3 days notice

mash65 Bots Posts: 834
edited 18. Jul 2009, 13:55 in Living with Arthritis archive
hi all,well i finally got my appointment for my injections( 1st set of 2 )
i got a letter this morning asking me to attend this friday at 8.15am :shock:
so i rang ( answer machine ) to confirm my appointment.my gp's seceratary has been chasing up the appointment for me so maybe a cancelation.
im hoping i'll be ok by monday as i have an appointment with CAB for help with my DLA renewal.i cant cancel this as its took over 6 wks to get it.
ive had a terrible start to the week as saturday my dog got hit by fly strike & had to be operated on yesterday,ive had to get him pain killers today as he's had us up all night howling in pain.he's back to the vet tomorrow for check up.he's got his own duvet at the minute as he's so sore.
friday evening my youngest daughter is coming to stay.so ive got my hands full this wk,im shattered before i even get to the hospital.
so i hoping the dogs recovered enough so i can rest up at the wkend,& hoping my daughter can behave to let me rest.here's hoping :wink: debsx


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Debs
    You have got s alot on :shock: Your daughter will probably want to help and I expect you are glad all the thinks will be done - jabs cab etc.
    So sorry about your dog - I hope he will be ok soon. I am sad because I had to let them put my cat Eric to sleep yesterday morning. :( He was ill - kidney failure.
    Take it steady
    Toni xx
  • suzster
    suzster Member Posts: 1,328
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    so sorry to both of you, my 2 cats both had problems last month, 1 tore his leg and needed an op and stitches then 2 weeks later my other cat got bitten, we think in a fight, it was heart breaking so sorry for your loss toni and i hope your dog soon feels better debs. it's an awful time.
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi toni,im sorry to hear that about your cat.
    we got snowy some painkillers yesterday as he was howling in pain,he's got his bark back today & is moving a bit better,sleeping alot.he's back for check up today & his wounds are healing well.
    im so relieved,weve had no sleep its been like looking after a new born baby,taking it in turns getting up,nursing his wounds.but he's recovering well.
    i wish it was the same for me im aching all over,my knees giving way on me & my right shoulder is killing.weve got to lift snowy into the car in a bit :roll: so more pain for me.he's 9 n half stone :shock:
    i'll be desperate for my jabs by friday.if i can move to get there. :roll: :lol: but at least things have started to move for me.still awaiting pain clinic,to reassess my meds but i can ask the rymy friday about that & when to expect my next set of jabs.
    thanks for the replies,i'll let you know how the jabs go. debsx
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    as if we dont have enough to worry about we go have loveable furry things that worry us silly and cost loads!
    deb i hope the rest of your week gos better and you get some rest at the weekend, thats one big dog you have may i ask what bread?i have a bermy and a newfy so i no big dogs!

    hope all our dogs and puddy tats get well soon and sorry for your lose if you have had to say good bye xxxxx
    hi,he's a pyranne(sp)mountain dog.he's just cost another £18 for his check up :shock: then he has to go back for check up & booster in 10 days.he decided to sit on my lap all the way to the vets,further aggrievating my already sore knees :x :roll: but at least he's doing well.
    i love all the big dog breeds,newfoundlands is that what you have?the other what sorts that?boy they take some looking after dont they.

    yes im hoping the rest of the wk gets better,thanks,debsx
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    are what beauties they must be,i get the poop job too :roll: .o/h does the walking as it would be difficult walking a dog on crutches :shock: its a shame as he walks lovely for me,but he pulls the o/h. he's usually so mischievous,he's 10 & acts like a puppy :lol:
    he's got to be clipped as soon as he's well enough,he wont need his tail or backend doing as he has no fur there,i wonder if i can get a discount on that 1 :lol::lol: but im gonna have to keep his backend shaved to stop a repeat of the fly strike as vet said it will happen again :shock: ive had him 7yrs & never had a problem,apart from a cyst on his tail.
    what we go through for the furry things ah!! unconditional love. debsx
  • skezier
    skezier Member Posts: 11,333
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Debs,

    Sorry I only just got the modem to work, it seems to now be rubbish! I hope Snowy recovers well and soon. I dread fly strike on the sheep but as yet they have never had it....... Once he is clipped out he should be ok from it. You can get sprays to keep flies well off sheep and they would work on a dog....... Anyway give him a pat and I'm really jealous your vets only charge 18 for a re examine.....

    Good luck with the jabs, I hope they will work as well for you as they did in my neck. x

    Hey Pixie and Fairies,

    I love the name! I spend a lot of my time being away with those things! Newfys are really lovely and hi to yours as well. Cris