Christmas tips - can we get one a day?



  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 160

    Enlist the help of grandchildren. Often they are banned from 'making a mess' of their parents' designer efforts but I am grateful for slightly crooked stamps on envelopes, a cheerfully adorned tree, lopsided mince pies and a garishly-decorated cake. The children are delighted with their own efforts and are a great help with setting tables, clearing up etc. plus their parents are relieved to be able to do their own thing in their own homes.

    As a bonus I will still be smiling every day that I leave things on show after the youngsters have left!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Great idea @crinkly parents who want beautiful trees don't have to have their youngsters efforts spoiling the affect!


  • ToneBlues
    ToneBlues Member Posts: 94

    Don't forget that you can feed kitchen scraps and some leftovers from Christmas feasting to birds and other wildlife in your garden. In particular can put out scraps of cheese, mince pies, Christmas cake and roast potato.

    Leftover cooked peas, sweetcorn, carrots, sprouts, cabbage and courgette are also appreciated. Don't however put out food that has been salted/seasoned or food that has become mouldy.

    More information from the RSPB here and Bird Spot here

    image credit @ToneBlues

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 9. Dec 2021, 06:17

    BEST TIP has to be surely:

    Start early and pace yourself!

  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075

    We have lived in this house for a few years now so we have a routine for who puts up what and where. It means the decorations are always in the same place but I rather like that and it is so much easier - we also have a tin which houses all the extra bits and bobs you need, drawing pins, blue tak, string, ribbon so we don't get frustrated looking for things last minute


  • wazz42
    wazz42 Member Posts: 233

    I used to buy bauble hook thingy's that were plastic and broke as soon as you looked at them but not I have a store of large paper clips. OH twists them so they are open with a hook at either end. They go on baubles easily and you can 'fold over' the relevant hook so they can't come off. They hook on and off the tree with ease and can be used for years!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I like that Wazz better for the environment too I hate plastic!