Val's Cafe
Hi everyone. In bunker with a cuppa. Just listening to R2 piano room atm. Your link will be next on the play list Toady. That sign is no entry btw. There is a very famous comedian/tv presenter that allegedly has that sign tattoo’d on his bum cheek lol!!
Hi Reshmi, the migraine eventually settled down, it flared up briefly after a short trip in Loanda’s car yesterday but some stretching sorted it out, thanks for asking 😁
just can’t sleep after 2am these days too much pain.
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Reshmi, treat yourself tomorrow, just a small piece of cake 😁
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Morning Everyone ❤️
Gosh Joan that's 😨 scary I'm glad you didn't go out while the arrest/drama wS going on. Much safer in the bank. Hooe Lexi is feeling better on her painkillers . Love to Sue((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi great teapots! Kari would love the snail.
Glad to hear your Mum is OK and that you feel so much better. Its awful being rough and the prospect of pizza must be slightly terrifying 😳 please stomach oracle protect our friend.
Good thing BIL had a colonoscopy at least they will find out what is wrong. Hopefully it's IBS which he could (if he chose) help himself with diet.
Awww BR has a lady baby bumble bee to play with!!!
Don't you think it's a bit mean the teacher telling the children who didn't get anything right in the spelling test?😲 I am very proud of LA though getting all of his right. Well done LA👏
Loved the elephant pic. Oh I remember LA'S lost love ELB he does too I'm sure bless him😒
Morning Charlestown.
I do wonder what on earth is going on. Quite a worry for you. When is your rheumatologist appt due?
I love your grey/blue its a fresh and calming colour.
Wasn't Keefs music lovely I am almost a convert to listening to it full time?!
I love butterfly plants too the smell and the 🦋 especially. 🍓 plants beginning to pop out are they? Lovely ❤️
Morning Toady
We had some sunshine yesterday too then more rain! I did get outside but it rained on my walk unfortunately 😒 luckily like a boy scout I was prepared!
Sleek loves choccy fingers she bites both ends off and socks her tea up through them! I taught her before I went vegan.
Aww is that why Mabel fears outside so much? Loved a vet and smoke free house😅
Hope you'll manage some gardening today and seed planting. Don't you just love the hope spring brings?1
Some crossed fingers for you to use anytime instead of your own🤞
Take care
Morning Skinny Keef!
Nearly missed you there starting a new page as usual.
sorry your migraine played up after the drive out but glad you were able to more or less put it right yourself.
Cooked you this breakfast Hooe you enjoy it while listening to radio 2 piano.
Take care Keef
Vegan veggie option available of course...
Hope Julie is OK.....
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Crikey Toni, thats a breakfast and a half. Very nice though, thank you.
yes first post new page AGAIN, how do I do it? 🤪
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I learnt Bowie’s Lets Dance on bass in the bunker this morning. I knew the guitar part already (played by SRV I think). Half hour well spent. At least I have something to show for not being able to sleep and it takes my mind off the pain.
Rain forecast all day here today. ☹️☹️☹️
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
ps Ube mochi pancakes xx
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Hi Toni
How are you this morning?
I’m not too bad 🙏
A bit sauna - ish though 😱
mum is sleeping
LA told his granny that if a sandwich tastes bad to just put ketchup in it and that he does the same with porridge 🥣
Happy Mother’s Day
are you doing anything special?
Bye tc xx
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Large slice of that cake for me please. Although Sucré will probably steal some of it. He had half my marmalade on toast this morning. Then asked me to do him eggs, then Loanda got wind of me cooking eggs on toast and I had to do her some as well. 🙄
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Forgot to get my mum’s stuff for mothering Sunday. Sorted out Loanda’s card and coffin make up bag but forgot my own mum.
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) Have a good day. Have you got parcels to post tomorrow. That’s good your bloods are alright (())
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and family.
Toni (()) Have a good day today. The days go so quick. Does sleeke have pain. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day. I hope your pain not too bad. Sue goes out every day.
take care
joan xx0 -
This afternoon I went out to the bunker to tidy up some cables and it was Sucré in tears on Anda’s phone asking me to come in. There’s been a bit of friction between the two of them over potty training. He knows what to do but can’t be bothered just for a wee. Anything else he takes himself off to the toilet.
He asked me to take him out to the bunker as mummy was grumpy. We spent most of the afternoon out there first listening to nice calming All Angels music then he asked me to play piano. He sat on my lap and picked out songs from my piano book. I had to play Layla about 10 times as he said he was watching my thumb play the bass line between the chords. Then he asked about the words, try explaining the lyrics of a love song about unrequited love to a 3 year old. Especially when they say ‘but why doesn’t she love him if he loves her daddad?’ And ‘that’s so SAD daddy!’ Almost broke my heart.
anyway i eventually talked him into coming back into the house for dinner.
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how are you this evening? Little Sucre and the potty training, aww bless, BR also disliked the potty in many ways for a long time, but recently he’s using it more for some reason. Layla, great choice, I love that song, but yes I can see it must be confusing from a 3 year old’s perspective- oh dear.
there’s no cake but all sorts of fat and sugar in the house, so please feel free to indulge lol, in fact if I could airdrop all the chocolate biscuits to you that are currently in this establishment i would, oh no that’s not what airdrop means these days haha, something Apple hasn’t invented yet, what a nice change.
bye for now, have a nice evening tc x
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Hi all 👋 just a quick hello
Happy Mother's Day to whom it may concern 😊💐
and to all the 'cat's mothers' among you 😸 hello frog, hope you have had a nice day 😊. The rain it indeed raineth every day, hopefully no more on you than on anyone. Just a bit of indoor work for me poking about with seeds & tidying etc - I was browsing some seeds last night and had forgotten how much I love Asparagus Pea (how could I), so picked up some of those, glad I came across them by chance. Also some dwarf hollyhock, few more pansies, marigold, dwarf basil, & parsley. Yes Spring & hope is on the horizon finally, soon it will be first seedling day 😀🌱. Thank you for the crossed fingers and the choccie biccie technique reminder, I will try it ☕️😂. Have a good day tomorrow and enough decent weather for a dry walk hopefully, love to all :) xx
Hello joan, no, no parcels as yet, Sunday is supposed to be a good day for people buying which stands to reason but I can't say I've ever noticed 😂. I get customers at odd times. Have a good new week, love to both :) xx p.s. spoke too soon, I have just made a sale since posting haha so thank you for bringing me luck. Tomorrow will do for packaging, better in the daylight 🌞📦️.
Hi bosh, so far so good eh, hope things going ok. Lovely pic 😊. Porridge + ketchup, well there's a new one, sounds like the sort of flavour crisp manufacturers or popcorn makers come up with. No ta 😬. Hope you have had something suitable digestible yourself. Nothing much doing with me today, I will catch you next time 👋 :) xx
Let's Dance oh definitely half an hour well spent SK 👍️ love it. Hope things are relatively quiet & harmonious now at yours. Has been cookery on demand today I see 😬 talking of porridge & ketchup is that something Sucré would try or would he draw the line. Thank you for the highway code lesson, I have googled the comedian in question. Well there are worse tattoos out there 😂. Have a good night :) xx
Hope Charlestown and Julie have had a good day 👋
and thinking of our lovely Barbara and Kitty and families 😘 xx
love to anyone not here xx
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Hi Toni toady Joan and C
how are you all this evening?
Sorry I haven’t posted properly it’s been a bit of a challenging day plus I’ve got the dentist on Wednesday of next week and another tooth is feeling a little bit dodgy but never mind.
I had a headache and was so tired, the house was so hot, totm still going on, inadequate sleep, being forced to eat rich food and my stomach isn’t ok
mum is ok at the moment 🙏
LA said he is going to be a 19 - year old grandfather 😱
BR told LA it’s not nice to shout - wise words indeed 😂
sorry that’s it I’m so tired and the headache hasn’t fully gone
I hope everyone has a good night bye for now and take care xx
ps I know a bit of a Spock obsession going on, but he’s got my headache 😱xx
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Oh almost forgot Toady, no baking this week, but we did take him to Rainbow Fun which is a massive indoor play area in the next town. He absolutely loved it.
I liked the fact that house rules were shoes off for everyone no exceptions, except one woman who thought she was exempt, until I asked the staff member why she was allowed to keep her shoes on, turns out the staff member I spoke to was the owner and she assured me that she would sort it which she did.
it would appear that my ear infections have returned for absolutely no logical reason. Take note Spoc. I haven’t reused ear plugs on the bike and have always cleaned hands immediately before putting a new set in each time. I am sure there is a link between a prevalence for general infections and the enthesitis. Or is it that now I am sanitising my hands every five minutes since the epidemic that when a bit of bacteria does enter the system the body freaks out and can’t deal with it???
answers on a pc.
good night everybody.
thanks for that lovely post Bosh 😁
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Morning Joan don't worry Sleek seems OK now. It was two years ago (time flies) and the gabapentin sorted her out. I imagine not so easy with Dachs though I mean they have such long bodies. If you lived by us Lexi could go in Tia's hydrotherapy pool. She has several Dachs now regularly. Take care ((())) xxx
Thanks Reshmi
I had a lovely mother's day 3 girls none of them forgot 😊
I hope your sister and Mum enjoyed the day.
Interesting....tomato sauce. My brother was the same although I'm not sure about in porridge 🤢
Granny probably won't try any of it anytime soon🤭
That 'pancake' cake looks just beautiful 😍 that must have taken you ages.
Did you get any updates on BILs colonoscopy results?
BR is quite right it's not nice to shout.A 19 year old Dad would be pushing it LA but z Grandad?!😅 bless him.
You take care hope you slept well and feel better today. ((())) xxx
Skinny K how are you?
Have you tried a step and teaching Sucre to pee like Daddy standing up? Just a thought. I can understand Loanda's frustration potty training is tough 😫
He is going to be musical for sure taking note of the position of your fingers and thumbs. I love Layla too but hard for wee boy to understand. In his world everyone loves each other❤️
Oh dear you forgot your own Mum's day card/flowers😖 I long as you wish her a happy mother's day that's enough. Well it is for me anyway.
Sorry to hear your ear infection is back. Grrrr... no idea why. Are you going to go to Drs or try home remedies first. Sending ((()))
Morning Toady
Sleek already with you? She was up early this morning says there are jobs to do while it's dry. Her theory is it rains later on....she may be right.
Do try or retry the chocolate finger truck it's lovely 😍
I have a shoot!!!! I really do!!!! not sure its big enough for a photo but a tomato shoot.
Dwarf hollyhocks now that is an idea. I have never tried asparagus pea??? Will investigate. You know we will both run out of space to plant everything!!
I did get a dry walk then went to fuel up my car and the rain started😡😡😡
Thanks for the mother's day wishes and cat/dog mother's day wishes.❤️
I didn't see Charlestown yesterday hopefully being spoiled by her boy.
Take care and like me just bob in an out between showers. Oh...any sign of mousie and Mr and Mrs B?
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Morning all 👋
V early for me, Sleek caught me in my jimjams 😄 well an early cup of tea was very welcome actually and the sun is shining, she's quite right, best to get a head start. Packaging for us to do then there will be sunshine left over hopefully, couldn't get out yesterday I fed the birds & it started drizzling from then on 😕. No blackbirds at all, or mousies, that I've seen. I'm sure there are blackbirds somewhere 🤔. I found a huge acorn right on the path yesterday, hoping there may be a squirrel about? Oh a shoot! 🌱 Well I always knew you would be first, it means there's hope for us all! 😄. You can eat the asparagus pea pods but I love the flowers, so sweet and vintage looking. I saw another quick climber I will mention to you when I find the name again. Yes too many seeds too little space, why do I keep buying 😬😂. Ah well they'll all come in. Have a good day, I will take a pastry thank you and put the kettle on for everyone ☕ xx
Quick wave to all and will say hello later 👋 :) xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) have a good day we haven’t got rain yet just cold wind. I’m not sure if I can see the leaves coming on the tree yet.
Toni (()) I’m sorry sleeke had a problem they can’t say when they are in pain. Yes Tia (()) is doing a good job. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) love to you and your mum (()) good luck at the dentist.
Skinny Keef (()) have a good day I hope Sucre (()) is happy now love to Loanda (())
Love to Barbara Kitty and Charleston and Julie
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toady, Loanda is like that with gothic decor. So many skulls/skeletons/spiders/goblets/pumpkins etc etc, and no space to put them.
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Hi Toni toady SK Joan and C
how are you all today?
👋 Toni
im feeling a lot better today thanks although I will stick to porridge not chocolatey baked goods for breakfast if that’s ok with you 😂
mums bs is ok thanks but she’s got a blood test tomorrow so she’s in a mood again which is understandable buy yesterdays mood wasn’t completely understandable, I said to her I was so tired i needed to lie down even just for half an hour as I was in danger of fainting, but she said I had to spend maximum time EF, I was having palpitations at times, I really hate feeling like that, anyway I’ve thoroughly caught up on sleep, so thank goodness for that 👍
Im very glad that you had a nice Mother’s Day with your daughters.
ok I’m going to put this poem on here while I remember, but I will definitely post again, by the way, strange reference to binary fission and nuggets etc came about because I once wrote a poem about worms and I just thought it was funny and relevant here because if such beverages and foodstuffs could breed independently it would save you have lots of trips to Brains - berry’s is as our main and valued VC supplier lol
im going for now but I’ll definitely write again later
bye for now take care xx
VC Poem 11 March 2024
This one’s called “Early in the Cafe”, thanks.
The sun had just reluctantly appeared in the sky
There was no pastry left in the kitchen, neither crumble nor pie
The earl grey tea bags toady had stolen and sold on nosegay without permission
But don’t worry flasks of coffee and vegan nuggets are reproducing by binary fission
In the corner LA the shockingly young grandfather is eating black market fish fingers
While the smell of bills stale prawn - flavoured hair gel - I’m afraid it still lingers
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Too ugly for NY. Loved it Toady. Got that kind of gritty indie don’t give a damn vibe going on. Nice.
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Hi again Toni
Bills colonoscopy went ok thanks, no negative results, he told us, he said it was quite enjoyable, no comments there lol, what a strange individual
LA clashed with BB, BB told him he was eating too many French fries - oh the audacity- then the aristocrat said to his own grandfather “Mind your own business!” - he was told off by his parents who said he’d learned bad behaviour from the after - school club.
He also shouted “Move!” when BB stood in front of the Lego cobra - python snakes cartoon on tv - oh dear.
Ok I’ll stop for now
bye Toni tc xx
ps another of ELTB’s elephant pals lol xx
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