Knee arthritis

Hi I'm feeling very down. I've been struggling with jmpsin in both knees since spring. I attended weekly physio sessions for arthritis with no improvement. I had an xray was told no arthritis then MRI was told signs of arthritis and meniscal tears in both knees. Physio said I could have an operation which would give me a few good year but may make arthritis more likely. Saw surgeon today said they don't operate any more. So only 3 options. 1 do nothing for 10yrs then get both knees replaced 2 steroids 3 knee replacement which they won't fo as I'm too young.

I've opted for steroids but I had them before and only improvement was for 2 weeks. I struggle every day. I want to go to work and be able to walk my dog afterwards. I want to be able to go for long walks across fields. I want to be active. I'm just feel like I was told I could be pain free for a while and it's been snatched away.


  • debster
    debster Member Posts: 16

    Hi, your symptoms/ story mirrors mine, but I'm guessing I'm older (61 now)

    4 years ago my severe knee pain started, xrays looked fine but a rheumatologist ( I have osteoporosis) got a mri which showed both knees had torn meniscus, I'm quite fit, always done a lot of walking, she referred me to orthopedic surgeon for arthroscopy in both knees . Then I moved 40 miles away, due to long waiting lists I started the process again, physio, steroid injections, nothing helped, I saw a surgeon in my new area, who said they don't do arthroscopy on people over 50 as it doesn't help and can make things worse. He said my knees look like anyone else of my age, so that's it. Put up with it. However my appointment came through at my previous area, so I went and saw a different surgeon who agreed to do arthroscopy. I had the left knee done in July, the arthroscopy showed i had grade 3 arthritis and will need a knee replacement at some point- different diagnosis to xrays and mri ! I had 4 good weeks and now my knee is worse, so I think I will have to get a replacement sooner. So my advice is - everyone and every joint is different, try steroids, if no improvement, see if u can get a second opinion, I don't think age should prevent surgery. Good luck

  • Lylow
    Lylow Member Posts: 4

    Thank you yes I am hoping this time steroids will help and definitely a second opinion infact the physio wrote to a different hospital to the one I went to asking for advice and he's ringing me at the end of December to discuss.

    I just feel hopeless I feel like it's changed my view of my future and not in a good way

  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 525

    Morning @Lylow and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear your bad news about knees and consultation results.

    Glad to hear your are getting a second opinion and hopefully they will help you further.

    Have you had any blood to tests at all ??

    The following links maybe of interest to you……..

    Keep posting I am sure others will connect with you soon.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

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