    We had to get an electric trolley and feeder, with 3 gallons of milk formula at each feed, there is no way we can hoist them about. I have mixed up 6 gallons for the night feeds, :shock: which the keepers said they will administer to our lovely Rhino babies.

    The GC is familiar for Dad, so he is quite happy to go there. I would go every day and people watch for hours, whilst eating scones of course.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better than the other evening.

    Hope you are feeling better Kath, sending extra hugs. ((()))

    Pepe has been doing some serious carpet gliding and pepelongstockings impressions. I think he caught it on his catcam, to show miss Sleek, she will be very impressed :roll: bless em.

    Hi to Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth, Christine, Carol and all.

    I had better be doing some more pottering.

    A snowy garden, for the puskins to make snow Angels and for Pepe to wear his boots.

    N Night all, everyone take lots of care XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed.
    Toni I hope your back pain soon goes.
    Kathleen I hope you feel a bit better today.
    Barbara no I have not seen the calendar I will look.
    Aidan I hope you have a good day. (((((((( Aidan Bill and Dad))))))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Is it just mine but does anyone elses hubby/partner go from room to room and leave the doors open just when its warmed up nicely,makes me so cross.
    Thursday I am going shopping with my sister and we are going to Loch Fyne for brunch (love that place ) muffins with smoked haddock and cheese,yum.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..very cold but sunny so I dont mind that..just hate the dark days we have had lately..
    Aiden its really good to hear that you and Bill are getting the well needed rest..yes the angels do look out for us..I bought one many years ago for my mum and it was stuck to a little card..we found the card but not the angel..till many years later it was between photos..I felt settled after finding it.. :) I am feeling much better thankyou..did you see that Boothes are selling up after all these years of a family run business..I hope it stays the same for you I know you like it..
    Joan you have to buy the calendar I got it last years only a couple of downloads to your comp..and every day in December there is something new..when you click on the date..
    Mig ..yes think we live in a barn has my late mum would enjoy the meal with your sister..sounds have made me hungry again... :lol:
    Right better find the electric trolley and get the feeds out there..the rhino come to greet me bless.. :D
    Love to everyone xxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a beautiful snowy picture Aidan, I can just see pepe stomping about in his spanking new boots. He'll love it. I've been to see our new friends, they look so cute and funny.

    tcold tcold cfly cfly tcold tcold scold scold

    Thank you for your good wishes re tummy problems,

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a chilly one it is too. Nice and sunny during the day, with a very sneaky breeze tcold a lazy wind as my Mum would say.

    Hi Joan, we have had an at home day, well, B popped out for Dads paper, but that was all. Staying in where it is warm. I am sat next to the thermostat (a wireless one). So I can sneak the temperature up, in little increments :lol::lol:
    Hope you Sue and the doggies are ok, keeping warm and getting out and about in the fine weather, well wrapped up I imagine.

    Hi Mig well, we have all the doors open inside, so the cats have free reign. We don't tend to have any draughts. We close some of the doors at night, or siesta time and when we go out. I am not a lover of doors being closed, but I can see your point.

    Hope you have a lovey time with your Sister and enjoy the meal out at Lock Fyne, which sounds scrummy

    Hi Barbara, it is nice to have a bit of a rest, catching up with some pottering and fussing.
    It is very chilly and will remain so all week. Don't mind when the sun is shining and it is cool, as long as I am not frozen of course.

    So we have both found and Angel when we least expected it, how wonderful.
    Glad you are feeling better, good to hear.

    No, I didn't hear about Booth's selling up, I will have to read up on that one. Yes, £150 million, I might buy it :lol::lol: It will not go down well with its loyal customers, unless they keep up their super high standards and use local producers wherever possible. We will have to see.........

    I see you are busy with the rhino feeding, glad the system is automated, just have to mix up another 12 gallon of formula to see us through to the morning. :shock: I think I need a bigger whisk :? :roll:

    I did some extra, for the Tapirs and baby piggies and lambs. No one has seen the meerkats for a day or two, they are chatting in their burrows, which are heated of course. They think we are in the north pole. They must have nipped out at some point and taken all their food underground.

    The baby Rhino's are gorgeous Kath, glad you went to see them. they are on soft foods too, carrots and other veggies and some special kibble, as well as the gallons of milk.

    Hope you are feeling a lot better than the other day. ((()))

    Hi Toni, Sleek has been over and they went for a fly early this morning, Pepe was so wrapped up, only his nose and eyes where visible. :lol: He had his flashing boots on, which are helpful for landing purposes.
    They had a natter to Jericat, Tomicat and Mrs Darcy as well. There is another spell afoot, in the ravine. Mr Toad has gone :shock: just a note saying "gone on a mission".

    You found my new profile pic on fb, from our neighbours wedding. I meant to photoshop at least two of my chins out, but never got round to it. :? :? :lol:

    Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Charrisse? Anyone seen Charrisse about......

    It is nearly time for T, biscuits and siesta. Will go and pop the washing in the dryer, always something to potter with.

    Love to all, take care, keep warm XXX Aidan

    I think we need fudge cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to all and to Jack Frost, who has already been to visit us.

    A lazy evening, had a siesta, woke with a start thinking it was going up for 9pm, so I got up and pottered, then realised it was only 730pm. So I went back to have another nap for half an hour. :lol:

    Picking dad up this morning, will sort out what prescriptions he will be needing. His courtesy car arrived and his has gone to have the wing mirror repaired / replaced.

    As we will be in town, coffee and cakes at one of our old haunts, not been for a long long time.

    Thursday we are at the GC meeting my Aunt and Uncle for lunch, which will be good.

    :animal_busy: all the puskins are busy, enjoying their respective spots near the radiators. Pepe was chatting to miss Sleek, they mentioned the toad, but went quiet, in case I heard. They are up to something, again :roll:

    Lots of fun in the snow garden, snow angels and chasing snowflakes. Then Miss Sleek turned it to Spring, so Pepe didn't get a chill :roll: :?

    I will do a little more pottering. Tramadol and the rest of my concoctions are catching up with me a bit tonight.

    Gallons of milk all ready for the Rhino's, Lambs, Tapirs, piglets.

    Love to everyone, take care, keep warm XXX Aidan

    It is definitely winter in the enchanted forest :shock:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning Aidan

    I had started a post luckily on word so it still exists and then went and fell asleep after Jo Brands Pusskins on channel 5 and forgot to post it so here it is:

    Oh my goodness how adorable is he? Kath thank you for posting the baby rhino photo :D  They are so sweet aren’t they? Make sure they don’t tread on your toes though as Barbara says

    I hope your tummy is on the mend ((()))

    Your stole looks nice and cosy. :D

    Aidan poor Dad, having his wing mirror broken, just what he doesn’t need bless him. Good you have it in hand and now the GC is ‘your place’ 

    B and SIL safely home down south it won’t be long before you see them again Dec is getting close so all good. I would have preferred to be in the snug and I know your niece was clearly the same :wink:

    I am glad things are getting sorted Mum’s appliances can go help someone else now and keeping on top of the paperwork even better her phone will be used by Dad. :)

    Rest is essential if your batteries run down they need a re-charge.

    Are you actually telling me that Pepe doesn’t own Pendle??!! Sleek told me he did ;) He he! yes all the villages are hers too. She did come over and out they went him wrapped up to the hilt and snug as a bug. She told me Mr Toad is off on his jaunts….she has her lips sealed as to where though. The boots are excellent for landing so I heard and all the cats are well and planning us a Christmas surprise…. :?

    The gliding and Pepelongstockings was video’d for Sleek she keeps watching it over and over bless her she adores him! Aaparently they want us to keep the snow-garden even in summer so they can make snow angel-pusskins all year and Pepe can wear his beloved boots :D Of course Miss Sleek wouldn't want him to get cold :)

    I think the photo on Facebook is lovely I don’t know how to photoshop mine to make me look better. Wish I did!!

    The meerkats are definitely not happy about the weather although it’s 35 degrees in their enclosure!!

    I have eaten some 'fat rascals' and also some of the chocolate fudge cake yum thank you :D  Added a VERY large dollop of clotted cream on mine :wink:

    Amazing Grace is rather lovely isn’t it Barbara? How sad that your friend who played the bagpipes is no longer with us. I wonder which photos your angel was hiding between?

    Yes the rhino(s) are a bit heavy footed. Nasty people have poached their mums so they are our orphans to look after. :( The bottles are a significant part of their healing as is the kibble and veg Aidan mentioned. The electric trolley is a real help isn’t it?

    Well done OH doing chicken stew :)

    Joan I am fine thank you - my back is just it's 'usual' achiness! I hope we hear you are having new radiators soon :?

    Mig my husband can be the same, but other-times it’s lights off even when I’m in the room!!! Men! Present company excepted of course Aidan.

    Right onwards and upwards Charley's Christmas present is arriving today so got to keep an eye out for delivery person :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx

    PS do we all know that Elizabeth's hip is done and dusted and she's home recovering?
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Mig Kathleen Barbara Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Mig have a lovely time with your sister I hope the weather's good.
    Kathleen I bet your pleased to have your stole now it's colder.
    Barbara how is your water works doing has it cleared up.
    Toni how is the pretty Alf doing. I hope you all have a good day.
    ((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))) I hope everyone has a good day.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all sunny and cold again.. tcold
    Joan thankyou my waterworks are getting there..I think.. :) hope you are all well..
    Aiden..thankyou I do feel better just a bit of a keeping an eye on it..poor dad having his mirror broke..but glad to hear his courtesy car is on its way..and you have Thursday to look forward to..nice to meet up with family I have very little now..but really love to see the ones I have.. :D so you are buying Boothe's.. :lol: I do hope that whoever buys it keeps up the good standard..such a shame when they dont after all those years..I mess about with my pics on my phone...can make me look 20 years younger... :lol: a lovely snowy pic there stay by the thermostat or joint the pussikins by the radiators ...cats always find the best places.. :lol:
    Toni I didn't know that Elizabeth had got a new hip..give her my love if you speak to her..and hope she has a good recovery..and thanks for letting us I never thought to look at the photos that the angels was you have got me thinking.. :) hope Charley's present arrives..
    Kath hope your tummy is improving..and you be careful in case it is slippy outside..
    Not doing much today..maybe write some cards out..has anyone else seen house with all the decorations up.. :shock: it will be October next year :roll:
    Love to everyone xxxxxxxx and some hugs for Elizabeth..(()) xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh fudge cake, as the old tum is on the mend, I'll risk a small piece thank you Aidan. I like your profile pic, and the view up Pendle is a delight. :D

    Barbara, so happy to hear your waterworks are improving. :? We didn't go out today, went to the benches yesterday, but as they were wet I sat on my rollator seat.

    Joan, I'm so happy with my stole as it is keeping me snug. :D

    tcold hcold cfly scold

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to everyone and a chilly one it is too. Even I put a cardigan on as an extra layer this morning. tcold

    Just a quick reply, I seem to have run out of daylight already and it is fast approaching siesta time, (let's hope I can actually nap). :roll: :roll: :roll:

    Hi Toni, dad has a courtesy car now and his has gone in for repairs to the mirror. I don't think they will be long, just replace the whole unit I would guess.

    December is fast approaching - :? Whoopie, there, that's my excitement for 2017 :lol::lol:

    I think we are all sorting with Dad, we have booked him an eye test at specsavers, for this Sunday, in Skipton, of course, it is the first of the Christmas Markets, so it will be HEAVING with tourists. Oh well, we will seek solace in Nero's.
    Paperwork is all but done I think, he is busy away sorting and fussing, keeping busy and we are there at least every other day.

    i asked Hermione about a winter garden and she has put an extra door in the shed, which goes directly to way north in Lapland, so snow in abundance.

    Glad you like the photo, I am still thinking of altering it, so that I have a huge grin and only one chin :D:lol::lol: I like my phone, it can beautify your picture, which is wonderful.

    glad the fat rascals and fudge cake were enjoyed, we need such things in this cold weather. Comfort foods.

    I am glad to hear that Elizabeth has her new hip and is at home and recovering, good news.

    Hi Joan, hope you are all keeping warm and cosy, it is getting even colder for tomorrow :shock: barely above freezing for us.

    Glad you are feeling better Barbara, although keep an eye on your temp and take paracetamols / co codamol, as needs be.

    I have very few family around here, my Aunt and Uncle, who are my nearest family, Cousins and other Aunt are away off near Liverpool, well, some Cousins are in the four corners of the globe. I am more part of B's family, than my own. All but one Aunt on Mums side, have passed away, same on Dads side.

    I will try and alter my picture to make me look totally different. I never like my photo taking really. Always look upwards to a camera, never face on, or face down, that is even worse :shock: :shock: I did it once and looked like I was about to blow up.

    I will buy some cards this week and make a start, it doesn't seem five minutes since we were saying the same thing last year :roll: :roll:

    Hope the fudge cake did not upset ones tummy Kath, I am sure it will be fine.
    I am sure your stole is coming in very handy in this weather. Don't blame you for not going out today. Keep safe and warm.

    Love the feeding of the birdies picture, starlings soon polish off anything that is put out. Mum used to chase them off, they would sit on the shed and wait for her to go back in :lol::lol:

    Right, I had better think about making a cuppa. I will write more later.

    Hi to everyone else, hope all are ok.

    Take care XX Aidan

    Face Plant Toni

    Raspberry and white chocolate layer cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).