Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 2. Feb 2025, 07:53

    Morning Joan how annoying your 'jam doughnuts' having no jam in them. Still you found someone who will eat them so no waste. I think my friend should be pretty safe it wasn't nearby it was a local-ish beauty spot we drove to, but yes she is a bit nervous just now. You've had similar experiences if I remember? ((())) xxx

    Hoping Stuart is ok🤔

    Morning Jojo how are you doing? So sorry about the Drs appt so annoying. Yes keep trying. I also had a yorkie he was my own first dog at the time I also had 3 cats. He was called Scruffy he was the sweetest little dog I loved him so much. When he was a puppy he was totally black and tiny!

    I hope today's shift passes quickly and you're soon home eating your sunday dinner😋

    Morning Reshmi

    Gosh I do hope our prayers to the gastric oracle have paid off for you😯 Remember GI Joe is always watching you😉

    Sounds as though the family behaved true to form. BIL eating like there's no tomorrow and both boys throwing some sort of wobbly about something. You had to watch baby shark torture for any civilised adulk😣Nooooo!

    I hope though that in amongst the chaos your mum was treated like a queen by everyone. I bet she was. You must all be so grateful that everything turned out so well after that scare.

    I picture the house being in need of phantom cleaners when they have left mayhem in their wake. Still I know you all enjoy their visits even if it is a bit full on.

    l don't think Toady's £3.40 will buy us many cats, but years ago the café did have a cat called cuddles I have no idea how old she was or if she's still around. If l won the lottery gosh yes what I'd do after sorted my children out. Mind Reshmi you do actually have to play the lottery to win🤔

    Take care and try to have a restful restorative day! ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Hope all is well with you you were quite right about Elfie he is much better though still milking it a bit for Daddy (Paul) I caught him watching the birds yesterday after I put their food out.

    Sleek can indeed give a remarkable 'mean look' when she chooses too that's true. Any potential door knockers would certainly think twice unless they had legitimate business being there. Two breakfasts were absolutely necessary it was an early start for a small cat and yes it is cold😉I am still waiting for her to climb her cat tree…..

    Oh Toady!! I will have to get Arya 'Frog and Toad' books! Most definitely on audio I already have this book for her amongst many others

    Her Mummies read her a story every night already. I must share an updated photo in a PM with everyone. She's still tiny but growing fast.

    What seeds did you sow? I am desperate to get outside properly. I think I need some imaging on this shoulder I mean if it's just the arthritis in the end I will just carry on, but if it really is a rotator cuff tear probably not.

    Oh gosh yes I hadn't thought about dahlia's being a slug's favourite lunch😮 I am after a few shrubs. Silver sussex for one and probably a hebe not sure which. Autumn glory maybe??

    Come on now. If you go for a walk in the rain deliberately you feel so virtuous so smug and proud of yourself so you do! (Irish accent typing there did you spot it? Yesterday was St Brigid's day in Ireland I made this St Brigid's cross for a neighbour over the road

    You need to zoom in for a proper view of my half decent weaving. I think she appreciated it, well the thought at least!

    Take care Toady hope your day is good ((())) xxx

    A quick wave to Skinny Keef 👋

    who could have cooked these as google says to day is Yorkshire pudding day!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) we have sun and it’s warm. I hope you have a good day. Have your neighbours moved in yet.

    Toni (()) I asked for jam doughnuts but they sent sugar ones there was no jam ones left. Have a good day we have the sun and it’s warm. Love to everyone

    Reshmi (()) have a good day I hope the little ones don’t wear you out. Love to your mum (())

    Jojo (()) pepper as got a big dogs bark someone comes next door he’s off I say wait for them to knock on our door before you bark. Have a good day

    Stuart (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef have a good day love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 113


    Just had a bad flare up both knees are aching!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    good afternoon Toni

    Wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 2. Feb 2025, 17:42

    Hi all 🌞 a nice little bit of unexpected sun today 😊

    I have been Doing Good Works in the garden frog 👍️ they were none of the jobs I set out to do today but it did come out bright if cold so I did an about-face and went outdoors instead. I disassembled my bench for ?renovation/replacement, rounded up some pots for evaluation, tarpaulined my little shed (needs felting one day) and some bits & bobs. The seeds are anything that says it would or even might benefit from a period of winter chilling, so they are experimental ones I am putting out belatedly in the cold frame for cold/moist stratification. Says me 😉 well we'll see - things like penstemon, astrantia, geum &c. I am sowing in quantity this year and if I have extras (unlikely) will worry about that later. I do like hebe btw I will go and have a browse and report back. Unlike Elfie, (sitting up and taking an interest as they say 😊) I didn't see any of my birdy friends much today. Hope you have had a nice Sunday - you will never sell me on rainy walks, 'to be sure' 🍀, I'm afraid I will have to get my virtuousness some other way 😄. Lovely weaving! I have indeed zoomed right in 😊 can't think how you go about that, well a vague idea but it looks like the sort of thing that could go wrong on you given half the chance. I bet your neighbour did appreciate, and St Brigid too, perhaps she will accord you a little healing? 🤞 yes imaging for the shoulder I should say would be good to see what's going on 😔 I hope it would tell you something definitive. Oh good, lots of frog books 👍️ just the ticket. I just wish there were more 'F&T'. Still not the cat tree? 😮 oh dear, I was still hoping but you would have said if she'd suddenly become mad keen 😔. Yes where is Cuddles? 🤔 is she one of these cats with homes at several cafes I wonder and none of them know. Hmm. Have a good evening, love to all 👋 xx

    Hello Joan, the current next door neighbour is still the same one so even though he's renting it may be medium or long term, I don't know. I doubt the owner would want to bother with a short let. Glad you had some sun like here though quite cold out it was I thought. Keeping an eye out to see what bulbs are coming up 🌷😊 have a good Monday 😘 xx

    Hi bosh hope your Sunday has been ok and there have been fewer tantrums ie none from the adulks I hope 😬 it has been quite nice here, no noise no rain no wind it can't last 😄. Good luck for the gastric oracles relenting and giving you an even break, see you anon I expect 👋 :) xx

    Hope your day has been good too Jojo :) xx

    Oh no sorry you are flarey Stuart 😣 hope the knees are responding to anything you've tried even if just rest light movement etc. 🤞 xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton my shift went over quickly I'm now off for a week so a nice chill out just enjoyed my Sunday dinner. How are you doing today hope you're day is going well my yorkshire terrier was called benji I've got a ginger and white fluffy cat looks mixed off a coccon cat he's really big and very noisy he cries all the time mostly for attention lol.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady and dachshund my day has been busy at work but went over quickly so now I'm off for a weeks holiday so chill time how are you 2 doing and how is your day going.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi again Toni

    How are you tonight?

    Mums ok 👍

    Yes she was treated like a queen, bless her ❤️

    Yes gastric situation is surprisingly ok 👍

    I almost don’t want to mention it in case the gastric gods are listening- I’ve become that superstitious 😂

    Yes the demonic physio is forever giving me the evil eye lol

    I think LA was jealous of BR for some reason but he eventually calmed down luckily

    Yes a bit of infant - Shark torture was admittedly endured but luckily sis came and put a stop to the little Shark - fan’s watching before it got excessive

    So glad mums ok goes without saying bless ❤️🙏

    Yes you’re right about the mess and the enjoyment etc thanks

    That’s interesting about the cat

    Sorry I’m nattered (out) 💤

    Have a good night Toni tc xx

    Ps physio - related sign lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi queen of the toads

    How are you?

    Glad you had sun ☀️

    Pretty cold here, arctic sun maybe lol

    Dads tantrums, well, cabbages give me strength 🤷‍♀️

    BR liked my pink T shirt he said I looked a girl or something 😂

    He didn’t get the memo about gender and colours I expect haha

    Yes those oracles were pleased not sure for how long though

    Also I’ve heard that if you have vitamin C rich - food or drink with the iron rich green veg you should get all the iron in your blood that you need - you don’t to eat physios or beef burgers 😂

    Sorry hope my cannibalism isn’t too gothic and uncalled for haha

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    👋 Joan Jojo S knee etc tc xx

    Ps the one soup not available at al fresco lol xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Good night bosh hope you are well.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 3. Feb 2025, 06:44

    Morning everyone

    Must be quick I have to take Paul to pick up a hire car…

    Morning Joan hope you're well today. It's just so disappointing when we get subs which are not really what we want. I have been given non-vegan stuff which is useless to me. Still we manage I get Paul to eat it. This year he has decided to be pescetarian only eat fish no cheese eggs or meat. We'll see how that goes eh?! Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart I am so sorry you are still struggling hope the flare settles very soon (())

    Morning Jojo. Lovely a week off I am so pleased now you can rest up while the children are in school. Hopefully catch up on some jobs and also walk the dogs and watch a film or two.

    Benji that's cute and you have a cat too?! He talks to you a lot does he? What is he called? Take care and enjoy your time off ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I am so glad to hear how well you are! That is incredible I think largely due to all the prayers to the gastric gods. Mind you probably were more careful than you think.

    Hope your mum is still doing ok after being spoilt over the weekend and quite rightly too. Without her none of you would be here although that is a concept even mathematician LA would struggle to understand!

    Not too much baby shark then phew!!! But l imagined the chaos perfectly?! I knew it remember I have had 2 small children and when my bro brought his over gosh it was mayhem after they left. Always worth it though. Always.

    Sleek has a primordial pouch. That is very interesting that you can get soup made of cats bellies or is it to fill cat's bellies I wonder😁

    You might need the whole week to recover from that weekedn!

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady Hope you are ok.

    Wow you did well yesterday! Good on you. Sleek is up for re doing your shed roof so she reckons. She has been researching 'how to' in one of her DIY manuals. She has several. Great idea over planting of seeds let's see what happens shall we? I love geum you know such a simple but long flowering plant and astrantia too.

    I had a great time at a vegan food market in Sheffield! Yes Paul took us all the way up there we ate loads and he still lost another 2lbs! I nipped out on my leccy bike when we got back it waws still sunny for half an hour.

    Cold but dry again today ☺️ There's hope we might get outside for definite.

    So you think I should get my shoulder scanned? 😥 Means back to the physio as they are now the gatekeepers of the imaging…. Ok I will go ahead.

    It was the starting off with the St Brigid's cross and the pinching of the leaves(reeds) was tough on thumbs/fingers. Loved your little bit of Irish typing there so I did ☘

    I think Cuddles may well be one of those cats who has several homes - maybe Sleek might know?🤔

    Elfie said he saw only the usual pigeons too😁

    Ah well.

    Take care Toady ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) as long as your neighbours are quiet that’s all you want. Have a good day. I said to my neighbour it’s cold outside he said it’s not I said it’s the wind he said there’s no wind I thought it must be me being older. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that’s good you enjoyed your ride out yesterday. Have a good day. Love to everyone. How are your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you have a good day love to your mum (()) that’s good she’s getting on alright.

    Jojo (()) have a good week off do you plan what you are going to do and then do something else.

    Stuart (()) sorry about your knees I hope the pain has calmed down now. Love to your mum (()) Have a good day

    Skinny Keef how are you love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton yeah it's nice to have a rest the dogs enjoyed a decent walk my husband is off work 2 so both took the dogs out after the school run yeah might watch a film later just been to the doctors I've got to have an heart monitor on for 24 hours to see if it shows anything. I hope you are ok yeah my cat is loud he's called tigger.

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi dachshund I'm just chilling out mostly we might go out Wednesday when the kids are at school longer I hope you have a good and hope you are well.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi jojo

    I’m not too bad thanks

    A bit milder weather this morning

    How are things with you?

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni toady Joan and S Knee

    How are you all this afternoon?

    Mums ok 👍

    This is a poem I wrote about BR, true elements are his massive breakfast, trespassing in my room lol and staring at me while eating, also enjoying salad items and cake equally

    It’s called “When the pre - schooler comes to town, BR’s brother starts to frown”
    BR is four and the world is his oyster but much more yummy
    He devours slices of chocolate cake made my his clever mummy
    He eats cucumbers and tomatoes with equal zeal
    But he needs to stare at beloved mima’s face through every single meal
    At breakfast time he ate blearios with four slices of toast
    But breaking and entering into mima’s room is the activity he loves the most

    Granny is pleased when he eats a lot, he’s almost her favourite guest
    It’s more fun than stealing LA’s roast potatoes and putting big brother’s nerves to the test!

    👋 Toni - how are you?

    Yummy baked beans 👍

    Mums really got thermostat fever today 🤷‍♀️

    She’s a bit stressed about meds seeming to affect her blood sugar in general

    She’ll contact the nurse

    And won’t let me help her

    Dad exploded early 🌋

    I made a joke about eczema on fb - some creep guys got obsessed so I blocked them

    Eczema though? I also said that I have eczema, as you do yourself of course and there’s nothing funny about the skin disease, it was just a humorous comment, I don’t really, these guys are a bleario or two short of a bowl of cereal 😂😂

    Ok I’m seeing if I can furtively sabotage the thermostat and prepare for ablutions etc

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋 jolly decent bit of weather again, that was 😊

    Garden for me again frog, split some heucheras (bit early but they are tough aren't they), general tidying and whatnot. Yes please Sleek oh do take on the felting, with my blessing, I fear it rather myself 😄 that would be a big help. I only have a couple of geum and one other a bit borderline sickly, unless it perks up - mind you cut down to ground level late autumn I've just read, and I haven't, but at least that implies not looking very lively is not necessarily fatal. One of those plants everyone says is easy so I insist on not failing at them always 😄. I have found a few other 'not dead after all' things in pots 👍️. Yes I can just imagine the grass (for the cross) being quite hard on the hands and gripping a thin thing is harder than a chunky one isn't it. Glad you had nice trip to the market 😊 and well done Paul with the diet 😀. Oh and a leccy bike ride too, hope you did have the good weather today too, such a difference it makes, and not too bad a forecast ahead 🤞. Hebe autumn glory looks very nice to me, good height quite compact if that's what you're after, and long-flowering; have you any other on the shortlist (blue gem? I quite like some of the white varieties myself, and 'Caledonia', now I've started looking 🤭 and I may have glanced at peonies). Few more birdies out today, 5 or 6 pigeons which is unusual - pigeons are lovely Elfie well worth spotting 😊 where are my doves though 🤔 don't seem to have a visiting pair atm. Hmm physio as a first port of call like you say, for a passport to the imaging, well for me it would be all down to how much these things can tell you, and if knowing makes a sufficient difference to what you can do about it - is it low risk btw? Hope you have a good evening & love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, well I'm cold, even in the sun - but we didn't have any wind anyway. Yes nice & quiet here at the moment. It doesn't feel like a Monday because I thought yesterday was, all day, I knew it was Sunday but kept going back to what I thought 😄. It has got late so quickly too, never mind it's sunny tomorrow may get some things done then. Have a good evening 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, four slices of toast?! 😮 and Blearios, where do they put it. Well good luck to BR the world is his oyster as you say and long may he have a cast-iron digestion. Being watched eating though, ooh most unsettling 😬 and trespass too, perhaps you need one of those funny doormats, aimed particularly at littleys 😉. Good tale anyway 😄 funny about the pink t-shirt too 🤭 maybe one day green will be the universal colour and we will all blend in, cabbage-style 😮. Iron-rich green veg, well it doesn't get enough of a look-in round here but one of these days I will work out what I can get away with for once & for all. Hope your day is ok apart from the thermostat fever, I hope your ninja sabotage went well 🕵️‍♀️. Have a good evening, nothing much doing here today 👋 xx

    Jojo your cat sounds lovely 😊 not a quiet curl up in a corner sort though 🤭, do they all get on ok, the dogs &c? Hope the heart monitor is useful and they can see what's what from that 🤞. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hope Stuart is coping ok, SK too. Kettle on xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady yeah my dogs sometimes wind my cat up and chase him but they never hurt him he's like my cat he always wants me and sometimes sleeps right next to me under the blanket he's like my shadow and one of my dogs is like my shadow 2 lol yeah hopefully I will get some answers from the heart monitor. I hope you are keeping well I hope you have had a good day today.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi toady

    Glad you had good weather

    Thanks about the poem, actually BR likes to eat while watching MY face - sorry about block capitals - just trying to clarify, so it’s not that disconcerting lol

    I did manage the sabotage thanks 🙏

    But mum has readjusted the old thermostat again now

    So now Reading has joined The United Arab Emirates- or something like that

    Dad is warming up a watch with an electric lamp

    I really don’t know 🤷‍♀️

    someone give him some emergency blearios 😂😂

    Have a good night toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi again Toni

    How are you tonight?

    Thanks about my gastric lull before the storm 😂

    One of the main issues I’ve got now though is that I’m getting increasingly tired I guess with iron deficiency but I do have my iron bloods around the middle of the month so that’s good

    Yes mum is more or less okay thanks

    she’s just getting a bit stressed about some side effects of medicines and blood sugar

    but she’s contacted the diabetic nurse and spoken to the pharmacist at the GP surgery so hopefully those issues hopefully will be sorted out soon

    I am so tired I think I had to hit the cabbage sack or the orange sack or may be both together to increase iron and maybe even haemo - goblin as the pre - schoolers may call it lol.

    Good night Toni tc xx

    👋goodnight Joan and S knee tc xx

    ps I thought goblins may be scary so here’s another toady lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan how are you today? Are the dogs well? My lovely neighbours are well thank you for asking. But she looked desperately tired when I was there last week hopefully just low iron for her. Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo Good. I am very glad they are taking your palpitations seriously although I can guarantee you'll be fine when you have that monitor on🙄 That's be typical. You are so lucky to have a cat who loves to be close to you you feel so special when they are like that. Hopefully loving doggie doesn't get too jealous. Hope you and your husband will have the day off together today ((())) xxx

    Morning Stuart hope the flare is settling for you today Stuart and your mum and the cats are all ok?

    Morning Reshmi how is it in Reading-on-Dubai?

    You might be low on the dreaded haemogoblin too

    There he is, very cute you need to borrow him maybe for a while. Not too scary? I hope not. Glad you have a blood test due so you'll know more soon. Yes get your greens down you until you know for sure.

    Your mum is very very sensible to get the medics sorting out her BS and insulin in light of the new meds. A change like this can have a real impact on bs and she knows her own body best.

    How funny BR has to look at his Auntie Mima while he eats. Who does he watch when there is no Mima? I hope he still eats even if not shicken so much😁aha I know he eats maybe he watches LA?

    Loved the poem about him too. If he eats like in your poem he does really well and should grow up strong . Its great really sums up the little boy we 'know' and love here in the café.

    Have a good day if it's still so warm you'll be asleep most of it I should think!

    ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Our busy gardening friend. I am so impressed splitting your heucheras! Go you. Yes geums look pretty dreadful at this time of year so I don't worry too much. Isn't ot lovely discovering 'not dead' plants? 😊

    Well I rather like Autumn glory too, so might go for that. It will give me two wonderful things - purple flowers and also some beautiful foliage for my wreaths. That's the real sneaky plan for the silver sussex though - foliage. spikey and a lovely winter colour.

    I don't recommend you trust Sleek totally unsupervised on your shed roof although of course being a cat she has a) got 9 lives and b) jumps up well now she'd on her arthritis jabs so maybe. Also she has every DIY book you could possibly wish for in her tiny house…..

    Elfie is checking his waist measurements

    Oh and these guys cut my bike ride short I didn't want to scare them

    Can't get too close obviously, but still I tried. A whole herd🦌

    Well I'd have said it was lowish risk, shoulder surgery after all Lucy had her whole shoulder replaced didn't she? But maybe just a 'scrape and polish' needed or sewing the ligament/tendon back in place? However one of our Figgy friends had both done and it went wrong he got an infection and had to have it done all over again. He is recovering again now. At least I should find out what is what i think.

    Best not look toooooo much at gardening sites eh?! We'll be in trouble🤭but peonies are just gorgeous l love mine. Have a good day Toady I intend to get outside and do my exercises too today. ((())) xxx

    Left you a cuppa t the top of my post Skinny K ((())) xxx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi bosh I'm ok thanks the weather is a little bit milder here I'm enjoying having time off work I hope you are having a good day.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) how long have you lived in your house. I thought it was cold yesterday. Have a good day. I think like that my neighbour said he had someone coming on Wednesday I said your visitor is coming tomorrow he said no tomorrow is Tuesday.

    Toni (()) have a good day is it the food bank to day. Yes I remember Lucy having the operation. Has it been a problem for her.

    Reshmi (()) how are you have a good day. Love to your mum (())

    Jojo (()) are you having a good week good luck with the monitor.
    Stuart (()) how are your knees today love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Loanda and Sucre (()),

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton yeah that will be just my luck plus I'm getting it fitted on my day off so probably won't show much yeah he's a lovely cat I think he pretty much picked me and my dog still gets plenty of attention she makes sure yeah my husband is off work all week like me so plenty of time together. I hope you are ok and having a good day today.