Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Morning all. I am sitting by the open window on the stairs trying to cool down a bit and feel less unwell and panicky. No doubt due to cutting back on tram. There is a pair of blue tits flying around the garden, no doubt looking for a nest site, or would they have made that already and are just after food? I don’t know i was quite the ornithologist as a child too so i should know.
Toni, your description of being kicked off the ward takes me straight back to work, dealing with parents of children injured or worse in road accidents. Seeing the panic and fear in their eyes. Not nice, definitely why I am so protective of mine.
Set to rain here most of the day so probably wont get over to see Sucré at Nifnans. I dont feel like getting wet, although the bike is already dirty.
Right i am going for a lay down until my pills kick in. No point suffering. Wppl.
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I heard the birds singing again this morning. Sue is pleased to be back home. Have a good day (()) you don’t need anymore leaks.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) that must have been very terrifying for you when Lucy (()) had the seizures in hospital and you could not be with her (()) you are a lovely kind lady who loves and cares for her children (()). Have a good day. Sue’s tummy is not back to normal yet. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) I hope you will feel a bit better later love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) thank you for the photos. Good luck for tomorrow tell the lady everything she don’t know how you feel. till you tell her good luck (()) we like Vera
Charlestown (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
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how are you feeling now?
sorry to hear you were feeling panicky, i sometimes get palpitations and panic attack type feelings, I hope the pills work effectively, save some spag Bol for me if poss lol
have a nice evening tc. x
Hi Joan
how are you both feeling today? I am glad Sue is pleased to be back home.
I am ok thanks
mum is getting better every day 🙏
I hope you both have a nice evening tc xx
ps Cornish saffron buns as it’s St. Piran’s Day apparently xx
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Afternoon all 👋
Just a quick pitstop, yes still a touch of the D&Gs around frog, it's the first shock of finding a drip or a faulty something that's the worst; just catches you broadside. And it was going to be my first seed planting day too, hardly fair, put me right off 🙄 (more about that in a min). Yes watch & wait Sleek, you do the watching you're brave, i'll be doing a bit of sticking head in sand probably. I of course wouldn't wish my imaginary cat to leave unintentional puddles, poor Eric 😽, just a deliberate one maybe. Well it's been a really nice day here on the whole, dry, sunny 😮 shocker! Got a bit done outside and yes planted some seeds indoors, me, against all the odds 😂. I'll use the secateurs, they're nice & snippy, just don't suit my hand that well compared to my old ones, but that comes of having funny hands! Hope you've had a good day 👋 xx
Hello Joan, lovely to hear the birds, they were about here when I was outside but mainly still sparrows. I hung up a new feeder for them off the washing line, I always manage to put it where I'll hit my head walking under it, you'd think I'd learn 😂. Sorry Sue isn't quite 100% yet soon I hope. Love to both :) xx
Hi bosh hope things are ok with you, glad to hear your mum is getting the benefit now of the slow-to-work antib's 👍️ has she many to go? Hope BR is ok too. Group again tomorrow that can't be a week! I read today the days are getting longer by aboout 2.3 milliseconds per century (something to do with the moon & tides). Can't do a lot with that extra time can you. Hope it's fine and you have a nice walk. Yes heads rolling like cabbages, that's a whole new Slough connotation, very apt! I didn't get a long phone call myself, thanks all the same 😉, this could be because the line is unplugged at the moment (true). Still sorting out the best way to go for a new VoIP line, looks like I can't easily keep my old number, which is a nuisance. Or is it... 🤔😉 Hope the gent that phones you carries on improving. Have a good night :) xx edit: I didn't see your post, oh St Piran's Day! my half Cornish side will have a saffron bun, and remember Cornish Mike too, @Mike1 x
Lovely to see the bluetit pair, if they were a pair SK, they will definitely be thinking about nest sites, at least, bit soon to start building (google says). Did you go out & do proper birdwatching as a child or just interested in what you saw in garden etc. Is the piano story something we might get to hear btw? if you haven't told it already. Hope family ok, have a good night :) xx
Huge good luck to @Jewels1973 for tomorrow's appt all the very very best with it. Well done with the lists, good plan 👍 . Lovely pics - your poor family having to cut their holiday short. You can never convince me there's no such thing as good & bad luck, that's so unfair (and for your bro to get long covid, when there were careless people ignoring the restrictions and not getting infected, or having a v mild case 🙄 makes me very cross). Anyway thinking of you and best of luck🤞cafe kettle will definitely be on ☕️!!
No more proper DIY for me at the moment @Charlestown well not til I get to ceilings, just odd projects and jobs. It was nice in the garden today actually, warm in the sun, actual warmth 😊. Sorry to bring back memories of leaks 😱 hate all plumbing & stuff now, once you've been made nervous you just listen out for dripping noises. I swear if I lived in a tent in the desert something would still manage to start leaking 🙄. Hope you have a better night sorry about the naproxen effects 😔 xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Hi Charlestown
How are you today?
Thanks about the group, my mum had a kidney transplant some years back, but the medicines she takes post -transplant have lots of side effects like type 2 diabetes, she also has very low immunity, so every time she’s unwell with something we worry, she just has a virus and chesty cough now, but it’s getting better thanks.
I hope you and your son have a good evening.
bye for now and tc xx
ps north Cornwall xx
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Hi Toni
how are you this evening/ night?
mums bs is ok and she’s getting better thanks
BR is almost better thanks he said his throat hurts but he had C***ol in the night which was a big ‘treat” for him - bless, he also tried to say that was really happy as his mummy had taken two days off to look after him - aww.
BR and LA - if they’re both well of course- are going to dress up as gingerbread men for World Book Day on Thursday- let’s hope Paul isn’t addicted to gingerbread biscuits and their impersonators - oh dear! 😱
that’s good that you waited for the ice to thaw 👍
I felt a bit bad as the bipolar elderly gent thought I’d purposely not been in touch for a while, but I did text, the problem is, as he himself says, is that even though he’s not really unwell in the sense that nice M is for example, in other words his judgement isn’t impaired and so on, the way it effects him is that in times of stress he has temporary memory lapses, also I was busy with a few other things but I’ll try and text him a bit more without getting too stressed about it.
he does say some very insightful things though sometimes, he said that like me, he knows exactly what it feels like to fall mentally ill because a doctor made a mistake and even if the episode doesn’t last for long, it still leaves a terrifying aftermath and sometimes people say, “ it’s over now, nothing to worry about”, but we both said, “ who really has nothing to worry about? Can we 100% sure it will never happen again?”, sorry I’m not being negative, just saying that some people don’t understand and just come out with silly platitudes.
ok I’ll stop there for now Toni
have a good night tc xx
ps These are “creamy and colourful ube cheesecake bars” xx
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Hi toady
sorry about the D & G’s and the new drip problem
im tired but ok thanks
so I’ll try not to repeat too much so I can go to bed before the ungodly hours as it were lol
i do hope the legal fraternity/ sisterhood of Slough doesn’t read these posts, we could be in trouble then toady lol, well I could really, but I’m not potentially going to prison alone, I’ll need someone to cut my hair lol ✂️
yes that’s a funny statistic about the days getting longer lol
i had a massive nap in the daytime today but I must have needed it as it gets a bit sauna - ish in the night here sometimes
You’re half - Cornish, that’s interesting, I do indeed remember Cornish Mike.
Do you partake of the odd vegan / vegetarian Cornish pasty?
or would that qualify as being the foodstuff of non -Cornish philistines? only joking of course
I must admit I do like Cornish pasties but I only indulge in them very rarely really due to sat fat and digestion issues.
Ok toady have a nice night and take care xx
ps a nice staircase for you xx
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early brew tonight.
spent a lot of time in the bunker working on bass and overdid it ended up feeling really rough so had early nite.
thanks Reshmi Toady Dachshund and Charlestown asking how I am. YOC for me too Charlestown. Mum was a primary skool teacher so anything like that was encouraged.
hey Toni how is everything with you now? How is the eyeball? I was chatting to my Swedish brother yesterday, he has had 10 operations on his eyes due to retina problems and was on a zero exercise / stress regime due to eye condition for a while. Made me think of you. How is Lucy?
oh and I know my spellings and gramar is off lol buts ive got lazy fingers tonight. 😁
mmmmmm the piano story, not much to tell, maybe just enough for a story tomorrow. 🤪
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Oh wave to Jewels and any one I didn’t mention. Don’t feel left out, i don’t know who i have and havent mentioned half the time, i am terrible at reading everything in detail and I am not as thorough as most cafe patrons here, i am always in a hurry to get back in the bu
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Bought a new jazz album yesterday. Just having fisrt listen. Full of flippin drum solos. I dont like drum solos!!!! and I am also a drummer !!!!
whats the worst thing about a drum solo? You know the bass solo is coming next ha ha.
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Morning Everyone ❤️
Hi Joan. I wondered whether Sue's tummy would be OK yet. I Hope she's trying to eat? Yes it was terrifying. The alarm they set off rings throughout thr hospital and all the senior staff come running with oxygen cylinders etc. Anyway she's OK now thank God. We are very lucky. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K how are you today?
Nice getting s new jazz album you enjoy that I know your 'ear' enables you to heat so much more than me.
Shame you couldn't get to see little Hooli I bet my scary tale made you want to give him.a hug. You will have remembered those parents in A&E. Yes that was ne foolishly regretting 'letting' them give her chemo! As if there was an actual choice!
Sounded like panic attacks maybe? I have had them you go shaky hot feel like you can't breathe and heart pounds? If do and it lasts only several minutes I used to use a paper bag to breathe in to and some mindfulness exercises.
I do hope it's not your meds.
Thanks for asking I am doing OK and understand the typos due to sore hands 100%
Your poor brother! I do hope he's OK now? Our eyes are so precious. I wS lucky there wasn't l?
Take care((()))
Morning Charlestown you have a lot to paint! Wow!!!! I am only tackling our bedroom and it's a lot. My paint is also Johnstones. A blue though
There it is.
As for coping with Lucy being ill you just do it as you know. Nothing special about me there were so many of us there. We were lucky during the course of her treatment 14 children died. I am very grateful.
You take care and go steady with that painting!
Morning Reshmi
How are you and your Mum too of course? Glad sge is feeling a bit better
Ahhhh bless BR enjoying being looked after by his mummy and having calpol. Positive boy!
Paul does like gingerbread very much! When is world book day? I'll distract him if I can.
Now I really do understand what the elderly man is saying because that's exactly what Kari says to me. She always has that fear the need to be carefu the anxiety l. If you can yes drop an extra text to him that would be kind, but Reshmi remember your own mental health must come first always.
Yes I wait for the ice to thaw after that fall now.
That marble effect cheesecake looks so 😍
Take care ((())) xxx
Our Toady still has a touch of the D&Gs😒 Sleek is on route with jammie dodgers and bourbons(?) To help. She has also got some dvds in her backpack and Mabel who can make anyone smile. Poor Eric though getting the blame for the leak. My washer was bashing about (scary!) but that was at least an easy fix just for tweak.
I got outside too - really good for our spirits. Although it did rain later on it did not ruin the day. Wahay!!!!!! Your seeds are planted!!! What went in? I did do my Tom seeds I think I said. No seedlings yet though.
Glad you can maje use of your secateurs if they snip really well. Sleek has her own I expect you've seen them?
Hope you have a good day today just the right level of busyness. 😻
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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'morning all
Quick wave to everyone going to hosp or drs appts this morning 👋 kettle standing by ☕.
Bourbons, frog! exactly what I regretted not putting in my basket this time, how clever! 😸 Dvds & coffee & bics it is then. Hope we might get some decent weather today too to finish a few things🤞I put my Toms in too, well some, probably need a repeat we'll see. French lavender which might be too old to come up 🤔 but may as well use them; now it's a matter of just working through my list before time gets away from me, will update you as I go, lots of flowers, then veg/beans &c later. Good luck with your Toms 😊🍅 I bet ye'll be in Scotland afore me but at least I'm not as late as usual. Sleek's secateurs are super and very well looked after I must say, obviously never get left in a damp bucket of weeds like some people's. Have a good day :) xx
Hi bosh, don't worry I will have to take my fair share of the rap if the Slough sisterhood come after you, can we plead mitigating circumstances I wonder 🤔😂. You under the influence of an overexciteable thermostat and me distracted by drips and leaks. Vegetarian Cornish pasties, hmm, no idea if there is such a thing actually, must check - yes a meatless CP might well be heresy but then again they sometimes used to have a half meat filling and a half sweet/fruit one so I would be ok with that half! Have a good day will be in again later probably :) xx
I'm in before Joan even so a quick wave to everyone else and will say hello properly later 👋 xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) how are you and your posting parcels getting on. We have sun have a good day
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Yes that must have been frightening when Lucy was in hospital when the children died. It’s a thing you don’t forget (()) yes thank you Sue is eating just not a lot. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) how are you feeling (()) love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef Sorry your new album wasn’t what you wanted (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) yes sue goes out every day on her scooter with the dogs, thank you for thinking about her.
Julie (()) good luck for today.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hello again 😊 afternoon all.
Joan my last parcel was one going to New Jersey, it is due for delivery today according to the tracking, that's 6 days to get there not bad is it 👍️. Thank you for asking. Nothing on the cards at the moment. Cold & misty here first thing but it has brightened up quite nicely now. I had a bit of a brainwave about the leak, my central heating man is due in about 6 weeks and would probably have a look at it for me - I can't remember if he had to do things to that section of pipework when he put the boiler in but it's in his line, at least, and either way I'd pay him as a plumbing job. Fingers crossed, he is very nice he will help if he can I expect. Hope you and Sue are as well as possible today :) xx
Hi SK 👋 what type of jazz is the album, I don't know much about styles at all really. Hope you are having an ok day :) xx
Did it warm up any @Charlestown we did finally got a bit of sun, too late for me to get on with much outdoors today now though, I might plant a few more seeds indoors later. And have to start thinking about tidying the utility & kitchen if the boiler service is due in 4-6 weeks, it will take me every minute of that time 😂. I was saying to Joan, he might have a look at my drip if I'm lucky, that would be one less thing. Do you think there are people who don't just lurch from one mini crisis to the next 🤔 can't imagine what it's like 😂. Hope things as well as poss with you :) xx
Do hope Julie got on ok🤞xx
Btw I have developed an odd glitch where I can't see who has liked/thanked a post the last couple of days, I can see the likes but not who, so at one point I clicked like but actually just undid my own like because I didn't know it was mine 😄. Odd!
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Hi Toni
how are you this afternoon/ evening?
im not too bad thanks 🙏
mums bs is ok 👍
she went out to lunch at al fresco with dad and she’s feeling a bit better too thanks
nasty M tried to boss me about so I smiled angelically
I booked a blood test at GPs’ you know the old “ you are number 25 million in the queue” routine - I didn’t let myself nap properly- I set an alarm for phoning them, but luckily got a nice receptionist - miracle of the day.
I’ll go for now very tired
👋 toady Joan SK and C
👋 C so sorry to hear that you lost both your mum and aunt recently, that must be really tough, glad you’re keeping positive though 👍
ok bye for now all tc xx
ps pic of nasty M perhaps lol xx
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Hi toady
half sweet and half savoury Cornish pasties - that’s very interesting to know
if a little unorthodox lol
Sorry you’re still in a bad situation with the drips
yes i think thermostats and drips are definitely mitigating circumstances lol
i think I should hit the sack asap before it hits me or something like that
oh by the way Cost A Packet had run out of toasts 🍞! That LA what’s he up to now? Depriving Mimas and toadys nationwide of toasts 😱
ok good night toady and everyone tc
ps Cornish fairings yummy 👍 oh dear sorry it’s a massive pic lol xx
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Hi Toady, it’s a jazz trio. The pianist Bob James is the guy who wrote the theme tune to the sitcom Taxi set in NY in the 1980s.
its the sort of jazz that you can identify the melody all the way through, not the far out rubbish that sounds like a lot of random notes in a weird time signature.
they do another of his compositions titled Westchester Lady which was the first stuff of his I heard. I see if i can post a link.
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and George Duke too, that one is a bit more way out
Good practice to learn the bass parts.
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Sitting in bunker, was typing out the piano story but I wasn’t happy with it so will try again later
kettles on if anyone wants a brew
i can take more pills at 4am so just ticking by till then
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