Seronegative arthritis?

allypally Member Posts: 10
edited 30. Jun 2009, 06:30 in Living with Arthritis archive

Im new to the site and was wondering if anyone knew anything about or has seronegative arthritus. I was diagnosed in August 08. I developed it in my feet at first but now its developing in my fingers and wrists. Ive been taking anti inlflams but feel that it great it helps alot but I feel it kinda masks whats actually going on- does that make sense?! :?
Anyway I was wondering if anyone had any advise, hint and tips they can give me on just living with it and accepting lifes changed from what it was.

Thank you

Allypally :)


  • valval
    valval Member Posts: 14,911
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    sorry u got it i have ostioarthritus and take anti inflam tabs when having a flare up they work great 4 me when flare up over energy returnes which is great but have to be care full not to over do it also eat plenty of foods that r anti inflam low fat (need to loose weight) take gloucomine/cord to help repair /stop wear and tear might not help u much hope some one who can help more comes on :)
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    There is a booklet available from this site, just click on this link:

    Look for the bit where it says:

    Seronegative arthritis
    Overview of seronegative arthritis and explanation of rheumatoid factor.
    Then a link to the factsheet.

    As for living with arthritis, if you read through the different parts of the forum then all sorts of information is available to help. No cures though.


    Joseph 8)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,150
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Ally pally
    Welcome to the forum from me!
    Sorry you have athrur and are suffering.
    Joseph is right just reading the posts will give you tips, but sometimes it's more mental - getting your head round the fact that life is not as it was before last august.
    If there's anything specific, do ask away we will all try to help.
    There are lots of people who use this forum who have sero-neg, but the issues are similar to RA and even OA in some respects. Did your rheumy suggest DMARDs for you? This would be DOING something instead iof just reducing inflamation and pain with your current meds.
    Take care
    Toni x
  • bailey27
    bailey27 Member Posts: 689
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I have seronegative arhtritis and am still having investigations to find out what type etc...
    I started a thread a few months back asking pretty much the same as you. there are some good answers on there.
    I believe it is titled new to seronegative.
    hope that helps
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello, I've nothing useful to add to what the others have said, as I have OA.

    Just wanted to say HELLO ANE WELCOME :D . This is a really good site with lots of friendly people, and questions get answered quickly and well. So good to have supportive people to help you.

    LOve Sue
  • elaine5000
    elaine5000 Member Posts: 33
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Allypally - Welcome...but sorry you have 'Arthur'
    I have sero-negative arthritis and don't know which type. I've had it 8 years and was originally diagnosed with Palindromic Rheumatism and 5 years later was changed to Inflamm Arthritis after MRI result.
    All blood results are normal, bone x-rays normal and MRI shows Synovial Inflammation.
    Like yourself I suffer terribly with my hands, feet and wrists but have lots of stiffness and aching in other joints too. My fingers look like they're twisting and I had several nodules on my right foot.
    I'm currently taking Hydroxychloroquine which has given me 12 good months almost painfree but think I'm starting on the downward slide again now :-(
    Hope you get to know what's going on soon, hun... I know it's frustrating not knowing which type but some of us sero-negs unfortunately never seem to find out...gentle hugs!