Specialist in 3 days

prayerman1973 Member Posts: 24
edited 29. Jun 2009, 13:16 in Living with Arthritis archive
I visited GP today for some more help with relieving pain from shoulders "take these and wait till you see the rheumatologist" what he gave me are Targinact 10/5 mg twice daily, we'll see if this helps...

The Rheumatologist is on the 2nd July and I am now for some reason becoming very nervous about the whole thing. I have spoken to a few people and heard that it can take some time the first visit, take someone with you etc. but I have nobody available so I am on my own :cry: , anyway I am also looking forward to getting some answers but am wondering why I feel anxious too.

Is it normal on the first appointment to feel with mixed emotions?

Thank you all for you words of support



  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Alan

    Just to wish you all the best for your appointment. You are normal, :lol::lol: we all get mixed emotions before appointments. It is not essential that you are accompanied by anyone. Very rarely, have I so far, had anyone with me on an appointment.

    It may be a good idea to have a think of any questions that you wish to ask and write them down and take with you, as well as a notepad and pen to jot down anything that you may wish to remember at the appointment.

    Again, anything that you wish to mention there, can be written down in advance so you do not forget if not covered by his examination and questions to you.

    I think it also makes one look efficient, when one has a notepad and pen and questions to ask too. As least the specialist knows that you have thought about things.

    Let us know how you go on please,

    Best wishes
    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • debatat
    debatat Member Posts: 659
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I wanted to wish you well for your appt. I always get nervous before my appts. I also always go on my own, but I do prepare, I make notes of symptoms and questions. Although at my last appt, I forgot to look at them!!! :D
    Hope the appt goes well.

  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello, I always get nervous before any appointnent whatevers the matter with me! :shock: I Worry theres something awful the matter, I worry thiers nothing the matter, and I'm imagining it all, I worry they won't be able to do anything, I worry they will want to do a HUGE operation, which of course, will mean the end of me!!! You name, I've worried about it. I think part of its human nature, part of its lack of self confidence. I wish I knew what the answer was, then I'd be rich, if I could sell the cure on!!! :roll:

    Seriously, yes I always worry and I often forget to ask questions because of it. Thats why writting them down is a good idea, and having a notebook and pen to write down the answers. Good luck, try to be as calm as you can, put on some clothes which you can put on and off easily, anything thats a bit hard at home is about twice as bad at hospital. :roll: and you'll be fine. Love Sue
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,219
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Alan
    Bet you we all felt the same first go! I thought I'd be sent on my way never to return!!
    Serioulsy though the list is a good idea for the rheumy. He asked me things about pain scale 1-10 and how mucch swelling etc. How the pain stiffness affects my life e'g; driving etc. If I had a temp. If I had any rashes or eye problems. then had exam (wear your best undies!!!! :wink: xrays. Prescription and off I went - SO releived!! He beleived me!!!!!!
    Do let us know how you get on I and others will be thinking of you.
    Toni x
  • sharmaine
    sharmaine Member Posts: 1,638
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Don't be nervous - just tell it like it is. I felt just as you did but I needn't have been. The specialist I saw was very nice (but he's had to refer me to someone else).

    They're there to help you.

    Good luck with everything on 7 July.

    Take care and I hope it goes well.

    I visited GP today for some more help with relieving pain from shoulders "take these and wait till you see the rheumatologist" what he gave me are Targinact 10/5 mg twice daily, we'll see if this helps...

    The Rheumatologist is on the 2nd July and I am now for some reason becoming very nervous about the whole thing. I have spoken to a few people and heard that it can take some time the first visit, take someone with you etc. but I have nobody available so I am on my own :cry: , anyway I am also looking forward to getting some answers but am wondering why I feel anxious too.

    Is it normal on the first appointment to feel with mixed emotions?

    Thank you all for you words of support

  • joyous
    joyous Member Posts: 179
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi good luck at your app mine is wk today not my first time thou and its at dinner time i get wound up as well its more the waiting around for me im always on my own as well took my mum with me once its ok if they hav the tv on or mags around to read. to take your mind off it a bit its the unknown that scares ppl i think i was petrified the first time no one told me what to do etc had a mishap the 1st time they told me to take my clothes off and lie on the bed they never said keep your bra on o my lord how embaraasin was that when the nurse pulled the blanket up on me lesson learned keep under clothes on tee hee :oops: . im takin a list this time with me i have learned such alot from here great bunch of peeps xxxx