
woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
edited 22. Jun 2009, 11:24 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hi, I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself. I offically left work on 18th. I think thats made me feel strange. Although relieved I don't need to worry about letting people down, I still feel odd.

Lots of pain this last week in my op site. I think I've done a bit too much, although I have'nt done a lot of housework! Driving is painful and even the power steering feels hard. My husband and I had a bit of a cold type bug last week, so that didn't help! :(

I tidy round but I can't manage to get the hoover our so the floors look bad, especially with 5 moulting cats. :shock: . Sorry just feeling sorry for myself, Love Sue

Ps Just looked up what I should be doing. Looks like a lot less than I've been doing. Maybe thats why I'm in pain and moaning! :shock: It is hard though, I WANT to do things. I suppose knitting yesterday was silly.... Oh Well I'd better slow down a bit. Sorry to moan on. Love Sue


  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue :D

    You will soon perk up! If the weather is nice, like it is here, why not go into the garden and forget about the floors. If you did it today, it would probably need a going over tomorrow, so why not save it all up and do it when you can.

    Would hubby put the hoover round, I know mine would hate to be asked to do that!! It would be done under great sufferance, if he did it at all! :lol::lol: If it is not carpet you could probably at a pinch push a broom around and whoosh it all into a corner. :oops: :roll:

    Having had an op, a cold and finding things more difficult than anticipated you are very much allowed to be feeling sorry for yourself.

    Chin up, keep smiling, :):) things have a way of working themselves out :roll:

    Elna x()

    ps I think knitting probably has not helped matters at all Sue :!: :shock: :roll: :lol::lol:
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hi sue no wonder u feeling down glad u came on and let us know how u feeling its horrid to feel bad and not want to tell those around u how u really feeling :cry: so come tell us we understand and send u lotts of (((hugs))) to make u feel better i just take my glasses off if i dont want to c mess on carpets :oops: live with 3 males so they never notice it gets done on a good day :D so b nice 2 your self and dont try to do to much let us know how it going good or bad :D
  • ritnew
    ritnew Member Posts: 338
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue

    Sorry you're not feeling too good, sounds like you've done too much. It must be very hard having only one good hand at the moment, you really need to give it time to heal properly, just repeating what I keep getting told since my hip op, :lol: it's not easy though is it.
    Hope it all calms down very soon.

    Rita x

    P.S. I'm so glad we have laminate floors specially with 6 cats and 3 dogs. :)
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello, I'm not too bad, just a bit down. Leaving work was harder than I thought it would be. As for the op. well, it was only a little op, and I think its doing well, I am not getting the pain I used to. The pain I have now is a pulling and bruised feeling, very different from the other pain.

    I suppose I thought I'd be getting on with things as normal, a bit much to ask. I've never had a lot of patience :? I think once I get all the paperwork sorted and things start to settle into a routine I'll be fine. The DWP have 'lost' all the council employees paper-work so they haven't got any records of us (26,000 people), I find that hard to believe but the council wages office said they've got some staff who don't like using the computer and so ask for copies of P60s going back 4 years! Can you believe it? :shock: anyway, sorted that and sent them copies. Going to the pain management clinic at the end of July, so hopefully that'll help. Thanks, I'll stop moaning now. Love Sue
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue,

    I think medical discharge brings home a truth that we all prefer not to have really. I was at 28 and felt like I had been thrown on the scrap heap of life but as it turned out it did me a favour. I had to wait to be operated on and then I got my legs back and started doing some voluntary work and then embarked on my present life which though very detrimental to the bones has been very good for me if you see what I mean.

    Your hand will improve and you will see the pain people and hopefully get a lot of help from them and then you will start to feel much better and more certain of your future. Take care and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Luv Cris x Oh and go easy on the knitting.......... :wink:
  • breane
    breane Member Posts: 392
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue,I know what it's like when you have to give up work because of OA.I left my job just over two months ago and it still feels strange not walking out of the house each morning to go to work.I was a home help/carer and I could no longer do the heavy lifting or carry heavy shopping. :( The past week has been better as I'm getting used to being at home.Since the steroids have been working for me I have been able to do some jobs in the garden and catch up on jobs around the home.Hopefully the good weather will continue and you will be able to enjoy the sunshine and have a good rest. Breane.x :)
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    breane wrote:
    Hi Sue,I know what it's like when you have to give up work because of OA.I left my job just over two months ago and it still feels strange not walking out of the house each morning to go to work.I was a home help/carer and I could no longer do the heavy lifting or carry heavy shopping. :( The past week has been better as I'm getting used to being at home.Since the steroids have been working for me I have been able to do some jobs in the garden and catch up on jobs around the home.Hopefully the good weather will continue and you will be able to enjoy the sunshine and have a good rest. Breane.x :)

    I was a Care Assistant in a unit for people with dementia. I couldn't cope with the manual handling and equipment. Also the uncertain behaviour and aggression became too much. I loved my job, it sounds strange to some people, but you probably know what I mean. Still I hope to do maybe some voluntry work when I've got all my bits sorted! :shock: :D
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,183
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue.
    I was told by the doctor it take's a year for your body to get over an op.
    do not be hard on yourself. joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    dachshund wrote:
    Hi Sue.
    I was told by the doctor it take's a year for your body to get over an op.
    do not be hard on yourself. joan xx

    Hi Joan, Thanks, I suppose I expect too much! :oops: :)