Val's Cafe
Morning Joan how are you all doing? Thanks for asking my friend's little Yorkie made a full recovery and is 100% better. Apparently it could happen again but hopefully not paws crossed! How are your two? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you feeling this morning? I hope not quite as tired as yesterday?
Your Mum too I hope her sugar is good today. She is very sensible to record two week's worth of readings and discuss it with the nurse👍️
How did they do that with those tea cups in the pic? It's really pretty but I have no idea how they did it!
You overheated the house yourself?!!! Ah well at least it was the right temperature in your room🤭
Next time LA comes you adulks must take control but you won't because LA charms the lot of you!! Mini tyrant he really is. Your sister would laugh if she knew. I cannot believe Big Babu was allowing octopus cartoons on the TV!!!!!
I managed my walk late yesterday and only a quick one because Tia was showing her new business off at the market in town so we went along to support her.
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady how are you today? Well I hope? eating cakes I hope any chance you get? Sleek suggests milky coffees instead of normal ones. Just remember not to let her make them otherwise they will be fishy ones🤢 Put any normal person off eating full stop🤢
Never fear your tomatoes could easily catch up. I didn't think mine would ever grow their 'true leaves' but here they are sturdy and strong. I still have to clean the greenhouse out so they can move house into there. You got some delivered at least. What is all this 'vine' malarkey? So they weigh more therefore cost more??
I did some work on the village scarecrow yesterday and on my own so watch this space....well done you getting into the garage.
Curtains? Curtains you said? I am after curtains too. Are yours for spare 'oom? (bedknobs and broomsticks)
Thanks for asking; bro is doing really well his stamina is increasing and soon he will be able to do a full 8 hours at work instead of about 6.
Sorry about the parcel looks like refund or resend if you have more of missing item?🙄
Right super early walk for me today lots to do I think the weather might be better?
Have a good one😊
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Hi everyone
wppl xx
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Hello all 👋
Slight error in my post yesterday, I said it was a nice quiet day, well it was three quarters of a nice quiet day until the lavatory started dribbling water down the side of the cistern plink plink plink onto the floor 😣. Said it before and I'll say it again, there is No Such Thing as 5 minutes' peace. Assumed it was the washer so have ordered some in and prepared for bunging it in the second it hits the doormat - haven't got the energy to go to a hardware store today even if I wanted to. Thank heavens I had an isolating valve put on, can at least keep the mains water on & only turn it on/off for the WC as & when 🙄. Anyway what with that taking a chunk of today I will probably put boilerman off, there's a fine line between getting things over with and flogging yourself. So one of my classic silly days for me frog, no garage no garden, raining anyway so not much of a loss. Hope yours is going better than mine 😄 especially as yours began at 6.14, well before that presumably 😮. Vine tomatoes, I always just think of them as being a different type/ flavour but as to actual difference I suppose it's more to do with determinate-ness.. definitions seem to vary 🤔 "a group of tomatoes in which the fruit remains small and grows in long panicles" not really what I'd have said if you asked me. Anyway I've tended to assume they are priced more just for being 'premium/fancy', I am a bit of a sucker for that sort of marketing so have to watch myself 😳. I do have a 'finest' chocolate cake in fact so yes there will be cake when I can get my equilibrium back 😂. Glad bro is doing so well and hope everything else good with you :) xx Forgot to say curtains, yes possibly for spare room but anywhere really, wherever they go they won't technically fit any of my silly windows without so what's the odds 😂 I liked them, ticking sort of fabric. As far as lost ebay parcel goes I can't replace, but I meant to say, the buyer rung RM herself and was told I already had so thank goodness I got in first! Looks so much better. Probably will come to a refund (but it's somewhere of course.. 😕)
Quick wave to joan and bosh & everyone and will pop back in later if poss 😘 xx
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Good afternoon everyone
Kitty (()) have a good weekend how are your carers (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) some of the birds I see it our tree are so small. I hope the parcel is found. Have a good weekend.
Barbara (()) how are you and yours getting on (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) that’s good booking for your holiday the weeks go so quick. Have a good weekend Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your mum is having a good day (()) have a good weekend
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni 🌺
how are you?
im feeling ok - ish thanks
but it’s mxt day for me plus time of month so tbh have felt better
was feeling a bit odd these few days was slightly worried that stressed insecure type feeling was beginning of MH problem but now realise it was just time of month approaching so v relieved about that 👍👍
this morning walked too fast and wore snow boots instead of trainers so some nasty leg pain from me overdoing it etc but ok now thankfully 🙏
Mums b sugar was just about ok this morning she said thanks
i was feeling energetic first thing this morning thanks Toni so that was a relief for me at that time
Yes my mum is always sensible and careful bless her
Thanks, I thought the tea cup etc image was a painting? Unless I’m remembering it wrong lol
Well what I actually meant was the house temperature was ok but my room gets hot too easily because of layout and size so basically I got overheated in my own room as I was too tired to move lol 😂
True no one really knows how to handle LA lol well other than his parents (well even they aren’t getting it right 100 % of the time lol).
mum told him that there was a security camera -monitoring witch in al fresco, so he’d better not be too naughty - and this tactic actually worked! But if I mention witches he claims to be a non - believer- hmm interesting lol.
Poor BR I do feel sorry for him but a big cuddly P Pig toy was bought for him from aforementioned s market, LA told me he was going to take it, but I slightly sternly said no, that’s his brother’s and he listened- about time really
BR loves the pp toy and takes to bed with him even though it’s about the same size as he is aww ❤️
BB was scared of LA because he wouldn’t eat unless he got his own way
sorry Toni I’m stopping there I need to observe certain limitations when I’m this tired
hope you’re having a nice afternoon and that rain has eased
bye tc xx
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Hi toady 🐸
how are you today?
sorry to hear about your plumbing problem I must admit I didn’t read the whole post being “rather fatigued” to put it mildly lol, but I read the bit about water dripping from toilet cistern I hope it gets sorted out.
Ive injected mxt and have time of month issues to enjoy plus mum has really overheated house this time so I’ve been fresher and cooler but am trying my best to be “fair to middling” as they say lol
you know an odd thing happened gp surgery texted me asking what my MH lithium dose is - what?! They are asking ME - sorry for caps, it was one of the GPs who decided the dosage anyway - def curiouser and curiouser lol.
LA went clothes shopping with his mum etc all day - a fate worse that of giant leech’s Xmas dinner lol, mind you shopping centre had v nice kids area apparently and he got to play with big firemen’s pretend truck and wore toy fmans hat - alright for some.
yes choc is everywhere including the sofa my dad usually fiercely protects lol
it seems LA is trying to survive on a diet of choc and fish fingers atm rather odd really - I think he’s the only human that giant leech fears.
ok I’ll stop for now before I become a giant sleeping lump 💤
in front of why? - pad
bye for now toady tc xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
im tired but not too thanks
mum is ok thanks
i hope you both enjoy the weekend too
bye tc xx
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Hello again all ☕️☕️ definitely a 'two teas' sort of a day to steady my fraying nerves 😂
Lavatory still stable so am just in the lap of the fates, washer has been dispatched, if I get it by 1st class post tomorrow will be surprised but stranger things have happened.
You're excused from reading my post bosh 😄 after the cistern it was just 'mutter grumble something about tomatoes witter witter'. The surgery is asking you about your med dosages? 😬 lucky for them you're on the ball 🙄 a friend of mine kept having extra injectables delivered even though they told them they didn't need them, has a fridge of expensive meds now. You do wonder. Glad LA had some fun despite the dreaded clothes shopping 😱 choc on the sofa, oh dear lol, poor bil. Maybe LA would like to switch to fish fingers & custard (Doctor Who reference), custard being this week's 'special' round here owing to the excess milk 😂 mind you custard on the sofa, is that really any better 🤔. Glad you have got your temps about right today but sorry about some of your issues coinciding & ganging up on you, hope you have a good night as poss. Bye for now 👋 :) xx
Hello again to joan, what are the little birds, can you see.. maybe dunnocks or just sparrows.. too soon for chicks surely? Haven't heard anything about the parcel yet so probably won't over the weekend. Have a good Saturday, I will be spending it plumbing with a bit of luck 🤞if not at least it will be sunny I think :) xx
'Night all 😘 xx
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Morning Joan how are you this morning? Sue too is she doing ok? Are the dogs well too? Sleek has the vet next week for her check up and then the same day Lucy has an echocardiogram like Paul had because of her cancer treatment. Take care and I hope you have a good day. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi Hope you are ok post MTX and coping ok with TOTM. I used to get very 'despairing' just before the TOTM so I do understand and am very very glad it was 'only' that coming on. ((())) for you though for a tough few days ahead.
I am pleased to hear your Mum's blood sugar was ok yesterday she does do well. Not everyone does when they are diabetic.
It was a painting the cup picture! Well that explains it😳
I see, small rooms do heat up quicker that's why it's always colder in our living room I think when they are too warm they can make you quite drowsy.
No-one can parent right 100% of the time can they? LA is a very bright boy so bound to challenge you all. His mind is sharp enough to jump ahead most of the time. Hence him being a non-believer as far as you are concerned with regards to witches😉
Really he does believe but won't admit it. Your Mum's hidden camera though😁
BB was scared of LA I bet he wasn't sacred of you girls when you were little! Honestly! How is his tooth BTW? I have the dentist this morning so teeth are on my mind!
Awww a huge P pig cuddly for BR no way will he let LA have it. I think he will soon be able to stand up for himself and hopefully remember what Auntie Goddess Mima said. Love the earrings!!!! I actually want some🤭
Take care ((()))
PS BIL above as a cat!
Morning Toady. It was an early start for me yes usually is but early to bed too so fair enough.
How are you after yesterday's toilet troubles! Sounds like you had an iffy tum doesn't it?!! Shame there are no isolators on stomachs really🤔 I do hope your part arrives today.
Yes you do have interesting sized windows I remember you mentioning it before. Have you got (and if you do have one are you capable of using it?) a sewing machine to modify?
I need/want some for in here - some summer ones to brighten the room up.
Wasn't yesterday a wash out?🙄 no gardening for either of us. I made some progress with my own scarecrow and with the village one's outfit.
Well done checking with RM before the customer did. Yes a refund is the best you can offer. Shame for both of you really, but such is life. Remember my parcel which turned up how much later was it? about 6 weeks I think.
All well here dentist for myself and Lucy this morning so must get my brush and floss out ASAP.
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Hi everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you have a good day. You are doing so well (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I’m sorry you have a problem with the cistern (()) you seem to have one problem after another I’m sorry (()) last year I saw a fox walking along the roof opposite us. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) I hope you are alright. You have so many worries going on take care. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) yes we are well thank you. Good luck at the dentist and Lucy (()) your scarecrow is always good it takes a lot of hard work (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) you do so well doing the injections (()) love to your mum (()) have a good day.
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni
how are you?
I like the feline bill lol
Thanks, yes I’m also glad the upset type feeling was nothing more sinister
Is it just a check up at dentist? Or you’re having some problems with your teeth?
I hope appointment goes ok 👍
I’ve got hairdressers next week so no doubt I’ll get a conditioner related lecturer lol
i think I may need to take a catnap soon, sorry bill - nap lol
one good thing about LA’s departure is I can sleep in spare room if necessary 👍
Mums ok today thanks but dads going on about his sill it probs lol
he said something like “ the server isn’t serving Mr B - he’s also a mr B - I said no that’s my job and mums - we’re the perennial Mr B - servers - no day off” lol
bfn Toni really need get some shuteye - no cat / bill - eye - now look what you’ve started lol
tc Xx
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Hello everyone 😊 'turned out nice again' - well it has now, it was chilly this morning & then perked up no end.
No cistern washer for me in the post frog, no 🙄😔 so as I also couldn't face putting off the boilerman in the end (on the grounds that moving it further ahead doesn't get it over with) I will be doing the repair upstairs on Monday while he's boiler-tinkering downstairs, oh what fun. Yes I do wish we all had isolators, for all sorts 😂 it's always been my firm opinion we're very badly designed, imagine how much simpler to go out for the day & never need a 'ladies'. Hope you got on ok at the dentist and Lucy too, and Sleek & Lucy again tomorrow, does L wail all the way there to appointments like Sleek 😄 no, I'm sure not, but it would be understandable heaven knows. I had an involuntary outing myself to fetch cash for tomorrow, having established exactly how many of my 5 or 6 local-er shops have a cashpoint, ie precisely none - that includes the did have onces, the never dids, the do but out of orders 😣. So had to go into town, mentally checking off along the way all the places that have gone but I still expect to see there - police station fire station nice buildings & shops - I grow old, I grow old 😕. Curtains, well I do have a sewing machine & could in theory do some taking-up but prob not to top standard - anyway I haven't ruled out poles someday for the 'silly windows' (some have curtain tracks & have to have their curtains trailing over the sill) so it seems a shame to lop bits off things. Hope you find something nice yourself 😊. This sun today has been so welcome, have been pottering a bit, looks like a nice week ahead too 🤞can you reveal any scarecrow details or is that under wraps at the moment 🤫. Have a nice Sunday whatever you're doing :) xx
Hello joan, yes I have been having a run of troubles 😬 these things are sent to try us etc, surely one day all my taps and plumbing and boilers will all work all at the same time 😂. At least it has turned warm and sunny and it makes such a difference, I walked into town earlier wouldn't have liked that much last week. Fancy seeing Mr Fox on the roof! 🦊 you must have had to look twice to think what you were seeing I expect. All we have here is dog-walkers by the score. Have a nice Sunday :) xx
Love to bosh who may be having a catnap, hope it's a nice one no interruptions from persons looking for unpaid IT support staff 🤨 see you later mayhap :) xx
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Hi toady
how are things?
glad you’re enjoying the weather I haven’t been out today
sorry the cistern washer hasn’t arrived yet
fish fingers and custard dr who ref - I remember that actually both are great but not together lol, but LA’s dad bil will eat anything I’m pretty sure - unless the foods have “low - sugar/fat” etc in the description of course 😂
yes I attempted a catnap / dog - nap / Vulcan nap 💤
well you know what I mean anyway lol
in the cold room, less warm room using back cushions as my shield 🛡️
but I wasn’t quite comfortable enough to sleep unfortunately, still was nice to cool down a bit and rest thanks
it was actually BB/ big Babu/ dad who was worried about the sofa lol, he is obsessed with keeping the leather sofa clean and normally if he suspects someone has dropped even one drop of tea on it he’ll race upstairs to get mums costly and fragile hair dryer to try and rectify matters
I think it’s a good job LA bossed him about haha, it’s about time someone did.
the group was ok thanks but RR seems to have a bit of a “cod - complex” I’ll call it, so as not to offend lol, or perhaps more accurately a notorious bil(l) the rapper- type complex, to use your term, because he was talking about his ex - girlfriend’s female friend whom he ran into somewhere and he said that since she was 16 she was completely in love with him and only married recently when she realised that they were on different paths in life or something like that, but she somehow picked up the pieces of her heart and decided to “settle”, RR said he liked her too but he was with her friend already and then he realised that even though they had a lot in common, they were both artists, she was a bit of a moody temperamental type - unlike him - I must admit I had staple my lips together then, not for cosmetic purposes you understand, just to stop myself from laughing, “moody - unlike him” oh dear 😂
Excess milk - I love it lol
i think I’ll go for now
bye toady tc xx
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Hi again toady
I almost forgot some s t jewellery for you!
1 -
Hi Joan
how are you and Sue doing today?
Thanks about the injections luckily I don’t get upset injecting myself although I understand that it would upset a lot of people
my stomach feels so much better than when I had mxt in tablet form- I would feel unwell almost immediately after taking the tablets, well at least that’s how it felt to me
mums ok today thanks
I hope you both have a nice evening bye tc xx
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'night to bosh if still up 👋 thank you for the jewellery pic, I could do with a little prospering at the moment 😀 I was going to say I'd need clip-ons but you could convert those, I've done it before with ones with links 👍️. Ah yes, BB's sofa, ofc, no reason to read that wrong I just pictured LA causing chocolatey havoc in his own home instead and filled in the wrong details myself 😄. BB would not think much of my take-pride-in-sofa skills, mind you there are usually just throws &c over it. I was looking at something on nosegay the other day which was also jewellery, just because it was such a terrible blurry picture I went to look out of curiosity - you could see their appalling old sofa in the foreground where dogs &c had probably been scratching, and (something that never ceases to amaze me on nosegay) any amount of stuff in their room, muddle, cups & drink cans, medicine bottles, goodness knows what. Can't people just clear one little corner for photography 🤔. Glad group was ok and RR was there and ok too (I assume) apart from regaling you with tales of his doomed affairs of the heart with moody types the v opposite of himself. Hope everyone else ok today and BR is managing to hang onto his new toy 🐖🤞funny about bil and the healthy foods 😄 yes would shy away from such things in horror like sugarfree Kryptonite. Have a good Sunday :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Morning Joan. No fillings for either of us but lucy is going to have to go back for a special scrape and polish. The dentist has a huge soft spot for Lucy because of her cancer she was there right through it all. Her own mum had had it so she knew what it was like. I'm very glad to hear you are all well😊 ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi hope you're doing ok today?
It's TOTM for Lucy too so she had plenty to drink and I made her avocado on toast for lunch before I took her home.
It was just a check up for both of us, but Lucy is going to have a special gum treatment as the chemotherapy did do some damage I'm afraid. I know someone who lost their whole top set of teeth due to it.
Hairdressers for you? Oh no! Got to be done though hasn't it? Pretend you didn't hear the conditioner interrogation maybe🤔
Glad you liked the BIL pic!! feline BIL on caffeine - quite a terrifying thought really😁
Glad your Mum is doing ok, but your Dad🙄 you and your Mum are just soooo patient with him!
Awww the departure of LA although sad has an upside! You can have a catnap....
I think you need one! get to the spare room your neck will not survive that position!
Loved the elephant picture baby elephants are adorable aren't they? Has the Elephant-expert girl left school yet? Made me think about her.
Morning Toady!
Well I am very very proud of you for not putting off the 'heating engineer' (boilerman to us lot!) I know you were tempted. At least you will have an excuse to avoid him being busy fixing the loo.
Wouldn't that be great? an isolator switch for us when we're out! No more 3 mile queues for us while the men saunter in!
Lucy is very well behaved in the car and was a good girl at the dentist. She is to have some intensive work done on her gums. Our dentist loves Lucy she saw her through her chemo when she wasn't allowed to do more than look at her teeth due to fear of infection. Unfortunately chemo is bad for your teeth, but now it's time to get her sorted once and for all. My teeth were fine. Happy days🤗
I know! cash is obsolete🙄 why? COVID killed cash. Video might have killed the radio star, but COVID killed cash. Glad you found some in the end. Awful isn't it having no police, fire stations Woolworths etc...we are all getting old sadly. It's all online now. Fire engines perhaps you have to order one online too🤨 I hope not😮
As long as you don't tell the next village I'll tell you about the scarecrow....the village one is going to be the king on his thrown; orb and sceptre in place etc.... Mine is going to be (I hope) Bill and Ben and little Weeeeeed! Pics tomorrow. The scarecrow 'body' was in the porch and scared the postman🤣hah!
Perhaps don't chop any curtain length off if you are dubious about the outcome. I am a bit stuck with mine I need the colour to be right and that means I need to go 'somewhere'🙄
Heard from Barbara yesterday. She is doing well and sends her love to everyone here. Her boy isn't so good though has heart failure and has had to give up work. That's Niamh's Daddy. She asked about everyone and will try to post again soon. Her eyes are really making it difficult now.
full Cornish for @Mike1 vegan/ veg options are of course available....
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Hi Toni
how are you?
glad dentist wasn’t too bad and dentist was v nice to L👍
im not too bad ty
mums ok too 👍
just wanted to say a funny LA story quickly
in the foyer type area of cinema there were a lot of little lady babies running around in quite a wild manner and LA said in his v disapproving g grandfather- tone, “ all these little brothers running about - very very naughty” lol
i didn’t dare point out they were actually girls! 😂
ok will write more later
bfn Toni tc xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day I hope everything is going well for you and your family (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) you are going to be busy when the boiler man is there I always think about being in the way. Have a good day. I miss Woolworths.
Barbara (()) thank you for letting us know how things are there (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) thank you for speaking to Barbara sorry about her son it would be good if they could find a cure for it and not waste money on other things that are not needed. Sorry to go on. That’s good you both did not need a filling (()) nice the dentist likes Lucy (()) your scarecrow is the best to me. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day that’s good your mums blood sugar is good (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni
how are you?
poor L about the gums, but yes it would’ve been much worse if she’d lost half her teeth
nice that you’re making her healthy food during her TOTM
My stomach is a bit unsettled but it’s just the same issue of totm not mxt or iron tab luckily 👍
I didn’t go out today but am feeling a bit less tired than yesterday and managed to have a morning shower and some sleep which I really needed
Hairdressers on Thursday of next week actually, they had discounts near Easter time but there were no appointments available at all on the specified dates related to offer, so what was the point of that I wonder? What next I wonder? Special 75% off haircut on Christmas Day with lunch thrown in? Let’s hope it’s not the good old fish fingers in choc sauce - I think their only customer will be LA in that case lol.
Ok this seems like an instalment day
Toni my eye is hurting even though I’ve just done my eye drops 😡
That evil hay fever
how are your eyes?
bfn tc xx
ps pic of Spock telling off for hairdressers for silly offers lol xx
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hi again Toni
I think elephant trunk lady baby has gone back now yes,
you’re right painfully uncomfortable catnap neck position lol
mums b pressure med dosage has increased, new dose starts this evening fingers crossed really 🤞
I think I’ll stop now Toni tc xx
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Hi toady
how are you doing today?
I just wanted to share one comic masterpiece/ disaster- piece (depends how you look at it lol)
I was in a bit of bad mood at end of yesterday nothing to worry about just time of month etc so I made my own proverb, inspired by the original version and Bill’s poss seafood “eating holiday” in l Vegas “ remember that the darkest hour is always before the prawn 🦐” lol
lets Hope any stomach issues he may have aren’t severe - mind you I don’t have much sympathy for self - inflicted stomach probs tbh lol, whispered the evil sis in law.
I’ll stop here as I’m getting back ache
hope you’re liking the weather?
bye tc xx
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Hi Joan
How are you both doing today?
im not too bad thanks
thanks about mums b sugar 🙏
she has to have increased dose of b pressure med this evening
I hope she’ll feel ok
i hope you both have a nice evening
bye tc xx
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Hello all 👋 as you might imagine I have been/am in peak tidying up mode so no post as such, keep me a place tomorrow for the glorious moment when 'himself' has gone & I can bolt the door 🎉
Thanks for the backup frog that girding myself to get this done was the right thing, partly it's the idea that it might be nice weather this week and if there's any possible chance I can get it all to myself it will be worth it🤞it was also a brill move to shift al fresco order to last week or they would have been here today 😱 no way would that have worked. Thank you for keeping us updated on Barbara 😘. Will be in tomorrow for proper chat curtains scarecrows & so forth :) xx
Hello joan, yes I don't know what to do with myself when someone is here, usually lurk about like a spare part.. can't really start on much, and if you start a sit-down online job or something & you need to concentrate, it's just when he calls you to down to ask something. Can't wait til this time tomorrow 😄 . Yes I miss Woolworths all the time I would much rather go in and buy the sort of things they sold in person, than online, so you can look at them first, I would still think a lot of other people would too - so sad they couldn't find a way to keep going. Have a good Monday yourselves :) xx
Hi bosh, thank you for the laugh earlier 😄 I love darkest before the prawn 😂. Yes not much sympathy from me either for overeaters, so you can whisper your evil thoughts in complete confidence, mwahaha 😉. Have had a quick skim over your other news, hope your mum's bp med dose will be helpful and definitely that she will feel ok on it 🤞. Will be in tomorrow when I have freed myself from DIY and 'space invaders' ie boiler chap in my space, he seems to be everywhere all at once somehow 🤔 hope you have a good night and see you next visit 👋 :) xx
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