Val's Cafe



  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    All done 'Kitty' 😊

    Suits your avatar too!

    Best wishes


  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Thank you Ellen. I love it.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone another rainy mild day here in Staffordshire 🙄

    Oooh there's a bit of excitement! Kathleen T is now Kitty formally.

    Mike that food sounded dreadful and your sisters downright dangerous😶 I am very unimpressed with that company. You must have both been so disappointed and Vixen too. Oddly enough my puss doesn't like cooked meats although my last cat Eric (Eric Catona) used to wail for his share.

    Cat sick is lethal when you tread on it 🤢 gosh you have my sympathy. If it's easy enough a photo of your WW2 pilot and his dog would be lovely. That didn't take you long at all!

    Morning Joan yes what is wrong with Boris? Every other country is imposing some sort of restriction, but he seems scared....maybe of his own party as they are voting against restrictions??? If the figures still stay high maybe he'll do something after new year I imagine he also didn't want to let hospitality down again maybe.

    Hope you and Sue are doing ok? and the carers ((())) xxx

    Reshmi yes tubigrip is like a sort of compression/support bandage won't do much but I hope remind me not to overbend the knee. It's stretchy and like a sock without feet you pull it on. Odd how a knee playing up more that usual can be really uncomfortable.

    I hope House Vesuvius stays pretty dormant just little spits of 🌋 lava!

    People can be lazy with their exercises. Then of course the pain is likely to come back especially if they continue to do what sets it off in the first place. I've had a look at this and am going to give it a go:

    Especially on days like today when it might be too wet to walk.

    Yes we have Netflix thank goodness or I'd be in real trouble. Yes telly shouldn't set necks off at least!!

    Your poor sister having to read all the books to Lord A! Mind you it's far better than cartoons. He might just have a good brain there...keep your tape measure handy I think for his own protection! Very quickly check whether yours expands when you recite all your nursery rhymes to him😉

    Kitty, (who is now known as Kitty to everyone!) I am the same with Corrie sick to the back teeth of the Abi/Kelly saga let it lie now writers please we've all had enough!! Kelly isn't nice, but she didn't kill Seb. It could even be her chance to reform.

    When can you have your cataracts done? Or are you hanging on until after COVID settles a bit. would definitely wait until Omicron is done because it is so transmissible. My friend has it now (manages a home for people with LD) and my niece has just been 'released' from her isolation.

    Madame La Sleekipuss has brought some cat worming tablets, but i would think twice about taking them Bob Martin indeed! What is she like. There is plenty of ton-ock left and i think you should eat what your body wants just now for safety.

    Those muffins look gorgeous😋 thank you😊

    When I was a child they used to have black and white films on telly on a sunday afternoon I used to love them. Doris day et al they are more atmospheric. I googled 'Dangerous crossing' it looks good. What channel was it on?

    Right will just post our Breakfast and send love to Barbara and any visitors we get I am about to have a migraine aura

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) do you like kit kat chocolate bars. I'm pleased you feel better ((())) love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Val ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) have a good day and Mr B ((())) and your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your Niece ((())) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) have a good day (((())) love to everyone ((()))

    Reshmi ((())) yes we had a good Christmas thank you love to your mum ((()))

    Mike ((())) have a good day and vixen

    love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Joan, yes I love a kit Kat or three, and twice and practically evert thing smothered in chocolate.

    Antoinette, I shall hold fire on the bob martins for now, and as for eating everything, consider it done. I love bread with everything.

    Love to Joan, Barbara, Carol, Mike, and of course my dear Antoinette.


    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni how are you today? thanks for the information about t grip, I really liked those some stretching exercises by the way thanks for that, I think I might even buy a step box so I can exercise the knees a bit at home as you said British weather was extremely unreliable here isn’t it? Trying again to keep this short and sweet, did indeed feel very sluggish in the morning I know it’s something that happens to all of us at least some of the time but that stretching exercise video really helped me, often think of when I used to go to dance aerobics before lockdown it helped so much with stiffness even though I wasn’t very good at it I’m not athletic and felt it exhausting at the time, I see what you mean Toni but I don’t think it is that obvious because I was talking about some people have other physical pain problems like sciatica et cetera and of course I’m no doctor or anything like that, I’m just saying that medication has a big part to play as well not purely physio anyway just thought I’d make that point and leave it there. LA has a great brain indeed but not scatty so maybe he is the exception that proves the rule or something like that, lol. Im Stopping this message here because I can feel my neck complaining bye for now take care Toni. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Joan, I’m glad that you and Sue had a nice Christmas thanks about my mum she’s feeling a lot better now just has to do eyedrops twice a day I think it is. I’m going now before my neck starts playing up take care have a nice afternoon. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Barbara and Kathleen Hope you’re well? take care Reshmi. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Hello all its a lovely day here..just like spring

    Toni I agree about corrie I love the old ones un the afternoon the writing was excellent..they drag the story's on and on now

    Hope your knee isn't yo painful ..mine is fine at the min ..its the one they thought I had a dvt in ..xx

    Crinkly what difference its made to be able to see family at Christmas ,especially has they live abroad..and hopefully your garden will be ready fir spring xx

    Joan my knee is good thankyou just have to be careful with it love to all of you xx

    Reshmi hope everyone is doing ok ..have you now finished with family celebrations xx

    Kitty I love it and it's now official..xx

    Mike I'm so sorry yours and your sisters dinner were ruined ...many bought turkeys that were rancid ..what on earth is going on xx

    Hope Toady pops in again .

    Love to all


  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hello everyone and

    Hello barbara .. you called..? 😉 😊

    what miserable weather :( I have come in for tea. Or probably coffee, now I've bought all this tea. Glad we've got some nice cafe teapots! I've had the same one for years & long overdue a new one. I freely admit re the nice tea, Toni, that 90% of this sort of purchase is because of the packaging - if everything came in the same plain packet, I'd probably buy different things entirely. And I know it makes me a sucker, or mug might be more apt hah, but still do it anyway - we all do to an extent I suppose. Though I'm good when it comes to value for money, I don't buy things like overpackaged chocolate eggs etc.

    Not much going on with me, I am trying to do some methodical tidying every day, garage, utility, kitchen, & so on. After Christmas I always want to start clearing the decks even though it's not xmas's fault that things are untidy, it's just that the added letters & post & lists are the last straw. I definitely want to tidy all my gardening stuff properly - oh for a greenhouse, I do envy Crinkly. I hate the cold but the chance to do a bit of planting under cover would be nice. Though I have mustered a cold frame for the first time ever this year, and also put in some bulbs, so that's something. The clematis is a 'Wisley Cream' btw. 🌿 (This is another of my failings, I always buy more plants seeds etc than I'm ready for, then get behind & slightly harassed.)

    Agree with all who complain about lack of good TV, I do think they could have made an effort to put on much more cheerful programming especially back in early lockdown days, but it was just the same old grim stuff, especially horrible crime documentaries, or else it's the war, who wants it? I do watch the Talking Pictures channel now & again.. or else make do with iPlayer & some Doctor Who or something. Or the radio.

    Hope everyone is as well as poss - when you say chris is on a cruise Toni, is this applerose as was (or still is)?

    Love to all, & I'm off to warm up a mince pie xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 29. Dec 2021, 20:26

    actually while I'm here can I have a quick moan.. some of the tea-buying was for a present for someone, to give me plenty of choice, knowing what was left didn't matter, I'd use.. enjoyed myself choosing things.. in the end so many things have arrived creased or bashed in some way because of not very good packing, or were wrong, or not as shown, that it took most of the fun out of it. 🙄 And the same across other xmas shopping. I do miss going to the shops myself and choosing things but I also like online shopping, IF people could only pack properly. And in a lot of cases just don't care. (I don't mean places like Amazon, I don't expect miracles off big retailers like that). Bah.

    Anyway grumble over, not the end of the world and buying online has been literally lifesaving in lockdown, groceries &c, and I'm very grateful, but... it's so disappointing when you're waiting for the post & get yet another tatty parcel. 😕

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Barbara thanks for your nice message how are you this evening ? I’m glad the weather was good for you here it was rainy and is not really a great day weatherwise to be honest I didn’t even venture outside I was planning to bake a healthy cake but then I realised all my ingredients haven’t been delivered yet so I didn’t do much really felt a bit sluggish but the stretching exercises that T mentioned helped me and eventually I got some more sleep I felt woke up full of energy at 6 pm oh dear, more family celebrations planned for New Year’s Day unfortunately have a good evening take care. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone!

    Well it is very mild out there showed 12 degrees here on the village at 4.30am 13 in town by the time I had dropped Lucy off at work.

    Oh I am glad you enjoyed those exercises Reshmi I had a bit of a go too It just makes you feel better doing something don't you think? Absolutely we must take our meds without them things could go rapidly downhill sadly, but walking stretching etc are good too. Especially with mechanical issues a lot of people panic when they are in pain and it can make things worse stopping moving at all. What i like about the video is they are physio led and just right for those of us who have arthritis😊

    With regards to Lord A and his brain-size. Maybe when a brainy person is still only young he/she does not yet show signs of lack of common sense. I suspect it's only later on, when the brains get seriously overdeveloped, that scattiness traits emerge? Just watch him he sounds bright!

    How is the mountain doing - any lava? None here all peaceful just how i like it🤗

    Well hello Toady nice to see you again responding to Barbara's call I see!

    How clever they are marketing things so beautifully - clearly it works doesn't it I don't blame you I am a sucker too. How I long for the days when we could browse🙄It's all online for me now apart from the odd 90mile an hour (yeah!!!!) dash into tesco ehn lucy is on a 6am shift. That works as i am alone with the pickers and get in and out in 10 minutes for emergency rations. Usually fruit and bread.

    Not good your boxes were bashed - in fact that's bad so can't be given as presents😠 Might be the courier so maybe the seller needs feedback from you?

    The Chris I mentioned is catlady not applerose, but she is still around on facebook if you use it?

    To be fair all houses are a mess after Christmas - the cards which looked so pretty when we put them up now look like clutter🙄 The 'bits' of paper, glitter etc...I am always glad to have a clear house again afterwards.

    I have a greenhouse but for some reason want a coldframe too how greedy am I?🤭If you can post pics we would love to see your garden especially before and after...

    Joan I have had a vegan kit kat it tasted exactly the same as normal ones! They go very well with a cup of tea I find ☺️ I hope you and Sue and the carers are all well ((())) xxx

    Kitty me duck. I also love kit kats but only the vegan ones. You must try them they are exactly the same to taste and there is a vegan topic now Paul and I went mad. Apparently a vegan bounty but I was never keen on them anyway.

    I am glad to hear you didn't try Sleek's worming tablets I had rather hoped not😉Bless her she always wants to help. Now you just eat whatever you like. When I lived down south every meal came with buttered bread. A 'slice' they called it!

    Barbara yes they do drag the storylines out now...they do them to death as Paul says! So Frustrating. I love the afternoon old ones too, but often miss them I quite like doing my ironing with it on😊

    Well I remember your knee that was really scary wasn't it? At least it wasn't a DVT, but I want to know where the loose bone went and if it will move again????

    I heard about the 'off' turkeys people got from respected supermarkets too. We clearly have distribution issues in this country atm. I think we miss the european drivers you know....

    It's been lovely seeing Toady and Crinkly too all we need now is a visit from Carol😁

    Hi to Mike and Vixen. All we have to do now is get New Year's Eve out of the way and life returns to 'normal' I say that being COVID normal. I am very worried about my daughter's wedding. Must forget it or I get stressed. XX

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Will do the photo dreckly! Have a good one.

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Morning luvvies. Rhe sun has just peeped out, so I:m 'appy.

    Barbara, yes I'm now officilly Kitty, Thanks to Antoinette for naming me. and the lovely Ellen for making me official. I never really liked Kathleen, and detested Kath. I hope nobody minds.😏

    Reshmi, I hope you have good day. ❤️

    Morning Toady, how are you?

    Antoinette ducky, a vegan KitKat, how lovely. When I went to NI (Cushendall) they called it a piece. As in "will you tek a piece" meaning would you like a sandwich/cake/cuppa or a full table spread with goodoies.

    Vegan butternut squash pie

    1 Hour 30 Minutes + Cooling Serves 6Easy

    This warming spiced pie is made with a vegan pie crust. It's just as good eaten the next day – leftovers make a great lunch with a dollop of mango chutney or extra harissa swirled into coconut yogurt

    By Anna Glover from Olive Magazine


    • vegetable oil 2 tbsp
    • onions 2, finely chopped
    • garlic 2 cloves, crushed
    • ginger thumb-sized piece, peeled and grated
    • cumin seeds 2 tsp
    • ground coriander 2 tsp
    • chickpeas 2 x 400g tins, drained and rinsed
    • butternut squash 1, deseeded and cut into 2cm cubes (700g prepared weight)
    • harissa 2 tbsp
    • vegetable stock 400ml
    • spinach 150g
    • steamed greens or salad to serve


    • plain flour 500g, plus extra for dusting
    • ground turmeric ½ tsp
    • vegan baking block 250g, cubed
    • plant milk 2 tbsp


    • STEP 1
    • For the pastry, whizz together the flour, turmeric, plant block and a pinch of fine sea salt in a food processor until the mixture looks like damp breadcrumbs. Add 3-4 tbsp of ice-cold water and pulse again until it comes together into a ball. Cover and chill.
    • STEP 2
    • Heat the oil in a deep frying pan over a medium heat and fry the onions for 10 minutes until soft. Stir in the garlic and ginger, and fry for another 2 minutes. Add the spices and toast for a few seconds until fragrant, then stir in the chickpeas, squash, harissa and stock. Cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes or until the squash is tender. Stir in the spinach, season well and cook for 5 minutes until the spinach has wilted and the sauce has thickened. Remove from the heat and leave to cool.
    • STEP 3
    • Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Cut off a third of the pastry and set aside. Roll out the remaining pastry on a lightly floured worksurface to the thickness of a £1 coin. Use it to line a 23cm springform tin, leaving the excess overhanging the rim. Spoon in the filling. Roll out the remaining pastry into a 23cm circle, then use a little of the plant milk to attach it to the pastry base. Crimp the edges to seal and trim any excess using a serrated knife. Brush with the remaining milk and cut a steam hole in the top. Bake for 40-50 minutes or until the pastry is golden and crisp, and the filling is piping hot throughout. Leave to cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then remove to a serving plate and cut into wedges.

    I hope I haven't used this before?!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty ((())) was your blood test alright now. Have a good day love to Chris ((())) and Anita ((())) and Emily ((())) and your Dad ((()))

    Barbara ((())) I bet Mr B (())) is pleased to have so many people there to help him ((())) not long till the 10'th now.

    Love to your son ((())) and Niamh ((())) and your brother ((())) and his girlfriend ((())) and your niece (()) and her fiancé ((()))

    Toni ((())) sorry about your knee (((())) is Lucy working at one of those drive in's. Love to Paul ((())) and Charley ((())) and Annie ((())) and the carers ((())) and Lucy ((())) and Tia ((())) and Kari ((())) and your lovely neighbours ((()))

    Toady ((())) have a good day

    Mike ((())) sorry about your meal love to vixen ((()))

    love to Carol ((()))

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi everybody hi Toni I am afraid that I did not charge my iPad last night but one positive is that instead of obsessively charging things et cetera I managed to go out for an early morning walk and have a sleep before the household became a bit too lava - happy, thanks for enquiring about the lava situation T, at the moment it’s not too bad but my mum has a doctors telephone appointment in the evening consultant just to check about her eyes so probably nothing to worry about will I really hope it’s nothing to worry about anyway also yesterday spent quite a while trying to send an email to my friend who only gets in touch once or twice a year but she has lots of family problems et cetera she is transgender she is a lawyer a lot of prejudice and even though I’m in neither of those categories I kind of like communicating with her because we don’t quite “fit in” as it were. Yes T, I agree definitely good to be doing something regarding stretches et cetera I just thought I’d mention when my knee was really bad I bought a compression bandage from a website called physio room it’s really good I’ve also recently bought a step box from the same company I was very impressed with the compression bandage I know of course people need different bandages at different stages of pain et cetera but I liked it quite a lot when my knee was a bit better but not fully better if that helps at all it’s worth checking out anyway I think. This mornings walk was good as I mentioned I almost went to the coffee stall you know Well I did actually did go there, what happened to some people were talking and talking and it was rainy and windy so I was kind of giving up on the idea of getting a cake or a tea or whatever and then a dog came right up to me and I got really scared and I went away basically so never mind like you said brain size waist-size, don’t overdo it, lol. Yes LA is indeed still in the early stages of brain development mind you he is not a modest baby guy to be honest with you he seems aware about his intellectual capacity already his dad asked him why is Peter Rabbit to such a good film ? how do you know you haven’t even seen it and the Lord’s reply was I know because I’m a GENIUS, his caps not mine, lol, I know I’ve not answered everything properly most likely but I’m going while I’m on this I’m in this high energy mood because I know it won’t last long take care everyone have a nice day might be back later. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone!

    I will wait patiently Mike I know you Cornish and your Drecklies😉 Thank you!

    Reshmi it is good to get out there and have a walk instead of getting on the IPAD yes very good. Even better to manage to avoid coffee/hot chocolate and even cake. That dog was sent to save you from yourself! Waist and brain size must always be the right size so thanks doggie even if you did scare our friend!

    Compression bandages do have their place I have to agree. I wouldn't wear one all the time (we need to use our muscles), but when you are in trouble if it keeps us moving then definitely. Did you order your step?! Wow! I might have to get one now I have a yoga mat and block to minimise the distance to the floor, but no step yet.

    Aha! It's good that Lord A has confidence in his abilities. It's when a child loses that confidence that he or she can lose faith in their ability to learn. Bless him maybe not quite a GENIUS but definitely very very bright bless him.

    How is House Vesuvius today? Ok I hope and that Mum's phone consultation went ok🤞 They will probably ask about her having the other eye done, but if she wants to wait until COVID settles that is a good thing.

    Joan thank you the knee is ok it's something not arthritis, but it's easing off now. Lucy does indeed work at a MacDonalds with a drive through. She usually hides in the kitchen, but has been in that window may times😁 How are you and Sue doing? ((())) xxx

    Ooooh! Kitty! that pie looks fab-u-lous!!!! I would love a 'piece' the recipe doesn't look 100% easy even though it says it is due to the pastry element which in my case can go wrong🤭 I can buy ready made vegan pastry anyway can't I? It doesn't look familiar so thank you not a duplication😋

    I am very pleased you are a happy Kitty rather than an unhappy Kath or Kathleen. It suits you far better being part-cat yourself.

    In a minute I will go to Sainsbury's as they open and dash(!) in for some vegan butter, soya milk and now I have remembered a vegan kitkat!

    We had no sun at ALL yesterday maybe our drive over to the peak district Ashbourne (Starbucks coffee drive thru) was a mistake what if it was sunny here😐️

    Love to Barbara who will probably pop by again. Hope all is well with the family especially your eldest boy and your brother.

    Try calling Toady again see if it works!

    Savoury pancakes

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day I hope your pain is not too bad ((())) love to Chris (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily ((())) and your Dad (())

    Toni (()) have a good day will you stay up for the new year. love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day all of you (())

    Barbara ((()) I hope you are all alright (())

    love to Carol (()) and Mike and vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Morning all ..yes its me so early

    Toni yes you try and forget the wedding what will be and all that easy for me to say ..sure akk will ge ok

    Our eldest son is much better ..nor 100 % tho but getting there thabkyou ..I totally agree about walking..I would go off with my little doggie..makes you feel so much better ..I can't wait for Mtr B to walking again..😁hope all is well at yours xx

    Toady yes I called..😅 I feel like I should spring clean ..we have so many bags for the tip ..some of the parcel ate delivered in an awful state company that I had better not mention 😒I'm ashamed to say I have lots of bulbs still wating to be planted us it to late I wonder xx

    Joan thankyou ..Guess what I got some lovely t towels for Christmas with your little doggies on . I will post a pic xx

    Kitty sorry I gave been calling you Kath all this time..Kathleen us mych nicer..and Kitty xx

    Reshmi glad you managed a good sleep ..I need to get rid of all the cjocakye we have.. some bought by us for presents but covid put a stop to them coming have a good day xx

    Mike can't wait to see the photos ..xx

    Love to all and I hope next year will be much better xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    My new tea towels off our middle gd x

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Won’t be in today, Asda is coming - eventually!

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 31. Dec 2021, 13:37

    Hello all - finally some sunshine! 🌞 after days of being dark as a sack (one for the Cornwall contingent - half my family being from there); so nice to see daylight!

    Garden pictures Toni, ooh be careful what you ask for. There is v. little going on at the moment actually, unfortunately I have major reworking to do before there will be much in the way of 'after' pictures - this is thanks to my miserable 'dear' neighbours as I had to cave in and have new fences and my beautiful trees chopped back on their side (very very long and unhappy saga). I know people are entitled not to have things growing over the boundary but didn't anticipate it being such an issue or would have started off new trees long ago, further in from the fence. I'm halfway through hedge planting but won't get my nice thick growth back overnight, or the privacy of a good barrier between us. Ugh, people. Luck of the draw of course, I could happen to live by easygoing wildlife loving types, but everyone round here is all cars/gravel/sterile patios. 😕 SO for now it will be selected small projects. First pic is my spring planting pots, showing some shoots - what should come up in the big one is tulips, allium roseum, ranunculus, some euphorbia corallioides, and geum. We'll see. The middle pic is my half-started brick edging from last year; the garden slopes down, so I decided to make it 2 levels & see if it works - there is now creeping thyme growing in the bricks which is why I used ones with holes for that section. And just a few of my this year's tomatoes to remind me of summer.

    The bad packaging is not the couriers' fault really, it's the sellers themselves - couriers tell you to fill empty space & make sure things can't move about but people rarely do. I did get an item refunded and told to keep it, so that reduces my tea bill a bit. 😄 (Actually a customer service 'bot' handled that and it was better cs than any I've had from a person lately, so if that's the future of 'AI', then jolly good!)

    I had a parcel this morning from a relative that was returned to them for being 1 digit out in the house number; would you believe the odd numbers are miles from the evens here, so no-one up there would know me. So I've been worried over xmas that I hadn't heard ( I could have got in touch but we usually just email & I hadn't had a reply to my last one of those either & we don't phone; stepfamily & all a bit delicate).

    Will comment on others' news when I'm in next and have stopped talking about myself for a minute. Cup of Keemun Congou anyone? xx

    Short version for Barbara; the sun is shining, my garden is a mess and I hate all my neighbours, but my bulbs are growing so Spring is round the corner (if it was me I might plant yours anyway, otherwise would you have to store them til next year?); I like your teatowels (jaunty pompoms!); and I was refunded for 1 damaged tea box & told I could keep it, so kettle on. All the best to your family.🤞 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 31. Dec 2021, 14:16

    Hi all, hi T an extremely concise and condensed succinct kind of message today at least that’s what Reshmi is aiming for but as we know aims do not always become reality especially for myself, lol. Hi Toni compression bandages are definitely good but I don’t wear them all the time either just wore it when I needed it, did buy the step already I had a gift voucher that covered some of the price which was handy. Nice looking t towels Barbara. Yes good that LA is confident to be honest he is the most confident person I’ve ever met child or otherwise, lol. Dog did indeed save me from myself though to be honest I did have a evil cake today from the bakery that’s not something I do all the time, stomachs not great right now but I think it was not the cake so much but basically I had nuts and some kind of rubbish for lunch because kitchen entry was an issue due to my mum and dads cooking preparation for Royal excess family visit tomorrow. I do think though that the physio room compression bandage was superior to the standard one I found in Boots. T, tomorrow I have to avoid ice cream sorbet Indian desserts the list goes on I really find this frustrating when no one appreciates my efforts to try and eat healthily anyway I won’t rant, lol. I am on the verge of sleep here so I’ll leave it for now I may write again later but not sure yet wish I could have an excess family free New Year’s Day to be honest but that doesn’t seem to be on the cards. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi everyone I’m back again quickly I tried need to rest, but it didn’t according to plan, nothing new there, lol. That’s a shame Barbara that they stopped coming round with presents those tea towels were really cute though hope they arrive soon. Thanks Toni for asking about my mum‘s appointment, you’re absolutely right it was a checkup everything is okay apart from the other eye which will be operated on for cataracts in eight weeks time. Public warning this is a very public voice control session so I cannot really say what I want to, Family censors are here multitudes, or so it seems tomorrow is the excess family visit and to be honest I’m dreading it my stomach is not okay so I’ll just have the pleasure of denying myself food and waiting for it to be over, it will be of course lovely to see the two little ones but when I’m not feeling well it’s hard to be positive as I guess is the case with us all. I just went to one shop very quickly in the morning but there was a person without a mask and he was served which is understandable, it’s just that it makes me frustrated when people don’t take the mask - wearing seriously, when I was walking I did a bit of discreet arm physio because I was getting a bit stiff well it was fairly discreet I mean it just arm physio the thing is you never know how people react anyway I’m beyond caring about these things at the moment as Toni said we just need to keep moving and flexible as much as we can. Barbara we do indeed need a rest with all the aches and pains we have, it’s a shame that all the family members don’t really always understand that I can say no more family censor alert 😳, lol. Vegan KitKat I didn’t know they did those that sounds nice Toni. Hi Joan, how are you and Sue today? You know Toni to be honest I don’t really mind of there’s sun or not as long as it’s not beating down on my back while I’m doing my walking, lol. The excess family cooking rituals are going on and my eyes hurt so much from the strong smells but these this problem isn’t affecting anyone else at the moment therefore it doesn’t exist according to the family censors, bye for now happy New Year’s Eve everyone take care. Xx (PS House- Versuvius has erupted 🔥. )