Gastric Bands???

mouseymousey Member Posts: 283
edited 18. Jul 2009, 08:27 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello - Slightly off topic I know, but anyone with any experience of this? with many thanks


  • eileenc
    eileenc Bots Posts: 118
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    No experience - sorry - but would be interested to see other replies.
    love Eileen x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Mousey
    I have no personal experience, but a lady I met on hols was really pleased with the results from hers! She had lost about 5 stone!
    Think that they can be removed too so another positive, once the weight is gone.
    My sis has managed to loose 3 stone! by diet and walking (as much as she can) and swimming! She has she reckons another 3 to go, maybe then they will take her arthritis seriously :roll:
    Hopefully someone here has personal experience.
    Good luck
    Toni x
  • mouseymousey
    mouseymousey Member Posts: 283
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks for the replies. Yes thats the thing isn't it - exercise if you can. I can't either!
    I dont want to bore you all to death but I used to run in the 80s and managed to maintain my weight pretty easily like that. Now of course its all gone to pot :cry: . I've always said Oh I'd never do that (I know everything you know). But years and years of diets from the steak and wine (remember that one)? To well you name it - and here we are I'm well and truly stuck!
    I'm heading for 50, I do fear where it will all go - on top of all the meds blah blah - so I'm thinking of asking the GP about this. Please do let me know what you think or any experiences. Thanks...M
  • page35
    page35 Member Posts: 1,081
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    my friends husband had a gastric by-pass (i think thats what she called it, they took part of the stomach out, not just a band around it.)
    Anyway he was about 22 stone and is now 11stone he had it done 18months ago and after ayear he was 10stone and has been trying to put a bit of weight back on which has been differcuit. he now drinks alot of build up type drinks.
    he is very pleased he had it done.
    he did have a few funny turns where he felt faint, but thats not surprising losing so much weight so quick.
    he has a throid problem but no arthritis. his throid wasnt why he was over weight.
    he had it done abroad think it was Brazil, it cost about £6000.
    i know its not the same as the band but might give you a rough idea.
    Page :D
  • c4thyg
    c4thyg Member Posts: 542
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My cleaner has a band fitted at the moment and she thinks it's great and has lost over 4 stone so far. However, I have noticed that what she eats is not great. The small amount that she can keep down is usually all the wrong stuff (Indian takeaway being a favourite) so I wouldn't be surprised if she puts a lot back on when she has it removed. If you do go down that route try and change your habits as well so that you can maintain the weight afterwards.
  • lindah
    lindah Member Posts: 445
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A male family friend had a gastric bypass 2 years ago and went from 26 stone to about 12 1/2 but the main benefit was his diabetes numbers dropped so much he can control it now with hardly amy medication.His joints also are not straining to carry his bulk anymore and he is able to ride his motorbike and scooter where before his knees,feet and hands hurt too much.
    Just 3 months ago his daughter had a similar thing done not a bypass or a band at the age of 27 she is looking really good and able to buy jeans for the first time in a dept store.She had tried every diet going but has no willpower,but she is now walking and riding a bike,not far but it is a beginning.
    Sorry don't know of anyone with a gastric band except Fern Britton.
    Linda H 8)