if i got preg

kezzo1 Member Posts: 171
just some advice really what wouldnt happen if im om mtx and i accidently got preg,,, would i miss carry? could i lead a normal preg?
would the baby have problems? defects?
obviously i do take precautions as this isnt a matter taken lightly with being on leathal meds just waundered what if? ta 8)


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,613
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi there,

    My understaning of this won't be as good as from the rheumatology nurse, but what I've read talks about an increased risk of birth defects. If there's any chance of a slip up you might want to check if any medication like the morning after pills are an option (I've got a feeling they can be used for about 3days after a pregnancy risk, but I don't know if they are ok with methotrexate.)

    hope that may help