
jimlad Member Posts: 2
edited 25. May 2009, 18:28 in Living with Arthritis archive
I have been taking 5mg of pred for about 2 months, previous 4 years i have tried all dmards(sulph, meth, leful) to no avail, plus injections when i flare. My problem is that before RA i had low white blood cell count, which lowers again after dmard therapy. The next step is anti tnf. i have major flare ups and virus attacks, any one else in a simaliar position?
I am a 53 yr old man, ex army and now school caretaker, work is very hard but still holding on though i suffer alot. Never felt depressed in my life until RA, being ex Army difficult to open up even to wife (pride I think)
Thank you, Kevin


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,882
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Kevin
    Welcome from me!! There are one or two men on this forum who can almost certainly relate to a lot of what you have said. Did I hear right that RA can be more difficult to control in men?
    Lots of us have difficulty opening up too and this is just the place to come, moan,cry, use each other as sounding boards and share our experiences.
    Chit chat is more for havinga laugh, but we do do quizes to test our brains( :?: ) if we have them :shock:
    I do hope you have found the right place here for you. Take care
    Toni x
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    There is some information on prednisolone at which may help, especially about taking it in a morning with food. Hope that the info helps.


    Joseph 8)
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Arrr Jim lad EX Army HERE
    Hi Kevin i'm simula to you been through the lot and ended up on on anti TNF Enbrel now they have taken me off that. and i am about to start on Humira when the rheumy nurse gets her finger out and contacts me. I had no problem with blood cells but they have been to low at times, My problem is i keep getting infections. Had 2 infections in my legs one in the site where i had injected and then another in the other leg. it swelled so bad they thought i had a blood clot turned out to be another infection. Then in my chest, then i got the flu had another chest infection for 5 months lost my voice for 2 months, and they stopped all my meds. I was in a bad way could not walk or talk and it was hard to cope. No point me telling you about coping, Just been told the RA is in my Voice box adams apple and swallow muscles by the throat specialist. My voice is back a bit but doesent sound like me. Have they offerd you another medication apart from the Pred I'm on 20 Mg a day and putting waite on fast, can eat for England when i take them. I have tried to come off but my body wont let me got down to 5mg and had to go back to 20. Well Kevin if your like me the whole thing is pretty scary by the way i have RA and PA. Pa for years but the RA 4 years ago. Bet like me you thought you woukld never be sick. Its a bummer mate and the worse thing is you cant do nothing about it. Ill drop you a PM on Sunday night The guys on the site know i have been in the army but i dont discuss my details on the site. I'm Sec of the Association and would not like my lads to see me in the fast lane, you never know if they are going to drop in and give me loads of stick you know the score and what there like.
    Take Care Kevin keep your chin up mate and try and talk to the Mrs if shes like mine she is as scared as you.
  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Kevin I have sent you a PM catch you soon
  • roczko
    roczko Member Posts: 92
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Kevin

    Don't be afraid to tell your doctor how you are feeling either. Mood swings are a symptom of both RA and steroid use.

    I had a big bust up with my brother in law the other week - neither of us are like this normally and I can't explain why I felt as I did other than being on prednisolone (and the RA of course).

    I do think the emotional side of RA id very much overlooked and even more so in men - we're supposed to take it on the chin aren't we? Well it's bloody hard to cope with.

    Take care.

  • colinone
    colinone Member Posts: 1,039
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Patric I agree about the emotional side of the the disease being overlooked, Most rheumey are just concerned with treating the illness and not the person. Holistic care is all the rage now, but not in my hospital. whislt i get on well with my Rheumy i dont think they really understand. I have given lots of thought to this subject and yes as you say we are supposed to take it on the chin. Its a hard one to deal with mate. Whilst the wife or partner can come running to you full of tears its harder for a man. I always saw myself as the strong one, the protector and the breadwinner the one who could sort out all the problems. We have to stay strong not just for ourselves but the partner and rest of the family. Take care