Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    good afternoon

    How are you?
    Yes I think she’s just adjusting to things you’re right

    Thanks, yes indeed MXT is good for us but it is a nasty procedure Isn’t it really- side-effects and all?

    oh yes T OTM don’t remind me I’ve been trying not to read too much about side-effects and mood swings and all the rest of it. I did read a little bit but of course as we both know that getting obsessed and pretending we’re medical professionals isn’t good, haha, it is scary though, like I said the last one was without mood swings so I’m hoping it doesn’t happen again, but it was such an odd feeling really for me especially, not being used to having those kind of emotions at all, Anyway it’s best not to brood, so I’m trying to keep busy. Yes any time free of methotrexate and female issues is great but there’s always some kind of female issues going on really, isn’t there - in a manner of speaking unfortunately? Haha

    I did come across a very funny short video on fb though, can’t remember exactly who it’s by, Sarah somebody but it’s called “If you do this, you’re a peri menopausal woman” and she’s dancing while drying a saucepan to some pop song from the nineties, I think, in a very angry manner - it looks like she’s ready to flatten someone!

    I know that feeling 😂😂

    I may have caught a slight cold so I’m going to perform some emergency hot water ablutions lol

    Have a good afternoon Toni

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    greetings my amphibious friend

    How goes it?

    How are those pesky spirit neighbours now?

    Scared away by the Midlands Monster Tornado conjured up by Poe and your necromancer - self?

    I would evoke the wrath of some of the ghosts to deal with nosegay - pests too you know, but maybe limit it to one ghostly being a night toady, you don’t want to risk having to attend Ghost - summoners Anonymous 😂

    I hear they have terrible biccies at those meetings lol

    And please don’t ask what’s in the “tomato juice” 😱

    Ok I meant to send this long ago but got distracted by Vesuvius members etc

    Have a good night bye for now toady tc xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi bosh I hope you had a good day and I hope your cold goes away soon for you and I'm pleased your mam is better goodnight and take care.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 31. Jan 2025, 00:05

    I was having a passably ok day until I went for a rest round half 5 and someone banged loudly on the door sometime after 6. The front door now being right under my bedroom of course 🙄 have been thoroughly rattled for the rest of the evening so sorry not to post just can't put my mind to anything. No idea who it was, nothing put through and too late for cold callers, in the dark, surely; will wait upon proof but frankly woe betide whoever. (If the phantoms, then my spell has clearly backfired dramatically 😱.) Hopefully back tomorrow but depends how much of it I have to waste on edge, waiting for a repeat which then probably won't happen 🤷🙄. Hope everyone else has had 5 minutes peace, at any rate, wish all a good night 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 31. Jan 2025, 07:40

    Morning everyone

    Hi Joan. We had a lovely catch up me and my friend but unfortunately a young boxer dog broke her lead and came bounding over to Pippa the girl yorkie. (I had the boy and was a bit ahead luckily) my friend managed to hoick her up and after a tussle with the dogs (boxer wanted to play I think) the owner caught his dog. Luckily all dogs and owners are fine no blood shed. When we got back to my friend's we checked our heart rates on our fitbits and they had shot up!!!

    Have a good day Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo

    Aw I'm so glad the dogs enjoyed their long walk. It will have done you good too. See my walk yesterday with my friend's dog above. She is a friend I've had for years she lost her wife to cancer a couple of years ago and hasn't gone back to work yet. I think you absolutely should phone the Drs about the palpitations. It's quite scary and they may just be able to help. Other than that I hope your day is good for you ((()))

    Morning Stuart has that annoying cold gone yet? I do hope so and for your Mum too. (())

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? A post MTX hangover? I hope not🙄 If so you have my permission even prescription (Dr Toni) to have as many carbs as required on a PRN basis and hot chocolate full mugs😉

    Absolutely you are so right. Hormones that's what it is we women are plagued by. always at whatever age unfortunately we actually need them. Hence extra weird issues during peri such as extra periods/heavier ones and those intrusive thoughts. Then there's actual menopause when it's all hot flushes, sleep issues, weight gain etc etc it's never ending is it! Still we are made of strong stuff and carry on.💪

    ELB!!! Oh yes if anyone can flatten people who deserve it she can!😂 Isn't it lovely how the whole herd loves and looks after baby ellies? Little BR as an elephant that would be him with you all around him.

    That is a great pic of that man protecting his cats from haters!

    I hope you managed to ward of that potential cold. I blame Stuartknee🤣 not!

    Take care and I hope your day is good ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Oh dear me that's not good at all. That would have put the willies up me too. Especially if I was on my own. Sleek is on her way ready to take on any cold callers, phantom neighbours or knock-a-door-runners.

    She may be taking things a bit far, but intends to stay all day and overnight.

    Do read my post to Joan about my traumatic day yesterday.

    Going for a walk with Kari in a bit over the Chase will feed the ducks and Moorhens. Take care Toady all is ok ((())) xxx

    Love to Skinny Keef if you pop in ((())) xxx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton I'm going to try phoning again this morning it's hard to get in touch with the doctors it opens when I'm on the school run so the appointments are gone by the time I get in touch with them. How are you feeling today I'm pleased you got out for a nice walk yesterday with your friend that's sad about your friend too I'm pleased she has got you to go out with what type of dog does your friend have? I hope you have a good day.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    good morning Toni

    Mxt day 🤢🤢

    EF tomorrow 😱

    Wppl xx

    Ps someone is alarmed about our mxt day lol xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I’m sorry that happened to you. Have a good day I hope they don’t come back today you will be ready for them

    Toni (()) have a good day with Kari (()) is she a long way from you. I bet your friend enjoyed the walk except the boxer. It was good he just wanted to play.

    Jojo (()) have a good day I hope you manage to get through to the Doctors.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day that’s good your mum (()) is feeling better.

    Skinny Keef (()) how are you love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    Stuart (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi dachshund I hope you have a good day too I managed to get though to them they put me on a waiting list so I might get in today or might not that's the best they can offer other than travelling to another doctors but I can't drive.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi again Toni
    good afternoon

    How are you?
    mums ok 👍

    I’ve injected mxt

    EF visiting tomorrow

    It’s a bit sauna - esque 🤢

    Yes we need the hormones, true

    My cold has gone

    Ok bye for now

    May go to the ice hotel for ablutions tc xx

    Ps vegan pizza - please forward to Bill 😂xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    greetings guardian of the toads, Joan, JoJo SK and S Knee

    How are you all doing today?

    👋 Joan

    How are you today?

    Thanks about mum

    She’s been arguing with dad quite a lot, which is good, as it means her energy levels are getting back to normal,

    The arguments are annoying no doubt, but it’s much better than when she meekly asked me about my blood test when she was really unwell, bless her

    Have a good evening Joan and tc xx

    Ps more vegan pizza xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi bosh I'm not too bad thanks its my day off work today and tomorrow then I'm in work Sunday and off for a full week so will get a breather next week how are you doing today.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all, not much doing today and no repeat of yesterday so just left with a vague unsolved mystery, which is nice 🙄 better that whoever came back & you could draw a line.

    Thank you frog yes these things rattle one & it's so often just what you don't feel like 😕 as you know I'd just knocked off a few chores, in order to rest on my laurels a bit, have my injection & a quiet time, never the way though is it. Funny how you can't get 'puddytat' past the swear filter but you can get the willies 😂. Yes please Sleek day and night oh that would be fab 👍️ funnily enough I don't have a high danger-alert nature, so don't tend to think about burglars &c for some reason. The noise & the disturbance and the being dragged to the door any old how without notice (I think we all know me on here now and know that's an achilles heel 😳😄). Hope you had a good day and a nice walk and the duckies are all fine, any sun to be had? none here, after the 2am buckets of sneaky rain. Sorry about the heart-rattling dog incident and hope the yorkies weren't too rattled 🤞. Will get off to bed early now and the devil will have to take the hindmost tomorrow. I was up early for the bins and to finish a nosegay parcel which was almost done last night except I didn't want to put the lights and printer back on downstairs 🙄. I was late the night before too but that's because I was buying dahlias and gladioli at midnight, like you do 😂 so definitely need the sleep. Good luck with the possible fridge fix man, hope everyone well at the moment oh and how is Elfie? not an existential crisis I hope 🤭 you and me both Elfie. Take care have a good weekend 😘 oh look forward to a vegan pie review :) xx

    Hello Joan, thank you yes I have been on the alert for someone today but nothing 🤷‍♀️ so who knows. Hate a mystery. I Will see about another tree quote I was lucky before because the chap would do odds as well but has a bad back now 😔. Sorry the thing about the shutdown instructions was no good all I thought was maybe the menu they said that brought up might happen to help you with what you wanted as well. Have a good weekend at least it looks dry 🤞😘 xx

    Hi bosh, well no more spells for me for a while too risky that I will accidentally conjure up something far worse than Poe's ghost 😱. Also no I do not want to risk the GsAnon biccies, and they might give me exorcises to do as well 😬. I hope your day has been not too bad I am pretty 'hattered' myself not much sleep last night, I will catch up properly soon. Glad to hear that your mum's feistiness is a good indicator she is feeling better 👍️ I hope you haven't caught a cold yourself? take care chat soon 👋 :) xx

    Glad you had a nice walk in the fields that's good you have somewhere like that. Gardening, I tend to grow in pots quite a bit but even then I've had so much trouble with snails &c, so this year I am going to admit defeat & move to plants they don't like 👍️. I have borders with lavender &c in and usually like to at least do a few runner beans some salad etc but I would like a different garden really it's not ideally laid out. Love sweet peas too. Mostly I just buy seeds (too many) because of the pretty pictures and then not get round to them all so I must go through them and sort them out. Have a nice weekend :) xx

    Love to Stuart et al 😘 xx night all.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Sorry Jojo didn't address you by name there ^

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    👋 empress of the Toads of Utopia

    How is the phantom - summoner this evening?

    Phantom - door bangers that sounds very nasty indeed

    Not much to report today

    Mxt was injected 🤢

    When is your mxt day again?

    Was it Thursday?

    Is shortbread something you can consume?

    Or do you find it gastrically challenging?

    👋back to Toni again- sorry another chaotic posting method lol

    I was watching the old kids’ tv programme “Will’O the granola Crisp”, as the rhyming slang goes lol, and evil Edna the witch, whom I call Nasty M The Witch turned a worm into a creature that was half book and half cabbage! My goodness so this was J Betjeman’s great grandson possibly? What happens when it rains? Time to hide inside the biccie cupboard I feel haha, so mouldy cabbage flavoured - rich tea biscuits- well at least they’re vegan and have more medicinal qualities than penicillin 🤥

    👋ok “boomerang - ing” back to toady - so the door - bangers were evening menaces? That’s so irritating and potentially dangerous, I often don’t answer the door at that time if I’m alone in the house

    LA is going to return to after school football again - just don’t let him near any test tubes of the red stuff - he may follow BR and flatten them 😂😂

    Sorry that joke is very much in my system still haha

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    Ps Kirk and Bill need more hair gel - please call the emergency HDs haha xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady it's ok I've had a decent day off how are you doing today hope you had a good day.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan how are you and the dogs doing? I hadn't realised they were that age doesn't time fly? To me they are both puppies still. We did enjoy our walk yes thank you. Always good to get out isn't it? I tried the versus arthritis shoulder exercises yesterday I think I should have done a bit less blimey shoulder was sore yesterday!!! Probably good though if it is muscle. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo Did you get a Drs appt? So frustrating this 8am phone call business. I tend to go in and make an appt for a few weeks time if I can at least them I know it's there. My friend's dogs are yorkies so quite a lot smaller than the friendly Boxer dog. Enjoy your day with the children I hope they behave for you😊((()))

    Morning Stuart I do hope all is well and that cold has gone for you and your Mum.(())

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you? Well done shaking of your cold. Strong woman see? You joined me for your MTX day thank you so much I love company 🤣Safety in numbers I always think. Beaker's hair showed his support too bless him.

    We have a ring doorbell now so I can see who is at the door if it rings late, but I would probably ignore it at night if I was alone too.

    I don't intend to flatten anyone today myself, but you never know. The idea might cross my mind now it's in there. If anyone should upset me too much🤨Annoying Midlanders better watch out!

    I thought you'd be due an EF visit those boys need to see Granny for themselves and make sure she's had enough calpol and feeling much much better. Mima needs the entertainment and is lot here need the stories!

    BTW that first vegan pizza looked amazing just up our street don't you agree?😋Oh how perfect Nasty M is the witch that did make me laugh😂 half book half worm ok. That's different.

    Hope the day is good and your Mum doesn't do too much in preparation. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Hope the day was better? Did Sleek take her door watching duties seriously? I am sure she did She is purrfectly capable of giving unsolicited phantom callers a flea in their ear!

    Elfie right

    This is why no-one has seen much of him for a day or two he caught Bosh's cold. Blimey he does make a fuss. Bless him, hot lemon and used tissues everywhere🙄

    You've been buying for your garden?!!! lovely that is so good for the spirit😊 I had a lovely dog free walk on the Chase with Kari yesterday in the rain. It was chucking it down we loved every minute. We fed 'our' moorhens and some ducks too. Can you imagine my hair? Beaker has nothing on me unfortunately now.

    Checked in with my friend dogs and her are all well no lasting effects from our run in with the over friendly boxer. Even though she wasn't biting she terrified us all she was just 10xs their size.

    I will possibly try the vegan pie this weekend so watch this space. I love pastry you know I really do.

    I hope your early night has seen you restored now?

    Sleek is en route (after nipping home for her breakfast and wash - expect her to have more at yours😉) if it's dry she wants you both to get outside. Yes I have no idea why I can't say pusskin (slightly differently) but the male version is ok🤷

    Take care Toady have a nice day I hope ((())) xxx

    Where is Skinny Keef??? ((())) xxx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton I've tried getting a doctors appointment yesterday they put me on an waiting list and they phoned later on in afternoon when I was at the opticians with my kid so I missed the phone so I will try again Monday morning. I love yorkshire terriers I used to have one he was my first dog I got him off my mam for my birthday he lived 14 years my kids loved him we all missed him very much. I hope you are well and have a good day.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good day I ordered some jam doughnuts but they didn’t have them only sugar ring one’s I gave them to my friend because she comes to help me. When I had my one I expected to taste the jam.
    Toni (()) my neighbour has a yorkie cross she seems nervous. Have a good day. Is your friend nervous about going out and meeting the Boxer again.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Jojo (()) have a good day and a rest.

    Stuart (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) how are you love to you and Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m so tired

    Littleys are here

    Bye for now tc xx.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi dachshund thank you I've had a good rest today we took the kids to an indoor play area so they have had fun we had a nice hot drink and a cake I hope you have a good day and keeping well.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 1. Feb 2025, 17:11

    Hi all 👋 it's so cold 😮 where did that sneak up from?

    No disturbances today frog, maybe Sleek's 'evil eye' (she does a surprisingly good one for a sweet cat doesn't she!!) at the front window is doing the trick 👍️. Yes there were 2 breakfasts 😄 well it is cold, and she'd had two trips to make remember, so it was only sensible. Oh poor Elfie! doing the perfect little invalid there, rather sorry for himself, and ever so slightly enjoying the fuss? 🤔 He will be right as ninepence in no time, I'm sure elves have an excellent capacity for quick recovery. As for people who go out and get soaked and say it was lovely 😮 well I will simply quote once again from the Frog and Toad books - "Frog and Toad were caught in the rain. They ran to Frog's house. “I am all wet,” said Toad. “The day is spoiled.” Exactly, Toad. I have found the books read aloud by the author online 😀 perfect for Arya, if you want to introduce her early to frog & toad-ness. I have not done much today but I did sow some more seeds 🌱 I realised I had flown right in the face of my own advice buying dahlias btw, not a good plant if I want a slug resistant garden, but it was just the one. Hope it will be better pottering weather soon 🤞. Glad your friend + yorkies are ok, yes a large boxer would not be my cup of tea 😬 as you say, size alone. Have a good weekend, love to all :) xx

    Oh yes Joan the doughnuts that's exactly right 😄 a bit like when you were expecting tea to be coffee if someone makes it and for a minute you aren't sure what you're tasting. Dull and cold today which is disappointing, but dry and calm, can't have everything. Monday doesn't look too bad but some really quite cold days again next week 😬 oh well February, we must be getting through it. Have a good Sunday 😘 xx

    Hi bosh 👋 half cabbage half book, yes Betjeman I absolutely love that 😂 brilliant. I don't remember that from Will'O. I'm fine with shortbread well it depends on the sort maybe, I buy a certain brand of fingers maybe less buttery/rich than some, not sure 🤔 biscuits in general are ok, luckily, given the amount of things that aren't my friend it's just as well. Hope your day is not too bad, not ideal timing for the littleys when you have mxt day only yesterday, hope you get some rest later. My mxt days are behind me touch wood, I'm just on the stronger stuff now haha the biologic end of things (they do like you to take mxt alongside most of those ideally but can be monotherapy too thankfully). Yes the door bangers seem to have been cold callers (well I can only assume as no-one has called back and they would I suppose, if it was something else) - if that's really all it was, then may they be cast into a pit of doom somewhere 😒. I suppose 6 isn't late and they may rightly hope they will catch people after work, but yes the dark makes it more ookey, no chance of me answering anyway if I'm not expecting anyone. Today I am sewing little colour coded buttons into jeans & trousers to help me organize them, because apparently that's the sort of person I've become, I blame the lockdown 😂. Take care have a good Sunday :) xx btw love the lottery pic, I won £3.40 the other day, how many cats can I afford 😂😹.

    Sorry getting an appointment is a faff for you Jojo hope you can co-ordinate the call sometime. My surgery was so easy to deal with before they turned into a new bigger one, they just used to answer the phone now it's press 1 for this and 2 for that and some truly terrible holding music 😣 oh and lots of recorded messages that you don't want and can't skip 🙄. My day was ok I am just still a bit out of sync from the other day when I was disturbed by people knocking, such a small thing really to rattle me that much but often it's the timing too, just what I didn't want. Glad you had a nice drink and cake out it cheers you up 😊👍️. Glad it's work tomorrow but then a week off for you :) have a good evening xx

    Wave to Stuart and SK 👋 xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady I'm sorry you got desturbed I hate it when people come to the door I like the peace and quiet especially when I'm in the house on my own luckily no one would mess with me with 2 barking jack Russell's in the house yeah I'm looking forward to 4 :15 pm tomorrow afternoon.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi toady

    You won £3.40?
    I think we need new premises for our cafe lol

    👋 Toni sorry the littleys have shattered me

    BR had such a tantrum I had to put B Shark on - oh dear 😱😱

    LA also had a tantrum I’ll explain tomorrow

    Bill ate everything not nailed down to the floor

    Sis was ok

    My gastric oracles may be severely displeased

    👋 jojo im tired but ok thanks, how was your day off?

    👋 Joan mums ok thanks how are you?

    👋 night S knee

    Goodnight all tc xx

    Ps warning from GI Joe Physio lol xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi bosh my day has been quite good when I moviated myself we took the kids to the indoor play area which the kids really enjoyed how has your day been today?