Val's Cafe
Hi all 👋 bit grotty out there but it seems to have deigned to leave off raining for now🤞.
Frog that Elfie pic is hysterical 😂 it must be all that waitering rubbing off, & his stripes are a little continental already you could say which is handy. See what I always want to know is, how many other people have made their Elf a cat fur moustache today? because you can't possibly be the only one (can you?!) 🤔🤨😂. Glad to hear the back is better, that's good 😊 yes I do hope all gone for Monday for you 🤞. Hope everyone else well too. Sleek does have rather ambitious plans, yes 😮 not that I wouldn't love a brick shed! but I don't think I'm quite qualified either 😬 might have a suitable trowel somewhere but I know I don't have a hod 😂. Anyway we wouldn't dare use it would we 🙄 but actually reflecting again on the asstd injured tradesmen I've mentioned, they aren't impervious by any means are they, maybe we will hare & tortoise them to the finish after all 👍️. Cupboard is all filled and sanded now and good to go. Bench is indeed slowly chewing over the colour 😄 as no doubt I will be too when I get round to a test piece 🤔. But for now am sorting out some nosegay admin & listings, rather grudgingly considering the muckup they have made of things, but as there will probaby be an even worse 'improvement' in a minute I think it's sell up & get out for me really 😔. So definitely tea time here and a bic or two, they are Piddle's rich tea actually and perfectly good 👍️ have you popped in lately yourself? Have a good rest of day 👋 xx
Hello Joan we have rain & strong wind here tomorrow 🙄 will be dry & sunny Saturday supposedly but heavy rain Sun, so I can't think that they won't sneak that further back too. But yes nearly March we are getting there 😊. Hope weather not too bad for Charlie, won't be as nice as where Brenda is going 🌞. Does he have roots in Scotland or are these relatives that have moved there. I am well off for biccies now as I stocked up from 'fresco', it is all more than I expect a plain biscut to cost though, wherever you shop now 😮 let alone branded varieties. Hope the bloods come back promptly :) xx
Hi bosh, I do like your 'day in the life of' poem 😊 lots of visual detail. Ah the T Bag is catching is it 😂 oh well nice to know littleys these days still appreciate the classics 😄 and not just what comes out of Dismaland as Banksy put it. Hope your day is going ok, glad your mum is doing well 👍️. Not much news here the weather is not nice enough to go far, hope your walk was ok if you had one. Have a good evening :) xx
Glad to hear you have turned the corner Jojo and if your husband had it he should be ok so yes just hope the kids don't get it 🤞. Have a good evening :) xx
Hi SK is there any crumble going these days by any chance, I thought I'd come to a reliable source just having read the barely 1 star reviews for al fresco's own Finest apple & blackberry 😮. Hope your day is going ok 👋 :) xx
Love to Stuart hope your day is not too bad and weather no more revolting than usual at least it's warming up 👍️ xx
Kettle on ☕️ xx
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migraine all day. Will check in tomorrow.
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hi Toni
How are you tonight?
I must admit I’m getting increasingly tired
But no doubt the vampire pathologists are analysing my iron levels as we sleep lol
Also of course I’m not the only one suffering from fatigue
Yes LA needs to relax but I hope he didn’t tell his mummy exactly how many bags of T he has watched lol
If he wants to work in our cafe no problem, ten year waiting list though, until legal age has been reached lol
I also have a little bit of a cold, but not too much yet - 🤞
Yes poor nice M just needed to sit down but nasty S had blocked the path to her chair with millions of bags that were placed on top of another chair, but luckily I managed to move the obstruction as it were, it wasn’t as heavy as it looked, so I quietly said (well almost whispered anyway) “ I don’t who’s put all this stuff here, it certainly wasn’t me” and nice M replied with a quiet laugh, “ Yes some people seem to act like they own the place” (or words to that effect), then it was my turn to furtively laugh, knowing all the while I was on thin ice as J the leader was watching me with avid attention, as she is someone who will not hear a bad word said against anyone ever, which to me is overkill but as I’m a mere subordinate I of course keep that opinion to myself and just allow myself secretive giggles from to time lol .
Ok I’ve waffled on enough I think
Have a good night Toni tc xx
Ps bills ex wife lol xx
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hi toady of the campsite fame
Thanks about the poem
Mums not too bad thanks
Ookey walk in the rain but at least mild
The headache is calling me lol
So I think I should retire for the night
Or at least start making nocturnal preparations lol
still very tired👋night toady jojo Joan SK etc xx
Ps another outfit for when you see the hairdressers lol xx
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I thought I will be brave & have a bath yesterday bad move knees ached had to reach for co cads, ibuleve gel , 4am stiff as a plank to make matters worse my cat Ollie was sick twice so I had to clean it up, cos I forgot to brush him!.
Back to having showers then.
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Morning Joan how are you today? I hope doing ok. Do you have to ring up for your blood results? We do now or 'look on the app' to see what they are. I don't much like green tea fruity teas can be lovely you don't add any kind of milk to them. Would you believe the parts have already arrived for my Fig?!! Fantastic eh? So now I just have to book her in for the repairs. Take care Joan ((())) xxx
Morning Jojo aha so Michael gave you his cold in the first place🙄 at least you didn't give it to him. My fingers are crossed too that the children don't catch it especially not for their holidays. Any luck rearranging your ambulatory ECG? You should be off today if I'm right so get those feet up and hopefully put that cold to bed once and for all ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I hope our friend is doing ok and of course your Mum too? I hope the potential cold has not taken hold. A slight poem there by me!
You will be in recovery then post TT visit (tiny tyrant) just reading your poem exhausted me thinking of how 'full on' your life has been for the last few days!!! I would be dead on my feet. The title caught me straight away, Reshmi you really have such a way with words. It's brilliant! Thank you.
'When LA reigns supreme……cat that got the cream'😁
Aha so we have another T-bag convert do we? LA has recruited BR with very little difficulty. Did your sister remember it herself?
A job for LA here in the café 🤨for him we will make an exception he can start at 16.
It's nice to have an ally isn't it? Nice M sounds lovely and what you two said was really pretty harmless and correct anyway. Nasty S is not entitled to two chairs is she? It's good that J doesn't want nastiness, but could have spotted the carrier bag mountain herself maybe….
I'm very surprised BIL divorced his previous wife - she was made for him🤣
Have a good day hope your bloods results come back soon too ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K I do hope your head is feeling a good bit better now. Are Sucré and Anda with you sending ((())) xxx
Oh dear me now Stuart showers may be safer anyway I do sometimes brave a bath, but they aren't so easy. If heat helps have you got a microwavable wheatbag like mine? (())
Morning Toady hope all is well with you today. I just heard a racket in the garden don't know who was wailing but went outside and all is quiet now.
Well indeed I googled it and found out that 'Soundbands' elves last year were doing naughty (really naughty) stuff and two was banged up for it the one on the floor has a 'tache:
I should say on a day to day basis not many elves or elf parents are doing these things though
nor maybe this….
Oh dear me I may need help!
I was in baldi the other day not piddle, but agree their rich tea are absolutely fine. Nothing wrong with them at all and I behaved by the way as far as the middle aisle is concerned.
Hmmmmm…..I don't believe we have a hod carrier here either, but wouldn't be at all surprised to find one in Sleek's ickle house. You're right we could easily beat many tradespersons to the finish line. Has the bench made it's mind up yet? Is it a nice mid to dark brown? They usually opt for that sort of colour in my experience.
I am glad you've braved nosegay tidying up and perhaps moving out might be best. Sometimes another change is one too many isn't it? Sleek says definitely more hassle than it's worth. She's seen how much trouble it gives you first hand.
I hope your day is a good one ((())) xxx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I read there will be snow on the 1 March this part will be the only part to miss it. Charlie is Scottish I have a job to understand him. His sisters live in Scotland. Have a good day.
Toni (()) yes I ring about my blood test and look on the app. Have a good day how is your pain this morning you have had a few problems lately.
Jojo (()) I read there will be snow on the 1’st of March I don’t know we’re you live. Have a good day.
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) I’m pleased you have friends at the club.
Stuart (()) sorry your cat was sick was it a fur ball. Love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) have a good day I hope your headache soon goes Love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())
take care
joan xx0 -
afternoon all.
Hi Toady, haven’t made a crumble since consultant said to cut down on the sugar ☹️Head finally clear so had a ride out to Sudbury on the Beemer and treated my two to MacD’s.
there was a police bike taking up the whole of the bike parking so I had a pop at him, and then with a grin said I was only joking and that I used to do his job, was a really nice guy and newly qualified on the bikes.
hopefully won’t pay for the ride out with pain levels later. Wait and see.Oh and I got the clutch sorted on the KTM too as my 6mm spanner arrived from fleabay. Took all of about a minute to do, talked Sucré through what I was doing and his job was to watch for the bubbles in the clutch fluid. He loved helping. Then we did the TPs and checked the oil etc.
So other than going for MOT last week I think that is the first proper ride of the season. Very nice it was too. Still white roads though so lots of salt about ☹️
hey Stuart how is your cat now. And did the bath work. ??I sometime have no choice but to resort to an hour long bath just to try and quell the pain levels a bit.
Fig fixed yet Toni???
hello to everyone I haven’t mentioned 👍1 -
hi lovely Toni,
how are you doing this afternoon?
mum is okay, thanks
Yes, you’re right, it certainly is quiet without a little LA, a mixture of restful peace and slightly sad quiet indeed lolI made up a strange Italian sounding version of his name to tease him, basically I said he had a half - Italian cousin that I made up for his entertainment, Let’s just say the name I made up was something like “Beruvio” lol
But sometimes poor little LA would get a bit confused, and when he went home, he said to BR that Mima sometimes calls me to “Beruvio” and then the peace loving diplomatic BR said, “no, no - Mima makes jokes that’s what Mima does” or something like that that’s them aww ❤️
The doctor has booked mum in for some vaccines, pneumococcal and shingles plus respiratory disease vaccine I think 👍
another poem that I wrote recently, thanks
Bye For now, Toni take care xx
👋 greetings Joan Jojo toady SK jojo S knee xx
Vc poem called “LA and Bill getting up to no good” or “Trouble in Mima’s house and the MH neighbourhood”
Frustratingly I cannot doodle
My hair looks like a super noodle
My nephew is eating all the sweets in the house
But I dare not contradict him, so I am as quiet and meek as a mouse
Bill lies to GI Joe physio and devours both venison and grouse
He’s becoming so large, he won’t fit into the house
His wife destroyed all the menus from kangaroo and Tuber Beets
But he sneaked off to the shops and brought mountains of greasy fried red meats
When LA gets home, he’ll l give his dad’s belly a punch
But Bill will not change his ways
So LA will just feed him one packet of Mnster Mnch
The prescribed ten to fifteen days2 -
Hi all 👋 lovely weather if you like it dark and blowing a gale 😬.
Hope all well with you frog 👍️ not a very inspiring day is it. Ooh Elfie what a very different look 😀😄 and if more people were doing this sort of thing the world would be a much much better place, that's all I'm saying 😂. Those elves look quite hardened cases don't they 😬 some sort of gang I'd say. Not much going on here today; I have done a complete about face re the cupboard, it was going to be painted and now it isn't, and I am unanimous in this (Mrs Slocombe), well so is Sleek 😸. It will be more of a fiddle because the veneer mends will need toning in, which I wasn't bargaining for, but I am aiming for 'character' after all 😉 he's back in the workshop for now. The bench paint is a green, I suspect the bench feels it may be a bit loud it has quite refined tastes apparently 🤨😄 I was hoping it may do (in the interest of not buying anything new and this paint having no other use lined up - this may not be good enough reason). Briefly went out to take bird food though if they've any sense they've packed their bags, rain for the foreseeable 😔. I didn't know Baldi has a middle, or I've forgotten - I was thinking Piddle may have plants soon 😉 you notice I resisted the free delivery offer that last time so I have a clean slate at the moment 😄. Have a good weekend, love to all 😘 xx
Hello Joan, that would be good if you miss the snow 👍️ that puts me in the everywhere else category then I suppose 😬 oh well I have long since decided I can stand the snow now and the cold anything rather than rain. My house will just dissolve at this rate 🤷♀️. Oh I see Charlie's accent is quite strong, yes difficult! Hope his sisters are well. Quiet here today just catching up on odd jobs. Have a good weekend 😘 xx
Hi bosh, I love the broccoli frock, the HD would have a job to get near you, so good plan 😄 if we all had a 'head of broccoli' instead of hair would the HD still insist on conditioner? 🤔 or just a light dressing? Hope your head is better today and glad everyone else ok, hope your mum's vaccines are ok when she has them, has she had them before? Aw that is sweet "Mima makes jokes that’s what Mima does”, that's a very nice thumbnail biography to have 👍️ and very good jokes too 😊. Like the poem too and good sketch of neighbourhood goings-on, oh dear just MMnch on prescription, I sense Bill may be going to the dark web for extras 😱😄. I myself have had vegetarian cottage pie and marrots today so I am an example to us all haha. Have a good weekend I hope, oh I liked the extra bit about the group gossip, good fun 🤭 take care :) xx
Oh so sorry about your cat Stuart, not the side of things I am any good at at all so very sorry for you too 😣. Baths vs showers it's a tricky one they all have their good & bad points 🙄 bath is more comfortable and a soak is nice but getting in & out, well I couldn't at one point. Hope your weekend is better xx
Blah no crumble then SK, sorry to raise an unfortunate topic 🤪. Bike ride & maintenance sound good 👍️ yes do hope you get away with the former and all's running well. Here's a quiz question I had, & didn't know at the time, what's the bit called between the end of the playing grooves on a record and the label? Hope you have a good weekend 👋 xx
Best to Jojo & family 😊👋 hope your day is going ok xx
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i think that is called the leader Toady, or is that the bit of clear tape in a cassette. Ooh remember them? I loved cassettes, Maxel Chrome III 🤪
So I am guessing at leader, but not entirely certain. Let me know please.
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^ 'dead wax' was the answer given. It was multiple choice I still went wrong 😁. Run-out area is what I always thought and one internet search did say "Dead Wax or Run-Out Area”. What about the bit at the beginning though 🤔. Cassettes certainly do remember very well, recording your own blank ones & so on 😎 still have a handful 👍️.
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Hi frogmorton yeah I managed to get an appointment in March not too long sorry I've not been on much today just starting to recover from my cold I hope you are well and I hope you had a good day.
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Hi toady my day has been ok just been having a quiet one I hope you are well and I hope you had a good day.
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Hi dachshund I live up the north east of the country but I hope it doesn't snow too bad the cold effects my arthritis. I hope you are well and I hope you had a good day.
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thanks toady
I’m very much hackered lol
👋Have a good night all tc xx
Ps another ensemble for the HDs lol xx
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Good night bosh I hope you sleep well.
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Morning Joan how are you doing? Well I hope. Nothing much exciting doing here today we are going to Stoneleigh to 'Race Retro' the weather will be pretty awful I think so need to wrap up to keep dry. Check for your bloods on the app I bet they are there already. We checked Paul's last night ok liver very slightly up. not too bad though. Take care Joan have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Jojo I hope you can all have a lovely family day today if Michael is not working. The children will be happy it's their first day off school. I hope your cold is much better and they didn't catch it. Well done getting your appt for March that is good not too long to wait now. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Stuart how are you today - I don't know whether you saw I was suggesting a microwaveable wheatbag for your knee if heat helps? easier than getting in and out of a bath with a sore knee. (())
Morning Skinny K how are you doing today? As you know I lived in Sudbury (Great Cornard) many years ago pre-maccies. Glad you had a ride out and enjoyed it, but really hope there's no payback for you.
Your happy-helper had a lovely time helping his Daddy then and no accidents I know he can be a bit clumsy at times bless him. It's good to get them involved at an early age. If Sucré can develop and interest in a healthy hobby that's great. Yes still a lot of salt on the roads I expect - over here it's just still very wet. May need to move your way again for some drier weather!
Fig booked in for next Thursday to get the jobs done. Believe it or not there's another Fig booked in the Wednesday so i know I am definitely taking Penelope to the right place.
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
How are you doing and your Mum too? Oh dear all those jabs - well better safe than sorry for her with all her health conditions.
BR is so clever - wise beyond his very few years Mima is a joker LA! I totally get you playing with words like that a great idea stimulate LA's imagination. Beruvio is a great sounding Italian name.
As for your poem again you had me at the title - two titles!!! Your thinking is so sharp and witty. (Not Chris Whitty of course). LA gave in and let him have monster munch😂 BIL lied to GO Joe😮 oh dear me indeed *shakes head slowly from side to side*
I'm hoping today won't feel sad quiet LA needs to prepare now for back to school on Monday. He will already be looking forward to seeing his little gang.
Have a good day my friend ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
How are you doing today? I hope all is well. Sleek returned telling me that the cupboard is staying pretty much as it is. This was one of her ideas:
Good that the bench is considering green. I like green it's a garden colour. Go for it why not? Sleek wants to paint/stencil on some paw prints in gold just so you know once the job is done. Also some bird 'paw' prints too.
You have indeed got a clean shopping slate I am very impressed with your behaviour so far this year. My copy book feels close to being blotted though the urge to look at garden supplies is growing stronger. Mind you a believe we have wind and rain due again tomorrow here so probably with you too.
Those Elves look like they could easily be part of some criminal underworld group I agree. Elfie told me to have nothing to do with them when he was them. It's all in the eyes. His are innocent, utterly devoid of any guile. Everyone should be sillier life would be more fun less serious and kinder I think. There he is having borrowed his Dad's glasses (Paul).
Baldy and Piddle will both have plants soon you are quite right, but first we must locate suitable spaces for them remember. Not just buy willy-nilly and find ourselves with homeless plants. If you are like me you want to 'save' them all but it's not always possible.
Hope your day is good think of me at Stoneleigh in this weather at race retro. Elfie is staying at home Sleek is coming to yours. She had her jab flea and worm treatment yesterday so needs to vent a bit. ((())) xxx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) Charlie has to leave is house at 4 o’clock in the morning to catch a train to Bristol to fly to Scotland. He said no taxi drivers want to take him. He was going to ask is neighbour. Have a good day today seems the best day.
Toni (()) that’s good the Fig is booked in for Thursday. Is sleek old for a cat she is good.
Reshmi (()) have a good day that’s good your mum (()) is being looked after.
Jojo (()) I hope the weather won’t be too bad for you.
Stuart (()) is your cat feeling better now. Have a good day Love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) you have some good memories of being a policeman. Have a good day love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())
take care
joan xx1 -
hi Toni
How are you?
Mums ok 👍
Mxt day for me today as the pharmacist had a tantrum lol
See you the other side of mxt haha
Bye for now tc xx
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Morning all 🌞 sun, there's a glimmer of real sun 😀🤞
Hope it stays at least a bit fine for you and Paul frog, it's the best day there is forecast, I would have thought you'd get a share of it 🤞 the rain does have it in for us at the moment. I will try not to buy plants without homes in mind yes it does happen 😳. I have lost a few homegrown things that I've kept alive all over winter waiting to go out and then have sickened at the last minute don't know why they do that 😔 not happy inside maybe, but if they are not frost hardy what can you do. Ah well start over. Look forward to seeing Sleek while you are out, we shall talk all things decor 🤭 and the custard creams will be coming out for brave cats that have been to 'that place'. Newsprint my kitchen cupboards? well maybe not my very next project but it's interesting! and definitely a transformation, think of the work though 😮 I'm glad I'm just dealing with a teeny cupboard. (Wanders off into the 'you might like this too' pages) I do want something like this in my hall though 😍 think of the storage..
I actually seriously like Sleek's paw and bird feet stencil idea 👍️. Yes it is those elves' expressions! I don't think I would have warmed to them as a child, they have too much personality, they would make an indelible impression I think not a good one, not like a teddy or a nice Elfie with his lovely face. Handy to have the same glasses prescription as Paul 😄 have you seen those ones they say you can adjust yourself? advertised in the same slots as all the other dubious remedies/investment opportunities/diet tips &c 🤨 it would be nice if you could though, maybe one day. Well hope you are having a nice time and at least tea/coffee/lunches 👍️ love to all :) xx
Hello Joan, yes I think this is definitely the best day for a while by far, I've been in the garden not even that wrapped up, it was even warm in the sun 😊. Shame Charlie can't get a taxi, hope he can get a lift, never thought about taxis not working all hours 😮. Any sign of anything coming up in your raised beds? Have a good afternoon 😘 xx
Wave to bosh, not those 'pharmacist blues', yours do seem to be a bit haphazard in their ways 😮 good luck with the witches' brew, see you later on I will reserve you a seat with few to no baggage sitting on it 🤫😉 xx
Love to Stuart SK Jojo hope your weekends have got off to a good start may see you later 👋 xx
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clearish head today thankfully.
good morning all.Bet you can’t wait till Thursday Toni. At least it is ‘only’ a wheel bearing and the oil leaks now. All easily fixed. Two things I can’t stand when something is up with a bike or the music bunker. Guessing you the same with Penelope.
French fries for a hair doo then Reshmi??
Very abstract 🤪
Never heard of that bit on a record then Toady. Would never have got that right.
Hi to Dachshund and Stuart and Jojo and everyone.
My two are currently baking blood orange cake to take to Niff’s. Sadly I am not allowed any ☹️
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hi Toni
Good afternoon
How are you?
Mxt seems to have gotten the better of me today
I managed a fairly good rest post - injection
But still feeling decidedly ookey
Yes good that mum will get the vaccines
Yes BR knows more than we can understand lol, he may have boldly ventured alone into outer space when mummy’s back was turned haha
He may be a Vulcan 🖖
Ok I think I need to attempt a dog nap without distractions
Nice mini poem by the way
ok bye for now Toni tc xx
👋 greetings toady and Joan xx
Ps new search engine lol xx
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Hi frogmorton we've had a decent day we watched a film at home yeah my cold is finally getting better and yeah my husband is off work Fridays and Saturday's as well as me I hope you are well and I hope you had a decent day.
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Hi skinny keef I hope you are well and I hope you had a good day.
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