Return of Pain?

breane Member Posts: 392
Hi, After a severe flare up just over three weeks ago,my GP put me on Naproxen and the Omeprazole stomach protector and a course of steroid tablets starting with 8x5mg a day,but I'm now down to 2x5mg a day.The meds have helped enormously and I have been almost pain free while on them.I have my first appointment with the rheumy on Wed. and my GP said he will most probably take me off the steroids and change the other meds.What I am worried about is that once off these meds,all the severe pain will return while I am away on holiday.If he does change the meds,the new ones may not agree with me and being away from home getting help with pain relief will be difficult.Would a rheumy take into consideration that you will be away from home and as the meds have worked well,leave you on them until your return home? Thank you. Breane.


  • helpline_team
    helpline_team Posts: 3,613
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Breane
    You can certainly ask him. Doctors want the best for their patients and, although your rheumy won't want you to take more steroids than is necessary, you've come down to quite a small dose. Tell him you've got a holiday planned and he might be happy to leave you on this dose while you are away.
    Best wishes
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    breane wrote:
    Hi, After a severe flare up just over three weeks ago,my GP put me on Naproxen and the Omeprazole stomach protector and a course of steroid tablets starting with 8x5mg a day,but I'm now down to 2x5mg a day.The meds have helped enormously and I have been almost pain free while on them.I have my first appointment with the rheumy on Wed. and my GP said he will most probably take me off the steroids and change the other meds.What I am worried about is that once off these meds,all the severe pain will return while I am away on holiday.If he does change the meds,the new ones may not agree with me and being away from home getting help with pain relief will be difficult.Would a rheumy take into consideration that you will be away from home and as the meds have worked well,leave you on them until your return home? Thank you. Breane.
    Soz for butting in Breane, but when I wsa about to go away the rheumy gave me a steoid jab in my bum which certainlt sorts you out!!!
    toni x