Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good job I can type with my pinky out :wink:

    Lovely cakes for afternoon teaAidan thank you :)

    As for the take-away cakes please may I have one of each and a large tub of cornwall's finest clotted!

    I am very relieved to hear Dad has made the sensible decision. I wonder whether he was only driving so he could take Mum about when she was so ill :?

    Good news neighbour is no longer in isolation and no more pinnies and masks of shame :D You would love her she is a proper sweetie highly intelligent and kind and in no way any trouble at all :)

    I hope things will continue to improve for her. Silver's (and your) sparkles have definitely worked at least partly :)

    At least the window cleaner will come if you give him a shout :wink: Lovely to show off the ultra clean voiles :)

    The cruise is to Jamaica then Belize then Guatemala, Honduras, Honduras again and back to Jamaica. Miss Sleek has been on pins today 'Yes to the Dress' is back on telly t4591 Not a word has been said to her regarding the above secret. Hermione of course transported her over to Pepe's she is soft about their young love :)

    Barbara's singing was amazing last night she had indeed been at the cider :lol:

    Thanks Barbara I think my neighbour is feeling better just to be out of isolation and able to chat to other people...even if they are a tad confused and she isn't!!!

    What a voice last night at choir practise!! Well done you :) Maybe a tiny bit less cider though next week someone said they could smell 'booze' :shock:

    For the cruise itinerary see above. I will be taking my new cases so feel free to jump in.

    My neighbour is so lovely you would all love her. :)

    Oh Kath!! I love them especially if they only grow to kitten size!! How wonderful :) Yes please I think we shall have to rescue some for our sanctuary or a couple can come and join cuddles in the café?

    Hi Joan :) I hope all is well with you and Sue. Still overcast here today, but dry I suppose so could be worse!

    Carol I think I know the site you got your crutches on. They are a bargain and the same ones as you get from the hospital. That's you sorted for a good while now :)

    I hope the Church meal was nice last night.

    Everyone is quite right about 70 being the new 50 we are so much 'younger' these days in appearance and outlook.

    Well I'd better get on I hope I didn't miss anyone.

    Love to you all

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to you all.

    Hope you have all had a good day mine has not been bad I am pleased to report the metal object for heat and hot water is behaving very well, long may it continue. isn't it amazing how stress levels affect our pain I don't know if it dose you, but it certainly dose with me, since Wednesday my pain levels have certainly eased. After lunch with Mr T today, and because my friends husband only returned home from hospital yesterday we did not meet for our usual coffee. So I had quite a long meander around the shops (not that I have the money to do buy anything until Monday.) :lol: followed up by a nice coffee and a chill out by myself in Costa. Don't know whether you recall a while ago I said that Mr T had lost one of his hearing aids well he at last took himself up to audiology at the hospital to replace it ,now has a new one, and he is now waiting for them to send him a bill for £80.00. well that serves him right for not keeping them in all the time.

    Toni do you think you could stow me away when you go on your cruise as I could do with a nice cruise holiday. the site I got the crutches from was Essentials Aids they were reduced anyway but yes a bargain as I got them for £3.50 less than the full price for one pair and that included post and packing, The only problem with them was that I forgot to order the open cuff crutches that I have I have always had before so I have got to get used to the closed cuff ones but that's no problem. Church meal was good and enjoyed and we are now out again at the same place tomorrow evening as we are taking youngest daughter out for a birthday meal instead of a present this year, her birthday was last Saturday but she could not make last week as she was busy. think your right about being 70 and being younger in outlook and in appearance.

    Aidan Pusskins in the sanctuary yes please. I might be coming up 70 but sometimes it feels a lot more believe me. as I always say the brain says yes the body says you joking. :lol::lol: ooh Key lime pies how scrummy must have one of those before I go. oh yes have sprinkled the sparkles on the jar and it is now full up again for when needed. and Promise i will throw only sparkles and not coffee :lol::lol: metal heat and water thingy is doing very well at the moment long may it reign. and boy oh boy it feels great to say it. we are now down 13 days we go on the 26th the Friday and meal on the Saturday and home on the Sunday then actual birthday on the Tuesday when Mr T and myself will go out for a birthday meal on our own. I will try and get some nice photos and put them on FB. I was referred by GP to physio when this all flared up and all they did was give me six weeks and never a mention of them supplying crutches. but I do get indefinite DLA higher mobility rate so it isn't to bad. church meal was delicious at the same place tomorrow evening for youngest daughters birthday.

    Joan all is going well with the metal thing long may it last.

    Love and sparkles to you all t4591 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening / early morning, to one and all.

    Pinkie typing is quite difficult Toni, but essential, with such delicate little pies :lol::lol:

    I will ask that one of every cake is boxed and shipped. It will be quite a large box, a bit like one the removal men have :shock:

    Since Mum passed, he has driven probably three times, just into town and back, less than 10 miles in total. Other than that, we have been with him and B has driven our car. He doesn't mind being taken too and from, we don't drive long distance anyway. Skipton is about the furthest we go.

    I think he realises that the car has hardly been used and is serving no purpose now, we are 50 yards away and he also knows that he is no trouble to us, if he wants to go somewhere, or has appointments etc, plus we always take him shopping etc.

    Hoorah, no more pinnies of shame, those sparkles are working their magic, so they will continue :)

    I am sure I would love her to bits, I remember you saying she was a very clever Lady and kind too. I want to be her nurse and oversee all treatments. Do tell her Matron Bubbles has her in his thoughts and prayers.

    I have sent you some teeny little Unicorn sparkles in mini jars, to take into the hospital and leave under the pillows :)


    Oh the cruise sounds wonderful and then some, I bet you cannot wait. You might have some stowaways in your luggage, which I sure you won't mind, we won't be an ounce of trouble. Hermione will have us there in no time, if we :lol::lol: :shock: don't all fit in one case.

    I heard the patter of tiny paws at 9 as our Sleek and Pepe went to watch say yes to the dress on tv, while reclining on fluffy bedding. Pepe made a magic tiara for her to try on, he is getting better with the new wand. She was over the moon. No word of cruises or holidays

    That is good to hear, the lovely Barbara was in fine voice, but there was a whiff of cider...........ooops, some extra strong mints next time Barbara, Hic. :? :lol:

    I see we are in for some snow at the end of the week and some very frosty nights, minus 7, in town, so colder out here in the woods. :shock:

    Hi Carol Good to hear that the metal thing in a box, which gives off heat, is working well.

    Stress has a great deal to do with pain levels, I am certain of it. Our muscles tense and then in turn affects our joints, a bit of a vicious circle. My cardio always used to say, don't get stressed..........errrr, right, that will be the day. He doesn't say it now, I just take extra calming tablets. :roll: :roll:
    I am glad to hear that your pain levels have eased, less stress and some magic sparkles, some positive vibes, from all assembled, do help as well.

    A meander round the shops is nice, better if we all had a pot of gold. Coffee too and then Mr T has been to audiology, do they not supply them on the NHS, my Mum always had hers free of charge, through her GP referral

    12 days to go now, till your mini Birthday break. Wonderful, then you are going to come along with us in Toni's suitcase :)

    That's not on, the physio should supply walking aids etc............grrr. I remember seeing them for quite some time, until they said there was nothing more they could do. I even saw a specialist physio, who showed me some different movements to try - I tried it, nearly fell over and crunched my back into spasm, so he gave up very quickly.

    Good food on the Church meal out, very nice. Back to the same place with your Daughter for her Birthday tonight, Happy Birthday :D:D

    Right, I had better move myself, a little potter before a cup of T.

    Off to the GC for brunch today, Dad is looking forward to it and I am always up for going there, any day, any time :lol::lol:

    Then some groceries are needed. Think that is about all, home things of course, washing, washing and more washing.

    Love to everyone, here and about. Take lots of care XXXX Aidan

    A breakfast selection today

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well that is great news Carol! k010.gif Looks like the 'metal thing that shall not be named but is very complicated' is fixed!!

    That's £80.00 lost Mr T :roll: Still at least he'll be able to hear soon!

    Of course your friend must stay in with her husband until she's happy he's ok. Essential aids was the same company as I thought you'd used. Closed cuff is neither here or there really is it? I expect your youngest daughter will enjoy a belated meal out for her birthday :)

    I am right about people looking and acting younger when I look at photos of my own Mum and 35 she looked nearer to 50! I think it was the fashion and hair-dos along with their expectations of life.

    Morning Aidan

    Face is pressed against the window waiting for my large parcel of cakes t4591 thank you!!

    I suspect Dad is also relieved to know the pressure is off him and he can relax now and be chauffeured by you two bless him. Those two tiny prangs will have scared him too I bet. A good decision all round :)

    I will tell her you are thinking of my neighbour Matron and will take the unicorn sparkles to sprinkle under her pillow. She really is a lovely lady who everyone loves. I have to say most of the nurses and HCAs adore her too and so they should.

    Shall we get Hermione to bring you aboard the cruise any day you like then? m0150 There will be sun, but sea air is cooling so I hope about perfect.

    Of course the cats would never miss 'Say Yes'! reclined in fur and enjoying their telly. Miss Sleek hasn't taken her tiara off yet!! Pepe is doing well with his Christmas wand!!

    Snow? Ice? Right I will get Paul to fill my coal scuttles ready :shock: tcold

    Enjoy the GC always a treat (unless you go too often of course!) with Dad. I hope he is doing ok without Mum :?

    Lovely breakfast spread there! Scrambled egg? Perfect and a cold buffet too yum! Thanks :)

    I'm not sure what we have planned for today although I have a feeling Paul is off to a car show :roll: Bless him!

    A quick Woo-oooo! To Joan a010.gif

    Love to everyone!

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen there are some pretty cats about we only had one it made me itch when I touched it.
    Barbara I hope you had a good day shopping. Sue saw a lady going around Sainsbury's in a skirt and just a bra on the top.
    Carol I'm pleased the metal box on the wall is behaving and doing has it should.
    Toni that sounds a lovely cruise it will soon come.
    Aidan your Dad is being sensible with is car. sue's rad is still not working they have come out and got it going but the pipes in her bedroom are cold.
    have a good weekend everyone
    Joan xx. Hello Toni we keep meeting like this
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all nearly made it this morning but not quite.. :lol:
    Toni I am so pleased to hear your neighbours is a little better infection wise..she does sound lovely..and like you say not a bit of trouble to look after..I to look back on pics and think how much older they look even the children..bless....the cruise sound amazing..think you will need much bigger suitcases we are all joining you.. :lol: so I sang much better ..thats good to know..I am enthusiastic if nothing else.. :lol:
    Carol nice to have a miander..winder shopping has they say..I bet your daughter is looking forward to her meal out with you.. :D and you enjoyed the church meal...but what a shame Mr T lost his hearing aid you say he will be more careful in future ..but these thing do happen..and are sent to try us.. :roll: glad the metal thingy is behaving for you .. :) touch wood head..
    Aiden it does make sense for dad to give up his car..bless him he must be feeling old now..I know my OH dread its ..bad enough being mostly retired..right the singing..I put it down to all the apples in the cider ..they are very good for they tell me.. :lol: thanks for the lovely breakfast ..I have helped myself..and do love a enjoy the GC today it feels nice and comfortable going to where you know... :)
    Joan it wasn't me in bra and skirt ..honestly... :lol: ooh my little knees would have been froze... :lol: like Aiden say we are in for more very cold weather I will get my joggers on..take care both of you..
    Right we have middle GD here in better go..she will be up soon...I hope.. :lol:
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Joan, I'm sorry pusskins give you the itchies.I'll have to go on a doggie safari. :D

    My right hip is giving me gyp! :cry:

    We are watching Richard Widmark in Panic in the streets on Talking Pictures channel, and I'm typing in semi darkness as it's so gloomy outside. So I'll brighten the place a bit. m0150 m0150 m0150
    m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150

    t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a rather grey and dull ish day here.

    Has the parcel not arrived yet Toni? 8179564967_8779da83fa_o.jpg

    It should be there soon..........................

    Dad is quite happy to be chauferred by B and yours truly. We said we will take him out to different places, he won't be stranded by any means, all of the neighbours would take him into town etc. as well.

    Thank you for passing on my well wishes to your neighbour and for sneaking those Unicorn sparkles under the pillows. I am sure she will have made some new friends out in the bay / general ward.

    Good to hear that the nurses love her to bits too. That is how it should be, every time.

    Yes, that is a perfect idea, for Hermione to transport me to the cruise ship, as and when, ie when the buffet is open, mind you, they never stop do they.....cakes, 24 hours :lol::lol: If it is too hot out, Barbara and I will stay inside and check out the refreshments.

    Bless, Sleek is very happy with her Tiara, looking good girl.

    she looks adorable


    Pepe is looking at the new trends in clothing, for the spring season. I think we have two fashionista's :roll: :roll:

    The snow has gone from Friday, to Tuesday :roll: , it would, seeing as we are going to Skipton then :roll:

    The GC was as good as ever, a nice relaxed brunch, bacon and egg muffin for me and sausage and egg for B and Dad. Shared a portion of chunky chips and left room for my scone :) It was super busy by the time we left.

    Hope Paul enjoyed the car show and what did the Ladies get up to?

    What a shock, to see someone in their bra and skirt, doing the shopping Joan ! some folks have no shame. People go in their PJ's
    and nighties - oh my Mother would have fainted. :shock: :shock:

    So they fixed the rad in Sue's room and now it is cold again, just what are they playing at. I would be asking them just how much all this has cost them, probably enough to pay for umpteen new boilers. So annoying that you cannot even be warm in your own rooms.

    Hi Barbara, you are right, the apples are of a particularly fine variety, enabling ones voice to traverse many octaves. Just the one mind, it is potent stuff.
    Dad still thinks he is about 30 :lol::lol: we have to remind him sometimes, just to make things a bit more real. He said today, oh, that lad is in the paper shop (another man on the park). LAD - he is nearly 70 Dad.

    He is coming round to being without the car now, we will be happy when Tuesday comes and it is signed back to the dealership. Then we will enjoy our Nero's visit.

    Definitely time for those warm joggers, I have some new ones, but they are more PJ type and rather thin, so it gets a bit chilly. :lol: :shock:

    Hope your middle GD is enjoying her stay.

    Oh dear, your hip is giving you the ouches Kath, that will never do. I will send some t4591 t115006 and sparkles over, to help as much as possible.

    It is very dark, has been all day really. I am all for having every lights on in creation :roll: Good job they are all low energy.

    Oh the little puppies are lovely, we need some of those, we can carry them round in our bags and shopping trolleys.

    I would be frightened to death of treading on them, bad enough with three puskins, but they know to avoid my potterings.

    Well, I had best be sorting out some cake, for T time.

    I hope you all have a lovely meal out Carol.

    Hi to Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse, Kerrin and all.

    Will catch up again later. Take care all XXX Aidan cakes to follow..............
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yorkshire Curd Tarts


    Best have some cream, or Toni will not be best pleased :wink:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Early today as I am out at daughters birthday meal tonight. the last of three meals out this week well I'm not expecting any weight loss this week that's for sure, although I have tried to choose wisely so we shall see. because I have decided that I must weigh on Tuesday whether I am out of target or not so that I know what I have to do to get back in control.

    Kath the puppies are so cute. really missing our dog I can't believe it is coming up for 11 months since we had to have him put to sleep.

    Barbara I love meandering around the shops but what with the viral cold thing I had before Christmas up until recently I have just not felt like it, so yesterday made a change. Mr T only has his self to blame with the hearing aid he wont wear it all the time in fact they spend more time in their boxes than on him. his excuse is they are too loud when he is anywhere noisy but cannot be bothered to adjust them, so I don't suppose having the new one will make any difference he has tv or music turned up loud indoors because he is to lazy to wear them. music blaring loud and then he has the nerve to tell me I need my ears tested when I don't hear him and he has to repeat what he said but I have to do it all the time :lol: men arrrrgh. Metal thingy is still ok beginning to trust its ok now.

    Joan hope Sue's radiator is working soon.

    Toni Loving the dancing emoji I would be doing this if only I could. I think people these days do have and expectations on life now days. only problem with closed cuff crutches is that I keep forgetting I cannot just put them down without taking them off my arms tricky when going to the little room at night when you are desperate :lol::lol: but I will get used to them only had them since Thursday so got to give time to get used to them. yes friend will hopefully be able to meet me next Friday. sure daughter will enjoy tonight. Mr T will hear if he wears the things.

    Aidan love the mini jars of sparkles very convenient to take out and about. Metal thingy is behaving beginning to slowly trust it will come on when it is required. Stress well its all around us so please how can you avoid it I ask. I wish I did have a pot of gold mmm that will be the day. I think the Physios. DRs and the like where we are don't like giving these things out its bad really but there we go what can we do about it nothing. yes out tonight making three meals out this week but she couldn't make last week when it was her birthday on the Saturday.

    Ok its time to leave you all now hope you all have a good evening

    t4591 t115006 t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to one and all, chilly and clear out tonight.............

    I hope you have had a lovely meal out with your Daughter, Carol. I was looking at the restaurant and the food / venue, looks really nice. Those chips look very tempting.

    I read Mr T's review and he is very pleased with the food, staff and service. Did he wear his hearing aid? Or is that a sore point. Maybe some magic sparkles on the new one, will encourage him to wear it.

    Don't worry too much about the meals out, I am sure you will be on track, you have been very good again at home, nothing wrong with a little treat when you go out. I would try and find an ear trumpet and when Mr T says you need your ears testing, just bring out the ear trumpet and say "pardon" :lol::lol:

    I cannot believe it is nearly a year since your lovely doggy was put to rest. ((()))

    I have open cuff crutches, admittedly they are easier for moving arms in and out. I also have the fisher handles, that are shaped to your hands. Cannot cope with the straight handle ones at all.

    Good to hear that the metal heat machine is working well. Those sparkles will always come in handy for all manner of things. The little bottles are perfect for popping in a pocket or bag.

    All surgeries are cutting back, certainly on drugs etc, they are often changing them to other suppliers, dependent on cost. As for most services we don't do to badly at all, but the population density is that much lower, which makes a difference I guess. Wrong, but, as you say, what can you do about it?

    Pepe was nattering to Miss Sleek, Mrs Darcey, Cuddles, Tomicat and Jericat, on a group skype call on his new phone. There was a whole load of chattering and chirruping going on, not sure if they are hatching a plan, Sleek was talking of her stash of Pendle mist :? :? Her Tiara was admired by all.

    Hope you are all ok, has it been shed night? Any sign of Barbara :shock:

    It is high time I went into the forest, not been in for ages.

    I had an inkling that Silver Moon would be there, looking magnificent of course.


    He has been to the Sanctuary and checked on all his fellow lovelies, they are all fine, suitably sprinkled with magic sparkles, even the warthogs are quite amiable and the emu's didn't chase me round the field.

    We have had a quiet evening, siesta time was a waste of time, but never mind, it rested the bones a little.

    B is busy with his minute bead work and I just keep pottering and doing little bits and bats.

    I had best move. Hi to everyone, around and about. Take lots of care and keep warm and safe.

    Love to all XXX Aidan

    Fruity pancakes for breakfast

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan you are quite right we must stop meeting like this!!! I am not impressed Sue's radiator is still not working?!! :x

    That woman half undressed in a supermarket :shock: Honestly I thought onesies were bad enough too :roll:

    Barbara your singing was lovely I'm sure it's the cider, but maybe you have had a few of Silver's sparkles on you?

    I wonder whether our Gkids will think we looked old in current photos....hmmmmmm :? I can't imagine my Paul not driving :shock: Let's hope your husband continues to drive well and safely for years and years to come.

    I had a set of cases for Christmas so you can all fit in one or maybe Hermione will bring you over and pop you on board the cruise?

    Fingers crossed my neighbour continues to improve now. She deserves to be as well as possible she has enough to deal with :(

    Kath I hope the hip isn't too bad :( Have you got some bush-babies with you?

    Are the little doggies for Joan? That is very thoughtful of you as it is to brighten the pace up with some sunshine rainbows and love :)

    Us ladies had a lazy day Aidan (I cleaned out the fish tank did a couple of loads of washing and some hovering) Charley came over with her GF so lots of ladies :D

    Paul's mum was just like your Dad!! she was still a home-help until she was 70 helping 'old-dears' one or two younger than herself!!

    Sleek loves her Tiara! How sweet she looks asleep with it on (Lucy is following the story too!) we had a look in the back of her lickle house yesterday where she had stowed it safely :D

    All the cats are envious of it aren't they? When they are on a group chat she positively screeches with laughter!! A good cat-ch up does them all good.

    My neighbour will make friends for certain and of course everyone loves her. The nurses have a soft spot too for her husband and keep sneaking him food when no-one is looking. He is there for 11-7 unless someone (like me) sends him off for a break/food/to do his jobs. He helps out too helping her get ready for nightime etc. unlike some visitors who think the nurses should do everything :roll:

    Hermione will bring you over for sure and you and Barbara can nip down for a spa treatment if it's too hot. Kath can go for a walk (short I hope) on deck. Joan can zap past o her scooter followed by Carol on her rollator. mig will be on the trips with me no doubt Kerrin will be halfway up the climbing wall before we know it!!

    Thanks for the cream for my tarts Aidan lovely :) Mmmmmm...... sigh :)

    Pancakes too!! Lucky me! Yum :)

    What a good idea Silver sprinkling magic dust in the sanctuary. that will help everyone. Wonder whether they can make our 8 legged 'friends' (yes there are several now al endangered) look sweet and furry when we go past???? :?

    Carol you are very wise to weigh-in on Tuesday. It will force you on track although I know you do make sensible decisions when you are out. 3 Meals is an awful lot for one small person!!

    At least you treated you daughter :)

    That smiling dancing emoji was definitely you I had to search him out specially :)

    You and your friend will be talking for England next Friday - what are you knitting ATM is it something for the new arrival to be?

    Right I must get on I hope all our other café friends are ok


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara your sensible you keep warm have a good day.
    Kathleen I'm sorry you have pain in your right hip the same has me. I hope it's not too bad.
    Carol you enjoy your meal with your daughter.
    Aidan some people are having more snow I hope it's not you.
    take care all
    Joan xx. Hello Toni I hope everyone has a good day.
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all..late again OH has an awful cold and cough so I have my fingers crossed I dont get it..I have bacterial wipes everywhere and the hand gel for both of us..
    Carol I remember my OHs uncle not wearing his earring aid said the toilet made him jump when flushed :lol: you say men EH..hope you all had a lovely meal out with your 3 meals..knowing you it wont be to bad of a weigh in but good luck
    Joan hope you and Sue are doing ok..but the rad is now cold..its just not fair to leave you like this hopefully it will be fixed very soon..
    Toni did your parcel arrives..sorry if you have said..and its very kind of you to buy extra suit cases for us all..I am sure we will all get on..but does Paul know we are coming.. :lol: I do think that giving up driving for men takes so much away from least Aiden dad has Bill nearby..
    Aiden I have been enjoying all the goodies..thankyou and silver moon looks stunning and so majestic..a shame you didn't managed a sleep, but like you say you rested your bones..I will just have the one cider in future..I ended up in the wrong church, mind you they were all pleased with my singing :lol: hope you dont have snow for Tuesday... :o
    Kath what lovely pics of the puppies..I want one or maybe two..its hard to know what to do when you have hip pain ..I hope it eases for you...
    will leave you for now love to everyone xxxxxxx t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to one and all. Chilly and a sneaky breeze too :?

    I think we are going to have to form a "keep Joan and Sue warm" campaign Toni. A petition should help :) I will send Silver Moon down to leave a lot of sprinkles, to get things fixed and keep our lovely ladies warm.

    I am very glad you ladies had a lazy day, apart from clearing out the fish tank, which is no mean feat I am sure. Nice that Charley came over with her GF too. Sleek said there were a lot of family peeples :lol:

    Dad is just the same, he said about his neighbour, *the old boy", until he found out he was 20 years younger than him :lol::lol: bless

    I am glad that Lucy is keeping up to speed with our wonderful puskins, (who were driving us potty this morning) :roll: howling, screeching, charging about, spitting............just one of those days. They all calmed down though, thank goodness.

    Pepe has sent a present for Sleek, he doesn't want the Tiara to get damaged, so a couple of boxes, one for now and one for the next one too.


    The group cat chat was very loud at various points, quite a lot of screeching :shock: :shock:

    I am glad the nurses are looking after your neighbour well and also taking care of her Husband too. Quite right they should sneak a meal and snacks, there is so much that gets thrown away, shocking amounts of food. I know they might get into trouble, but, as Matron, I will turn a blind eye and pass an extra pudding for him.

    Nice that he helps out with her care too, it is actively encouraged, but, very seldom offered, as you say, the nurses are there to do that according to so many. I am a great visitor, I am into everything, stopping drip alarms mainly and helping people get comfy :D

    Oh I am sure a spa treatment would be wonderful, Thalasotherapy will be fine, mud wraps and body contouring wraps (they will need some cling film to go round me ) :lol::lol: :shock: Then we can join you for pre dinner drinkies.

    We will all have a great time and if it gets a bit choppy, I will ask Hermione to whiz me back home, before I get queasy :mrgreen:

    We have several Spi--s now do we :shock: :shock: I thought I saw a few hot houses. Well, if they are endangered, then we must rescue them, but I will have to pass on the feeding and tending. :shock: :?

    Hi Joan, sending hugs for the pain in your hip to ease ((())) and for all heating etc to be working.

    I think we are in for some snow on Tuesday, so far, they seem to change the forecast every time you look. We will get what we get I guess, just hope it holds off while we are over in Skipton. B will not drive if it is a white out.

    Oh dear Barbara, Mr B has a bad cold, Silver is on the way with some sparkles of wellness. Good thinking to have anti bac wipes and gel around. It plays havoc with your hands though, it is not exactly skin kind :roll: Hope you don't get it and he mends very soon.

    I don't miss driving at all now, I had to give up, due to back and neck spasms, pain meds and their side effects etc. No good if I cannot concentrate on the road ahead.
    Dad has us so close so I think it will be less of a shock to him.

    Ooops, ending up on the wrong Church, was it in the next Village to Toni? :lol::lol: Word will get back to Rev Delhpine, but I am sure she will forgive our transgressions :lol::lol:

    We have had hair cuts today, so smart boys again. Dad came round this morning, for a coffee. Will have to find one that is stron, yet smooth, for the nespresso machine. Washing piled up, bedding, towels, I have gathered quite a mountain :shock: Yes, I know, I am ocd about clean laundry :? :? You have to keep things clean, with three puskins.

    Hi to everyone else, Kath, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, Carol and all.

    Time to go find some cakes. Catch you later XX Aidan

    Frosted Walnut Layer Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    T'is a wet and windy night, hope everyone is as ok as possible.

    Kath and Joan, sending hugs ((())) for those ouchy hips, a little bit of Silver Moons sparkle magic, to help things along.


    Carol I hope you had a lovely meal out with your Daughter. Everything crossed that SW goes well, I bet there is nothing to really worry about.
    Trusting the metal heating machine is working well. Can we put our trust in it now? :?

    Where are we with the countdown, 12 days, or is it 11 now?

    Christine I hope you are ok and your eyes are not bothering too much. How is your Boss and the family, have they been away to sunny climes?
    I keep entering those competition you pop onto FB, one day we might win something :)

    Kerrin will have a full week ahead of her with the children. Gymnastics, swimming, all manner of activities. Catch some of the sparkles to keep those aches and pains at bay.

    Toni are we on packing suitcase duties? I am keeping very quiet about the holi--- and going on a lovely cr---e. just in case Sleek of Pepe read the posts, we know Sleek can read and Pepe is getting better.
    They have put a new profile picture on Catbook


    They have been chatting on cat-time on their phones, they were going to have a fly round, but Pepe was :animal_busy: having a nap with Daddy, in bed of course, tucked up - (no, they are not spoiled at ALL) :roll: Pepe one side and Cookie in bed on the other side. :lol::lol: :roll:

    How is your neighbour doing, better now that she is out on the ward. Sending ((())) her way.

    Hope you liked the cake Barbara. How is Mr B, t2507 lots of flluids and lots of vitamin C with Zinc, some poo poo it, but I swear by it and have loads (fizzy) every day. Hope you don't come down with it, wear a mask :lol::lol:

    Hi to Mig, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.

    it is pouring now, beating on the windows that were cleaned last week :roll: :roll:

    Better than snow.

    I will go sort some drying, I seem to have a laundry shop in the kitchen......

    Everyone take lots of care, stay warm and safe.

    I will post breakfast under this one. XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Braided sweet bread, flavoured with orange flower water, serve with honey and lots of butter.


    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I hope you feel ok you don't want the sickness I had yesterday I went nearly all day without food just drinking water.
    Aidan thank you for thinking of my hip. your Dad is good and happy.
    take care all Toni will be here in a minute
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..OH has gone back to bed bless him
    Aiden I will try and get vit C with zinc down him..but he always refuses things ..I dont need them is his attitude.. :roll: you are right about the gel..I remember the nurses saying how dry there hand wash I have in the bathroom has moisturizer in not to bad..I read the story of the pussikins to our Niamh..tell you it could be published.. :) she love that they can fly on the broomsticks..and Skype :lol: all this food and were to start, must say the bread is you are both all refreshed after having your hair cut..
    I did end up in the next village don't tell Toni she will be fuming..I had better be more careful with the cider.. :shock: I have sprinkled the sparkles over OH he look like a Christmas tree. :lol:
    Right KEEP JOAN AND SUE WARM..good idea Aiden
    Joan sorry you have the sickness bug..and a poorly hip..sending you some very gentle hugs to put to Aidens sparkles (()) xx
    Love to all that are missing..xxxxxxxx t4591
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All!

    Hello to Joan - wasn't in early today as I was at the hairdressers :) I hope none of us in here gets snow after last time :roll:

    Of course Paul will be happy for you all to come on the cruise Barbara:) You can have a case to yourselves or Hermione can transport you over :)

    No sign of my parcel so I am going to chase it up grrr!!!

    Yes men find it hard to give up driving I think Paul's Mum wants to bless her she is 84 this year and deserves to be looked after now in my opinion.

    Fingers crossed you do NOT catch the cold and a patience-draught on way :)

    The Rev Delphine said there was 'a lost lady' at the next village's Church :?

    Oh dear me Aidan!! SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that cake :shock: :shock: Wonderful I love walnut cake, but with all that cream :D

    I also had a hair cut today so like you and looking 10 years younger. How old are we now?

    I fetched some food in incase we get snowed in again I very much hope we'll be lucky this time and you too.

    I am visiting my neighbour tomorrow and Friday this week. I do not get relatives not helping their own family!! How mad!! I helped Lucy all the time when she was in (and some others too ;) - I caught one who fainted right in front of me. Well I went down with her slowly while Lucy pressed for help!

    My neighbours are a devoted couple a fabulous relationship they have :)

    You won't get queasy I didn't on the last cruise I went on and I get car sick ferry sick etc. Hermione can make sure none of us do. We will have afternoon tea and some spa treatments :D

    Don't worry about the 8-legged people. As Miss Sleek said they need looking after too. Silver has put a spell on so they look like cute little bunny kittens when we go past t4591

    Oh so the next Tiara is going to be bigger? Of course Lucy is interested in what the cats get up to. She is very supportive of Pepe and Miss Sleek's relationship. She rather likes their new catbook profile photo. says they look like Avatar!

    She loves it when family Peeples visit - she cons extra treats out of them :wink: they are the same ones who will be caring for her when we go on the cr***e

    As for the wasted food in hospitals I agree and that's exactly what the nurses say when they press food onto her husband.

    I have to agree Sue and Joan are being treated really badly I wish I lived nearer I would go round to that housing association and give them a piece of my mind.

    Love to everyone I hope I didn't miss anyone

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    another day lost yesterday it just seemed to go so fast. been out today to buy Lillie's birthday present, as I want to take it with me on the 26th 10 days to go then off we go. youngest granddaughter who is 16 just 3 days after Lillie is 6 wants money for her birthday so that's easy. So that's that all sorted out now to shop for something nice to wear for my birthday meal.

    Toni Please can I come on the cruise with you too I wouldn't be any trouble honest. I only get a bit queasy going through the bay of Biscay but I use my wrist bands now so that doesn't happen :lol: hope your parcel came. I'm not knitting at the moment I am crocheting a granny square blanket at the moment in loads of different colours to get rid of some of my odd balls of wool. no Mr T did not wear him hearing aid at the meal but at least for the past 2 evenings he has worn it when watching the tele and the volume on tele has been more acceptable to me. :lol:

    Aidan Yes we had a very nice meal with daughter on
    Saturday, metal heat giver thingy seems to be behaving itself we are beginning to trust it. 10 days now and then off on the 11th day. we need a big sign saying give Joan and Sue heat now
    the time has gone so quickly since we had Snowie put to rest it will be 11 months on the 26th the day we go away.

    Barbara cannot believe Mr has put his hearing aids in for the last 2 evening whilst watching the TV its bliss because he has had the volume on not half as loudly as it is if he isn't using them so I'm not being deafened. as far as the 3 meals out are concerned I will see tomorrow because I will weigh tomorrow whatever the outcome as I cannot keep putting it off. will update you on this tomorrow.

    Joan I enjoyed the meal with daughter very much.

    well is time for a little potter will see you all tomorrow

    t4591 t115006 t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening / morning, to one and all. All sorts of weather warnings, from wind, to ice, to snow............ :shock: :shock:

    I hope you are feeling better Joan, horrid sickness bug. Have you managed to eat something light now. How is Sue, let's hope it doesn't pass on to her. Many hugs ((())) t115006 t4591

    So Mr B thinks he doesn't need things to help, well, remind him that Matron was right last time, so best be taking anything that helps ease the symptoms. I cannot offer a cure, but we can try to help. An extra sprinkle of Unicorn Sparkles I think :)

    Oh, should we write a book about Pepe and Sleek, that would be great. So glad that Niamh enjoyed hearing about their adventures.

    You can let her know that the broomsticks have stopped working, while we have weather warnings, the wizzard who is Hermione, has the power to switch them off completely and stop the puskins from flying. She is very protective of them all.
    Sleek and Pepe don't like having their brooms confined to barracks, but, best be safe.

    They have been talking on their phones, on cat time. Mrs Darcey was on too and she was mentioning a boat :shock: :shock: I told Pepe is was a boat she had seen in one of the Lochs in Scotland and nothing to worry about..................... :? :?

    That bread looked awesome, with orange flower water in the mix. Wonderful.

    Yes, we are all trimmed and smart. Refreshed, well, I won't bore everyone with my pains, they just seem so much worse of late. But, we carry on, hurting :roll: :roll:

    As long as the Congregation were impressed with your singing, I am sure Toni won't mind one bit. Bless, just ease up on the cider from the shed, it is potent :lol::lol:

    Hi Toni, so you have had a hair do as well, aren't we all looking the bee's knees :) Very smart.

    I guessed Rev Delphine would locate the missing chorister - ooops. :? :lol::lol:

    Yes, that cake, splat indeed, don't worry we will clean up the mess

    You are very supportive to your neighbour, visiting and spending quality time with her and allowing hubby to have some time for himself, to do things he needs to etc.
    Some relatives are wonderful, some like to complain about everything, all the time, every visit, some don't give you the time of day, you get all all sorts of treatment, from sincere gratitude, to downright rudeness. It was all in a days work.

    Glad you were there when you had to catch the person who fainted.

    As long as there is no queasiness, that is fine. I was tizzicky on Lock Ness and it was like a mill pond :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:

    Ah, so Silver has turned the spid--s into bunnies, every time we pass by, wonderful, that's fine by me, just remind me not to pick one up and cuddle it :shock: :o :?

    I am glad Lucy is so on board with Sleek and Pepe and all the other puskins, who are a tour de force with their magic and power for the greater good.
    Niamh is excited to hear about their adventures. Shall we write a book, lol.

    The mist on Pendle was thick as could be. Pepe went up and gathered some, he has hidden it in the moss in the ravine, to keep the magic in it.

    The weather, well, we are off to Skipton today, with Dad following us to return his car to the dealer. We have snow warnings and although it is only 16 miles, there can be three totally different areas of weather, between here and there. From rain here, to snow a couple of miles away and even more snow in Skipton and vice versa.
    We will have to play it by ear. Fingers crossed. Then we are going to the funeral directors to pay for Mum's funeral and also Dad to pay for his own funeral in advance, he feels he wants to do that and will be more settled.

    After all that we will need reviving in Nero's with coffee, cakes and toasties.

    The Crui-- was nearly out of the bag, with Mrs Darcey saying she had seen a boat, with a lot of peeples. Phew, close call.

    I would be right there with you, to see the housing boss, who is responsible for keeping Joan and Sue comfortable in their home, ie, with HEATING. Barbara will come along too and Carol.

    Hi Carol, glad you had a lovely meal with your daughter and that metal micky is working as it should. Long may it continue.

    10 days now and counting, we are all getting excited for you. Presents bought and now a new outfit is in order for your Birthday, and rightly so too.

    Ah, the magic sparkles are working, Mr T has worn his hearing aids, boy these little bits of magic do their job so well.

    Let's hope that the weigh in today, goes well and I am sure you will be close to target.

    Right, I must away, we are early doors this morning, up at 8, which is the middle of the night for us..............

    Love to everyone, in around and about. Take care in the bad weather, let's hope we don't get a lot of snow.

    XXXX Aidan

    all day breakfast, (veggie sausages)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,238
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara thank you for the thinking about us I feel better now. I hope you have a good day with now snow.
    Carol I'm pleased you enjoyed the meal have a good day how is the metal object behaving. I hope you don't have any snow.
    Toni how long away is the cruise. I hope you don't have any snow
    Aidan i'm sorry you don't feel well you need a rest take care. I hope you don't have any snow.
    thank you for thinking about us
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan, my Vascie friends all call Rituximab/Truxima 'Unicorn Juice' :D

    Rant time! Has anyone ever shopped at Edinburgh Woollen Mill online? I put some items in my wish list, then tried to put them in my bag to go through the checkout. There were no items in my basket, so I can't buy them. fed up. EWM was my favourite shop when we had a local branch.

    Apart from being freezing cold and windy, it's very sunny/

    tcold cfly m0150 tcold cfly m0150 tcold cfly m0150 cfly tcold

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all horrible weather... cfly
    Kath sorry I cant help we have the same shop at our GC so go there ..hope you can solve it :)
    Joan we do all care for one another and you are very welcome I hope you feel a little better today..I always eat live yogurt to put the good bugs back..
    Aiden I will tell Niamh that the broomstick are in the cupboard till the weather gets better..she did ask do they live in the same not yet but maybe one day :lol: hope the weather was fit for Skipton today..then the car is off dads hands and all is settle with the undertakers..good on dad for thinking like that..all day breakfast was good but I am stuffed..talking of relatives when you were nursing..I remember one creating ..saying I am a nurse so I demand my mum be moved to a side ward ..and on it went till the sister came..she put her in her place..
    Toni you are kind to visit your neighbour like you say not all relatives are caring..her poor hubby must be so Paul doesn't mind us coming on the cruise bless him ..does he know what he is letting himself in for :lol:
    Carol not long then now you get away...the older GC do like money especially with all the sales being on..hope you find a lovely dress for your Birthday meal.. :D good luck with SW...
    We have had 3 phone calls today form a local num apparently they buy them.. :shock: telling us to press one to update out be aware please
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx t4591