Val's Cafe
hi toady
glad you had a good morning for me it was a really horrible pain like a ligament tear or something like that perhaps didn’t last long but very disconcerting to put it mildly cold made it worse a lot worse cold of the early morning that is
High pollen count today my hand is already itching and I have to try some Sudocrem on it and I haven’t even been outside. You’re lucky you don’t have hay fever and those kind of allergies👍
I hope we don’t both don’t get blocked noses tonight, but then again this may be like hoping for the giant leech not to order sushi on “kangaroo” now is that the phlebotomist substitute leech or the brother-in-law? I’m getting confused myself ha ha
bfn tc xx
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Hi Toni
How are you today?
there is a nauseating smell of lamb drifting upstairs from the kitchen but other than that things are so not too bad thanks
very sharp shoulder pain first thing in the morning bit disconcerting
then one or two times it got bad during the day. I’ve noticed that cold seems to set it off.
aiming to have a total of three doses of painkillers today, leaving gaps of course
hopefully that should make a large difference.
im Also resting.
you’re right downstairs being better posture -wise
LA started stuffing his face on Easter eggs quite early on well that was to be expected really lol
mum said she’s going to phone the diabetic nurse about the blood sugar issue. Maybe another dosage needed or something like that. I hope they can sort things out for quickly
Dad is just being a monster really, but that’s nothing new
BR has got very excited about the garden shed keeps saying “shedge “ lol
so maybe he will be a Gardner when he grows up a kind of little miniature Toady aww
That’s it for now Toni, as I’m trying to keep message short and sweet for the sake of my shoulder
I’ve never been to Malvern and are you having a nice time? Looks nice in the pic
bye Toni tc xx
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Hi Joan
thanks for your nice message
my shoulder is aching at times but I’m ok
mum is ok atm thanks
Bye you both tc xx
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Ok so I won’t wait for cod, haddock or reptile lol
so good night to people in pain and people having good days
Family “enfer” awaits for me tomorrow
someone call Mephistopheles
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Hi all 👋 hello bosh, sorry I just missed you but glad you could sidle into the cafe earlier for a sitdown in among everything.. cooking smells & nasty twinges 😔.. & constant rearrangements of the easter bunny & family 😬🥕 hope your mum is coping with the on & off-ness without it upsetting her catering plans &c too much. Sorry the shoulder has been quite nasty, hope the painkillers are doing the trick and you can not need them if they have helped it settled down. Not nice, that sharp similar to ligament trouble type feeling, hope a night's sleep helps & you can get comfortable 🤞sorry about the itchy skin and hay fever effects too. I do appreciate not being affected in that way, yes it's very lucky I don't know anyone with hay fever really and without that reminder in front of you it's even easier to take it for granted, I still do I'm sure. Hope your mum gets on ok ringing the nurse, will she have to wait til Tues? Anyway hope the easter EF things go ok from here on. Nothing going on with me I should go to bed soon, I was later last night. The nice weather did bring out all the neighbours etc, first sighting of the year of DIY Dad in the wild 🙄 you forget in the winter what the summer will bring in that line, noise etc. It's not living near people I mind so much (well I do but has to be put up with), it's that they are never gardening or doing DIY nicely, only brooming things or scraping at things or cleaning & tidying. Would be more ok with someone making noise in the course of growing things or some interesting garden project. Shedge's are indeed very exciting, little BR - a shed and a hedge? what could be nicer 😀 🌼. Will say goodnight 👋 shall try to exert a bit of toad/goddess anti-blocked nose influence for us :) xx
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Morning Joan. Luckily the racing wasn't that good and Donnington is only an hour away from here. We were there early so got back at lunchtime and managed the afternoon outside😊 How are you both doing? I saw my lovely neighbours yesterday making the most of the weather. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I am so sorry your shoulder is still playing up - in fact sounds worse😕. I see you are being good and taking your painkillers regularly and resting. I think maybe a little heat might help it? But not so much that YOU get too hot. ((())) Very wise to post minimally until it eases right off.
I see you do have BIL after all🤨I hope your Mum feels ok today and doesn't feel the need to prepare a feast just for him🙄
Go on and rest you need to feel better for EF coming so you can enjoy those gorgeous nephews of yours. Huge ((())) xxx
Morning Toady. I know, I know things do drag us away from our gardens luckily Paul was bored and we came back fir lunchtime. It's bad enough going to Malvern on the last half decent day we have rain after today for a few days. I managed to get some of my veggie seedlings out under fleece. Hopefully they'll be ok no more ice. I also gave the village cart a bit of a start with a coat of cream paint. Paul is going to do the next coat today I can bones are not happy now.
Ah I see you dodged the call from the heating engineer. Right then, I would book your boiler service in for ASAP so there is less time to think about it. That's what I think anyway.
I love Malvern we can get there in an hour and half I expect similar to you. It's lovely so pretty. I often forget to take something! We leave a lot in the motorhome like deodorant, soap toothpaste etc so will just add soya milk bread vegan butter, coffee teabags, biccies, a bit of food and clean clothes. That's about it really Oh and of course MEDICATION!! That is the first thing to go in. I wish my pusskin would come with us. One day maybe she will.
I am very pleased to hear you found something to treat yourself on nosegay.😊Almost makes up for not selling that item.
You weren't meant to have the rose. It would have did anyway honestly I just know.
Have a good day make the most of the last dry day for a bit. Still being an optimist maybe it will only rain overnight on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 🙄
no eggs for me so we'll have a virtual one shall we.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) have a good day I don’t think you will be interrupted today people will be more interested in their Easter eggs. How his your new phone.
Barbara (()) have a good day and Mr B (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Have a nice time in Malvern. On TV to night a tribute to Paul O’Grady. That’s nice to know your lovely neighbours are getting on alright (()). Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your shoulder feels a bit better now (()) I hope the diabetic nurse helps your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi joan
how are you and Sue today?
shoulder is a lot better thanks
almost fully better 🙏
thanks about mum
bye tc xx
hi Toni
how are you?
shoulder is a lot better thanks almost fully better 👍
mums ok ty but stressed about EF etc
I think she’ll phone diabetic nurse on Tue
im v tired so bfn
happy Easter all
tc xx
👋 toady xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
half shed half hedge - I love it lol
am feeling a lot better thanks almost “normal” as it were lol
the EF well sans bill are driving in a toy taxi towards Reading
so I need to go and prepare myself
bfn tc xx
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Hi again toady
hope you’re having a nice Easter Sunday
thanks about my shoulder etc 🙏
I’m sending a kind of skeleton message as it were now lol
as the last thing I want is to re - awaken shoulder pain bear / wolf
I’ve written some things down to post later incl scary fairy tale by LA 😱
you seem v disciplined with choc, I have tendency to scoff, so I don’t buy big choc like eggs anyway
bfn tc xx
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Hi Toni
how are you today?
thanks v much for huge hugs
am feeling a lot better now thanks almost normal
but still being careful of course
LA goss etc def to follow
but just sending a tiny message atm
just wanted to say LA said I’m everybody’s big sis, even BR’s, elixir of youth I got from demon chemist must be working well then lol
hope you are having a restful day with your family
bfn Toni tc xx
ps aforementioned beauty product - now available at al fresco xx
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Hi all 😀 hope everyone having a nice Sunday
Frog I imagine has been in the garden, as have I.. mostly pottering and losing track of time 😊 always so much happier if I'm not aware what time it is, I never wear a watch unless I'm out. So what if you then overrun your lunch by a couple of hours (I was late up though). It was really nice weather actually because the wind dropped & was just warm enough without feeling you shouldn't be out in the midday sun. Glad you got some of your day back yesterday by dint of the racing being a bit dull, it's an ill wind 💨🚗 but I hope your bones aren't protesting too much after the work and the painting. Yes do pack your meds for tomorrow, at least you don't need to chill anything I assume if your timing is ok. Boilerman booked in 😕 I love the lalala emoji, perfect 😂. (He was very much of the no fuss about the easter hol just another day etc, on phone, I had to bite my lip whilst thinking 'doesn't mean some of us weren't having a quiet day Friday..). Have a lovely day at Malvern and I hope optimist-you is right that the rain will be over nights only 👍️ thank you about the rose, it's handy to have someone to tell me these little confucius-like 'not meant to be' words of wisdom 😄 as it's not my best feature. I will buy something else, which will be fab 👨🌾 😊 my wallflowers are out btw :) xx
Hello joan, nice day here today just pleasant not too hot, and quiet. Hope yours has been good too. The phone is fine, it's supposed to be the same as the other exactly but I keep thinking there are slight differences 🤔 maybe the operating system was on a different update or some settings, of course I can't check the old one now 🙄 should always write these things down in case you need to know, but I never do. Have a good new week :) xx
Hi bosh, nice to get updates live as they happen, the EF eta this morning and a downpayment so to speak on tales to follow 😄 hope all's going well at this stage 👍️ and glad to hear you feel a bit more like your old self today (your young self I should say of course, universal big sister 😀). Good luck to your mum for Tues if she does ring nurse. I've had a nice quiet day thanks, now just going to go & do some nosegay stuff. I haven't had much choc either, I think it's partly ingrained habit why I don't have a lot at once I have a sort of inbuilt mental limit of what is 'too much' but I would probably not physically want more than that anyway, so makes it easy, if I actually wanted more (of anything) I might not be disciplined who knows. I probably have something most days though. Hope there is not much being cooked that isn't your sort of thing but bil is not there to press desserts on people as yet, that's something 😉 see you next visit :) xx
Love to Kitty, Barbara and anyone we haven't seen for a while 👋 xx
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Hi Toni And toady
its been quite the day
temperature is 22.5 degrees Celsius in this house
I’m hoping for a quick walk in heavy rain tomorrow
to keep me from sorrow
bill is coming so on fridge place a padlock
he’s more annoying than the eternal lost sock
i must retire to bed as BR’s cry is my alarm clock
hopefully will tell the fairy tale tomorrow or fairly soon anyway
bye tc xx
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It's raining slightly in beautiful Malvern bit definitely cosy in the motorhome.
Joan it's lovely here a quiet pub on site beautiful showers individual ones. I use ours just had a nose!! Hope you had a good Easter Sunday. Take care both ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you today? Fully recovered l hope🤞
I bet your Mum is on top form ready for the guests. Is the pDlock on the fridge door enough I 🤔 You may want to consider adding infra red beams too 😀
How absolutely adorable is LA everyone's big sister! There is no better compliment than that. Big sisters are wonderful the 👌 best ever. Always on your side always there for advice and a hug.
Hope you slept OK and have no dpu t at all that The Alarm (BR) has Already awoken you!
Please pass the youth elixir when you have time.
Fairy story when your ready yes please!
Morning Toady.
Funnily enough I am in a spot of bother with my shoulder. I got Paul to paint a second coat before we left for here but think it needs a third really🙄
We have a fridge and freezer so potentially could chill stuff but it's not needed here atm for that Just soya milk and vegan butter.....and fooood!
I also forget to eat and the time outside! Unfortunately the church clock no longer chimes (that bit is broken) so I can't count them anymore!
Well done booking your boiler service in👍takes all sorts doesn't it🙄
It is raining a bit. Not too much though so I'm not worried. It's a lovely site with a small quiet pub run by some hippy looking people so vegan food! Will come again for sure👍
Your wallflowers are out! I can smell them from here😊🌷🌷🌷
Have a good Bank Holiday.
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Have a good Easter Monday everyone
Kitty (()) thinking about you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) have a good day the days go so quick don’t they. We have rain here.
Barbara (()) thinking about you and your family take care. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) sorry you have pain in your shoulder (()) that’s good you are enjoying Malvern. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day. That’s good your pains have calmed down love to your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi everyone
23.1 degrees in here 🥵🥵
more later x
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Hi Toni
how are you?
I must admit I’m feeling v much out of my comfort zone
the heating is really in blazing furnace mode
i think poor mum is probably making biryani for spoilt brat bill after all
she started with the frying etc first thing this morning 🥵
BR was a considerate alarm bless him
i was awake before little BR so that’s one good thing
LA said big bad wolf 🐺
eats Red Riding Hood’d Granny at start of story and she was v tasty or something like that lol
but then the fortunate granny somehow emerges from wolf’s stomach and all is well 😂
how that transpired I dared not enquire, wolf had a Caesarian - section? I felt it wasn’t my place to ask haha
LA also told me that Peppa Pig lives on same street as him, she resides at number 20 apparently
A second LA - ism, well almost, a second LA story, let’s say, he told me that sometimes he asks his mummy not to read him the scary fairy tales from the book, ie the stories about witches (even though they’re “extinct”? Lol) and wolves, just in case little bro BR gets scared - he never gets scared of course, he’s a really big 4 year old boy now and when he’s 6 years old he’ll be an “adulk” so he told me, “just in case BR gets scared” I like that, a bit of innocent Pinocchio syndrome going on there I believe lol
Bill is arriving any minute now really to eat his massive lunch 😱
If he’s running slightly late, it’s just because he’s taking the bin bags full of takeaway boxes to the dump, as they’re so many now they won’t even fit in the house or garden “shedge” for that matter, as BR likes to call it lol.
My shoulder was mostly good this morning thanks Toni
but got a bit stiff when I was just trying to get a bit of sleep after walk, I didn’t position badly for long at all, then it improved until a cold blast of air from kitchen window affected it badly, so whatever’s going on with shoulder is ok generally but not fully gone, I’m trying to keep away from the cold.👍
Infa -red beams now that’s a great idea lol
I will indeed pass the elixir lol
im glad you’re enjoying being in Malvern
BR is fascinated by “Mima’s Moom” as he calls my room lol, but we’ve managed to keep him out of it so far lol
LA is being quite naughty at times, he showed his magic trick of walking upstairs with eyes closed like a blind man !😱
I told him this was unsafe and not to repeat it but I don’t have mummy’s authority of course so I doubt he’ll listen
Ok I will have to stop there as the hour of the guest is almost upon us
how long is your holiday for?
bfn Toni tc xx
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im hiding from bill the unwanted guest 😱
bfn xx
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This is us when we were at school
take care
joan xx3 -
Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
what lovely pics of you both as young girls 👍
I always like looking at old pics
I have one of my mum as a young woman with blue seventies eyeshadow and matching sari , she always says, “I’m too old to wear those colours now”. but I think she’d look nice.
mums b sugar is ok today thanks
my shoulder is acting up a bit in cold breeze but a lot better than 2 days ago thanks
I haven’t had quite enough sleep yet due to the littleys
but otherwise I’m ok thanks
bye and tc xxx
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Hi again toady
how are you?
im afraid I’ve resorted to “the hard stuff” aka glucozade lol as inadequate sleep makes for a v grumpy mima not to mention stressed out 😰
I hope you’re enjoying the weather I certainly am not
morning walk was rainy and nasty anyway
how is nosegay doing?
bfn tc xx
ps pic is some unwanted guests bill plus kangaroo delivery driver maybe? Xx
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Hi all 😊 not a bad day, but boy, the wind does not give up easily 💨 would be glad if it would pack it in now 🙄.
Glad it was only lightish rain for you frog if it stayed that way and definitely hope that it wasn't blowing you all to bits especially being highish - though if you were in the vegan cafe (sounds v nice) I daresay you could turn a deaf ear to most of it 👍️. Have a good rest of mini trip and a good drive back. The site sounds very nicely appointed 😊 always good to find out things like that and know you'd go again. Bit iffy here as mentioned so no garden, just poking about indoors. Huge wasp in here again yesterday (nearly typed that as Hugo wasp, no we didn't get onto first name terms 😂 too keen to get him out, for both our benefits! Hope 2 recently does not signify they are coming from anywhere indoors as I'm not sure where they did materialise from 🤔. Probably just waking up & on the move generally. Sorry the shoulder is definitely giving you trouble 😕 temporary painter's gyp I hope. Have a nice evening :) xx
Hello joan, what absolutely lovely pics 😊 what pretty little faces and nice dresses; are you on the left & you're right handed & Sue is left? You have probably said so before sorry. Thank you for posting them 😊. Hope you are having a nice day, it is rather blowy & noisy but sounds like not as much as rain as you have there. Doesn't feel like a Monday I had to think twice to take the right pills. More sun soon I hope 🌞 may have to wait til week after this one.. Have a good evening :) xx
Hi bosh, gosh those temps! No wonder you have had to resort to the hard stuff. I think it's about 15 here 🤨 no wonder I can't get my seedlings to germinate indoors. But no I wouldn't like it that warm & stuffy, poor you, a previous neighbour had theirs very warm but also never any ventilation much - they had dishes of very scenty pot pourri out and if you were even only in there for 10 mins, when you came home you could taste it on your teeth 😬 horrible. Always thought it can't be good for your lungs. The weather outdoors doesn't suit me today either, no. Hope the biryani cooking has peaked & going down the other side, especially as it was for others' benefit 😕🙄 poor mum. Not surprised you're grumpy 😣 hang on it will be over soon 😬 and pass into history & legend like a scary story 📖 yes v kind of LA to think of little bro's and make sure no story is too scary 😉. Nosegay, well I sold something for a fiver yesterday 😂 so I'm afraid I can't quite run to hand-decorated luxury easter eggs all round, the milky bars could be on me though 🤓 well unless they have rocketed in price too since I last looked. I have a nosegay question to go and deal with later (another 'will you take less for this..' person) so will have to scratch my head over that 🤔. Sending moral support type thoughts your way 👋 see you next time :) xx
Love & tea to all ☕️😘 xx
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Thank you Reshmi and Toady
I’m left handed I forgot to say. Have a good night everyone
take care
joan xx0 -
You’re welcome Joan
good night to you and Sue too xx
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Thanks toady
yes I can imagine too much pot pourri smelling unpleasant and horrible
my goodness LA is still going, Michelin tyre littley that he is!
Bill came, ate some biryani - seque fried rice then vanished - how very kind of him😡
peter rabbit cartoons at cinema tomorrow everyone is welcome 😂
a bit of an out of town place so no walking 😡
unless I squeeze in a quick constitutional tomorrow morning
I will assess the MV situation first
“love and tea” to you too toady good night tc xx
ps some psychedelic tea lol xx
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