Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598
    edited 15. Dec 2024, 20:22

    Hi all 👋 nice quiet day, very acceptable.

    Still breezy a bit for gardening which pointed up the cold but I did a bit, at least. Yes you and me frog that was dubious about the alliums 😄 they were just such good value. Now down to 2 lots and those lots are not many bulbs each, 5s & 10s. I should get them done tomorrow in the supposed sunny spell. They're the tall ones that need a good spot in a border. Saw the robins again and a ladybird was out, good gracious. Glad Sleek was not 'off' with you, purring, aw 😘 she told me bits about your trip too. Lovely pic, isn't that tree fancy! I've never seen it before 😮 with those stalls & lights it looks exotic almost un English at first glance. That's the height of the wheel that's at Birmingham for the season I think though not the originals which were getting on for twice as high, that would be a tall tree! Hope your 'Sleek special' porridge was nice btw we had seeds & a few blueberries in ours 😊 yes that's very nearly my kick chen setup 😉😄. I have bought some little gingerbread men so we can recreate cost a packet's gingerbread cream latte ourselves 😀 the £4's we are saving are adding up 😉 and queues are probably going to get longer in store now. We might have some takeaway cakes before xmas though, my baking does not run to orange & raspberry victoria sponge sadly. Only 80 tabs open eh, lightweight 😂 me & my laptop will be fine, we have our own little ways - any non-updating is won't not can't, I have reasons to still use win7 on that machine (same goes for my xp PC 😄). I do have win10 on another machine as well & browsers of all denominations so I won't get caught out thanks 👍️. Will be a wrench to update FF though as I loathed the new 'floating' tabs 🙄 but it is still my favourite browser by a squeak mainly because of multi-account containers. I do have to close some tabs though no doubt about that 😳 how 'bad' are your bookmarks? If I bookmark stuff it just sinks out of sight & out of mind. Hope you've had a good Sunday and that your Monday is fine too, thanks for the message from Joan :) Christmas cards tomorrow! Definitely! 😬 xx

    Wave to Joan and hope things going as well as possible sorry about your tablet we will still be here when you get in 😊☕️. xx

    Hi bosh, I will have tea & biscuits for one please 😊 very glad to hear the oracle let you off the hook, I had every faith in them 👍️. And that everything went ok and your Mum had a great time 😊. Thankyou for the greetings there is not much news here, I will try and get off to bed earlyish it will be cereal for me I think, not the sainted R Brek on this occasion possibly those little parcel thingies 🤔. What a super jaunty upbeat little poem, I love it, such fun 😀. Umbrellas feature in Doctor Chew here & there as you know, very handy things, I don't suppose you've needed yours to help stop slipping off an ice cliff, or against the twin suns of the Gond planet, but you never know when you might need to 😉. Did I mention I have a book called Doctor Whom? 😁. Have a good night take care :) xx

    All the best to Stuart and SK and any passersby 👋 xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 113


    Back to not sleeping, shoulders, back aching, a bit of excise yesterday.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 16. Dec 2024, 07:43

    Morning everyone!

    Not heard from Joan yet but if she needs me to post I'm sure she'll ask😊 she did wish us all good night last night though ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    l hope you are still well and am very glad to hear your Mum was and also that she had a lovely day yesterday. I taking it Big bear was behaving for once.🙄

    Go the gastric oracles they were indeed very very kind to you. To be fair I often watch what I eat out very carefully and it does pay off quite often though not always. We all prayed for you and it paid of in spite of a few lovely deep fried chips!

    Loved the little BR poem bless him I bet he'd love to be out in the rain with a bright coloured umbrella😁 Very cute you find inspiration wherever you find it don't you?!😊 Mima and maybe Ella. LA had his usual strop? No wonder the poor little chap got bored I would too.

    Have a good day my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart I am sorry to hear you are aching - did you overdo the exercise? Did you get cold? Need to see if you can work out why or if it was just the Arthritis. (())

    Morning Toady It's dry - so far let's hope no mizzly-drizzle today. I will be making wreaths as per usual most of this week. Yesterday I mossed 4 and foliaged 3 gave the 3 I had already foliaged out too.


    the first 2 were memorial ones the last for a door.

    It is kind of like a German market or a French night market you know that they set up. You know like the big market in Brum? The tree was huge as was the wheel I decided not to give it a go years ago. I went on the one in Hungary with Lucy and Paul. I was so scared the whole time I had eyes shut and wailing 'is it stopping yet?'😁

    I knew all about the gingerbread coffees you are going to make! Sleek is just so excited she has her coat on already and is watching out of the window for her catsi. Are you both saving your £4s or just keeping a tally? I bet every shop is packed just now I am avoiding them at all costs.

    Well I am so glad you got those bulbs in. Just add those tall alliums and what a display you should have😊 Oh gosh well I did think it was mild yesterday, but poor little ladybird do you think it will be ok?🤔

    Oh Toady please don't even talk to me about bookmarks they go through the floor and into the basement😳

    Glad you have win10 on another machine so the world will not end when your beloved computer crashes. Phew!

    We really are rather rubbish with this technology malarkey aren't we?🤭

    Better get something done I have a lot to do today!

    Take care Toady ((())) xxx

    A quick wave to Skinny Keef. 👋((())) xxx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Heard from Joan

    She said:

    Good morning Toni, Toady, Reshmi, Stuart and Skinny Keef l hope you all have a good day. We have no heating since yesterday ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312
    edited 16. Dec 2024, 14:32

    hi Toni

    Good afternoon

    How are you?

    Lovely to get a message from Joan, no heating though, poor lady, hope her heating situation is resolved soon

    Well my stomach isn’t fully ok but that’s just due to the totm 👍

    Which also of course explain the previous pm mood

    But from yesterday onwards I started feeling very balanced and normal - thank goodness

    Mums ok 👍

    Im also not too bad thanks, backache and fatigue but of course those are just normal symptoms for me at this time

    Big Bear more or less behaved yesterday thanks but he’s become obsessed with air fryers deals and cats nap will soon break down with all his stupid texts about it

    Ok as I’m extra tired today

    This is instalment 1 lol

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi all 👋 well this was going to be a super-efficient, get lots done day but it just never happened 🤷‍♀️

    I have done a few cards though frog, how about you? 😣 can't say it was much fun but maybe I will get into the xmas spirit as I go along.. 😬. I hope you yourself got on better with your lots of stuff to do 🤞. Beautiful wreaths they really are, the recipients will love them 😊 so pretty and the ivy looks so nice, the flowers are lovely much underrated imo. My christmas box plant is looking very nice, it's on the 'loved by birds for the berries' list but none seem to go for them actually - will take pic if we get a bit of daylight. No damp here today but not much sun either and rain tomorrow 😕 things have just dried up too, sigh. Only some 'Allium ampeloprosum' to go, the tallest, not sure where but they have strong sturdy stems (it says) & not too fussy about position. Let's hope I have some flowers & photos to show for these one day or I will look rather silly 😄. The ladybird was tucked in among foliage at ground level, already on the move I know I didn't disturb it, so hopefully will tuck itself away for hibernation. Well I have started a new set of folders to bookmark and close some tabs, they will end up being labelled 'to sort later' or something I know, and then will be never got around to 🙄 you too, well yes we are not the ruthless sort are we & as a hanger on to things person in real life I was never likely to run a tight virtual ship either. I have found some things I can chuck without regret though 👍️. No big wheels for you then, not sure I'd go up in much either these days especially as one's faith in the mechanical side of things takes a knock every time there is a nasty crash like the very recent Birmingham one (not that you'd get me in one of that sort 😱). Yes Sleek and I are saving our coffee money in a little jamjar to spend in the sales 😄. Have a good evening hope everyone well - it's good of you to pass on Joan's messages for us, and so far it has not ended up like Chinese whispers 😄 take care (how is the shoulder dare I ask? 🤞) xx

    Love to Joan and the dogs 😘 what's this about no heat 😟 well I do hope that doesn't continue for very long! Fingers crossed xx

    Quick wave to bosh, I will be back in later for part deux 👋

    - and sorry about the backache and lack of sleep Stuart, hope the exercise is helping in moderation etc, couple of warmer days this week but a bit hit & miss. Have a better night I hope 🤞 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi again Toni

    Good evening

    This is instalment numero deux as they say in bill’s croissant- land lol

    I was also forced to consume deep fried battered fish, but I only had a small amount- I think you’re right, that was the saving strategy 👍

    And thanks for all of your oracle - related prayers 🙏

    I’m feeling a bit ookey right now with totm unfortunately

    Managed to do the long walk in the morning- partly because it’s so stressful at home most of the time, but also because I knew the exercise and fresh air would do me good

    But now I’ve got a bit of shoulder pain that hasn’t vanished even after a hot shower, but don’t worry I’m taking it easy- also not an arthritic flare up in my particular case thankfully 👍
    BR asked me how electricity is made and since this is not my area of expertise I made a joke. I said that electricity is made when BR laughs - then all the lights go on and the ovens in the restaurant street lights lamps, Everything basically, BR laughed because he’s a jolly kind of guy, but of course he’s only three so he didn’t really fully understand this bit of mima - humour, LA was in hysterics though. He also said that when Mima laughs the lights go off so I’m not sure what that means but please remember don’t place me near the boiler when it’s -7° outside haha.

    LA did get in a bit of a strop, but he laughed LA - sandwich joke, so that was good

    okay bye for now Toni take care xx

    Ps you’ve got a new job it seems? 😂

    Wart - rose scones all round please Toni lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    Hi toady

    How are you tonight?

    Sorry you didn’t have a super - efficient day

    Umbrellas - no intergalactic usage I’m afraid - very interesting though 😂

    “Dr whom” - no, sounds good though

    Treaddies the cereal maybe? Lol

    R Brek famine again - oh dear

    Sorry I’m fighting against the thermostat again

    👋Bye toady Toni toady SK Joan and Stuartknee have a good night tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone!

    Latest from Joan: She has her heating sorted Charlie had a go, but in the end a man came out it was the water pressure so she is warm again. She also wished us all a good night last night, but guess who was already in bed asleep yes me! ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    An air fryer? BB wants an air fryer now? What for? show him that picture of the air fryer fires that'll sort him. Just google air fryer fires and then images terrifying it is.

    Sorry back to business. How are you today hopefully coping ok with TOTM symptoms. Yes PM symptoms will have left for now sometimes the thought of getting older actually appeals!

    Glad to hear your Mum is doing ok. That patch is certainly interesting and useful.

    You know what's best when it comes to rich fatty food👍️. Swerve it f you can but if it's unavoidable just have the minimum you can get away with. Then pray to the gastric oracles.

    Gosh I hope your shoulder eases up Reshmi I know too well how miserable that pain can be especially sleeping. Well done getting out for your walk I rarely miss mine for physical and mental health there is nothing like it.

    Awww that's cute BR laughing and the lights go on everywhere🤗 That ought to be true he is such a sweet little boy.

    LA though how very rude Mima's laugh causes the rainbows to come out you tell him! Cheeky boy! Clever though and funny he will go far that one. Though just to on the safe side we had better not make you laugh when it's -7😉 The other good thing about LA is that he is easily chivvied out of a mood bless him.

    Well you have a good day my friend take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Sleek says the money jar is filling up and she is looking forward to the sales! Gosh that's filling up nicely. She's bringing some oat milk from here and a vegan chai latte mix to try so good luck with that today Toady😁

    My shoulder is bearing up - just - with the wreath making as is my back but I am going to have to be careful I think… So far I have made 7 completely and have 9 mossed ready for foliaging if you know what I mean. Titivating comes later. I have been offered some help and may well take them up on it.

    Oh yes well if your bulbs don't give you a good show it might not be your fault. the weather has a serious bearing on our gardening successes too.

    Cards? Cards? You have done more? I have gone as far as asking the new cousins for their addresses still not found my book….will I start one on my lap-top and add to the congestion therein?😂 Folder number 37 for sorting later eh?🤣 I'm with you Toady!!!

    Will be trapped back down in 'the barn' again no doubt later on mossing or some such exciting thing. Ah yes but foster baby's birthday bash at 5 so something to look forward to😊

    Joan's heating is restored. PHEW!!!!

    Take care Toady have a good day before the rain comes still dry yet here🤞 ((())) xxx

    Love of course to Stuart and Skinny K hope all is as well as possible for both (())

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Joan says she is going to ring the forum today @PeterJ who should she ring is there a number? She wants to be able to get on here herself.

    Toni x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312
    edited 17. Dec 2024, 15:08

    hi Toni

    Good afternoon

    How are you?

    That’s great that Joan will call the forum👍

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m tired due to the thermostat war and totm too I guess

    Bye for now tc xx

    👋 greetings to toady SK Joan and S knee - hope you’re all as well as can be expected? xx

    Ps another feline bill lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598
    edited 17. Dec 2024, 16:59

    Hi all 👋 gosh that's cold! 😬 didn't spend near as much time outdooes today, just not nice.

    I did get a quick snap of the Sarcococca ruscifolia though frog, he is only little yet and will be moved somewhere sensible at some point. I hoped for a robin or two as well they were both about but didn't settle and I wasn't stalwart enough to hang about for long. Your wreaths are coming along splendidly I see lots done 😀 and if you can have a little help that's good 👍️. Hope ye olde rustic mossing went well and you will have a lovely time at the foster babies 😊. The christmas cards are still barely off the starting line though then, oh dear, mine are not much better, nobody mention the last posting dates 🤔 😬. Yes I do have all sorts of xmassy stuff in laptop folders 😄 at least some of that is handy, I write my letters on there and that way I know what I've said to what person before. I could handwrite in theory but this is better for this reason, & for not making mistakes on paper. Oh HAH were here nice & early I was very pleased, all is safely gathered in now for xmas & all other meds, much appreciated. Yes that is exactly like Sleek & I's jamjar, I hope you will use the information wisely and not for example to suggest that if we are that 'flush' she might like to cover her own catazon expenses 😉. Glad to hear Joan's heating is on & trustworthy now fingers crossed, hope someone can help her get online we need her restored to her rightful cafe place. Have you or Joan heard from Barbara recently, hope she is as well as can be if so. Have a good evening 😊 xx

    Hope to see you here soon Joan, glad you are keeping warm now it is a really cold day so you would definitely not want to be without 😬 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, I never made it back last night because I remembered I had the 3am milkman to think about so had better not be up til all hours beforehand 😬. In fact I went down because I thought I'd heard him and he hadn't been yet, so is there a phantom milkman as well? 😮 now there's an ooky thought! Luckily in the time it roughly took me to get a cup of tea and replacement hot water bottle he did turn up. I expected a little note ie sorry item/s unavailable but actually everything was there, amazing. I've made up a little bit for my unproductiveness thank you 👍️ might get to the postbox later even. Oh dear air fryers, well it takes all sorts, I can't seem to get away from them and wish people would stop trying to sell them to me, I even had an email from a firm saying 'this air fryer is calling your name', well it will have to go on calling 🤨. Cereal, no not quite Treaddies lol, they're the criss cross malty ones aren't they, these are the more like Treaded Beet itself but little ones. Glad your mum is ok and you are feeling a bit better on the whole yourself by the sounds of it. Have a good evening hope the thermostat is not winning by a mile - take care 👋 :) xx

    Hope Stuart and everyone are ok as poss 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good evening Toni

    How are this evening?

    I’m glad that poor Joan is nice and warm again, bless her.

    Sorry to hear about your shoulder, please try and rest a bit

    We have an air fryer at home but it’s not that new and I think the same is the case with MH, but we are very careful about switching off, etc, but yes air fryer - fires are scary and of course not all the cooking on the planet can be done in an air fryer I agree, but dad got obsessed with some stupid new air fryer deals and I think bill had to buy one just to shut him up, lol, but he most certainly afford it haha, we have to make sure he doesn’t buy our Cafe though, otherwise it’ll become like another café eyebrow plucks (rhyming slang) R Brek served with froth, not a decent cup of tea to be found in the whole of the midlands or the southeast, oh no Val’s Cafe needs to stay independent 😂
    Yes I agree, the idea of aging from the end of pm symptoms perspective certainly appeals

    I’ve found a fb group for demis***ls, I’m not really properly in that category, but when I have pm symptoms I’m of course in that category to some extent and I posted something about when things change basically with a person’s feelings (you know the subtext of course) and I was really pleasantly surprised by how many people commented on this and it really helped me, obviously this is not something that people talk about in polite society, but it was interesting to learn about how people were affected and not just women of course, although pm naturally by definition can’t apply to males 😂😂

    Thanks about mum yes the patch is helping her a lot

    Yes exactly the right strategy indeed 🙏
    Don’t worry my own shoulder is ok today thanks

    I think it was due to bad sleep position 👍

    It didn’t hurt during the walk,

    Yes the walks are sustaining us, I agree

    Yes cute little BR indeed haha

    He was hugging me very tight when I was sleeping, he’s very strong 😂

    If I hadn’t had totm I wouldn’t even have slept for those precious 5 minutes really

    Yes LA is an incorrigible lovable rogue unfortunately haha

    I tell him things but even a Mima’s power has its limits

    Yes no silly jokes in deep winter please, mind you I’ll have to obey that rule myself, which may prove more difficult

    Yes LA is never in a strop for long, unlike his grandfather 🙄

    Mum has routine kidney blood test early tomorrow morning

    The house is an absolute sauna now Toni

    I’m wearing summer t shirts and trousers - oh dear

    I require ice lollies for inside and hot chocolate for outside please haha

    Group for me tomorrow

    Have a nice evening Toni tc xx

    Ps a new word for BB lol

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi toady

    glad you got some stuff done

    Sorry it was too cold to spend much time outside

    I see wrong parcels of the cereal variety

    Phantom milkman, what a scary thought

    The furnace is roaring here, it’s so hot I may forge a ring…oh no I haven’t the copyright for that storyline haha

    ps couldn’t find a phantom milkman but just a ghost having tea and wart -rose biccies or something

    Have a good night toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi Toni and everyone

    In case I don’t have time to post tomorrow morning,

    This is bill before his morning coffee

    Ok maybe he’s had some cosmetic surgery and liposuction- don’t tell anyone 🤐

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Everyone Joan didn't manage to get on then? Oh dear that's not good. I thought I swa her icon here yesterday too must have been wistful thinking. She sent me a message last night (I was asleep!) wishing us all a good evening too. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you and your Mum? That was interesting finding that group on FB well done for that sounds as though it was definitely supportive. I will rest my shoulder when I can I promise😊Glad your was just sleeping wrongly. At least you are not down to bikini indoors and ski gear outside - yet!!!!

    I can be crabbit. Very crabbit😂 If men could be crabbit BB would be. Has he bought a new air fryer? I see BIL gave in and bought one for some peace and quiet!!!! As you said the can afford it anyway. For me it's just more kitchen clutter I can manage in the traditional way. I have my instant pot and my flatbed microwave that's it for 'modern appliances' for me. Proving my genuine crabbit status there!

    Awww BR is such a sweet boy hugging his Mima. Reshmi I doubt anyone will easily get through to LA, but LA himself as he gets older. He is a very bright boy and does know right from wrong he just loves life and is busy living every minute of it! Nobody will get in his way😊

    The café will of course remain independent it is owned by us as a collective we all have shares and will just have to make sure BIL can't buy any. We will not become another 'eyebrow plucks' no way. He has had that ozempic? 😯

    Your last group session before Christmas today then? My last foodbank. It's raining here I hope you stay dry when getting there and back.

    Take care Reshmi and have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    It's windy and wet here 🙄 finally my birdy fat sticks and seed have arrived I was nearly out of them 🐦

    I think Joan can get on the forum maybe???? Not sure but not find the cafe? I think she was going to ring for help yesterday and I thought I saw her icon on yesterday, but must have been wrong?

    Aha well I would never dare say that Sleek can pay for her own catazon purchases!!! Anywat she just uses my saved card😉 The jar is certainly filling up well done you two. She was coming over under her own steam today but the wind and rain have put her off so she's watching for her catsi.

    Your sarcococca ruscifolia look amazing! I rather like them those berries too so pretty.

    Don't mention last posting dates as i was out again last night as you know and my postie has damaged his leg again😣. What a good idea saving letters to your laptop so you don't duplicate and repeat yourself.

    Took Lucy to the babies for the birthday tea. We had a fabulous jackfruit curry too. wasn't late night by the time I had taken Lucy home it must have been about half 8 so l got to bed on time.

    Naked wreaths so far

    Messy barn at one of the farms here, but far better than when I used to do them outside to be fair. Definitely drier! and there's a pusskin who sometimes says hello too🐈️

    Well I'd better get on foodbank today last for me before Christmas so likely to be busy. Take care Toady ((())) xxx

    Love to Stuart and Skinny Keef (())

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    good afternoon Toni

    How are you?

    I fell down in the town centre but I’m ok just a little bit sore

    Mum has a throat virus we think

    Also she had low bs this morning

    She’s not feeling well at all

    I’ll be better after hot shower

    Group was ok thanks

    Ok bye for now desperately need ablutions

    Bye for now tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi all 👋 tea please ☕️😊

    Funny old day frog but I am gaining on the xmas stuff.. I think.. never helps that when I think of posting dates I forget we have no afternoon collection, so you're always talking next day anyway 🙄. What on earth has your postie done? oh dear! Got into the garden but only to fix my arch which was trying to 'go' again with the wind 😒 not the best investment really but being sectional at least you can easily replace a piece. It was fresh air anyway I guess 😄. You've put me to shame with your wreaths, so I am definitely going to at least make up a couple of jamjars of ivy etc, when (if!) the weather allows. You have obviously really got your hand in with the mossing 😊 I don't think I'd be any good at all. Lovely that you get a visitor cat sometimes too 😊. Glad the rest of your yesterday was nice. Sleek and I had a good morning she helped me look at my next miceland order, I was a bit taken aback yesterday to see that slots even not that last-minute were £6 £8 or even £10 😮 but today they seem to have re-jigged prices, so I've booked Fri. Any nearer and I'd worry I won't get things, even the 20th might be dicey but nothing would be vital really. When do you do your last, or do you do it in bits and pieces? Hope foodbank was ok 👍️ have a good evening. Hope Joan is getting somewhere with her attempts to get in 🤞 right, back to the cards 😬 xx

    Thinking of Joan hope everything as good as possible, was wondering when you next have to see anyone or is the nurse in main charge of checking on you at the moment 🤔 xx

    Hi bosh, sorry things not good with your mum, oh dear, I hope the throat thing is not too nasty. And you fell too 😣 glad no harm done, hope the shower helped any soreness, no bruises I hope, was it an uneven kerb or something like that 😔. That was on the way back from group I assume glad that was good anyway, as it's the last before the 25th, will they restart round the 8th? Funny about the one ring storyline btw 😄yes if it's furnace-like you may as well get some use of it, maybe you could 'Vulcanize' something haha 🖖. I do love the little ghost they look quite content with their tea 😊. More than I feel tbh I am getting through my xmas cards and letters but there will be phone calls too, I hardly need tell you how I feel about that 😱 oh well it will be over soon and then it will nearly be Spring (wishful thinking). Heavy rain here soon for hours and then more strong winds over the weekend 😕🌪️ maybe they will change course by then 🤞. Take care :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 18. Dec 2024, 17:14

    Heard from Joan this morning she wishes each of us by name a good day. @PeterJ has she been in touch with you yet she is struggling to find the café ?

    My goodness Reshmi I do hope you're ok??? Not nice falling it hurts and you also feel embarrassed don't you? I hope you don't find yourself covered in bruises tomorrow.

    That's a sign your poor mum is poorly her bs playing up bless her.

    Back in a bit. Doing dinner not been in all day🙄

    ((())) xxx

  • Jellybea
    Jellybea Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I have just joined. My right hand is affected and as an artist I find it so depressing not to paint as I have always done. Any advise on how to deal with this. Ie pain management or aids would be very much appreciated. Yours Jellybean

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,312

    hi Toni

    Yes I’m more or less ok thanks

    That’s nice of Joan bless her

    To be honest even writing this is a bit painful but I’m getting better

    So is mum

    Good night everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hello @Jellybea and welcome to the forum (sorry though that you have reason to be here of course), what type of arthritis do you have? Is it being controlled as well as possible at the moment? It must be very frustrating indeed as an artist to have your dominant hand affected 😔 have a look if you haven't already at the 'living with arthritis' bit of the forum Living with arthritis - Versus Arthritis - in the meantime the kettle is always on in the 'cafe' ☕️ (I am up distracting myself online from the filthy weather 😕). Take care x

    night to bosh too hope you sleep well and it helps any bits that might be going ouch x

    frogmorton did you say you'd tried texting Joan a link once that she could click to get straight in? (if her equipment works that way don't know much about it being an android like yourself 🤖), thanks for letting us know you'd heard from her today. x