PMR Polymyalgeria Rheumatica & Preds

joyful164 Member Posts: 2,401
edited 6. Jul 2009, 17:13 in Living with Arthritis archive
Have just got back from my GP. As you may have read from a previous posting, my GP suffers from PMR like me. So it was me who asked him first, "how was he, and did he still have problems". So, for the next 5 minutes, I was listening to him telling me all about his ailments and there we were, comparing notes, so to speak. The culmination of all this was, "No, I couldn't come off Preds altogether, and had to keep taking 2.5 mg a day"
This is because I still have sore upper arms, shoulders and thighs. And there is a general weakness there all the time. My gp was telling me the problems he has playing golf.

He then told me all about his CTS, Carnul Tunnel Syndrome for all you new posters. Apparently there is a long wait for the electro test and he is waiting too. He is going to find out how much going private will cost and let me know. Says he will join me.

Came away with prescription list for at least 20 items and wished him a good day........ :lol::lol:



  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hello you must have a good relationship with your GP! I know GPs can't have personal experience of all ills, but it must be useful to him when dealing with patients with similar conditions. Also its good that he will discuss it with you. Good luck Sue