Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni toady Joan SK and C

    how are you all?

    I have survived the dentist experience no extraction but cleaning local anaesthetic and root removal so it wasn’t that painful.

    Just a lot of steep stairs a few palpitations but that’s understandable and minor problems of that nature. I’m okay thanks managed to sleep off the anaesthetic more or less still a little bit of numbness of the face but it’s getting a lot better and more manageable. 👍

    Mum’s blood sugar is okay and she’s in an okay mood as well.

    The dentist said that the cleaning etc might be enough but that if it’s not then I’ll need an extraction but I don’t need one at the moment so that’s a good thing. I told her about little bit of pain in another tooth she said to make an appointment. I’ll do that later on at some stage. Also it’s not that much pain either and not constant so overall a good experience generally speaking, thanks everyone for asking about it.

    I don’t know why there are many millions of steep stairs at that dentists’ practice though it would be bad enough even if I didn’t have arthritis I’ve not seen many buildings like that.

    Oh well at least it was an NHS dentist and the dentist herself for sympathetic and kind.

    I’ll go for now and try and post again a bit later, bye for now everyone tc xx

    ps a warning for toady when she’s assembling nosegay packages lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good night everyone sorry got really tired again maybe anaesthetic related I guess tc xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 21. Mar 2024, 00:13
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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Let's hope we see more sunshine today than yesterday and no more rain!

    Morning Joan hope you and Sue are ok? I did get most of what I wanted to done thanks hope you did too. The clocks go forwards soon I think so then it will be even lighter 😊 Love it! ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady!

    What a shock online at such and unholy hour😮 Mind if it keeps you off the internet that's a good thing.

    Sleek has left her list on your laptop for you attention. It's mostly the usual stuff, doughnuts, chocolate fingers, jammie dodgers....

    I did indeed like catalogues I reckon they probably kept people's spending under better control than the online versions do even though some people got into debt it was on a smaller scale I'm sure.. I never had one though. I used to buy from my friend's though. The girls all adored the argos catalogue looking at the toys they spent hours perusing the pages. Those really were the days when I could plan and save up for Christmas pressies for them😊 Even if I was horrendously broke then.

    We had rain too Kari was rather cross about it. Mabel and Sleek will definitely take turns in the wheelbarrow if you are happy to push it😊I hope it won't be toooo much of an ordeal for you🤭 It has been so warm it really has hopefully my ladybird will be fine and we'll soon be seeing butterflies.

    As far as i know Paul's chat to Sleek about the cat sofa has been 'heard'. 4 men in one of our houses nooooo😫or heaven forbid both!

    Morning Charlestown

    You started spring cleaning too have you? Well lucy has left home so it's a case of almost a final clean (😕) and rehoming the 'junk' she's left behind. Don't they collect a lot of stuff kids?🙄

    You must have a good dentist you were able to relax so much while that back tooth was done. I have no idea what mine will suggest about this filling because you can't not floss really can you? I have an extra long appt so plenty of time to do what's needed. I mean I've already stopped eating corn on the cob and I love corn on the cob.

    Take it easy! Remember you are still recovering😊

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today and your Mum of course. Good luck for her phone consult today.

    Well done coping with the dentist sounded ok reasonably ok. I do hope that's it and the other slightly worrying tooth issue turns out to be nothing. You are doing the right thing going regularly unlike BB. Those local anaesthetics are yukky aren't they? still better than being in real pain. Our dentist's surgery also has steep stairs I think because they are the only businesses who can afford such old characterful properties maybe? Mine own dentist's room is the only downstairs one lucky me! Having a nice person is really really important I agree.

    How dare someone impersonate our Toady!! That's outrageous😮

    I think that the stress (is it cortisol released?) does leave us very drained I hope you are ok today.

    I will take Spock's advice with regards to superglue. Scary stuff superglue. We once had a handyman help with some works and when he cut his hand he superglued it instead of going to the hospital for a stitch😣

    Take care Reshmi have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef I do genuinely hope you are feeling a little better Skinny I am quite worried about you. Here's a nice cup of coffee for when you pop in no rush and no pressure. Just a line saying you're ok will do. ((()))

    Take care everyone

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    ps sunrise Mumbai India xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day it’s getting warmer good. Good luck if you have any auctions to day (())

    Toni (()) yes over the years you can collect a lot of things. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good you got on alright at the dentist love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) i hope you feel a bit better now (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charleston (()) I have a problem with my artificial hip and my back I have to wait for my appointment to find out what’s wrong. Thank you. have a good day (())

    love to Barbara and Kitty and anyone else who’s in.

    take care
    joan xx
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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 21. Mar 2024, 11:28

    'Morning all 👋

    Will try another early visit, not that it worked out yesterday 😄 I was all set to be good like I said, and had Monty all queued up to sit & watch quietly, honest I did, got as far as 20 mins in and someone bought something off me so I had to set to, packaging & all that. And my 'right-hand cat/s' had just left, so I was on my own 😂. Oh well, try again. I think Monty was going to sow his sweet peas this episode, so I am ahead 😀 that will be where the similarity ends I expect 😂. But I have tom seedlings today and french lavender too 👍️. Not a bad looking day out there, I will try to get out once my groceries get here. All Sleek's things present I hope 🍩. Hope you can get some things done yourself today and not just spring cleaning, we're all turning out apparently, oh it is hard though, especially someone else's things 😔. Argos catalogues yes very interesting, and you tended to spot things by flicking through a book and browsing in a way you don't online unless you're looking for them. Must go & feed the birdies, have a good day :) xx

    Hello joan, yes I won my auction thank you there were no bidders. Just a silly cheap thing for fun 😊. Nothing to look at today my parcel to a buyer has just been picked up, only going a few miles away should get it by Sat I hope. Have a nice day yourselves, love to Sue :) xx

    Hi bosh glad you got on ok apart from the numbness and the long ascent to the surgery, my dentist is up steps too, thats several of us, odd isn't it 🤔. Quite high stone one outside, like Toni says, nice old building. And up a steep hill to get there, but at least it's downhill when you're fleeing the premises 😄. Hope you can get away with what you've had done so far🤞. Love the sign about you will Be Toad 😂😂 there is only one sort of car you can properly be Toad in 😊.

    And the Spock pic, no superglue for nosegay heaven forbid, sellotape is enough trouble 😄. Hope all family well, young Attenboroughs etc. Have a good afternoon, lovely picture today 😍 xx

    Hope SK doing as well as poss 😘 xx

    Good luck with the spring cleaning Charlestown, have you found anything you've forgotten. The back catalogue headcount of skirts is as follows, 1 long (never worn), 1 normal length (the wedding skirt - black, probably doesn't fit now), 1 short (never worn) 😂. Yes I won the shoes thanks they were only opening bid, if I hate them they can go back to charity 👍️. I'm sure taking a fairly drastic hand with my stuff would be life changing, more room would be great, keep hoping the selling & giving away of things will really start to show a difference one day I suppose it must be helping. My storage isn't ideal so the putting everything away bit doesn't work 😬 I don't like mess either but also don't really like too much stuffed under beds out of sight etc. I have new seedlings up today but still no sign of my bulbs, maybe rotted in all the wet soggy weather, rather sad 😦. Anything going on with you in the garden? Hope you have a nice day, sunny here, don't work too hard plenty of coffee breaks 👍️ xx

    Love to all ☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314
    edited 21. Mar 2024, 12:44

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    mums bs and doc telephone appointment went well but she’s in a terrible mood - full volcano situation I’m afraid

    I’m hiding in the cold room but can’t hide all day unfortunately

    I think yesterday’s anaesthetic and stress related fatigue has finally worn off thanks

    just normal tiredness and stress now lol

    ill write more later bye tc xx

    ps hedgehog bread for all the prickly family members lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Didn't see your post about the drs sorry Charlestown, hope they are ok about the missed appointment & you can get another that suits. Next day tiredness ugh 😕.

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi Toni toady SK C and Joan

    how are you all doing this evening?

    mums in a better mood now but dad caused her bad mood earlier on

    was hiding most of the day in the cold room but as C said - good day to be in the cold really 👍

    got blood test tomorrow early morning so need to prepare and have lithium by a certain time

    some dentists were having a party you know, but I’ll expand on that theme later

    LA is going on a choc hunt - a La toady

    sorry no time left at all for me to spill my soul currently

    night everyone tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi everyone

    the dentists weren’t really partying it just sounded like it, excess tasteless coffee consumption

    and BR said he’s not scared of witches!

    outrageous - I think he’s scared of Lego monster - cobra - python - snakes though - but to be honest so am I - don’t tell anyone though it’s a private opinion published online after all lol

    good night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    'night all 👋

    good luck with the bloods tomorrow bosh 👍️ hope the phlebotomists are not having a party at the time, fuelled by caffeine or maybe by 'O negative', what a thought! 😱. Talking of which, do you know your blood group, they never seem to put that on blood forms etc do they 🤔. I managed a small nocturnal walk this evening but haven't done a lot else today, well I did finish a letter/easter card type thing I suppose. Hope LA has a nice choc hunt, the nearest I got was trying to find something I could possibly consider paying for in miceland, but eggs are such terrible value for money really, even I couldn't force myself 😄. Is BR not included or is it a specific school thing &c. Have a good night glad things are a little less volcanic this pm :) xx

    Charlestown oh dear I'm afraid I love the Boxes That Things Came In 😳 I think my need for Stacey S might be greater than yours 😄. Are you turning out your son's shoeboxes etc with or without his knowledge 😬 people do buy empty trainers boxes on nosegay you know, probably shouldn't tell you that should I, mind you not for much unless something special or vintage. You definitely do sound tidier than me & more prepared to actually part with things (do you have your own school books? I do 😂). Maybe when SK next calls in he will tell us what's at the back of his cupboards he hasn't worn. Glad your garlic came back 😀 hope your son can get your shrubs in for you, I can never believe how huge they get just in 1 year's growth, such a pity they need cutting back! they make such fantastic quick cover. Glad your blood test worked out ok it would have been awful to drag yourself there! Have a good night :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 22. Mar 2024, 05:58

    Morning Joan It's easy to collect clutter isn't it? Lucy and Charley are terrible and Tia for not throwing anything away. How long is it you've had that replacement hip? Have a nice day out you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Still no Skinny Keef😕 Keef I am sending you some extra ((())) and hoping you are feeling ok. That Sucré and Loanda are well too and your Mum ((()))

    Leaving you a coffee

    Morning Reshmi Hope you're ok today and your Mum too. Good news her T/C appt went well.

    I'll be there with you for your bloods and make sure that no people armed with needled are having a party on anything other than coffee and cake.😯

    I'm very glad to hear your Mum got over that volcanic mood. I suspected it had to be your dearest Dad who had set her off🙄Hope you haven't caught a chill being camped out in the cold room all day too.

    That hedgehog bread looks adorable I want some! Hope you get some not just your Mum and Dad🤭

    BR is not scared of witches (he really ought to be) only lego snakes and cobras. I remain unimpressed about them you know lego should not be frightening don't you agree?

    Oh Reshmi have you noticed tree pollen count is getting higher? Ya boo.

    Take care. ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown.

    Aha you missed a Drs appt never mind it's all fine your bloods are pretty well up to day anyway aren't they?

    How are you otherwise? Apart from obviously being tired.

    My sister keeps boxes like Toady for sending out parcels. She has quite a lot and my nephew does too for sending out deliveries at work. BUT in a normal house with no nosegay accounts nor Etsy nor work deliveries boxes ought to be recycled I think I agree with you.

    My girls are very messy luckily Tia's husband is tidy he clears up after her. Charley and her wife have regular clear outs and Lucy hasn't had time to make a real mess yet.

    I do get bitten sometimes and can't remember what blood group I am so probably not B. Lucy is A+ I remember from her chemo days and the 30 pints she had.

    When I get bitten it comes up and i get a little blister in it I never scratch them and when they go they bruise. So i go for prevention not cure and lather myself in that lethal green stuff! Paul's whole arm blows up from one bite.

    Maybe your son might part with some of his smellies? Worth a try anyway. Take care and do put your feet up today!

    Morning Toady I saw you posted a pic of Toad's car! I love it so cute.❤️

    Sorry you didn't get to watch all of Monty our hero. When is gardener's world live this year? Hmmmmm maybe I might just go. Will see what Paul says. Just checked we will be in France I think pants!

    Well done all those teeny tiny seedling to nurture. Sleek was chuffed to bit with them. Just watch her you know how much she loves using her watering can.

    When is the food order coming? Is it soon? Sleek is quite excited (she has been editing my order too but that is for a few weeks hence so we aren't clashing. Ooh don't tell her please, but the vets have messaged - her vaccinations are due.😥

    She needs a thorough check up bloods etc being a slightly older girls at 15 in September. You'd never know would you?

    Would you believe we had a bit of mist yesterday morning, but the day itself wasn't too bad so I did some more weeding and started painting some outdoor furniture.

    We thought we were being so good saving trees not getting the Argos catalogue didn't we? Sad times I miss them. I always devour those silly little ones which postie sometimes delivers. You know the ones!

    Guess what? I am edging my blanket! I really am😊

    It will need a wash once I'm done as there are (just one or two) Sleek hairs.Take care and have a good day.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) we have drizzle today. I hope you have a good day. Is it next Saturday we change the clock’s.

    Toni (()) have a good day. My hip is 28 years old it’s done well. How is your friend and her yorkies doing I hope she is well (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) i hope your mum feels better now don’t worry (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) my appointment is in May. I hope you have a good day. You have R A I have Osteoarthritis.

    love to everyone who’s not here.

    take care
    joan xx
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314
    edited 22. Mar 2024, 15:21

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    I am writing to you post - mxt as I decided to inject it today instead of yesterday as I had morning blood test today and have rheumo appointment on Monday of next week

    mums bs was ok today thanks

    she’s also in a better mood 👍

    i didn’t catch a chill luckily 🙏

    blood test today went ok - no vampire nurse situation - you’ll be glad to hear

    I take your point about old costly buildings with lots of stairs, but my dentists’ is quite a narrow sort of building and although it’s tall the rooms aren’t that large, I’d say the building itself is a bit shabby, but anyway I survived the stairs, that’s the main thing

    The blood test nurse was a new person- but he had no gothic vampiric tendencies at all, so that was good, so I left my garlic necklace at home this time. Also I noted no medical party -goers drinking distinctly non - vegan “red beverages” lol.

    While I remember I wrote this little poem in honour of the scientist haha, thanks

     VC poem Friday 22.03.24.

    This poem is called “Scientist LA comes to the Rescue”

    “I will save ants but not lady bugs” LA cries 

    Gentlemen bugs are ok, any insects really, as long as they’re guys 

    I will save the male mafia member mosquitoes first since they’re superior in my eyes 

    I only like three ladies, granny, mima and mummy

    Mima tells me stories, while mummy and granny make cakes that are so yummy 

    All the important scientists were men apart from Marie Curie, R Franklin…ok my theory might be wrong

    But something I know for sure is that only grown men of 3 and 5 can disturb mima by singing “The Scrambled Egg Song” 

    Ok that’s the first instalment

    bye for now Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi again toady

    I had two small naps post - mxt neither nap was that satisfactory but the second was better thanks 👍

    plus I checked the stomach issue rota and it’s my turn again oh well 🤢

    yes BR is a plucky toddler indeed- even LA is afraid of witches and Mimas wearing multicoloured gloves lol

    yes Lego shouldn’t be scary I agree

    I was just looking at tree pollen count- yes very worrying

    ok I’ll leave it there Toni have a nice evening bye tc xx

    ps good job bill and people sharing his knack for cooking aren’t making dinner lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Greetings my amphibian friend toady

    a small nocturnal walk is much better than none at all

    no phlebotomists’ picnic in the woods / aka gps surgery- thank goodness lol, because as we all know they don’t always swig chalices full of tomato juice, I won’t elaborate on that topic at dinnertime haha, the chocolate hunt is something that’s happening at Reading Museum around Easter time when little LA will be gracing us with his naughty presence and I think it’s basically David A time again, searching for “ prehistoric pieces of chocolate and eggs etc” BR will unfortunately have to wait until he’s an “adulk ”, so that’s about 30 minutes, that’s the most likely timeframe lol

    bloods went ok thanks🙏

    I had a mxt Friday so not the best of days but never mind

    hows your day going?

    bye for now toady tc xx

    ps I think bill was let loose in the kitchen again lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi C

    Im ok thanks

    yes survived dentist and bloods lol

    👋 Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    yes mum is feeling better now thanks

    have a nice night tc xx

    👋 SK

    how are you feeling today?

    good night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 22. Mar 2024, 22:59

    Hi all 👋

    Just a quick wave as haven't organized myself properly today at all, and had an impromptu walk this evening just to make up for not having done much of use, so will head off to bed now & be good. For a change. Was anyone else buying seed potatoes in the middle of the night? No? Just me then 😄 perhaps I could start a new plant folklore tradition, such as 'plant below ground crops by the waning moon' & vice versa, and 'never say thank you for a plant or cutting' 🤷‍♀️ (according to Appalachian tradition apparently).

    Have a good night everyone, proper post tomorrow 😘 xx

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