Any Ideas welcomed.......



  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Joy,

    I am sorry you are having a flair at the mo, I hope it soon stops for you. Does resting up actually help Joy? I seem to be sleeping better at any rate! :lol: Got 7 hours without waking last night and I don't actually remember when that last happened....... Maybe thats all I need? x

    Hi Vonski,

    I have phoned and they will see if they can get an earlier appointment but he is a very busy guy...... and on holiday just now! She said the ward staff will certainly be able to get him to come down next time I have my drip and thats only 2 months away. I haven't spoken t the useless doctors but might if the Rumo can't see me sooner. x

    Hi Joan,

    An assortment of slurps, baas and meows from this lot to you and your little chap and a ((())) from me as I as well. x
  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Cris ((( hugs ))) I am sorry you are so poorly. You have been given good advice. Rest up as much as you can. Chase the rheumy or try the gp. Take care
