Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    Hi Toni

    I think you mentioned about your dad, yes I agree, very controlling

    we went to a different Japanese restaurant than usual because my dad took a long time talking to some cultural society cronies on the phone so there was a massive queue there by the time we arrived 😱

    this new restaurant was not quite as good but still really nice, it was kind of “fast food style” but still tasty Japanese food, less options than the older place and much smaller desserts- but the dessert - size was good for mum and I 👍

    I had katsu chicken curry and noodles, I think they were wheat noodles, but I’m not quite sure. I also tasted the vegetable gyoza but it had so much mustard in that I only had a bite of it - it was a bit ookey

    my dad dithered about starters right next to tempura- frying part of the kitchen! I was with him and it horrifically hot - like an industrial strength hot flash or something - thanks for that dad 🥵

    I was really full after that meal though

    I would tidy the wardrobe fully but there’s so much rubbish there that belongs mainly to BB - no surprise there lol

    yes you’re absolutely right, no one person can be responsible for helping or advising everyone, I remember when I used to do the charity bookshop volunteering, the boss asked if anyone wanted to clean the bathroom, which was such a terrible Petri dish of bacteria that I only ever visited it if there was really no other option, I kept silent as I knew how that particular manager operated, if I said “yes” to doing one horrible task then it would lead to me doing all the unpleasant tasks for no reason whatsoever- good strategy- a moon goddess can’t be responsible for the sun ☀️

    LA is taking his scientist’s duties very seriously- he’s collecting ants from the garden in freezer bags! My goodness- I just hope little brother doesn’t put them in the porridge!

    have a nice night Toni tc xx

    ps funny translation xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    👋 SK

    sorry to hear about your nightmare after naproxen, that sounds terrifying, I remember once the gp made me take Co - codamol when my arthritic pain was at its worst and I had some kind of vivid nightmare and a kind of horrible sensation that was hard to describe, I refused to take it after that because it reminded me of when my bipolar was active, but I don’t think I should have been pressured into taking it in the first place.

    I hope you have an ok night, tc x

    👋 C

    sorry to hear about your bad inflammations

    chai tea latte is mainly milk chai tea syrup vanilla essence and cardamoms I believe- really high sugar percentage though to be honest - at least the shop - bought ones

    don’t worry we’ve all fallen off the balanced diet wagon temporarily 👍

    I’m not quite sure if my mum had the same surgery, it was a long time ago now, it could well have been, can’t quite remember sorry

    yes my parents and I went to a local Japanese restaurant it was nice but really filling thanks

    have a nice night tc xx


    glad you got some tidying done

    moon goddess hair fair enough- but can you imagine how much the HD would charge for that? Major ooks

    Yes scientist have to follow procedures I guess only problem with that theory is that granny got a proper cuddle, I think maybe LA was trying to show BR how “grown men” cuddle their Mimas perhaps lol

    i have very much run out if steam now so may your porridge be flavoured with cinnamon not ants - LA is collecting them in freezer bags

    good night toady and everyone xx

    ps the Mourne Mountains N Ireland since its St Patrick’s Day xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    Sorry almost forgot Joan

    👋 hi Joan

    how are you both doing tonight?

    yes not much of a summer here that’s true

    hope you both have a nice night tc xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
    edited 18. Mar 2024, 00:35

    Stunning foto Reshmi 👍😁 no way I would have guessed that as NI.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Kettles on for early morning brew.

    I’ve gone with a Tasteless Coffee for a change 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    I think Reshmi invented Nosegay as far as i recall. I think it is something to do with not allowed to mention brands like the BBC or Tesco so she went with nosegay because it rhymes.

    Other TV Broadcasters and Supermarkets are available lol.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 18. Mar 2024, 07:06

    Morning Joan How infuriating your appt being moved back to May! I can't understand what the problem is. Are we still short of Drs? Is it the back log due to all the Jnr Drs strikes do you think? Ah well at least you are in the system. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi Hope you're ok, your Mum too and that her general mood is a bit better today.

    I expect it was something your Dad said or did that upset her or being tired maybe.

    Your Mum should try the blood orange flavour little moon a bit less sweet. If you have a whole box I'm sure LA (or BIL) will finish them off for her😉My favourite is the mango one.

    Oh dear me what an effort for BB having to use chip and pin instead of waving his card over the receiver! At least he wasn't too naughty I suppose and you aren't barred. Still I am glad the food was lovely and you all enjoyed it and it seems your stomach coped. Thank you gastric oracle for sparing our friend 🙏

    Take care and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown

    Aha who had a naughty but nice food weekend?! Good for you no cooking or washing up involved.

    My choices were Edward for a boy or Charlotte for a girl. One each after each side of the family. I suppose Charley and Charlotte are both two syllables. Actually her friends do often call her Charl.

    I had that bush when I lived near Keef in Sudbury! It was lovely although it did grown rather fast and needed controlling.

    If you drink a glass of orange juice after your food it helps with the absorption of any iron in your meal. Well that's what the hospital told me when I had Lucy and had an iron level of 3.6. Must have worked I'm still here!

    Take care 😊

    Morning Skinny K

    how are you this erm delightful Monday morning? I bet it's dry there isn't it? We have clearly had rain overnight but maybe later.

    Aw poor Sucré was it bad dreams he was having? Good job you were awake to help and Loanda could have some rest. Glad he got off again.

    I always think of Reshmi when either of you type wppl!!!

    That sounded quite a scary dream. 400 mph would be terrifying. Might be the meds, who knows, they can affect us in different ways. You'd need to keep a log to be sure one way or another. I dreamt I had climbed up very high and was at risk of falling to get back down. I needed to because i was at work and needed to finish something I had a deadline for.

    Take care Keef and I hope you keep your bin bag bins indefinitely the council ones are loud colours although they are quite big to be fair. ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Hope you are doing ok today and also had some sunshine yesterday afternoon? Sorry your energy levels had depleted by then. earphones with birdsong....why not? You might only need it for part of your time outside just while any power tools are making a racket.

    Although I did get outside it wasn't as much as I had hoped as i had a miserable husband to cope with. the village is still too mucky to drive his precious cars and his van is in the garage.

    Oui oui! and not just calling me in my own garden but shrieking like a fishwife! Can you imagine😱Hence the urgent need for something to cover the trellis and cover it well. Ca me fait chier. It really does. Ask Sleek she'll tell you.

    Sorry to say all her cake is gone - eaten although she did put some of my naturali spread on it so she must have had it before?

    I'm glad you saw Robin at least not mousie (who may not be here anymore 😕) nor Mr B. I saw the most adorable tiny tiny snail less than the size of my fingernail on my walk yesterday. I did take a pic but they aren't coming up on my laptop so i will try on my phone later. He wasn't anywhere near my garden or yours you'll be glad to know, Brian, that's his name.

    Now I know why Sleek kept getting in the way of the TV last night! She was waving your Grandad's pocket watch!

    Yes Kari got the arty genes I got the gardening ones instead, but not the health to do as much as I want to🙄 such is life eh? Yup C'est la vie.

    Well done some seedlings at last how exciting!!!😊😊 No they will not go straggly just pot on deeply if you can in time.😊

    Have a good day Toady

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) we have the sun here. I’m sure if things were cheaper they would sell more. Have a good day

    Toni (()) have a good day. It’s sunny here but they say it’s going to get colder. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) i hope you have a good day and your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope you feel better today love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) yes sue goes out every day. I hope you have a good day

    love to Barbara Kitty and any one else I’ve missed

    take care
    joan xx
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    Hi Joan

    Im glad you’ve got some nice sunshine. It’s okay over here a bit too warm for my liking really I wore the wrong coat but never mind haha

    Mum and I are okay thanks. Hope you both have a nice day. Take care xx

    ps funny translation xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    Hi Toni

    how are you this afternoon?

    I’m not too bad thanks

    mums bs is ok thanks and her mood has improved too, I think you’re right she was just tired, she fell asleep soon after getting angry

    thanks for the info about the little moon pancakes 👍

    LA has got a scientist’s hat and jacket that my sis bought for him, he looks more like an explorer, Harrison Ford - style, in them - but I dare not point that out to anyone.

    Yes the food in the meal out was really nice and although there wasn’t as much choice as in the old place it was slightly less rich as even though I did feel really full afterwards, I think the stomach bloating effect didn’t last quite as long before thank goodness 👍

    Also it was really good that the desserts came in very small portions as it meant that we couldn’t overeat, that wouldn’t have stopped bill though as we all know, he would’ve eaten the whole shop haha.

    It’s very warm here not just the relatively mild temps but something horrendous is going on in the kitchen.

    I’ll have to stop for now and sneakily arrange for the mima - infiltration of the bathroom.

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    ps toady’s hair in it’s natural state perhaps? Or maybe Ellie The Biter’s? Keep quiet it please though I only have a very limited supply of plasters 🩹and antiseptic lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598
    edited 18. Mar 2024, 17:35

    Hi all 👋 quick teabreak for me before like Charlestown I head off for a nap I think.

    Not a bad day at all here frog 😀 got some more tidying & weeding done, gave parts of my cold frame a top-up finish, even clipped a bit of long grass. Finally gaining on the pot-deciding (I think). Yes will watch the sweetpeas, the danger point is also not getting enough light from the off, they must be nice and green & pinched out into bushy little plants, I insist, a la Monty. I have not caught up with the first ep of GW have you 😬 I will iPlayer it before this Friday if poss. Oh I love Brian 😍 ones of that size petrify me I have to take my best torch if I have to go in the garden after dark, so so tiny!! Thank you for photographing him. Sorry things (persons) detained you from getting outside yesterday, maybe not today or not all the time hopefully🤞. I'm afraid I weakened and picked up a couple more plants/seeds from a website (free delivery, have PM'd you just in case interested, may as well lead you astray too 😄), but that's it now, definitely, probably 😉. All systems go for the trellis! as a priority case, you poor thing 😣 I'll try to be thankful I've just got mowing & strimming to put up with. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hello joan, the milk company must do ok if they keep going, maybe there are more people round here that will pay for fancy stuff than I had any idea about! 😮 All you really want is a traditional milk round, milk yogurt bags of spuds, the basics, and then they could just have a posh range for those that want it. Lovely day today can't grumble at all, even dried some washing. Have a good evening love to Sue :) xx

    Hi bosh 👋 glad your mum is feeling better now and things are ok, and your stomach is too just about, maybe it was serendipitous in the end to be at this other place with the smaller portions 🤷‍♀️. Yes that is my hair 😂 well certainly used to be on the red side, not so much these days, busy going white I expect while I'm not looking 😱. Have a good evening may see you later :) xx

    Hi SK 😊 talking of nosegay, four totally different sellers I looked at just this week were all marked as away til the 19th 🤔 what is it about the 19th, or have they all gone away together 😂. Hope your day is going ok, well the bit from 3am onwards🤞:) xx

    It is nippy out of the sun today @Charlestown but for some of the time I was in the garden it was just right actually warm 😊. Hope you get your garden jobs done, managing 3 shops with no ankle swelling is great 👍️. Yes some stuff I sell is family stuff, mine too as well, & occasionally something I've bought with selling in mind (like I bought a kettle & toaster set a while ago & sold the toaster on). The site has changed a lot in the time I've been using it, mostly for the worse 🙄. £2.50 for a Spanish cauli 😮 er I should cocoa! The bananas go in one of the 2 or 3 only things I ever bake haha, dead simple muffins. Btw 'al fresco' is cafespeak for tesco if you see it mentioned lol. I have a Matalan not too far away but a bit out of town still, not very central. Shop online sometimes not that often these days. Have a good evening I am going for a nap myself too, don't really like to in the daytime but could do with it today. 👋

    Tea if anyone wants ☕️ xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    Hi toady C and SK

    Sorry I’m extra tired today had a hot shower and wasn’t able to rest

    so I just need try and get to bed asap really

    I’ll write proper replies and messages tomorrow

    good night everyone tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    hi Charlestown, yes, no choice atm, my enthesitis pain is so bad i have to take it.

    if i leave it off i get no sleep at all.

    how are things for you atm?

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey Reshmi, have a good night sleep x

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi Charlestown, yes my mil was on steroids for 18 months for giant cell arteritis a while back her face puffed up quite a bit. I think they call it moon face, but she went back to normal, well normal for her 🤪 after she tapered off them, and it fixed the arteritis too. I had never heard of arteritis but it is simply an inflammation of the arteries, sounds simple but it can be really serious, thankfully they caught hers in time. I don’t know what we would do without her, she looks after Sucré 3 days a week whilst Loanda is working, although she only actually gone for one day the other two is wfh.

    Flippin’heck the faff returning that speaker cab. Loanda carried it down the High Street to the gadget/phone shop as they were listed as a DHL point. He printed off the label but then was really apologetic as he said he was only a DHL economy agent and this was DHL Parcel which apparently is a different company. The nearest one was a half hour drive away, which I wasn’t up to doing yesterday. But then we found one in the next town, a bit closer so went there. It was a free return (£1 to print label) but they don’t take your time spent faffing into consideration. I am not going to bother with a replacement as my monitors and subwoofer sounded better than the cab, and my headphones sound better still. Funny how £25 headphones from a certain German supermarket sound better than professional studio speakers, although their own brand stuff is very good quality. I have some of their own brand electronic tools like multi meter and soldering iron which are also good quality and very cheap. So anyway it’s on its way back. Thanks for asking.

    i am just having my nightly brew as the pain always wakes me around this time. Headed to bunker in a bit when things calm down.

    So kettle’s on if anyone is awake.

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