Val's Cafe
Hi Barbara
the hair colour is lovely isn't it? Yes she does her own make-up really rather well she can put lipstick on without a mirror always has been able to!
There's no rush for the tree to go up :roll: You'll want it down soon enough!!
I do hope the 'odd' shoes turn up
Hi Kath - did you catch up with the Deer? There are 100's where Lucy works!
Joan I might just have the operation even if it is painful. Rather now than in future - while I am still healthy. It would be nice to be able to breathe....
Aidan I am fetching Lucy home tonight too although Paul may be back from Inverness shortly afterwards. It was misty today it is just wet and miserable...I will get us home safely and all Elves will be accounted for. Am cooking her spag bol for when she gets home with fresh past done in 5 mins bless her :?
Miss Sleek will be on fire duty again tonight (happily). She has done some fabulous gliding today which she has filmed for her beloved to see :roll:
Not sure he ought to be allowed the hair dye no....Elf ears for Diddicat? She'd like that and has something sparkly on order from catazon for him already
I doubt the Elder wand will be their's, but something a little more powerful maybe?
Tia's GD is lovely and I too am upset at how far he is away from his home of 50 years....grrr..... Dad should come to yours for Christmas I agree M&S food is fabulous he'll love it and keep his mind off missing Mum :?
Yes the deer has something to say...Kath is trying to catch up with him....That picture of him is so lovely I want it on my wall!!
Paul is on his way home Mrs Darcey flying above until 'the border' of 'her' land
Did you get a seat in Nero's I wonder and did Dad get his eyes tested ok?
Off to the Sanctuary it's my turn to help muck out :shock:
Toni xx0 -
Phew, home at last. Well, been in a little while and done some pottering.
Just thought I would say hi.
Skipton was packed to the gunnels, we had to queue in traffic just to get into town, you could not see the pavements for people. :shock:
We always ask Dad Mum and Mum2, to find us our regular spot to park, on double lines, which is ok with my badge, just 20 yards from Specsavers and about 30 yards from Nero''s
Well, they came up trumps and there was a perfectly large spot, exactly where we always park, bless them all up above.
Dad had his eyes tested, didn't take long, he needs a slight adjustment for his reading glasses, ready on Friday. We went with the crowds, round the corner to Nero's, yes, B spotted space at the back, so we all had seats, AMAZING, as it was manic in there. The staff are just brilliant, a lot of people were having drinks to take out, while they walked round the market.
Had brunch, then went to get some diesel, then Tesco for a few bits, oh before that Dad looked in one of the jewellers and bought himself a nice watch - way to go Dad, treat yourself.
Home now and ready to sit and eat biscuits and drink a huge mug of T, before a little siesta, the bones are shouting a bit.
Love to all, will write more later XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Bless the Mums Aidan
You so needed that space! and a seat in Nero's?!! Wow! Then Dad has bought a new watch Go him!
Rest up now and here is the long awaited photo:
Our little Elf!0 -
Evening everyone
ok ok who stole the last 2 days they seemed to go in a flash perhaps they are behaving like the new emoji christmas01 flashing on and oh so quickly we cant keep up with them.
Loving the new Christmas emoji christmas04 Miss Sleek and Pepe perhaps ?? in the stocking christmas04
well 5 days to go for our little trip to Kent.
Aidan Meal was good with good company not too cold as well wrapped up and we did not have to wait to long for buses. so was home late but very quickly. I usually remember the birthdays my problem is I get the cards ready then forget to post them until the day then they get them late.
Joan No Not had any snow yet thank goodness.
Toniyes I was not too cold i was well wrapped up we have not had any snow yet, mermaid in the sewing up prossess and finishing touches to add. ah a picture of our little elf.
Kath Loving the Pjs for the Rhinos idea.
I do love the new Christms emoji christmas01 christmas02 christmas02 christmas03 christmas04 christmas05 sorry got carried away there for a moment
Barbara Yes I has been very cold here tcold tcold and my joints are not liking it at all.
time to go will see you all soon christmas01 christmas02 christmas03 christmas04 christmas05 hcoldStay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening to everyone - yes, I am sat down for a little while, before midnight, wonders will never cease.
Hi Joan, thank you, the week end has been pretty ok, well, it is almost over now, gone in a flash. We did manage to buy some packs of cards today, so no excuse with writing them now, plus we are going to write Dads for him as well.
Hope you are both ok and the doggies too, keeping warm.
I remember the Just William stories, yes, I will skweem and skweem.....but, fortunately we had seats, so I was reprieved from screeching in Nero'sI remember Bonnie Langford too, as a very young actress.........we are going back quite a few year now :?
Glad you are doing ok with the one patch, sending extra ((())) for that to continue, the Bush Babies are out and about, with their thick winter woolies on.
I think we should all follow the Deer, wonder where he is wanting us to go?
Are you having a "moment" Barbara - it has been a pleasant day, but is now super frosty, with the Super Moon, Winter Moon, Cold Moon, or whatever else they call it. Very bright and clear.
I used to decorate the living room at the Rectory, lights and trimmings everywhere, usually falling down at regular intervals and being told off for putting drawing pins in the ceiling :? :?
Minimal is best for us, we get irritated if we are all cluttered up.
I am ok once I start doing the cards, it is starting that is the problemI will think of any excuse possible. We don't mind sorting out Dads cards.
So you have no shoes now for going out, well, Mr B will have to pop you down to the shops and treat you to some, there's a nice manHe had better do or we will all throw hcold at him
I have to have lists, when doing cards, or I would get in a right pickle and send umpteen, to one person :shock: :roll: :roll:
I am sure your tree will be up and sorted soon, shopping is priority at this time of year.
It would be nice for you to breathe more easily Toni, I agree. The ones I have seen done were under local, sinus washout and drain. They were a long time ago and things will have moved on since I trained with Florence Nightingale.
LOVING the picture of our little Elf, now, was Lucy really wanting to have her picture taken, mmm there seemed to be a teeny bit of reticence, none the less, it is a lovely pic and a great outfit. Get those tills ringing
Hope the journey to fetch Lucy from work was trouble and mist free. Just been to the back door and it is thick fog, as well as thick frost. That came from nowhere.
Hope Paul had a safe journey home, he will be shattered, it is a long drive, spurred on by Mrs Darcy
Spag Bol, not had that in years, sounds yummy, with fresh pasta too.
Pepe was suitably impressed with Miss Sleeks gliding, he is :animal_busy: at the moment, as are the girls. No fly zone in fog, the broom has been turned off. I think he had been out and about while we were in Skipton, a trip up to the top of Pendle me thinks, to gather some low cloud in a jar. Sleek wanted some for the toad.
I wonder what is on order from Catazon? Exciting, I won't mention anything. He was looking on Catbay today, for presents as well.
The Elder Wand would be a step too far, but I think there are new ones in the offing for Christmas, as you say, with a little more oomph. christmas05 christmas05
I loved the picture of the Stag in the woods, it is all very mysterious, I wonder what he wants us to see, or hear?
He is here again, a little closer this time, I think we are getting nearer to the answers? Whatever the question was :? :? He is magnificent.
I see you have been mucking out, well done, now rest up a while.
We did so need that parking space, thank you to Mum's and Dad in Heaven, they always help when you need them, sometimes in ways that we don't really appreciate or know of.
The coffee was sublime, much needed, the first large mug did not touch the sides. I had to ask one of the team to turn the AC off, it was blowing right down our necks. tcold Boy were they working flat out today.
Oh the days are being stolen left right and center Carol, they vanish extra quick in December, the shed in the garden is fit to burst.
It is Sleek and Pepe in the stockings, they were in disguise, hence the different fur colour.
Counting down the days now. Loved the post you put on FB.
I am glad you enjoyed your meal out and the company was as good as the food. Whisked home at a late hour, not left hanging around for the buses though, which is good.
The mermaid will be finished very soon then, we would love to see
The emojis are really good christmas02 well chosen Denise.
We enjoyed our siesta early evening, managed to sleep for a while, which makes a pleasant change.
Supper, then just pottering and relaxing.
Taking Dad into town this morning to the B Soc. There is a very nice little coffee shop opposite so I am itching to go and try it outThen we need a few more things from Tesco, B doesn't like the one in town here, the parking is super tight for space, if we cannot get a Blue badge one. I am sure it won't be too bad on a Monday morning
I hope everyone else is ok, Kerrin, Mig, Christine, Charrisse, DD.
Time for another potter about.
Everyone take lots of care, love to all XXX Aidan
Mincemeat and marzipan buns for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone!
Aidan...hang on! Disturbed my Miss S who wanted to know if her breakfast was 'cooked' :roll:
She was after low mist/cloud and she said it was for Mr Toad. She has lips sealed as to why though :? Time will tell. She also says she knows what the Deer wants and the Fox (who I saw yesterday) also knows....
So it was chilly in Nero's was it? Air-con is fro SUMMER only! I remember a cinema we used to take the kids to where I used to take my coat and blankie!!
My cards are ready and tonight must start! So must YOU!!! Doing Dad's is procrastination!!!
I will probably go for the nose op I think. Not being able to breathe makes me panic a bit and airways need to be open. I might make a fuss when it's done though so be warned!!
Bonnie Langford is on EastEnders now, but I still find her irritating because of Just William!!
Did Lucy want her photo taken? not really!! She was supposed to be working!!
I'm so glad Pepe liked Sleek's gliding we all did here too except me who has to hoover up the fur!! She got what she wanted on catazon and said Pepe was 'bidding' on catbay?? They are in the stockings yes and in disguise of course
VERY festive buns for breakkie thank youI hope all does well in town and you find Tesco quiet(ish) and a god parking space
Hi there Carol! 5 days to go? that will be why the days are flying past you?!! Scary isn't it at this time of year?
Well done for being at the finishing stage with the mermaid. That has been a super-(Turbo?)-charged knit!!
Lucy's Elf outfit is rather posh - no wonder they can't take them home :shock:
You take care now.
Morning Joan christmas04 I hope all is well with you and Sue today?
Love to everyone!
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Toni Barbara Aidan Carol and Anyone else I missed
Kathleen is that a once a year thing you will have.
Toni that is a lovely photo and yesterday's has well.
Barbara have you been watching S come dancing.
((((((((Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))) I hope all of you have a good day.
Carol. how is the knitting going.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I'm waiting for Yodel to deliver my order from George @Asda. A new snug parka, 6 pairs of warm joggers, 2 pais of Thinsulate gloves and 2 red pompom hats. Come on Yodel! tcold My watch battery conked out yesterday. So I dug out the one I got as a spare. I'm wearing that now.
hcold hcold hcold hcold tcold tcold tcold tcold cfly scold"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Kath I hope your order has arrived gosh you'll be snug as a bug!!
Annoying about your battery in your watch, but at least you have one to wear
Joan she does look sweet doesn't she? Quite a posh Elf outfit I have been watching Strictly it's been good this year hasn't it?
Hope everyone is ok
Mistress Sleek Has been out in mackintosh, Sou'wester and galoshes to visit Pepe and had a 'long' chat to Mr Toad :? .....mmmmmm????0 -
evening all..had a baddish day today so felt a little sorry for myself,,but I have bounced back.. christmas04
Kath I have just bought our eldst GD a parka form is brilliant quality for the money..hope your order comes..
Joan I love Strictly..especially watching the professional at the beginning..I would really like to get tickets for the Blackpool show
Carol you have done well with the mermaid..not long now then sorry I forgot were your family live..think its the south somewhere...glad you enjoyed the meal nice to be in good company christmas02
Toni..glad that Paul got home safe and sound and you with the little Elf..scary when the mist descends..when you say about having the op on your nose while still healthy..that whats made my mind up with my first you say nice to be able to breath properly...
Aiden I dont like doing the cards these days...and some we send to people we never see..still no tree up..but both GD will be here at the weekend christmas05 glad you got to try the coffee shop..another on your list..right I will give OH an or else.. hcold poor me...
so both mums and dad helped with a perking space..bless them..right now for a mince pie with marzipan...saved it from this morning..
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
A late evening to everyone. These days are getting shorter in the number of hours, I am certain of it. I think Carol and I should be off to the shed to gather at least a week each, to catch up. :roll: :roll:
I do hope that Miss Sleeks breakfast was cooked Tonibless eh.
Pendle completely vanished in cloud and mists today, so they were both out on their broomsticks, gathering large jars of said mists. All being taken into the ravine and who is in there, Mr toad? The plot thickens.
They do know what the Deer wants to say and show, but, they remain silent as to any clues. It must be something happening at Christmas time.
We did warm up in Nero's after the AC was turned down to normal, rather than sub zero:shock:
The last time I went to the cinema, you could smoke on the right side of the aisle and not on the left :shock: :shock:
We have the cards, but they are still in their packs, I know, procrastination is the thief of time. We are popping round to Dads today, to write his, there won't be too many on his list.
I would have done some this afternoon, but B has tooth trouble and we are at the dentist on Tues, where? Back in Skipton..........the car knows the way :? not having him with tooth pain, needs sorting.
i completely understand the nose op, not being able to breathe properly is very frightening indeed. ENT ops are so much more advanced now and we don't mind if you need to complain, the ward is always open.
I find Bonnie irritating too, just grates on my nerves a little :x :x
I didn't think Lucy wanted her photo taken :? The outfit is very good though.
Pepe has been climbing today, one of those moods where only the highest vantage point will do, so, up on the tall boy, up on all the dressing tables, sideboard, window sills, B's computer / jewellery desk :roll: :roll: No gliding, yet, but I am sure he will, come early morning, usually before bed. He was very impressed with Sleeks agility, maybe that is why he wanted to show his climbing skills.
Not sure if the auction has ended on Catbay, he is keeping quiet about it. Catazon order all placed, very nice..............
We did what we needed to do in town, sorted Dad out with a new B Soc account, then went to a coffee shop that is new to us, even though we have lived here for umpteen years. It was very nice, they roast and grind their own, so many beans, so many flavours and strengths etc..........lovely, they were roasting some in the front of the shop................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bliss.
My scone was delicious, with jam and whipped cream, I thank you.
Tesco was fine, all the blue badge spaces were emptyso B was very happy with the parking.
Hi Joan, do you both watch Strictly? We used to enjoy it, but seem to have lost interest over the last years. We like Claudia, she has a great sense of humour and we love the sewing bee programme.
Kath you will be so warm and cosy, you will be glowing :shock: with all those thermal items. I hope they all arrived safe and sound.
Glad you had a spare watch. Come on Yodel, Kath is waiting.
Oh dear Barbara, so you started off having a bad day, extra hugs ((())) and the possums are on their way, to give super soft cuddles, which work wonders.
I always applied for tickets to the Blackpool Strictly show, but never had any luck, it is a random pick, a bit like the lottery.
I am not alone then, in not wanting to write cards, some of our friends do not send them, but donate the money to a charity or their local hospital, which is a great idea in my book.
I would say at least 80% of cards sent are to family / old friends that we never see from one year end to another....... :? :? It just becomes a tradition I guess.
Yes, another coffee shop that rates very highly on our coffee snobbery list
Good, an ultimatum for Mr B, shoes, or no supper, for the rest of December
We always ask Dad and Mum for a parking space and to this day, we have always had one free, bless them, looking down on us and helping out.
I have written our card list, so, that's a good start :roll:
The Deer seems to be much closer, maybe he is going to tell us some news.
Ok, I had better do some more pottering, sort the drying out. Fuss a bit and ease the joints.
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Carol, Mig, Christine, DD, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.
Take care XXXX Aidan
Avocado toasts, with poached egg and a little fruit, lovely XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Toni Kathleen Aidan and anyone I missed.
Barbara yes Debbie Magee is good I hope you have a better day to day.
Toni I'm sorry you have a problem breathing when do you have the op.
Kathleen you will be lovely and warm good.
(((((((( Aidan Bill and Dad)))))))) in town you can buy battered minces pies no not for me.
have a lovely day
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..judt my hairdresser has just gone I only had a cut today just couldnt be doing with the colour....
Joan ,Debbie Magee is so supple..and an amazing dancer..she is a credit to older people..hope you and Sue and the doggies are doing ok..what treat will they get for Christmas.. christmas01
Aiden I bet Pendle hill looks lovely with the mist...what a good idea to send the money to charity instead of that will be me next year christmas03 I still dont have a clue who I have posted to..the rest are for the neighbours in the st..and a couple of street nearby..OH takes those..oh gosh I remember the smoking in the cinema seems forever now..I haven't been for years its the noise that gets me...I was in shock when we came out :shock: sounds a good time at the coffee shop lovely smell of coffee and scones to boot..hope Bill gets his tooth sorted why is it always this time of the year..sorry meant to say thanks for the hugs..they do work
Cant wait to see our eldest GD at the weekend..and her siter our middle one is coming to do the tree again christmas05
Love to everyone and I hope that Elizabeth is recovering well..xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Went to Sawley Co-op this morning in my new snuggly buggly stuff.
The deer must have a really urgent message for us. I wonder what it is?
I took a large tin of Celebration for the staff at my pharmacy, as a thank you for looking after me all year, They are just behind the Co-op.
tcold christmas02 cfly cfly cfly It's getting very windy outtside. cfly"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
well mermaid now needs hair and a face which is causing me grief at the moment cannot get it right and have to keep starting it over again. otherwise all is complete. have had a good day today didn't go to my slimming world meeting as could not be bothered today so spent morning indoors pottering around doing bits. ( not that much as most house tidying is done by Mr T as I find a lot of things difficult that is of course when he feels like it. )we have our Christmas tree up now christmas05 went out this afternoon to a to nearby Wimbledon town centre to get some wool for my next project
and a few other bits.
Aidan Was it the post about PKU if it was my daughter put it on facebook first I just copied it and pasted it into my own status. oh yes count down is on 3 days to go we go on Friday and stay in hotel in Ramsgate overnight and birthday celebrations on Saturday around 1.30pm after which we will return home .
so the pusskins are in disguise are they christmas04we sure do need extra hours in the day around this time of year especially as that shed steals them have been in and claimed some back. hope you got your cards and dads done. we have not done ours yet. yes i love the emojis christmas03
Toni I will be glad when the turbo charged knit ??? is fully completed the face is giving me nightmares at the moment just cannot get it right at the moment. I cannot believe how fast tis year has gone.
Joan Hi my mermaid knitting part is complete just needs face and hair completed and i have 2 days to do it :? :roll:
Barbara the mermaid hasn't really taken too long its just the stitching on of the face is proving difficult be i have 2 day to do that and the hair.
Ok so now its time to leave you all and to see if i can get a face on this mermaid that looks ok so it is bye bye for now
keep warm christmas02 christmas02 christmas02 christmas02Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening everyone
I wonder how Joan got on today?? I hope all went well for her. For me I agreed to the surgery in my nose. Not sure how long the list is I just did well to say yes! Only one night in hospital apparently.
Your hair looks lovely Barbara you can have your colour done next time. Mine is due next week 11th I think so we all look good for Christmas The GK’s will do a good job on the tree I’m sure.
Debbie Mcgee is quite young I thought?? Only 59. Is she your fav’ to win Strictly?
I think Elizabeth had her stitches out today bless her. You agree with me then about having the op while I am as young as possible :? I do think it’s wise.
Aidan Miss Sleek is of the opinion that the quality of mist they obtained for Mr Toad (Frogtained!!) was perfect for his needs. Yes he was in the ravine as the preparations need to be in absolute (frogsolute) private. He might be back in the cupboard at yours by now?
Yes they do know what the Deer wants to say. I think I saw him today in real-life at the Deer Sanctuary when I picked Lucy up! He was chatting to a group of Deer and looked over at me… :shock:
Oh imagine being allowed to smoke in the pictures?!! How wonderful those were the days. I can believe Dad’s cards will be done with pleasure not so your own
I hope Bill’s tooth is easily sorted bless him nothing much worse (apart from backs, necks….)
I am going for the op and hope I will be able to breathe clearly some weeks afterwards. Only one night in hospital and you lot can cheer me along I know. Miss Sleek doesn’t know she will worry like mad you know her. Pepe will have been climbing to show off his skills bless him. It’s an important attribute in a male,(or female) pusskin :roll:
Thank you for the avocado on toast with a poached egg – fabulous and healthy too!
Carol I am sorry that the mermaid’s face is causing trouble for you. :? I hope she gets sorted soon. She was ‘Turbo-charged’ wasn’t she? Well done getting your tree up and for getting Mr T to do most of the housework – go you!!
Love to everyone hope I didn’t miss anyone
Toni xxx0 -
A late evening to everyone, almost midnight, so I have just made it
We seem to have had a busy day really. Will come to that later, nothing too dramatic.
Hi Joan, oh, battered mince pies, errrrmno, I don't think so, I will pass :? :? Someone must like them, I have seem them advertised in various chip shops. A bit like a battered Mars Bar, waaaaaaaaay too sickly, with hardly any calories
Hope you went on ok at the hospital, with your physio and boot fitting.
Love to Sue and the doggies too.
Your hair is looking very nice Barbara, don't blame you for not wanting a colour, gives those follicles time to breathe.
Pendle is a very moody hill, often completely invisible due to low cloud and mists. It is beautiful in all weather really, with snow on top, in winter on a clear day you can see for miles. I will pop a picture on of the view from the top.
She is steeped in history, not just because of the famous Witch trials, there are lay lines, that go in very odd directions, all sorts of things, a hot spot for seeing UFO's as well.
I think we will send money to charity next year and do away with cards. I dread writing them, it makes my hands crease up apart from driving me batty.
We went round to Dads and I wrote out all his cards for him, so they are ready to post off this morning, two to Canada as well.
I always thought it so funny, smoking in the cinema, as if it would not drift across to the left hand side of the aisleThe noise was always too loud and when you came out into the daylight, you nearly fell over, with eyes like a mole :shock: :shock:
You are very welcome to the hugs, they are always there, in the secret garden, there is a little garden box, there are thousands of hugs in there, for all to use.
You will have a nice time at the week end, doing the tree with your GK's
I bet you were snuggly Kath, love the pictures, you are now officially the warmest person within 10 miles of the Co Op
The message from the Deer, I am not sure, Pepe and Sleek know all about it, but are keeping their little mouths firmly closed.
I bet the Pharmacy staff are made up with the present you gave them. They do a great job.
We have weather warnings for winds, snow, ice, for Friday, Sat and Sunday :shock: :?
Oh dear, you are having trouble Carol, sorting out the face of the mermaid.
Nothing wrong with pottering, it is an art form and we have all perfected it, over the years, wishing we could do more, but knowing out limitations, he says, being told off for not asking Bill when I sneak off and then end up very ouchy.
You have your tree up as well, very nice christmas05 the festivities are getting nearer to us.
Yes, it was the post on FB about PKU. Only three days, well, two now, until you go down to visit Lille and Graycie and family, it will be wonderfulA night in the hotel too.
I don't feel so bad, knowing that you have not done your cards yet. We did sort Dads out, they are all ready for the post office and a £££ of stamps.
So surgery on your nose it is then Toni. We will be there, all the time. Most things like that are only an overnight stay, not like it used to be. People were in for 10 days if they had their appendix out. Not any more. In, done, out, byeeeeeeeee.
I hope Elizabeth is going ok, sending her some extra hugs ((())) Thanks for the update.
The mists on Pendle have been extra special, even more so with the super moon the other night, it has given the mist 100% extra powers.
Mr Toad was in the cupboard, but had to return to the ravine, there was a message for him, from Pepe's broomstick, from Hogwarts. It was written in special ink that vanishes if us mere mortals try and ready it. Drat.
Mr Deer was looking at you again today, it is surely a sign, could it be to do with Santa and the Reindeer? Just a thought, presents and the like, wands etc. Special things for the Cafe'?
Dads cards were no trouble at all. He will have more come and no doubt more to send to people on the park, but all the far away peoples are sorted.
We won't mention any operations on no--s, Sleek would be in a swoon if she finds out now. Pepe will keep her distracted and do some more climbing to entertain and show off how brave he is :roll: :roll: Look at me on the tallboy.
We went to the Dentist, B had to have the tooth out, there was a lot of infection tracking under the root and gum and it had to be vacuumed out :shock: :shock: :? Much relief, apart from the face aches, as the lidocaine wears off. I will keep him up to speed with co codamols. Soft diet for a day or two. Scones and coffee are allowed, of course
Of course it was dark, we are not used to being out at the end of the working day. We lost about half an hour off our siesta time, so that was not too bad really. Skipton is looking pretty with all its lights twinkling away.
We will be back there on Friday, to take Dad and pick up his new glasses.
So, that's about enough for one day me thinks.
GC this morning, they will be wondering where we are. Post office, Vets, Sainsbury's, home and that will be the morning gone in a flash.
Time for me to potter a little more.
Everyone take lots of care, keep warm and safe. XXX Aidan
I see we have a lot of our antlered friends, how many pull Santa's sleigh ? Donna, Dancer, Prancer, Blitzen, Rudolph, Dasher, Comet Cupid - is that right? I think so :?XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning all very early...I got up at 6 and that is the middle of the night for me..
Carol we cant have a mermaid without a face..I can imagine that being the hardest bit with the wont do you any harm to give SW a miss..I have trained my OH in housework...he is getting there..and how nice to live so near could put Aiden Bill and me up when the tennis is on..
mind you we would need tickets.. :?
Toni we will be here when you have your nose sounds awful not being able to breath properly out of it..mine is totally different its recurring infection..but in between is not to bad..thank your hair is the 11th we will all look lovely for Christmas..thanks for updating us on Elizabeth...I am so glad the op is done and dusted for her
Joan so sorry I forgot to mention your appointment..hope it all went to plane and the boot is now being made..
Aiden ..Bill must feel so much better with that tooth out..glad he didnt leave it much nice to see the changes in pendle hill..would love to have seen it under the supermoon...yes we are looking forward to the weekend..just hope the weather doesn't delay the trains form does say snow... hcold ..thankyou for the hugs will pop in the shed to get extra I wonder what message the deer has.. christmas01 I am intrigued...
Love to everyone will now go and have a peek at Aidens pic...xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara yes Debbie could win it. I hope you have a good day.
Kathleen you are lovely and warm have a good day.
Carol you will finish the face I can see you going along in the car sewing.
Toni yes you are doing the best you can. the physio is making an appointment for me with the orthopaedics I have a broken bone in my pelvis since 2011 and I have one in my hip.
((((((((Aidan Bill Aidan's Dad)))))))). I hope everyone has a good day
take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning everyone
Overcast here, but still mild :?
Aidan I knew you'd have done Dad's cards no problem!! hahaha! Maybe we ought to all do that instead of cards. At least a fiver for the cards then stamps on top :roll:
That is a huge view from Pendle. No wonder the pusskins go there with all the lay lines etc
Paul asked if I could go home the Dr said no; risk of bleeding so likely they'll keep me in overnight with enormous packing up my hooter :shock: :oops: I know you'll all be there I will try to sleep through all of it. Oh dear I am very likely to snore aren't I? Pepe must be on distraction duty on that day/night.
So you couldn't read Mr Toad's message? Darn it! us muggles don't get to see much do we?He's been to yours - perhaps to read said message and returned to the ravine? hmmmm....
The Deer is looking at us so must be for us I think our cats will be getting their new wands. There are 8 Reindeer apparently we added Rudolf ourselves in the last century. You only missed Vixen out so well done you!! The photo is lovely
Poor BMind you it's done now and the pain will be eased enough for his Christmas dinner! Lovely to see the lights isn't it?
Barbara I don't like the sound of your sinuses at all - imagine them thinking mine was the same. I think you ought to brave the op if it keeps coming back maybe?
I just hope Elizabeth feels the benefit of her operation soon she suffers too much
Yes we will all look fabulous fro Christmas incase anyone takes our photos
Joan the physio sounds very sensible and on the ball. I wonder whether they can help with those two fractures?
Sending love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Afternoon all
Sorry Kath I forgot you earlier..the parka is lovely and the hat is what I need..I have 2 somewhere but not a clue were :?
Toni my sinuses are quite common,,apparently once you have sinusitis it tends to keep coming back..the op would be opening them up and a drain with balloon.. :shock: but they can clear on there own..I am sure you will much better when you have yours done..
Joan blimey you have 2 fractures..but you do seem to being looked after ...hopefully they will heal themselves...
I dont like it going dark so early... christmas01 cant wait for our tree to go up..
love to all xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all. A wonder that I am here, at an earthly hour
It is heading for siesta time, so I will write more later.
I see you were up at the crack of dawn Barbara, 6 am is silly o clock. I remember that time well, up at 5.30, to start work at 7 and do a 14 hour shift.........
I used to get recurrent sinus infections, but they seem to have righted themselves as I have grown older, for some reason. I still use Sterimar at least 3 times a day, for nasal "hygiene". Noses get so dry.
Bill is feeling a bit ouchy today, which is understandable, taking teeth out is not a dainty procedure. Our dentist was saying to him that the top two canine teeth can play havoc with your sinuses so they will be coming out at some point as he has constant sinus trouble, sprays, etc etc.
I am keeping him well medicated
I hope the weather does not delay any trains. Not quite sure where the snow and gales are going to land. One says no snow for us, the other says light snow, then heavy snow............. :roll: :roll: we will get what falls I guess. Just looked, high winds tonight, more in the way of snow on Saturday and Sunday, (so far). BIL and SIL are planning to come over on Sunday, weather depending I guess.
Help yourself to hugs, they are self replacing, so you can take as many as you like.
Hi Joan, bless, old fractures, have they healed / calcified, over the years? Pelvic fractures are not easy to treat and often go unnoticed. Hope the physio helps and speeds up the referral to the orthopods.
Carol might well be sewing like mad, en route to visit the family :shock: :shock:
You are right Toni, Dad's cards were a breeze, I have ticked some off from our list though, so that's a start. The rest I am sitting looking at and getting nowhere. I will do them within the next 24 hours, I promise :? :? Pepe will tell Sleek if I don't do them.
It is an amazing view from the top of Pendle, the puskins love it, they can see for miles, all of Pepe's lands :roll:
They do pack ones hooter, or they used to, we used to call them nasal splints, feels like your head is coming out through your nose when they take them out. Sorry, I said I would not go into any details, forget that, it feels like nothing of the sort. :? :? :shock:
Best to be in overnight though, to make sure.
Us Muggles do not get to see the secrets, or very rarely, if we are granted permission.
Oh I missed Vixen, bless, sorry Vixen.......I am not surprised we added Rudolph to the number of Reindeer.
Almost time for a cuppa, so I will find us a cake to enjoy. Will write more later.
Love to all, take care XXXX Aidan
White chocolate Macadamia Nut Cake. Are we ready Toni............I will just take a slice out for Barbara.....................XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was a lovely cake Aidan thank you very mushhhh
Poor poor BI am sure he is suffering today and will for a few days more :? plenty of pain relief and nice hearty soups he'll get by. Taking teeth out is BAD
!!! I hope it doesn't go to his sinuses
Splints...yes that's the word. Won't it be great having them out??? :shock: :shock: :? :?
Sleek does believe that Pepe owns Pendle and lands as far as the eye can see which is a fair way for pusskinsshe has been very clingy today super-so bless her. we had lots of deliveries while I was out fetching Lucy and she had to supervise them being placed by the back door :roll:
Not sure whether the cats will be allowed to fly tomorrow yet Sleek says Hermione is going to ring later.
Some cards done well that is a start
Barbara I think you ought to brave the op you know. If I can you can eh? Go on you'll be so glad when it's done (well after a few weeks recovery I think to be fair). balloons are your tubes too narrow maybe?
It is dark too early and I can feel it getting chillier :?
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
One minute to midnight, so good evening and good morning.
I hope you are not up before the birdies this morning Barbara.
That was some face plant cake wasn't it Toni, I thought you might enjoyI had three cakes, so one each to splat in, then one to share in a more refined manner.
Yes, Matron is on the pain relief duties, for the both of us. I won't give him anything stronger than co codamols. Will get some spares from Boots today, no doubt after the third degree of "have you taken these before"? :roll: :roll: Yes, for 15 years :shock: , just let me pay thank you, any problems, ring my Dr.
I think the top two canines will be coming out, but not until the New Year, hopefully that will help sinuses.
Splints, yes, splints.........I can take them out for you if you like
Barbara can hold your hands, so that you you don't clatter me one:shock: Deep breath in..............
Bless Miss Sleek, clinging on. I think they can tell there is a wintery storm brewing, they are all a little edgy here. Our puskins are far wiser than we think, animals know when there is a storm etc on the way, horses know when there are earthquakes imminent. The weather is not looking good for us this week end, Sunday, lots of snow........... hcold hcold
We think a stock up on Friday, while we are in Skipton, so that we don't have to venture out at all for a couple of days.
Pepe is very proud of all the land he owns in Lancashire, more than the Duchy of Lancaster.
They do love the views from Pendle, this is one of my favourite shots, taken one frosty day a few years ago.
Sleek was telling Pepe that you have had lots of parcels, from the parcels peeplesMuch supervision and inspection.
Hermione rang and said "no fly - brooms are off limits and will not work until further notice - sorry sweet puskins......"
At least I can get in the cupboard without the broom growling at me now :? :shock:
They were chatting on the crystal ball with Tomicat and Jericat, sending their love to Kerrin and Mr Kerrin, also to Mrs Darcy and more love and warm hugs in readiness for the snow that it about to land in Scotland.
Sounds like Barbara is needing her windows widening in her sinuses (you have splints in after that as well, but don't say a word). I am not mentioning trochar and cannula's.........
It is getting very very windy here, gales are forecast, might as well, we are going to get just about everything else. :shock: :roll:
Decided that we would "do" the litter tray, we like it nice and fresh and the puskins love flinging fresh litter as far as possible :roll: :roll:
Washer is on, doing it's thing, calculating weights and measures.... :? :?
Well, Carol will be on countdown now, two days, or is it now one day..........exciting. Wonder if the lovely Mermaid has a face and hair, or has there been a throwing of wool round the room.
Elizabeth will be mending, bless, hope all is ok and sending lots of extra hugs ((()))
Kerrin, we trust you are ok and resting when possible, I bet you are super busy with the run up to Christmas. Hopefully you can have a full recharge over the holidays. (((()))
Christine, thinking of you, hope your eyes are not causing too much trouble. I will ask Sleek and Pepe to sprinkle magic dust over the Boss, for a nice Christmas bonusWell deserved for sure.
Mig - are you at home, or north of the border? Either way, trust all is as well as can be. My regards to Nottingham.
We picked Dad up this morning (Wed) and went off to the post office and sent the cards, then to the GC for lots of coffee and I had my scone. We timed it well, a bus trip came in, just after we had our first coffee's........ :roll: they were soon in, served, up and off again.
Vets, more food for his royal longtockingness, then Sainsb for some supplies, then home.
Well I had better do some more pottering. Feed Pepe again......fuss a bit, in the kitchen.
All the lovelies are fine, their houses are nice and warm and full of fresh bedding, the meerkats are happy with their 35 degrees and enjoying the mild temperature :shock: Wonder what they will think of snow.
Everyone take lots of care, stay safe and warm. Let me see what is for breakfast, we need something warming.......Love to all XX Aidan
Toasted oatmeal and quinoa porridge with dried fruits and jam.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Never had quinoa porridge before......mmmm quite nice thank you Aidan
I agree with you about animals sensing weather. Miss Sleek always comes in (9 times out of 10) and then it rains. Occasionally it pours down and she is outside comes in running and screaming!!!
She reckons she could easily fly in this you know.....she loves Hermione - as you know any excuse to ring her :roll: - but isn't impressed with this curfew
Shall I tell you one of the things she got for Pepe for Christmas? It's one of those indoor flying experiencescan you imagine him in there??
The crystal ball was red hot all the chattering yowling and chirruping last night bless them. Thy are all worried about Mrs Darcey of course, but she is snug with her Mum all cosy and loved. They had a window replaced which was letting in a nasty draught too earlier this year.
Good job the lovelies are all on lock-down. I suggest Barbara does her milk via the tunnel so she keeps dry and warm. Nothing 8-legged in there and it's very well lit. I think the Meerkats will be nosey when it snows!!
Poor B - both canines out too?!! Bless him :shock: Best let him enjoy his festivities first of course. I hope he's being good with his meds :?
GC sounded busy; I expect it's like ours full of Christmas stuff as well as the usual. Glad the coach arrived after you were seated.
That cake was fabulous so yum! Glad there was one for the more civilised café dwellers!!! Little fingers out what-ho!
That picture of Pendle is fabulous; it's so pretty and does feel powerful doesn't it?
Right better get on yes EVERYONE!!
Stock up on your supplies so you can stay in as much as poss.
Barbara I'll see you later at choir and Saturday weather permitting at the tree ceremony in the village after next. Don't forget your Christmas jumper will you?
Joan I hope all is warm with you all? Are you stocked up ready? Will the carers get through to Sue even in bad weather?
Toni xxx hcold0
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