Have knee strengthening exercises helped you with knee giving way and locking

Do any strengthening exercises actually help with knees giving way and locking these are my biggest fears do the exercises actually help or not thanks


  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131

    you would need a physio to answer that who can look at how you move and how much muscle you have around joints.

  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131

    also why do your knees give way? why do they lock? arthritis does not automatically mean those things happen- most people with arthritis they don't do that. what does the knee consultant say about why?

  • Blueskyday68
    Blueskyday68 Member Posts: 95
    edited 16. Nov 2021, 12:41

    I have seen a physio and he gave me exercises to do which I do every day my knees haven't locked or giving way yet this is just a worry I have my knee consultant told me to learn to trust my knees and to keep moving and exercising

  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131

    well your consultant and physio are right. keep doing the prescribed exercises and there is no reason your legs will lock or give way. if you stop exercising or stop moving they will become weak

  • Thank you so much you have put my mind at rest

  • But when I read some forums people put that their needs have given way and locked is this true or is it to do with their muscles being week thanks

  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131

    locking is not necessarily arthritis- mine locks - it is because I have torn meniscus inside my knee. It is very obvious and no mistaking- it is not arthritis causing that. giving way is often down to things like semi dislocating knee cap (which I have too) it is again easily picked up by examining doctor- and if he has not said you have it then they aren't going to give way.

    general arthritis is best managed by keeping slim and doing the exercise you have been advised to do. Your consultant and physio have both told you to do the exercises and that really is the best thing to do. no reason at all why your knees should lock or semi dislocate as they have not found that wrong with them

  • Blueskyday68
    Blueskyday68 Member Posts: 95
    edited 16. Nov 2021, 20:59

    How can you tell if your kneecaps are stable when is my GP examines me he said my kneecaps were stiff how can you tell if you have stable kneecaps or not I appreciate all your advice

  • sunnyside2
    sunnyside2 Member Posts: 131
    edited 16. Nov 2021, 22:45

    because when the GP/consultants examined my knee cap it literally slides out. it is unmistakeable and very clear to a medical person

  • Blueskyday68
    Blueskyday68 Member Posts: 95
    edited 17. Nov 2021, 18:37

    Thank you very much for all your advice I hope you're feeling well and coping well take care