Arthritis & Infertility

naomic Member Posts: 6
edited 18. Jun 2009, 04:42 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi everyone,

I know there has been a post somewhere on here about pregnancy and arthritis - but wasn't sure where it was - and also wanted to start a slightly different discussion topic!

I am (nearly) 31 and have had a sero-negative arthritis for 11 years, which started as reactive arthritis but never went away. I have quite a lot of joint damage in my right hand and can't straighten my arm anymore. I have been trying to get pregnant for 18 months, so am not on any medication at all, except occasional steriod injections, and when it is really bad a short course of a low dose of steriods. So as you can imagine, I'm in quite a bit of pain!

I have also been diagnosed as having PCOS and have very irregular periods. I was wondering if anyone else on here has arthritis and PCOS, as I am interested if there is a hormonal link? I have been going through some gruelling fertility treatment (Clomid) but no success yet. It is very hard to be positive and think you will ever have a baby, especially when your joints hurt!!

Has anyone else on here been through arthritis and infertility treatment? How did you cope with the two different conditions and how has fertility treatment effected your condition? Does anyone else feel that arthritis has effected their ability to get pregnant?

I would be really interested to hear from anyone. I'm feeling in a difficult place at the moment - watching my joints potentially getting more damaged while I try some hardcore fertility drugs - and trying to hope there will be a happy ending!

Thanks for reading,
Naomi xx


  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    sorry i can't help a great deal, i have RA which came along after the birth of my secons child.
    hopefully someone else will be able to help you, i just didn't want you to feel ignored!
    from talking to my rheumatologist i know that arthur can affect your fertility, mine thinks my creeping RA (we still think it was creeping up on me and came full on after she was born) had something to do with the problems i had before i got pregnant with my daughter.

    good luck with the fertility treatment and i'm sorry you are struggling without meds, that must be really differcult to cope with on it's own.
    take care and i'm sure someone will be along soon with some better advice!
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sorry I can't help either, as I had a hystorectomy years ago, when I was 30, nothing to do with arthritis, it was endometrosis for me.

    Their are Mums on here and people who have become Mums after diagnosis. I'm sure someone will pick this up soon and give you some advice. All I can say is 'Keep Trying' :oops: :oops: :oops:
    Love Sue
  • suziev
    suziev Member Posts: 252
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I have sero neg and have had fertility treatment however separately!
    I conceived on clomid after waiting 3 and a half years and got arthritis for my trouble.
    however I just want to say that my second pregnancy with sero neg I
    got pregnant straight away.
    my heart goes out to you and other ladies in the same situation I
    understand the pull of wanting a child, watching every bugger else
    get pregnant at the drop of the hat.
    it was torture for me without arthritis so I do hope your able to conceive soon.
    i know there is other ladies out there that have done it.
    not long ago i bumped up a pregnancy thread and there is another on the young person bit.
    hang in there the tears and pain will be worth it honest
    suzie x
  • vijaysa
    vijaysa Member Posts: 26
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I was 35 when I was diagnosed with Sero + RA. Tried for a baby 2 years later. The gynae said all hormone levels were fine and i was well controlled on Chloroquine. After 1 1/2 years I was referred to Fertility clinic. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis. Had a Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy then IVF Menopur + Lucrin. Did not get sufficient egg production and the RA flared. Tried 2nd IVF with Gonal F, Luveris & Lucrin. Again not sufficient eggs. This time the RA flared awfully. I could not walk for 2 months. I could not even pick up a cup. Hormones do affect me. i flare everytime I ovulate and on menstruation. Although not everybody is so sensitive to hormones. The fertility dr says it is the endometriosis but my rheumy says the RA is a big factor. I have given up and decided to concentrate on getting well. I am on Humira, MTX & prednisone now. I am now 41. I suggest you see the fertility clinic asap. I believe RA is a huge problem and the sooner you get help the better especially since you are still young. Good Luck! Vijay
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi I've had a hystorectomy (total) for endementrosis. I didn't have arthritis then but I'd had endemetrorsis for a few years. All though this is 20 odd years ago, and treatments have improved a lot, I was told after the op that if I'd gone for a smaller op and IVF treatment, it would not have been possible. I've never regretted the medical decision and I know that years of trying for a child would have torn me apart. I felt then and still feel that from me, total hystorectomy made me fit and well, but most of all it took away any uncertainty my husband and I had about IVF, hes a scientist and we looked at the statistics. I'm not cold and unfeeling I love kids but sadly, not for me. I think the previous lady's Gyny is right, endometrosis is the problem and if you have it fertility is not likely. My sister also had a surgical dignosis of endo. and she also couldn't have children, she adopted, which was great! We both have taken part in an experiment in Oxford to find the genetic marker. I suppose what I''m saying is, please don't blame arthritis for everything. Love Sue
  • joanlawson
    joanlawson Member Posts: 8,681
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Naomi

    I sympathise with you so much in your quest to become pregnant. I also had endometriosis, and struggled for years with infertility problems. It was bad enough without arthritis, so I can't imagine how you cope with that as well. I can't answer your question, but just wanted to send you my good wishes, and hopes that you will be successful soon. It is such an emotional roller-coaster, and it can dominate your life so easily.

    In my case, the day came when I had to realise that I might never get pregnant. That was very difficult to come to terms with. We decided not to waste any more time, and applied for adoption. Just over six months later, we were placed with our twins, which was the best thing that ever happened to us. I'm glad that we took this course of action because I never did get pregnant.

    I wish you all the luck in the world, and I hope your drugs work to help you achieve what you want.

  • naomic
    naomic Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    You are all lovely. Thank you for your kind and helpful words. My fertility clinic is quite good, so I am just going to hang on in there and hope for the best :)

    Thank you
    naomi x