end of an experiment- thank goodness!!!!!

nick55 Member Posts: 119
edited 1. Jul 2009, 11:01 in Living with Arthritis archive
since I saw the physio a week ago, had the idea that by doing the exercises, and seeing if I could stay off the drugs, diclofenoc in particular. well, it was very interesting. at first things went well, but looking back still had some of the the anti inflammatory in my blood, only the last few days was the folly if it seen. Monday was a bad day, much aching, inflammation in knees and hips, pain as usual at times, all the symptoms. and getting worse. if anything.
it was only when I went for a walk yesterday,- and turned back!!!!- did I realize what was happening. now i believe strongly, it is the inflammation in our joints that us the worst enemy. once we conquer this, only then does exercise play its part. so, I am fine now, almost back to normal, and able to get work done around the garden and house. may even try a walk later.
from experience then, it is not so much the wear and tear in our joints, so long as the muscles are kept strong, and the joints healthy, and diet is vital in this, i take a vitamin pill every day, then all we really should be overcoming is the inflammation . when he joints get sore, it s often enough then to rest them. the enemy for me, is inflammation.

i rested for four days before I climbed snowdon last. then, so long as there is no inflammation forming, i believe the joints should be fine. again if we overdo it all we need is rest. i had no pain at all after my last walk astonishingly.

looking back over the time since osteo set in, I can see a powerful trend in all this. it s misleading when doctors etc. mention wear and tear. what they often fail to say is what the underlying strength in our joints may and should be..

this is no cure, at all, but exercises are vital once we sit back in the proverbial easy chair that is a major cause of any further deterioration in our joints.

I am starting the exercises based on stretching of my joints, the lady gave me at Stanley hospital. but by heck, I have my supply of diclofenic and such. the pain has almost gone now, the feeling the hip was dislocating. etc. so, i hope this may give some cause for thought, I hope it helps some of you,

best wishes,



  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Cannot agree more, Nick, about doing some sort of exercise every day. I do not have to rest like you for a few days. I tend to take it more steady if that is the correct way to say it. I do the same exercises every day. I have been doing the stretching exercises for years and I know they have helped me to keep mobile, big time. Every day, I know which exercises will be harder to do than others. I feel "good" after exercising and think to myself, if I do nothing else today, I have at least done that. I have for well over a year added 10 minutes of the exercise bike to my regime and more recently (hula) hooping for 15 minutes a day. I have to do these first thing after getting up or the day will go by and I will not have found the time to do them.

    I cannot walk long distances as this causes me too much pain at the moment (sciatica) but I am up and about "doing" all day, unless I take a nanna nap. To be pottering all day, including doing the garden, I am not in too much pain. Walking sets it off. My unoperated knee is not too keen either at times. I prefer cycling to walking.

    So although we exercise in different ways, I agree exercise is the key.

    I am also very aware that many people with arthritis are in a much, much worse position that I am and I understand if they find exercising difficult or even impossible.

    I am a determined person, once I make up my mind about something, I continue/persevere and and this helps me with my exercising. Sometimes events in my life have prevented me from doing them, but I always returned to exercising again.

    Wow that was a ramble, must get on with hooping, exercise bike and then shower. :lol::lol: Off to see my grand daughter today so I am happy.

    Hope all are ok and enjoying the weather! 8) :lol::lol:

    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • nick55
    nick55 Member Posts: 119
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I am not quite right, Elna. went shopping , Morrison's, to find my hip feels like it is giving way, round the back. and gave me a most painful jolt at the till!!! thankfully, I make a joke about it but walking is right out of the question for now. pain has shifted from front of thigh to the rear. must go in cycles!! only when I move about though, wonder of the physio exercises are doing more harm than good, find out when I see her next week

    so, .......

    elnafinn wrote:
    Cannot agree more, Nick, about doing some sort of exercise every day. I do not have to rest like you for a few days. I tend to take it more steady if that is the correct way to say it. I do the same exercises every day. I have been doing the stretching exercises for years and I know they have helped me to keep mobile, big time. Every day, I know which exercises will be harder to do than others. I feel "good" after exercising and think to myself, if I do nothing else today, I have at least done that. I have for well over a year added 10 minutes of the exercise bike to my regime and more recently (hula) hooping for 15 minutes a day. I have to do these first thing after getting up or the day will go by and I will not have found the time to do them.

    I cannot walk long distances as this causes me too much pain at the moment (sciatica) but I am up and about "doing" all day, unless I take a nanna nap. To be pottering all day, including doing the garden, I am not in too much pain. Walking sets it off. My unoperated knee is not too keen either at times. I prefer cycling to walking.

    So although we exercise in different ways, I agree exercise is the key.

    I am also very aware that many people with arthritis are in a much, much worse position that I am and I understand if they find exercising difficult or even impossible.

    I am a determined person, once I make up my mind about something, I continue/persevere and and this helps me with my exercising. Sometimes events in my life have prevented me from doing them, but I always returned to exercising again.

    Wow that was a ramble, must get on with hooping, exercise bike and then shower. :lol::lol: Off to see my grand daughter today so I am happy.

    Hope all are ok and enjoying the weather! 8) :lol::lol:

  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Nick,

    I am sorry to hear that. Now you will have to rest. If you think it may be the physio exercises, can you call her and talk about it, before your next visit?

    Perhaps you overdo things a little, Nick, when you feel well. :oops: Why not perhaps try to take things a little easier but still exercise everyday? Try not to push your body too hard on a good day, perhaps that way, you may have more good days.

    Worth a try perhaps?

    Keep on, keeping on, as they say, only thing to do, aye?

    Hope the pain eases soon,

    I must get on that exercise bike now - not getting on this morning very quickly!!! This forum is addictive!

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • nick55
    nick55 Member Posts: 119
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    you know the saying, it only hurts when I laugh? well, it only hurts when I move... then I have a laugh. I had thought of calling the physio, but am seeing her next Tuesday. so, all i can do is wear the cushion out for now.
    she wants me to go the gymn, but my argument is, if it hurts when we walk, and do to much, surely it cannot do us any good getting a proper work out at a gym, am I not right?

    elnafinn wrote:
    Hi Nick,

    I am sorry to hear that. Now you will have to rest. If you think it may be the physio exercises, can you call her and talk about it, before your next visit?

    Perhaps you overdo things a little, Nick, when you feel well. :oops: Why not perhaps try to take things a little easier but still exercise everyday? Try not to push your body too hard on a good day, perhaps that way, you may have more good days.

    Worth a try perhaps?

    Keep on, keeping on, as they say, only thing to do, aye?

    Hope the pain eases soon,

    I must get on that exercise bike now - not getting on this morning very quickly!!! This forum is addictive!

    Elna x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    hI Nick
    Must be so hard for you as you are clearly far more physical than me anyway, but I think Elna could be right -slightly less on good dys could give you more good ones?
    Hope the pain goes off a bit - good excuse to watch wimbledon though....
    Elna - hope you have a lovely day with Lola :wink:
    Take care both
    Toni xx
  • elnafinn
    elnafinn Member Posts: 7,412
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi again,

    She may be right in that you can exercise your limbs but will not be weightbearing if you know what I mean. I have never been to a gym, I have my own gym at home :lol::lol::lol: me, a hula hoop and an exercise bike :lol::lol:

    You use machines at a gym don't you, sitting down and all sorts, treadmills, that sort of thing ....... ? Walking is putting great strain on your hips and knees etc. With the help of gym machinery you may be able to accomplish the same, but of course you will not get the scenery you would from walking or climbing.

    Hope you are able to rest up, not get too bored and enjoy the weather. Get better SOON.

    Elna x
    The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

    If you can lay down at night knowing in your heart that you made someone's day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi, I agree with you. One of my pet hates is being told 'wear and tear' or degenerative arthritis. For one thing, it makes it sound as if exercise will injure the joints more ie wear and tear. Saying degenerative makes you think its inevitalbe that its gong to get worse and worse, so why bother. I hope you soon get out walking again. :wink: Love Sue
  • nick55
    nick55 Member Posts: 119
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    the first thing that comes to mind once the joints start aching and real pain comes, thankfully only odd occasions, is all the outdoor life will stop. one may easily over react and think life has come to an end. the first lesson I learned on the forum is, manage your joints. and when we think we are past all the strenuous walking activities, we should try to push ourselves, a few times and then be amazed just how wrong we were. whilst some are far more serious than others, we must not be negative about arthritis.
    we may swear, but don't be negative!!!!
    ( I don't like self-pity, but like the sympathy of others!!!!!)


    woodbon wrote:
    Hi, I agree with you. One of my pet hates is being told 'wear and tear' or degenerative arthritis. For one thing, it makes it sound as if exercise will injure the joints more ie wear and tear. Saying degenerative makes you think its inevitalbe that its gong to get worse and worse, so why bother. I hope you soon get out walking again. :wink: Love Sue
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    nick55 wrote:
    When we think we are past all the strenuous walking activities, we should try to push ourselves, a few times and then be amazed just how wrong we were. Nick

    In all aspects of life, our reach should always exceed our grasp. Pushing, but not over-extending our limits should always be our status, whatever venture we partake in.

    Joseph 8)