Shoulder Pain and Sleep

breane Member Posts: 392
edited 13. May 2009, 10:12 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi,Just coming to terms with now having both OA and RA in hands,wrists,knees and feet but have recently been getting a different pain in the shoulder which runs down the arm to the elbow bend.It's a dull nagging pain which usually starts once I go to bed.The first 10/15 mins in bed is OK but then the pain sets in and the rest of the night I am tossing and turning so not getting much sleep. :( The Sopadol and anti-inflams doesn't seen to help with this pain.It's difficult to lift the arm(some days worse than others)and I'm wondering if it could be a trapped nerve.I did mention it to my GP but all he said was he would make a note of it and send to the Rhuemy ready for when I get my first appointment with him.It was so bad last night I went in the spare room just to give my o/h some undisturbed sleep.It's strange because the pain doesn't seem so noticable during the daytime.How do you all cope with night pain and how do you get a good nights sleep?How do you stay positive? What can I expect from my appointment with the Rheumy?Not too many questions I hope! Feel quite low this morning,probably due to lack of sleep. :cry: Sorry for the moan. Breane.x


  • nearlybionic
    nearlybionic Member Posts: 1,900
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Breane
    I have a similar problem with my neck/shoulder and elbow. I often wake with paun in my elbow, and the mornings are difficult, it is painful and weak. I had a neck injury a few years ago, but no injury to my elbow. I saw my gp who examined me and said it was `tennis elbow` (tendon problem). I am trying a cream he prescribed to massage into the tendon to try to break up the extra fibres attached, and if tis does not improve he will try a steroid injection.
    Later in the day it is less of a problem.
    Not sure if that is any help to you.
  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi nearlybionic, It's strange but my elbow itself is OK,The pain seems to radiate from the shoulder joint,down the arm to the inside of the elbow,not on the elbow bone.Why it should start up at night when in bed I just don't know.Usually pain is easier when you are in a resting position.I do need to get it sorted as I only get a couple of hours sleep a night and that's in 'dribs and drabs', 10 mins here,20 mins there,no solid sleep at all.It's now got to the point where I dread going to bed! :cry: Wish I could catnap during the day but I'm one of those people who can't sleep during the daytime.Just hope I soon get my appointment with the rheumy. Breane. :?
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Breane. Thanks for your welcome. I have very similar pain to what you describe, and I have had some relief - not complete - from using a small shaped memory foam pillow. Hope you feel better soon. Angel.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I get that sort of pain, they think it comes for the neck. The arm and shoulder pain referred, but I think it comes from my shoulders. Although it does seem to come with certain positions or keeping still for too long. I have OA in my neck, so I suppose neck is a good bet for me! I too have a memory foam pillow, which helps sometimes I hope yours settles down. Love Sue
  • mrsdalloway
    mrsdalloway Member Posts: 161
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Breane I feel for you I seem to go through periods of shoulder pain and then it disappears for a few months. I cope with mine by having a little routine first I make sure I have pillows and blankets to hand and then I give in to it and go and get comfy on the couch downstairs. I find that if I take my painkillers and wedge myself into pillows and try and keep the shoulder still the pain eases and I go off to sleep. Also trying to find something good on the telly whilst the painkillers are kicking in is a must! Good episode of SATC does trick for me! Also, have you tried a tens machine they are good not necessarily for getting rid of the pain but they relax your back and shoulders which you tense if you are in pain. At rhemy appointment ask if they can give you steroid injection this may give you a bit of relief for a week or two hope some of this helps.
  • bailey27
    bailey27 Member Posts: 689
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I get unusual pains during the night in my legs. I was told my my GP a couple of years ago it was somehting called 'Restless Legs Syndrome' he said to take tonice water and gave some tablets. They didnt work and have recently found out it is all to do with the arthritis in my lower back and hips.
    I often get up in the middle of the night and have a walk around and cup of tea just so I dont disturb O/H.
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi,have you asked gp for amptryline(sp) (sleeping tabs)a lot of us on here have to take it.
    i take my last lot of painkillers about an hr before bed & 40mg of amptryline,i still have a restless night ,waking on turning but i do get back off to sleep once ive settled again.
    ive gone through every pillow you can think of to try to get comfortable & have a memory foam mattress which is bliss.
    my shoulder pain is coming from my neck(according to rhymy)& im waiting for injections.
    it could be that ur muscles r trying to relax when ur in bed,causing the pain,but im no dr.pain is a funny thing as sometimes were you really feel it its coming from somewhere else.(referred pain)
    the best thing is that your seeing a rhymy as mines been brillant,im having MRI scan,injections into all affected joints & a trip to the pain clinic,hopefully you'll get some good pain releif & advice from yours.
    good luck,ps have you tryed deep heat before you got to bed i find that helps a bit too.debsx
  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi,Thank you all for your advice. :) I will certinally get one of the memory pillows.Do you buy them from bed shops as I can't say I've seen them in shops where I live.I only live in a village/small town so there's not many shops here.I will look on the Internet later and perhaps on eBay. I did ask my GP about sleeping tablets but he said he didn't want to prescribe any until I've seen the rheumy.I tend not to notice the shoulder/arm pain during the day,it seems to flare up at night no matter how still I try to lie.I'm hoping my first appointment with the rheumy will help solve a lot of my concerns.One other question,I like a glass of wine on a Sat. and Sun.(not a big drinker,two glasses a week is all I used to have)but most med instructions tell you not to drink alcohol while taking the tablets. :cry: Do any of you still manage to have a drink?I will ask the rheumy when I get the appointment but could have a long wait to see him. Breane.
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi, the answer to the drinking,i told my rhymy how much i drink in a week & he was fine with it.
    the meds all seem to carry a warning about achohol,i sleep better with a glass of wine & im ok.
    i think its a personal choice,i enjoy a drink so i'll have 1.
    if it starts to affect my health then i will go without.
    i do know some drugs you really cant have a drink on.
    disguse it with rhymy or gp.if its the odd glass or 2 cant see it doing much harm. but i shouldnt encourage drinking on meds.
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I bought my memory foam pillow, well actually two in a box, from one of the shopping channels - Bid TV. They do have a website too that you can order from. Angel X
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI My memory foam pillow came from the internet and later we bought a mattress topper, which is good. I don't know the name of the site as o/h bought it for me! I get realllllllllllllllly sexy presents! :D:D:D Love Sue
  • angel1
    angel1 Bots Posts: 1,464
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Breane, Just seen a shaped memory foam pillow in Tesco, exactly like the one I use. Hope you`re feeling a bit better. Angel
  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Angel,Thank you for telling me about Tesco,I will go to my local one next week and see if they stock them. :D It's a Tesco Extra so I think they should have them.Another sleepless night with the shoulder pain last night.The hand,knee and foot pain don't seem to bother me much at night but the shoulder is a real pain(excuse the pun).Even Sopadol pain relief isn't helping.When I get my first appointment with the rhuemy,that will be the first thing I will ask him about.Have a good day. Breane.x :lol:
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am suffering with what I think are referred pain in the nerve ends caused sometimes, may not be your case, a trapped nerve.
    I have found heat and cold pads a comfort. Heat at the source of the trouble, and heat and cold on the referred pain part the muscle area. If you don't fancy cold at night then heat on the shoulder area will probably help the rest of you relax a bit. Camomile tea at night with honey is good. I have Psoriatic Arthritis in my feet, ankles, wrists and Spondylitis in my neck area. The Pain I am experiencing can be likened to sticking your arm in the oven or a pile of nettles but worse.

    I hope you see your Rheumatologist very soon and get some answers. Good luck

    Joy :)
  • jackie1955
    jackie1955 Member Posts: 632
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I had dreadful shoulder pain last summer, but assumed it was because we had bought a holiday home and I wasn't as comfy in the strange bed! Didn't know then I had RA.
    So, I took painkillers, but still had lots of disturbed nights. I had to sleep with my arm in strange positions to alleviate the pain, and a heated wheat bag was a big help too.

    Eventually, after months of niggling aches, pain and stiffness, I saw my gp when my fingers swelled like sausages! The thing he was most concerned about was when I mentioned the shoulder pain and accompanying pain going down my arm to my elbow - I used to feel as if I had been holding something very heavy with my arms outstretched. During the day it wasn't so bad. It does sound like what you are suffering :(

    It did go off, although the pain appears in different places every day now, but I am on meds and remaining positive.

    Regarding alcohol, I liked a drink too, but when I started on the MTX decided to practically go teetotal. For 4 weeks I had nothing, then the other night I put a TEASPOON (!) of whisky in my coffee - it was lovely. Mind you, compared to the measures I used to have I'm amazed I could taste it lol

    Last night I had a drop of advocaat in a very tall glass of lemonade :) . I think you just have to use a bit of common sense.

    Jackie x

  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Jackie,Yes,my shoulder pain sounds just like yours.The pain seems to radiate down from the shoulder to the elbow bend and sometimes carries on down to the wrist.It's what I would call a dull nagging achey pain,no matter what position you put the arm in,it still hurts. :cry: Must say it's easier during the daytime.There are times when I can't lift the arm very high,probably to waist level then later in the day I can get it higher.Although I have OA and RA in the hands,knees and feet,I am sure the shoulder pain is something different.It will be one of my first questions for the rhuemy.A friend told me there is a non alcoholic wine on the market called eisberg(not sure if that's how it's spelt)so might give that a try.Have a good day. Breane.x :lol:
  • emmarose33
    emmarose33 Member Posts: 86
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    HI, apologies I have not read the replies to your post.
    I also have bad shoulder pain at night. I discussed it with my physio, who examined the shoulder and has told me that basically it is the result of bad posture combined with inflammation. Causing something to get trapped. He said all I can really do is makle sure I stand up really straught!!
    I think he is right, because being more aware of my posture does help, although I still have pain.
    It's odd, because it is unlike any other pain I have from the arthritis, (it hurts SOOOOOO much. . . as bad as early labour pains I would say) happens only and night, and is only in the one shoulder. But as I said, I am pretty sure my physio was right in what he said.
    Straighten up