
valval Member Posts: 14,911
edited 26. Jun 2009, 13:56 in Living with Arthritis archive
hi any tips 4 aching feet feel hot and stopping me sleeping second night in a row so feeling fed up now just put them in cold water bit better now but wont last taking anti inflam tabs but not kicked in yet help please????????????????? :cry:


  • debbieclap
    debbieclap Member Posts: 109
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Valval
    I often put my feet up on a spare pillow at night I find this helps with the pain it might help you with the heat as well.
  • mrsdalloway
    mrsdalloway Member Posts: 161
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Val I will watch your thread for replies as I have a foot that I could quite happily hack off right now! As well as a my right hand. Hope yours eases soon x
  • joyous
    joyous Member Posts: 179
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi my feet murder me every day i no what your going thru i really do , it feels like your walking on rocks all the time i get pain on the top of my foot and the balls of feet every time i tell the them at the hos nothin happens but they gave me blow up splints that go half way up your leg they dont work at all might make your leg more steady thats it , had speacial shoes with insoles they were terrible made me walk even more over on my ankles , so now i try get shoes with thick rubber soles mens ones well boys i only have small feet they get so hot and i want to chop them off nothin i have tried has helped me have tried them all even the gels u can get tried tens on them the lot . i have a fan on top of my wardrobe so it blows down on me feet first that does help me alot nothin worse than hot feet when your tryin to sleep . im at the hos in 2 wks i shall be asking again about them as i have another lump on the back of my heel . all the best joy sorry not much help joy xx :(
  • joyful164
    joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Make a massage up of E47 Cream with a touch of peppermint oil in and massage your feet every night, Put them in those special cotton sleeping socks if you don;t want to mess the sheets up.
    Plenty of massaging - great.
  • joyous
    joyous Member Posts: 179
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    joyful164 wrote:
    Make a massage up of E47 Cream with a touch of peppermint oil in and massage your feet every night, Put them in those special cotton sleeping socks if you don;t want to mess the sheets up.
    Plenty of massaging - great.
    thats sounds nice i just put shea butter on mine for hard skin put on elbows 2 skin gone really thin there cut them all the time thats prob the steriods as well xxxxx
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    thanks all of u will try some of them tonight and fingers crossed :) .they throbbing as i write this will have to put them up glad i only work 4 hours at a time dont know how anyone manages full time sorry moaning again :( to all of u with aching feet hope they settle down and u get a good nights sleep :D
  • jenzie06
    jenzie06 Member Posts: 708
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    my feet hurt - ALL THE TIME! There are no sexy but comfortable shoes out there so comfort wins everytime.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi all tabs have kicked in at last feet look normal(still sat with feet up) but so much better :) .was great to get advice from u all thanks so much ,wear sandles that can alter as feet swell while at work also some crocks as they so nice to walk on but looking 4 some shoes 4 winter as feet go up at least a width and soles of feet can b very painfull not allowed trainers at work so will have to keep looking any ideas :?:
  • joyous
    joyous Member Posts: 179
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    valval wrote:
    hi all tabs have kicked in at last feet look normal(still sat with feet up) but so much better :) .was great to get advice from u all thanks so much ,wear sandles that can alter as feet swell while at work also some crocks as they so nice to walk on but looking 4 some shoes 4 winter as feet go up at least a width and soles of feet can b very painfull not allowed trainers at work so will have to keep looking any ideas :?:
    .. hi im not allowed trainers either but there are some shoes that look like trainers but are not i wear dr martins thick domfy soles and they are uni sex as well i got min off ebay from a shop off there winfields its called , clarks sell some good shoes as well also ambrose wilson catalogue and simply be , jd williams do diff widths and sizes good look , looking joy x
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi thanks 4 that will look hate when my feet hurt. :( so try to lookafter them. :D
  • hayriye
    hayriye Member Posts: 12
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Val I will watch your thread for replies as I have a foot that I could quite happily hack off right now! As well as a my right hand. Hope yours eases soon x

    I can relate to that :D
  • chrisqueenfanscousin
    chrisqueenfanscousin Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Snap with the pain and discomfort in both feet! I suffer from Neuropathy caused by diabetes and also with r/a which has caused damage to both feet.
    I have deep throbbing pain along with hot sensations they feel like they have been dipped in bleach lol the only way i could think of describing it to my hubby was asking him to think of a chicken breast and removing one of the veins from it before cooking :D , weird i know but its that pulling sensation. They also jerk suddenly and my legs and ankles feel jittery too. I do explain things in a very strange way i know lol and i do apologise but it is so painful even after taking painkillers. Ooooh pass that meat cleaver! :roll:

    Chris xx
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have to elevate my legs every night on 4 pillows: 2 under my knees and the other 2 on the lower half of my legs - under calfs and ankles. This helps a lot - mind you I cannot straighten my legs and all (have oa in both knees) and this keeps my joints supported.

    valval wrote:
    hi any tips 4 aching feet feel hot and stopping me sleeping second night in a row so feeling fed up now just put them in cold water bit better now but wont last taking anti inflam tabs but not kicked in yet help please????????????????? :cry:
  • plmb48
    plmb48 Member Posts: 125
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    joyous wrote:
    hi my feet murder me every day i no what your going thru i really do , it feels like your walking on rocks all the time i get pain on the top of my foot and the balls of feet every time i tell the them at the hos nothin happens but they gave me blow up splints that go half way up your leg they dont work at all might make your leg more steady thats it , had speacial shoes with insoles they were terrible made me walk even more over on my ankles , so now i try get shoes with thick rubber soles mens ones well boys i only have small feet they get so hot and i want to chop them off nothin i have tried has helped me have tried them all even the gels u can get tried tens on them the lot . i have a fan on top of my wardrobe so it blows down on me feet first that does help me alot nothin worse than hot feet when your tryin to sleep . im at the hos in 2 wks i shall be asking again about them as i have another lump on the back of my heel . all the best joy sorry not much help

    joy xx :(
    hi joy do we have to live with these lumps they are sooooo painful
    and getting shoes on wow i have 2 on back of heel damm things pauline x
  • joyous
    joyous Member Posts: 179
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi pauline im not sure if they could or will remove these lumps they wouldn get rid of the one i had near my elbow they said would just grow back , just hope doesn get any bigger cos my shoes wont fit me if they do , i can remember when i got put in hospital for a wk now few years ago in buxton shut down now , there were alsortsof ppl with diff things wrong with them i was the youngest again on the ward there was an older lady in and she had them under both feet lots of them and she could hardly walk at all dont no what they did with her either i was only in my 20's so didn take much notice really . i can feel a nodule under my left foot as well hurts all the time will be mentioning that in 2 wks at my next app good luck with yours joy xx
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sounds realy painfull :cry: feel 4 u hope they can do somthing to help u :) let us know what doc says